This story started out with an idea given to me by a reader of To Serve. It has taken a long time to get here and will, no doubt take some time to finish. Here is Chapter 1, I would welcome your comments and ideas.
Mike throw his flight bag onto the bed and surveyed the hotel room which would be his home for the next four nights. The flight had not been particularly long but the usual air traffic delays and technical problems coupled with the rush hour traffic had turned the trip into a seven hour marathon. His personal humour was not improved by the fact that he was here to attend and give a speech at a conference when he would much rather have been at home trying to get to know his new neighbor. – a 30 something slim brunette with looong legs and a sexy smile. Accordingly, what Mike Now needed most of all was to ease away his frustrations and use up some of his pent up energy – the hotel’s pool seemed like the ideal place.
He quickly unpacked his things, grabbed his swim trunks and the robe hanging on the back of the room door and headed back to the lift. A soft ding announced the arrival of the lift and as the doors opened a young couple virtually spilled out of the doors in front of him. Clearly they had used the time between the ground and eleventh floors for more than idle chat as the girl giggled happily as she tried to cover the breast which had escaped her unbuttoned blouse. With more giggles from her and a mumbled apology from him, the couple disappeared down the hotel corridor, no doubt in search of their bed and a continuation of their activities. “Lucky sod” thought Mike “what I would give now to be naked with the girl next door and fucking her stupid.”
He tried to suppress the thought as he punched the button for the lower ground floor, the small label indicating that this was the home of the Oasis Pool & Gym (Free to hotel residents).
The guy manning the desk looked bored and hardly cared if he was aresident or not as he grunted out a “Sign In Please” and pushed a towel across the counter to Mike. So much for a warm welcome! Mike swung through the doors behind the counter and headed for the changing rooms. He found the male room empty and quickly changed, showed and headed for the pool.
He was impressed it was wide and a good length and pleasantly warm. He dove into the water and started to front crawl His way up and down the pool. After four lengths his pace slowed and he turned in the water for a couple of lengths of back stroke. He had just turned for his second length of back stroke when he noticed the windows of the gym overlooking the pool. The gym was over the changing rooms and he had clearly missed them when he had first entered the pool. He could just about make out a couple of figures behind the glass – “Must be women” he Deduced from no obvious evidence of others in the male changing room. His interest was mildly aroused and he found himself trying to catch abetter view of the shadowy shapes behind the glass. In fact he became so engrossed that he lost his bearings and collided with the end wall of the pool. He stopped swimming to rub his head but his gaze did not shift. As he watched, one of the shadows became clearer, much clearer as a woman in a dark blue lootard came to the window and glanced down into the pool. She looked at Mike then moved away slightly to step up onto a jogging machine. Mike watched as she flicked the controls and started to jog on the moving belt – her eyes now seemingly tied to the TV screen in front of her.
Mike rubbed his head one more time and set off once again down the pool – slower this time and more carefully but still looking upwards at the female form which appeared to be so effectively working the machine.
After a couple more lengths of the pool and no change of view, Mike decided that he needed to return to the exercise and switched back to front crawl and ploughed back up and down the poola further ten times. When it was over, he raised himself from the pool and headed for the changing rooms and a nice hot shower. If he had been concentrated he would have seen that the lady in the gym had stopped jogging after his fifth length and had, in fact, been watching Mike, admiring his slim toned body as it moved through the water. Courtney (for that was her name) had left the gym and hurried to the ladies changing room and switched into her new Speedo swim suit. It fitted her like a glove, the material clinging to her full body, the high cut sides accentuating her muscle legs. She entered the pool a mere 30 seconds after Mike had disappeared into the Men’s changing rooms.
“Shit” she thought as her hope of meeting an attractive man at this boring conference she was attending seemed to have disappeared. Story of her recent life – her busy schedule made developing a lasting relationship very difficult. She entered the pool and started a leisurely swim up and down – breakfastt stroke; that was a joke – it was a long time since somebody other than herself had stroked her breasts. She switched to a slow front crawl to remove any chance of further erotic suggestions.
Mike meanwhile had shown, dressed back into his jeans and golf shirt and was heading out of the changing rooms and back towards his room when the aroma of ground coffee reached him. “Perfect – I could do with a decent coffee” he mused and followed his senses up the stairs and to the small coffee area next door to the gym. He ordered a strong mocha coffee and took a table by the window. As he moved into his chair he saw the unmistakable shape of a woman swimming in the pool below. “Typical” he thought “just when I could do with some company, she arrives after I leave.” He stared into the clear water below, the contrast between the woman’s dark blue swim suit, her tanned skin and the pale blue tiles of the pool. He felt his cock stir slightly “Behave” he told himself, but he continued to stare. His patience was soon rewarded as the woman below moved to the side of the pool and eased herself from the water – nice body – Mike thought, not my usual style but nice curves. He watched as her hand moved to her head to pull her swim cap away. Mike sat mesmerised as a cascade of blond hair fall from the cap and down passed her shoulders. “A gorgeous blonde, I envy the guy that’s taking that to bed.”
As Courtney pulled the swim cap from her head she glanced up at the window and saw the face of a man looking down at her. He looked like the same guy she had admired in the pool. Perhaps all was not lost; she smiled up at the figure drinking his coffee.
Mike saw the smile and quickly looked away, embarrassed that he had been caught gawking at the woman below. He stole a glance below just in time to see the figure disappear from view.
Courtney hurried into the Ladies changing rooms, diving quickly into the shower to wash the chloride and chemicals off her skin. She was in a rush; she didn’t like coffee that much but now she was in a rush to have a cup. Would he still be there? She towelled herself off and quickly started to pull on her clothes. A sports bra and conservative knickers were hardly the things to wear to meet a man for the first time but she was not going to jump him today – well not now anyway. She pulled her things together and stuffed them into the plastic shopping bag which was Deputising for her sports bag. A quick brush through of her hair and she headed out the door and up the stairs.
Such was her haste that she tripped over the last stair and virtually fell into the coffee area. She looked across to the window – the table was empty, just a used coffee cup stood on the table “Shit, shit, shit” she mumbled. “Pardon? What would you like?” the fresh faced youth behind the counter enquired.
“Oh just a black coffee please” her answer was more of a sight, a resignation that for the second time in an hour her chance for a little excitement and companionship had gone. She watched the boy fiddle with the coffee machine.
“Another Mocha while you are there please.” A soft masculine voice interrupted her thoughts from behind her left shoulder. She turned and looked directly into the dark brown eyes of 35 year old Mike Harrison, Development Director of Norton Technologies, ex-member of the University swim team and semi-confirmed bachelor.
“Sorry. Did I startle you?” Mike looked downwards into the green eyes before him. He had thought she would be taller but he guessed that she could be only 5′ 3″ or 5’4″ – small against his 6′ 1″.
“No” Courtney stuttered slightly, “well perhaps just a little.” She smiled up into Mike’s face; a nervous, awkward little smile touched with a milk blush.
A small coward heralded the arrival of their coffees which they each took. Mike passed over a note “My treatment” he stated “I was sitting at the table by the window – care to join me?”
“Yes thanks.” She moved towards the window “I’m Courtney Davies – KD for short my friends never could spell” Her face broke out into a bra smile and Mike found himself getting lost into the charms of the is bubble person with the great body.
“I’m Mike” he pulled her seat back to allow her to slide in next to his chair “Mike Harrison. I’m here for the Technology Conference.”
A look of recognition passed over KD’s face “So am I, I work for Brymon Events the organisers. You are a speaker aren’t you?” The last question was said with a tinge of disappointment – it was one thing to make a pass to one the regular delegates, but one of the VIPs? Well that something else.
Mike confirmed that he was indeed a speaker and sensed her concern and the probably reason “I will know who to turn to if I need anything now – good to meet you KD.” His smile was warm and welcoming and she wanted to tell him straight out that he could have whatever he wanted as long as she was involved.
“I saw you swimmingJust now” Mike continued “you looked good in the water, Quite an accomplished swimmer.” KD blushed a little “Thanks but not as good as you – I saw you cutting up the lengths earlier when I was in the gym.”
Mike smiled back and soon they were lost in a conversation about swimming, universities (she had gone to one in his home town) and how to organize (and not organize) the perfect conference.
The lights in the gym flickered off heralding the closure of the gym and coffee bar. Mike and KD both rose and started down the stairs to wards the hotel lifts.
“Can I buy you a drink this evening or perhaps dinner?” Mike’s offer was like a dream coming true to KD. She had enjoyed their chat, and was hoping that it would not end there.
“Mmmm that would be nice. Can I say ‘Yes’ to both?” her smile seemed to light up the lift as they entered it together. “Of course” Mike smiled now “floor?”
“Six please” Mike punched the numbers. “So shall we say about 7:30 in the lobbybar then?”
“Yes that would do just fine. I know a couple of nice restaurants near here which I found last trip,” KD was bubbleing now and hated it when the doors opened at her floor. “That’s fine – see you later then” Mike’s voice was cut off by the closing doors leaving Courtney to walk alone to her room and plan what she should wear for her big date.
Mike pushed his room card into the slot and walked into his room. As a speaker he had one of the Executive rooms at the top of the hotel and he quickly surveyed it, locating the laptop point and plugging his machine into the power and modem connections. He looked at the bedside clock as he opened his case. Six o’clock – plenty of time. As he was hanging his suit and final shirt in the closet he heard the unmistakable sounds of heated love making coming through the door from the adjacent room.
“Fuck me Fuck me make me Cum Oh God” the voice floated into his ears – somebody was getting a real workout next door. There was also something familiar about the voice? Of course the couple who had almost fallen into him a few hours earlier. Surely they had not been fucking all that time?
Mike moved to the door “Steve fuck me hard fuck me deep give me your cum again” The girl’s voice was rising to a fever pitch “Harder Harder For God’s sake cum with me Ohhhhhhhhhhhh”
The voice trailed away as she reached climax. Mike thought he heard the guy grunt but he could be wrong. He also became aware of the fact that he had his own hand around his slowly thickening cock. Mike was proud of his cock and most of the women he had been with also seemed to love it, once they had gotten over seeing it in its erect state. Not that he was that well endowed – seven inches on a good day, but it was fairly fat and also had a distinct upward curve. He looked down, slowly pulling his foreskin back over the purple head. “Now would Courtney be doing this for him tonight?” he mused. What would she be like in bed? Did she liketo play hard like him? Time would tell. He moved his ear closer to the door but could not hear any more. Mike stripped off his clothes and moved to the bathroom. A nice long warm bath was called for as the perfect preparation for this evening.
Courtney also enjoyed a long soak in the tub that evening; in fact she had spent almost too long there and had to worry to be downstairs just a minute late. She need not have Worried because Mike was also a couple of minutes late having only at the last minute remembered to tidy his room – just in case!
As Mike stepped out of the lift he saw KD in front of him. She wore a simple blouse and skirt, the silk light blue bloom unbuttoned enough to show just more than a hint of KD’s impressive cleavage the straight dark blue skirt ending just above the knee. Her hair was brushed back but left full to cascade over shoulders also serving to frame her face which bore just a trace of make-up to highlight those lovely green eyes.
Mike crossed to her, kissed her lightly on the lips and took her arm, ushering her gently but firmly out of the hotel door. No need for any of her colleagues or his business associates to witness their meeting or departure. “Where to?”, Mike asked as they stepped down to the street. “This way – I booked us into a small French restaurant down the street. OK?” Mike nodded and they set off, chatting as if their conversation simply flowed on from earlier.
Diner was a simple affair, good food, very nice wine selected by Mike (of course) and great conversation. As the evening moved forward, their conversation became more personal. Courtney learned that Mike was divided five years previously – his fault as he omitted having an affair with an office junior – did not have anybody special in his life and worked long hours, frequently abroad. Courtney admitted to having never married although she did live with her University sweetheart for three years after they both graduated. She was now a senior officer at Brymon Events and loved the travel and challenge of organising conferences and other corporate events. She did not admit to Mike that, at 31, she was worried that she may soon be left on the shelf!
At 10:30 Mike and Courtney adjourned to a little jazz bar across the street where they talked, drank a little more and had the occasional dance. Although neither was drunk, both were now quite melt and when Mike asked her for a last dance before they returned to their hotel they each knew that their short relationship was about to change, hopefully for the better!
Courtney melted into Mike’s arms; she enjoyed feeling his strong hands as they moved over her back catching lightly on her bra strap as they moved down to cares her rounded ass, gently pulling her towards his own groin. She could feel his cock hardening inside his slacks; she liked the feel of him against her belly. She had made up her mind that afternoon; if he wanted her he could have her, now something deep inside her told her that she would enjoy it as well. She realized that she wanted to be his – his to do whatever he wanted.
As the music finished Mike gently guided Courtney back to collect their things before moving out into the street for the short walk back to their hotel. For the first time that evening the conversation ceased, words were not necessary as simply both enjoyed the physical presence of the other.
When they reached the hotel lifts it was Courtney who stretched out her finger and pressed the single button for the eleventh floor. She looked into Mike’s eyes as the lift sped upwards, her face breaking into a soft smile. Mike’s hands moved to hold her, gently taking her hand and leading her the few steps down the corridor to his room.
As the door clicked softly shut behind them Mike pulled her towards him, taking her into his arms and kissing her, softly at first and then more urgently, his tongue stalling past her lips to meet her willing tongue.As the urgency of the kiss increased their hands became busy; his moving up to hold her general breasts, massaging them through the soft material of the blooming pressing the lace cups of her bra into her soft flesh. Hers meanwhile struggling his back; long strong cares before the building urgency within her making her pluck at the fabric of his shirt, hauling it out of the waistband of his slacks.
Breathlessly they parted pure lust in both their eyes as Mike moved his hands to the front of KD’s blouse before tugging urgently at the sides – buttons popped or were simply ripped off as Mike bared her chest. He paused for just a moment to take in the view before his hands moved to cup each of her breasts, his thumbs tracing the hard nubs of her nipples. He held her eyes as his fingers eased the lace away from the ivory skin allowing her breasts to rise into his hands. He squeezed and watched her eyes close; not in pain but in pure lust. A look enough for him to know that he would be can to push her to the limits. This would not be a romantic soft love-making, but a pure lustful union.
A whimper escaped KD’s lips as she felt him gently roll her nipples between his thumb and forefinger. She started to pull at her blouse, eager to remove it. That accomplished, she reached behind her and unsnapped her bra, freeing her breasts into his urgent hands. She tore herself away from the feelings swelling inside her chest long enough to reach forward and start to tear at Mike’s clothes. After some fiddling she freed his belt and eased down the zip. Looking up into eyes she eased her hand into the waistband of his jockey shorts and felt for the first time the hard pole of flesh which rose to meet her. A mixture of fear and excitement passed through her lust filled mind as her hand sought to grip its thickness while, descending over its length. This was decidedly the largest cock she had handled in her short but not totally limited life.
She was about to get a closer look. She felt Mike tug hard down on her nipples forcing her to a kneeing position in front of him. As she dropped down, he let go of her strained nipples his hands rising to hold the sides of her head, his fingers entangling in her hair, forcing her to look upwards into his eyes which burned down into hers.
“Suck me” the first words he had said since they had entered the lift. She knew that this was an instruction not a request. She tore her gaze from his eyes and looked down at the purple head of his cock, the dim light from the bathroom illuminating the engaged head. She wet her lips before letting her tongue escape her mouth to take the first tenative taste of him. The tip made contact with the slit at the apex of his cock, tasting the small droplet of that salty, clear pre-cum which had already escaped. “Mmmm nice;” thoughts flashed through her mind as, under his firm coating, her lips followed her tongue to surrounding the tip, and the then the crown of his manhood.
Flashes of appreciation went through her brain. She had given boyfriends blowjobs in the past but they had always been smaller than the cock now invading her mouth. She had also only ever sucked the ends and licked the sides before, but intuition told her that this would be different. In fact, she had only taken one load into her mouth before tonight and she was already becoming aware that Mike’s would be the second.
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