Third Date

Third Date

It’s a date. In fact, our third date.

We met online, the modern dating method of finding compatibility. Turns out that we both live in the same city; San Francisco, city by the bay. Cold winters, even cold summers. The fog envelopes the city, keeping it cool in the Summer. In Winter, the jet stream brings cold air and bad weather down from Alaska. We agree to meet, Perhaps taking things to the next level.

There seems to be a chemistry between us. The first two dates went well. Classic first date – dinner and then new movie – “Supernatural:Revenge of Crowley”. Night ended with a kiss on the chef. You turned at the last second or it would have been on the lips. Jensen Ackles makes you hot. I make you hotter, but it’s too soon.

Second date – drinks at a local brewpub. I picked you up at 6pm, so you didn’t have to drive. I suggested you try the chocolate peppermint stout. It tastes like a luscious sundae in your mouth. Creamy, smooth, chocolate, minty. We talk for hours about life, the universe, everything. I ask them to make you your favorite pizza – a personal hot wing pizza – hold the wings. We don’t notice the place is closing. Finally they kick us out. Oops – sorry 😀 We apologize as we scoot out the door.

I drive you back to your apartment. I open your car door for you. I walk you to your door. Dying for a kiss. My hand is shaking a bit as I lean in and brush the hair from your face. I hesitate for only a moment, then kiss you softly. Lingering on your lips. Wanting you to kiss me back. We kiss for an eternity. I move my hand down your body, pull your blouse out of your skirt, and slowly reach up underneath. Sliding my hand up your stomach, hand on your bra. Gently feeling the heat of your breast. You giggle and push me gently back. “It’s late and I have to work in the morning”. Denied again, sight.

But this… This is the third date.

You agreed to an overnight fishing trip in the mountains near Yosemite. Sierra Foothills, Mining towns and pine trees. Gentle breezes, quiet solitude. Secluded camping spot on the California/Nevada border. We take the truck to make a couple of the stream crossings easier. Easier to bring in wood, fishing poles, coolers.

It’s a long drive, so I pick you up early; 4am. You answer the door still sleepy eyed, I watch you throw your hair into a quick pony tail. Fresh out of bed and sleepy eyed. You look so innocent and beautiful. so warm and inviting, eyes gleaming, future looming, so alive.

We drive through California, starting at the beaches where we live, driving past the rolling hills, into the footballs, past the mining towns, into the mountains. You feel safe enough to sleep most of the way. I watch over you. Watch over you sleeping. Watching your chest rise and fall. Watching you dream. Making sure you feel safe and warm. You wake after a time. I put my hand on your leg and motion you closer.

You move into me, up close against me. Our hands in each other’s laptops.

We finally arrive at the campsite. The site borders on the lake. We’re on the east side of the lake by design. I’m hoping that this location, watching the sun set across the lake, alone with me, might help to break down your barriers. You’re no city girl. You help unload the truck. You help setup camp. Gather kindling for the fire; rocks for the fire ring. I setup the tent by myself and watch you work at the same time. Shit, I should let you do all the work. You are a pro. Organized and woods smart. You catch me watching you bend over while getting rocks and grin at me. I raise an eyebrow and grin back. Smiling in anticipation of the night to come.

It’s afternoon now. Not prime fishing time, but that was our excuse for coming, so why not give it a shot.

We walk a short 20 yards over to what looks like a prime fishing spot. There’s a tree a few feet from the water. The sound of the water gently lapping at the shore is the only sound around.

I sit down and lean back against the tree. “Come sit here with me”, I tell you. I open my legs so you can sit between them. You look at me like I’m being pervy, but sit down anyhow, kneeing in front of me. I lean forward and grab your wait, pulling you into me so that we are both facing forward. Sitting cheese to cheese, my chin on your shoulder. “Let’s bait the hooks and do a bit of fishing”. “Nonononoononononno” you say. “I can’t stand to see the worms suffering.”

“Here sweety, I’ll help you.” “It will be as quick and painful as we can make it.”

I take out a worm, brown and wriggling and place it in your hand. My hands around your hands, guiding them into baiting the hook. Our bodies are so close together, our faces next to each other.

You cast Your worm into the lake, and it falls with a plop. Bobber keeping the worm at just the right depth. I cast mine, just a few feet to the right of yours. Our bobbers, floating just feet apart. Our bodies snuggling together as the sun sets.

We occasionally reel in our lines and re-bait. I use every excuse I can think of to keep touching you – your hands as we bait the hook, your arms as you let me show you how to cast – though we both can tell you are a better caster than me. You let me feel like I’m teaching you something. And you still squeal a bit every time we put a worm on a hook. I can tell you really feel bad about it.

I kiss your cheek playfully each time we bait a hook – to hopefully make you feel a bit better. The last cast of the day and you turn at the last second and instead of kissing your cheek, our lips brush together.

Tingling, soft lips, I moan auditively. Then realize that I’ve moaned and awkwardly back away. “Um, sorry?” I tell you while blushing.

“Shaddap you fool, kiss me again”, you murmur.

I lean further into you, grabbing your waist and pull you in to me. Rubbing the side of your ribcage, eager to go higher, go further, to touch you. Oh god, my hand is rightThere below your breast, I can feel the top of it rubbing against my hand, soft, warm and inviting.

You break off the kiss, pushing me back a little.

“That was nice Thunder, but I’m getting a bit hungry. You say you are some kind of cook – so let’s see it…What’s on the menu for tonite?”

“Tonite my dear I made you something special! We have Juicy Lucy burgers, which is Your basic ground chuck mixed with a general amount of sharp cheddar cheese, then formed into patties, and the standard toppings of bacon, lettuce, tomato, sauteed mushrooms, ketchup, mustard, and a bit of sour cream on top to make it good. I’ll toast the buttered buns over the fire, then I’ll butter your buns…”


“Oh nothing, we’ll then have a small greek salad with kalamata olives, feta cheese, lettuce, and articoke hearts. And to finish we’ll have chocolate ecleirs. To drink we have Smirnoff Cherry Lime and Apple Bite – but the Apple Bite is mine!”

The burgers sizzle over the fire, getting a hint of smoke. The buns toast, the salad is made, and I serve you my ingenious creation. It is soo good. Hot and juicy, smoke, and the juice runs down your chin and into your fingers. I watch you lick the juice from your fingers. You notice me watching you and you smile, and slow down your movements. Slow motion, letting your tongue dance on the end of your fingers. Licking Every moist drop. Looking into my eyes as you perform this erotic tongue manuever. I can feel my pants getting tighter. The fire flickering in your eyes, and your tight sweater, showing every curve makes me think things. Bad things. Dirty things. That’s the second time today you’ve made me want you so bad it hurts. Not sure if I’ll be able to stand a third time.

We drink and eat and talk about Our dreams, hopes, desires, successes, and failures. We have a logical and fact based discussion of Ford vs Chevy. Chevy wins, and I realize you are much smarter than I am. Your arguments are flawless, and your conclusions, inescapable.

Smarter maybe, but not necessarily in control.

We eat our eclairs, across each other from the fire. You continue to use your tongue to arouse me, and amuse yourself. You can see my reaction to your tongue guided eclair cream extraction. My bulge rising. Is that a banana in your pocket or are you just glad to see me? You get a twinkle in your eye as you finish the last bit of luscious cream.

Grinning mischievously, “Thunder, that was sooooo gooooood. How can I ever pay you back……”

I tell you, “Come over here and I’ll show you…”

“Nonoononon, you come over here”

“If I have to go over there, you are gonna be soooorrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy”, I say in a singsong voice.

You get a little pissy, and tell me, “C’mon Thun, are you afraid?”

I say to myself, “bitch I ain’t afraid of nothing”, but keep it cool and stare you down as I walk over to you in the dark, by the fire.

Once there, next to you, close toyou, I move in to you, but don’t touch you with my lips. My left hand strokes your hair, my right thumb on your cheek, fingers on the back of your head.

Quick as lightning, I grab your hair and pull your head back while at the same time grabbing your throat with my right hand.

“I told you you’d be sorry…”

I can see the fear in your eyes as you struggle to breathe. I can feel your heart beating in your throat. I squeeze tight, choking you. You grab my hand, desperate for air, trying to rip my hand away from your throat.

“You think you can tease me like that all night long and I’m just going to put up with it? You think that with your gorgeous face and cute smile, your luscious curves and tantalizing ass, that you were just going to come here to fish?”

“You are mine, and you are going to pay…”

I extract a dark purple leather chase from a hidden pocket. Almost black, and about 2 inches high. Studded with chrome loops. I Whip it around your neck and lock it with a small padlock. Tight on your neck. I can see you straining to gulp. You look like a bound princess. So elegant and haughty, but erotic and slavelike at the same time. Choking slightly from the tightness, but still defiant.

I can see the fear in your eyes, and yet there is something else too. A kind of lust or yearning. Wanting to feel more, but also afraid of things to come. A madness of contractions. Alone, afraid and still eager for more.

I have matching cuffs for your wrists. Same everything, but smaller size. Ringlets clicking in the night. Chrome twinkling in the firelight. I lock them around your wrists, then lock them to each other, so your wrists are bound together.

You are not yet helpless, but you are about to be.

You hadn’t been inside the tent yet, and now you’re wishing you had thought to check it out in the daylight.

It’s a good sized tent – 8×10, and tall enough to stand up in. I push you inside and you gasp at the astounding array of sex toys and restrains mounted on the walls. You whimper softly as you look around.

This is no ordinary tent.

This is a mobile den of sin and debauchery. An homage to pain and suffering. This is my world. You are my subject. Beholden to my rules, my whims, my desires. You are now my possession

I deftly stick you to the ceiling hook, wrist and arms above your head.

I love your neck, so I twist your hair up so as to expose your neck. I use a scrunchy to keep your hair up and keep it exposed.

Though restrained, you are also fully clothed. My greatest desire throughout our time together has been to see you naked and restrained. You’ve noticed that I always seem to have at least one knife on hand at any time. This time is no different. I’ve chosen a beautiful knife to use on a beautiful girl. It’s a Kershaw rainbow chive, only 4 inch blade, but plenty of glimmering blade to do what I need. The blade and handle have both been finished with an almost iridescent finish of purple and green. I bring it up to your cheek, almost out of sight, and it opens with a quick click. The blade is so close to your eye. You are wide eyed and shaking with fear. I smile wickedly and draw the back of the blade down your cheek, down your neck, to where your sweater opens.

Slicing slowly down from your neck to your arm, the fabric making a ripping sound as I slice it off. Your bra strap is in the way and gets sliced ​​too. Half your sweater falls away, exposing your shoulder, the top of your breast, your arm.

I can feel you tremble underneath the blade. Goosebumps rising as you feel the cold steel on your skin.

I slide the blade down the other side of your body, down your arm, more shivering, more goosebumps, more whimpering.

Your sweater falls to your waist, exposing only the tops of your breasts. Stupid fucking bra is keeping me from my pleasures. I slice it down the middle and it falls away, revealing the glory of your chestto me. Two soft white breasts. Such an amazing sight. I’m wholly absorbed with the vision of your heaving breasts in front of me. Real breasts, successful grapefruit sized bits of heaven.

“What, what are you going to do to me Thunder? Please, I’ll be good…”

I snarl back, “Whatever the fuck I want you little bitch.”

How the fuck are you even talking, I think to myself. Where is my fucking ball gag?

I stick the ball into your sweet mouth. Puffy lipped sexiness. Fuucckkk. Now you can only muffle/whimper. It pleases me mightily.

Fuck yeah.

Hands over your head, boobs bouncing, ball gag in mouth. Your pants are still on however. I move in close to you, towering over you. Facing you, I reach down and unzip Your pants, but slowly, so slowly. You can hear each zip disengage. Pants loose, but not off. I reach behind you and slide both hands down the seat of your pants, inside your soft cotton panties, and masse your sweet ass. Feels so good, so soft and warm.

I drop to my knees, kissing your belly on the way down, and use my hands to pull down your pants, while at the same time pulling you into my face, burying me in the heat of your loins. Pants off, you are naked and have your arms up so high. You are so exposed. My eyes dance slowly over every inch of your beauty. My god, you are so gorgeous, so beautiful, so very mine. I stroke down your arms, down your breasts, pausing to spend time squeezing them, pinching them. I want to see the look in your eyes as your tits sting, so I give each breast 3 slow sting slaps. Slap, Slap, Slap. I see the sparkle in your eyes glow more brightly with every sing blow. Red handprints on your breasts making them even more warm and inviting. Down your sides I graze my hands, sliding them down your ass, then slowly around to the front of your thigh.

I knee in front of you and cross my arms to glide my fingernails up each of your inner thighs, all the while my mouth is breathing right onto your sweet clip.

Never touching your clip, though. Kissing around it, and sometimes you get a brief hint of pressure, but you want more, so much more. I move down your thigh, then back up, starting at your knees, and nibble my way up your thigh. My hands lifting your legs, bending them at the knee, spreading them apart to give me room to work. I nibble upwards, then back down, teasing you. I nibble at first, then bite, sharp quick bites, up one inner thigh, then down the other thigh, then back up again. Biting, teasing, licking.

Your soft kitty is so wet now, wet from your juices flowing, wet from my lips on you, sucking and biting your pussy lips. I’m so fucking hard right now. I can hear you moaning through your gag. Whimpering with pain and pleasure. I am a merciful Master and can see you need a release. I spread your pussy lips with my tongue. Long, slow strokes, starting at the bottom, licking circles around your sweet wet entrance, then sliding back up, finally ending at your clip. Kissing and licking it, sucking at it gently. You want me so bad. I slide a finger into you, running circles around the inside of your pussy, so wet, so hot. Then I bring it back out, slowly at first, then increasing speed with the increasing sound of you moaning. My tongue on your clip, licking phrases on it. You know the phrases I’m talking about… I’m licking, “Ffffuck me Thunder, please ffffffffuck me, Master.” I know you love the feeling of “f” on your clip. I’m licking it over and over again on you, finger slamming into you. God you feel so good. I can tell that you want to cum so bad. Your hips pressing into my face, god I love how you taste. You can feel the pressure welling up inside you, and I can tell you are close, so I increase the speed and depth of my finger inside you, as well as pressing my tongue into you harder.

Your muffled primary scream turns me on so much as you orgasm, hips pressing, pussy throbbing, exploding, body sweating, Ugh Ugh Ugh.You moan, you whimper, you groan, your hands gripping hard, body straining. So fucking hot. Night turns to day, day into night, two lovers becoming one, each straining to get closer to each other. I move away from your sensitive clip, but still fucking you with my finger, feeling your body convulse as I press my head against your stomach. So soft, just feeling you move, touching you, is all I ever wanted, all I ever want.

Time slows as pleasure ripples through your body, I slow down on the finger fucking as I feel your body relax, and as you think you are done, I jam my fingers into you hard, all the way, pressing into you, and moving them around inside you. God I love watching you cum, making you cum, and feeling you cum.

You collapse, breathless, panting, breathing in and out, “Fuck fuck fuck. Fuck you Thun, Fuck me Thun, I want you inside me.”

Your moans are music to my ears, like a symphony of angels, it makes me feel like a fucking primary beast, like I’m Alpha asfuck, a man among men, a giant, unstoppable, fearless, a god.

My cock is dripping with precum, in eager anticipation of entering you.

I release your bonds and as you fall into my arms, and I’m once again struck by your beauty. I carry you over to the sleeping bags, and lay you gently down, still breathing heavily. I knee by your head, so that my cock is in full view. You perk up at the sight of my dripping cock and take a quick slurp.

“Mmmmmm” you say, “so good.” Then a pause as you let it linger on your tongue before swallowing it down. “Please fuck me Thun, please fuck me Master…I’ll do anything you want…Anything…”

I raise my eyebrow at your last comment. “Anything?” I ask with a devilish tone. “Really? Anything?”

“Yes Master, anything. My body is yours to command.”

I pause for a moment as the myriad of commands and options race through my mind. So many commands, so many ways to give and get pleasure, so many ways to give and get pain. So little time, oh so little time. You know my imagination has no bounds, no restraints when I’m with you. Anything means… Any. Things. Fuck I can think of a lot of things.

But what to choose for this time, our first time. Will there be a lifetime of memories, or just this one night. All I can think about is being inside you, facing you, kissing you, your lips on mine, pressing into you, watching you, tasting you, hearing you moan my name.

Everything I’ve ever wanted in a woman is right here next to me, begging me to fuck her, daring me to teach her what pain and pleasure really means.

Suddenly a wave of anger, frustration, fear, loathing, pain, hurt, and hate washings over me. I’m angry at our situation, I’m frustrated at our distance, I’m afraid of what might happen, I loathe the people who hurt you, it pains me to see you sad, it hurts when you are with him, and I hate to think that we might never meet, never touch.

So the only thing I have is this. You. Now. And Irelease all my pain thusly.

I straddle you and grab your wrists, holding you firmly to the ground, bitch, you are mine now. I kiss you hard, so fucking hard, as if it might be the last kiss ever. I pull one wrist closer to your head, so I can use your hair to pull your head back, so your neck is exposed. Your struggle makes it more difficult, so I bite your pouty lip hard, to keep you under control. I’m finally able to pull your goddamn head back and my lips slide down your neck, kissing you. I can feel you gulping, gasping, head turning to and fro, trying to escape. There is no escape. I bite down on your neck hard, first on one side, then the other. You love it and hate it at the same time. Fuck, draw blood, lick it up, salty, and metallic. I kiss you hard again, so you can taste your own blood. Fucking perv, you love it, sucking the blood off my tongue, driving you crazy. Hearing you moan, driving me crazy.


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