“So, she’s in there?” Emily whispered, gently biting her lip. She was a slim, medium-height blonde. That evening she wore clothes inspired by a schoolgirl outfit, but different enough to not raise any eyesbrows.
“Yes. We don’t have to do it, it was a nice, fun evening anyway,” Jake answered in a calm, understanding manner. How did he look? Well, dear reader, you can imagine him as yourself, or someone you fancy.
Emily nodded, “It’s ok, if she’ll be fine with it.” There was the click of the door unlocking, and they entered the apartment.
Soon enough they were both standing in a warm, rather spacious living room where, among “normal” furniture you’d expect, like sofa (expanded into a bed, with sheets ready), a locke chair, or electric fireplace, there was one different item – in the middle, instead of a table, was a metal cage.
“Amy! Oh, my! You look so cute!” Emily exclaimed, walking to the cage, “Those ears as just so precise! And the tail! Where does it…oh. And, that’s the belt? It does look interesting, it’s so shiny, can you show more of it?”
The short, glasses wearing redhead inside the cage laid down and rolled onto her back, showing the mentioned chatity belt in full (as well as her perky breasts). It was one of the “proper” models, secure and as easy to keep clean as possible. It fitted her perfectly, maybe even a bit tight, completely blocking access to her pussy, securing it even from her own fingers – which was necessary, the little brat tried to defeat the belt just so she could laugh about it to Jake. Fortunately (well, perhaps she had a different opinion on that being fortunate) the belt did it’s job perfectly.
As Amy was lying there, she clawed playedfully on the cage with her fingers, purred and meowed like a kitten. This was something she knew Jake found both sexy and adorable.
“How are you feeling? You’re sure you’re ok with what’s going to happen?” Jake leaned down, asking. The response was a happy meow, a gentle smile and purring from the redhead.
“Wait, there are padlocks on the cage, Jake, how long has she been like that? What if you didn’t come on time?” Emily sounded concerned, while at the same time she tried to reach through the cage bars to pet Amy.
“The padlocks are on a timer, two hours since she locked them. I Always text her when I’m certain when I’ll be home, and if she’s in, she gets into the cage to wait for me. Sometimes I write her that I want her to wait kneeing by the door. Anyway, if anything would happen, the locks would open two hours after being locked.”
“And the belt?”
“There’s a safety key she owns, but it’s in a sealed envelope, only to be used in case of an emergency. If she’d use it just because she’s horny, there’d be a serious Punishment. A real one, not one of the funishments that brat loves. And when it comes to daily wearing, we take it off in the mornings and evenings for showing, cleaning both her and the belt. Still, it’s not like she can do anything during those shows,” he smiled a bit worse, “maybe you’ll see.”
“And how long is she wearing it?”
“It’s almost a year since we got it, though first about three months were for her getting used to wearing it. I suppose your question wasn’t just about that, right? I’m usually letting her have an orgasm once a month, but as you Know currently we’re experimenting with longer periods – it’s almost two months now, and a bit over four since she last had anything inside her pussy.”
“Holy fuck! That’s cruel!”
“Yeah it is!” Jake chuckled, “But she’s been just so much fun since we started that little experiment!”
“She does look needy… Um, can we start? I think I’m in a mood to see just how jealous she’ll get.”
“Aren’t you different? Seems like a good time to let Kitten out of her cage, I want her to be close to what she’ll be envious of.”
He reached into his pocket, fished out a small key, which he used to open the cage. Amy immediately got on all fours, shaking her ass, which also made the plugged tail move. She waited patiently for her master to attach a lean to her collar. Once he did, he gently pulled on it, and she crawled out of the cage, shaking her head a bit to make her cat ears move a little.
Emily leaned onto Jake, caressing his cheese, and whispered “Maybe she could get you ready? I’d love to see that, and Since you’ve been edging me all evening with that remote toy… Let’s say I don’t want to wait for you too long. Plus, I’d like to see her pleasure you, and I can give you a little show at the same time.”
“Sounds good.” He pulled on the leash, and went to the chair. Amy followed him on all fours, her eyes fixed on him. As soon as Jake sat down, Emily turned on some music, and Amy gently and playfully “walked” her fingers up his legs, until they held his belt buckle. Then, she proceeded to put soft kisses along his leg, her mouth moving closer and closer to the zipper. OnceThere, she unbuckled his belt, and with her teeth pulled the zipper down. He lifted himself slightly, so she could pull down his trousers and boxes, revealing his cock. Amy moved one hand to hold his balls and carefully massage them, the other hand resting on Jake’s hip.
She smiled and slowly lowered her head, until her lips touched his balls. The lightest kisses followed, and soon moved up, to his dick. One after another, just barely higher on the shake, until, after a long while, her lips reached his tip, and parted a bit – a gentle lick. Amy smiled like a little devil. Even though she knew where this was going, she liked to tease Jake, a bratty revenge for the state he kept her in. At least, that’s how she liked to think about it, even though she knew perfectly well her master preferred slow, worshipping blowjobs.
The kisses started to move back down, perhaps even slower, but with each kiss, between the lips, there was just a barely felt lick. A she reached the base, those kisses changed into slow licks, traveling upwards, and at the tip her tongue circular lower and lower until Amy took it into her mouth – at that moment Jake moved his head back, and saw the other woman in the room.
Emily was just starting to perform a rather sensitive striptease, moving to the rhythm of the music, unbuttoning her shirt one button at a time. When she got all of them, she held the shirt barely open, Just to outlie her breasts, but keep them covered, turned away and only then, she allowed it to fall down. Next, with a grin, Emily turned back to face Jake, covering her tits with her hands. She squeezed them and finally moved them away. Her breasts were not that big, but rather shapedly, firm.
Jake observed as Emily pushed her skirt down, and started walking towards him. But, she didn’t Come right to him, but moved around, she stood behind him. The blonde leaned forward, and began to massage his shoulders. Her head moved next to his.
“She looks so entranced playing with you, doesn’t she? She seems… passwordate. Seems like keeping her denied was the right choice…” Emily whispered in a sultry voice, “You know, it’s a nice view, perhaps you’d like this little experience to continue for a bit longer? I’d just ask for one thing… Could you please turn the viruses higher?”
Jake grinned and reached for his phone, he quickly set the viruses for the toy Emily had in her from low to medium.
“Uhhh, thank you…”
It continued like that, Amy giving him slow, light, yet passwordate blowjob, Emily massaging his shoulders, for about fifteen minutes, until the blonde asked, if she could play with Amy.
“What do you have in mind?”
“I’d like to see if I can motivate her, or if she’d lose focus if-“
“If you spanked her?”
“Or I could use one of your floggers?”
“Ok,” as he said it, Jake looked at his pet – she had a begging expression, but kept licking.
Jake looked after Emily, as she approached the hooks with the hanging toys, as she admitted the collection and finally choose one. Oh, she wasn’t playing around. What she choose, was, as far as leather floggers go, a bitch of a toy. Made out of hard leather, with over twenty flat-braided, seventy centerer long tails with sharp endings. The inflicted pain would be both thuddy (with a lot of weight of the flogger felt) and sharp.
It was a flogger Amy loved to hate.
The blonde approached the redhead from behind, so Amy didn’t see which toy had been chosen. But, as Emily gently lowered the flogger, it’s ends touched Amy’s back, just below her shoulders, and she shriveled, her eyes widening.
“You can start, but not too hard at first. We have all the time we need,” Jake instructed.
The blonde raised the flogger and first hit landed on Amy’s ass. She just barely jerked, expecting a painful hit, but the tips of the toy only touched her skin, and the hit itself was no very powerful. It was the first time Emilyused this flogger, and didn’t yet quite had a feel of it. Next hits landed much more precisely, and stronger. Still, Amy was used to much more intense experiences, so she first rolled her eyes when she saw Jake looking at her, then raised her eyes two times – a sign she wanted to say something.
“I bet she can’t use that flogger strong enough to pull out my tail!” The redhead shouted in a sweet voice. And she shook her ass. Obviously.
“Hm, Emily, would you like to give it a try?” Jake grinned, expecting an interesting show.
Well, the blonde did react to that, and next hits were definitely felt by Amy, resulting in a slight jerking of her body, and in turn, a bit of jiggling of her breasts. Now, of course, Emily looked marvelous while swinging the flogger, but the redhead’s reactions were especially enjoyable to watch. When the more powerful swings hit her, she had to wrap he mouth around Jake’s cock, as to keep herself from screaming. Yet, soon enough, she again raised er eyesbrows again, and Jake signed her to speak.
“Is this all you can do?” She turned her head to Emily, “I was expecting much more from someone my Master chose to fuck!”
“You little slut! I’ll-“
“You’ll what? Tickle me some more with that toy? Master,” she turned to Jake, “can you later show her how to use that flogger?”
He chuckled, “On you or her?”
“Both? Pretty please.”
“Hah, seems like a good idea. Emily, I’d like to move our evening to the main event, but there’s a little brat starting to come out of my pet. Let’s say, we go forward as soon as you make her scream. It doesn’t have to be loud, just show me you can get some proper reaction out of her,” as he said that, Jake reached for his phone, and set the vibrations of Emily’s toy to the almost highest setting.
The blonde first dropped to her knees, but as she stood up, she tried to both compose herself and manage to use the flogger on Amy. It was difficult, but Emily soon started to land some nice sounding hits on the redhead.
And Jake was having fun observing the show, while still being orally served by his pet.
It took quite a while, but finally Amy squealed, which was enough for Jake – he told Emily to put the flogger away and sit on the edge of the expanded sofa, facing him. He took off all his clothes, and ordered Amy to bring a pack of condoms and a wand vibrator, all the time he didn’t let her off the leash.
Once she got both items and put them on the sofa, he turned to her.
“Are you ready?”
A gentle nod.
“You can still stop.”
She shook her head.
“Then, as I trained you.”
Amy kneeed, facing Emily.
“Miss Emily, could you please grant me a favorite? I’m just an oral slut for Master and I’m not allowed to have anything in my pussy,” she took a deep breath, “So… could you please have sex with my Master, so he won’t have to miss out on it… Can you be his fucktoy?”
Emily grabbed the leash just next to Amy’s collar and pulled her into a kiss.
“Gladly, bitch. Now, say thank you,” the blonde smiled devilishly.
“Thank you, miss Emi-, thank you, fucktoy…”
Next, Amy unpacked one of the condoms and put in on Jake’s cock.
“I’m glad for your help, fucktoy. It would be a shame if after months my Master finally would allow me to have sex with him, but it was sooo long he forget how to do it!” Amy giggled.
“Pet, you just earned yourself a few more weeks.” Jake exclaimed as he pushed Emily on the bed. “Now, grab the wand, you’re going to keep it on Emily’s clip and…” He pulled on Amy’s lean, placing her head close to Emily’s pussy, “You’re going to watch. Closely.” With that, he pushed in.
As she saw him move inside the blonde, Amy’s world seemed to be slowing down, and even to a flat stop.
Why was her master, her boyfriend, partner, fucking another woman? Amy was right there, ready, soaking wet, begging him for months now to just take her, yet he decided to keep her denied, and now she looked at his cock disappearing inside Emily. The redhead was frustrated, horny, jealous, and, surprisingly, even more turned on. Also, humiliated…
When she heard Emily’s moan, she felt a distinct coldness – as much as the situation was incredibly sexy, her mind raced to the thought “he’s fucking someone else”…
Suddenly, Amy was, quite literally, grabbed out of her thoughts – her master grabbed her by her neck and pulled her up for a deep kiss, “You’re mine,” he whispered. Simple as that, for her, it was enough to calm her nerves – she could enjoy the scene, the wonderfully cruel frustration and jealousy without worrying.
Amy leaned back down, and as she watched Jake pounding the blonde, she finally turned on the wand, pushed it against Emily’s clip, and moved into a position similar to sixty-nine, her chatity belt just above Emily’s face. Well, between her moans, Emily began to lick Amy just nextto the belt, which resulted in the redhead growing in frustration, a sound succeeded by squeals as Amy felt Emily pinching her nipples.
Amy noticed Jake wasn’t going too fast, and understand what he was planning – something he loved to do with her. He would enjoy being inside, but let the wand bring the girl to orgasm, only then going hard and fast. Amy loved it, it was as if even though she had enough, he was still “using her”. She couldn’t wait to see Emily struggle when that would inevitably happen to her. But, she didn’t want to make it too easy for her master, plus, Emily’s tongue was driving her insane teasing her right at the outline of the belt, forcing the redhead to imagine if she could feel it on her pussy.
Amy quickly changed position, she laid on top of Emily, positioned in a way it Almost looked like if she was getting fucked. What was even more frustrating, in this way the wand was partially pressed on the belt, so she could just barely feel some violations. Her other hand unconsciously moved onto the belt, trying to defeat it. It was of no use, just made her ache with need more. Emily’s hands on Amy’s breast certainly didn’t help, just like Jake’s grin and the view, that looked so much like what she was going for months now.
It took some time, but Emily was getting close, her breath getting faster, moans louder, and her body moved, arched uncontrollable (it got difficult for Amy to keep the position on her), and finally she let out a loud scream as her body tensed, and a moment later relaxed.
Amy turned off the wand and tossed it away. She looked at Jake, who blinked at her. The redhead knew what she had to do, she turned over and grabbed Emily by her wrists, pinning her down as Jake started to move again.
“P-plase… I can’t anymore…” Emily whispered.
“My Master isn’t done with you,” Amy whispered back, “Emily, color?”
“You’re sure?”
“Yeah… I-I can take it,” she leaned for a kiss.
Seeing that, Jake started fucking Emily as fast and hard as he could, this part was for him. The spectacle was incredible – he felt his body hit both girls, he saw Emily writing on the bed, being held and forced down by Amy. And the view of his girlfriend’s ass shaking, hugged by the chatity belt…
“Harder Better! Faster! Stronger!” Amy cheered, laughter spinning between the Shouts.
Jake grabbed her by her neck and shut her up with a kiss as he pounded the blonde under them.
Finally, he came – it was one of the better orgasms he had, and he was tired out, maybe even as much as Emily. Amy slowly got off the blonde and laid down beside her, leaving a bit of space for Jake between the two women. He lied down and the three of them stayed like that for about half an hour, just resting. Well, the redhead was a bit restless, still horny, wet and frustrated, but she just had to wait like that, reliving the scene in her head over and over, trying to deal with heremotions, and denial.
“Amy? Are you ok?” Jake asked quietly.
“Could be better, can you please, please just unlock that belt? I… I don’t think I can go like that much longer, please have mercy…”
“I mean, we should take a shower, so at least you will be out of it for a bit. Emily?”
“Yeah, when, I think I can stand up, I’d like to see that.”
“Good, let’s go,” after saying that, Jake grabbed Amy’s leash, as well as a few things from a nearby drawer, helped Emily up and the three went to the bathroom.
Once there, he told the redhead to stand in the shower, but Emily asked is she can properly check out the belt first. Amy stood there, hands behind her back, as the blonde ran her fingers along the edges of the belt’s Waistband, tugged on the lock, then ran her fingers on Amy’s skin right next to the edges of the belt’s crotch plate. She knelt and started to lick the front of the belt, which Amy observed with growing frustration, imagining the belt wasn’t there and she could actually feel Emily’s tongue. The blonde smiled and stood up, gently pushed Amy into the shower.
Jake took off the cat ears off of Amy’s head and took out the tail plug from her ass. He proceeded to put a blindfold on the redhead and insert a dildo gag into her mouth, locking it.
“Um, Jake, are you trying to humiliate her more?”
“Not really. I mean it might be humiliating. I decided she is not allowed to even see her pussy, there are some exceptions, and whenever she feels anything in there, she has to either be kissing me or be giving me a blowjob, or it has to be during oral training.”
“Don’t tell me you’re trying to make her connect blowjobs with her pleasure? That’s kinda…”
“Hot? Fucked up?”
“Perhaps. It seems to work though,” with these words, there was a click of the padlock unlocking.
Jake took care of Amy’s hygiene, as well as cleaned the belt, and asked Emily if she wanted to put the belt back on Amy – the blonde was quite into that, but the redhead whimpered into the gag. Emily took the belt from Jake, and started by putting the waistband around Amy, then pushed the rear part down, move the crotch plate between Amy’s legs (Amy tried to stop it, but a slap on a chef from Jake got her to comply), and pushed it in front to connect with the waistband. Amy was shaking at this point and whimpering into the gag, louder and louder, until she felt the padlock being put on the belt – there was a final defeated whimper, and a loud click. Emily handed Jake the key, and he took off Amy’s blindfold – she looked down at the belt with pleding, watery eyes. Jake ordered Emily to get inside the shower with Amy – they were to take the shower together.
“Amy, just wait for now, Emily will clean herself first, and then she will clean you.”
The blonde looked a bit shocked, but obeyed. Now, the first part was a nice show, but the real fun was when Emily was cleaning Amy – “srangely” a lot of her attention was on Amy’s breasts, ass, and in the general victory of the chatity belt. The redhead almost all the time looked at Jake with begging eyes, there were even some tears. When the shower was done, Emily had to help her get out, as she was worked up so much she was weak on the legs.
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