Throat Pt. 03

A note on the use of the terms RED, YELLOW and GREEN in this story: They are a gauge. Red is not the Sub’s safe word, it does mean stop, but it can go back to green. It is also at the Dom’s discretion to not stop if only the colors are used and the sub already knows this. The sub does have a safe word and is expected to use it if she needs to.

Throat 3

Finally I tell you I think I can continue. You smile and tell me that you knew I would. You set the rest of the tea aside and walk back in front of me. You’re only about half as hard now. You push up against my face and tell me to lick your balls. I can feel your fingers running gently over the skin of my shoulders while I massage the underside of your balls with my tongue.

I lick each one and then run my tongue along my favorite patch of skin. The softest, smoothest skin on a man’s body. On the underside of your balls towards the back edge. I love that spot and you let me lick you there for a little while. If you weree close to cumming it would get hard and wrinkle up just like my areolas do. But right now it’s beautifully smooth and I’m happy to be feeling it this way.

You pull back a little and stroke the side of my face with the back of your fingers. Slowly you slide your hands back and very roughly grab two fistfulls of my hair again.


I open up again for you. I Still can’t believe how completely you fill my mouth. The stretching I have to accept in order to let you all the way in is painful. It’s even a little scary, the way I can’t close my mouth with the pressure of you shoved deep back inside. You aren’t pumping in and out this time. No this time you go right to the steady pushing pressure on the back of my throat.

I hear you say “one” and I swallow as hard as I can. I hear you say breathe and I take a large breath. You say “two” and I can feel you pressing harder. I desperately swallow and as I do all I can feel for a moment is pain in my throat. Oh, it hurtsand the gagging gets much worse, uncontrollable.

Suddenly you are all the way in me, down my throat. You aren’t even pressing that hard anymore. It’s like my throat just popped open and let you slip right in. You give me about 3 seconds and then you finish your thrust and easily go balls deep into me. You pull back slightly but stay in my throat and start to plumge in and out. My stomach wretches over and over. The gagging gets worse again, I can feel stomach bile shooting out around your cock and out of my mouth. No, no I can’t do this, I can’t breathe, oh please please let me breathe. I start cought spasmodically.

You pull out violently, much harder than when you shoved in. I gasp hard for a breath. You are wiping my stomach bile off my face with one of the towels. You seem to be checking for something. I’m gripped by a sense of gratitude for your help with that. Can you believe that? Where did that come from? A second ago I was gagging and couldn’t breathe, damn you, and now I’m grateful you’re wiping my face. That’s not right.

Wait what’s going on? Oh not again. Not yet. I’m not ready. Why can’t I talk damn it. Yellow, I just need to say yellow. Too late… damn you’ve taken hold of my head again… no… oh God no, it hurts so much more than I thought it would and now I’m scared, really scared. I hate vomiting, it hurts so much and I can’t breathe and I can’t move and the gagging and choking hurts more and now I’m crying, hard.

I can’t get a handle on the fear or the pain, my throat wouldn’t hurt so bad if I could relax but I can’t. I just can’t. I’m full on crying now and the sobs make my throat constrict even more. You seem to have no problem now going balls deep anytime you want. It’s like my throat has just given up to you. Over and over again you pump my throat. Plunging in and out. Pulling out to let me gasp for a few precious breaths of air and then right back in… all the way.

I’m consumed by my pain and fear. I don’t even notice your balls slapping my chin over and over again. Oh God it hurts. And through it all I hear you loudly tell me to “fucking swallow NOW.” I’m terrified. I swallow and you push all the way in again and this time you pump in and out over and over never quite pulling out of my throat. Things start to get dark around the edges of my vision. Oh God no. I’m going to pass out. Why?! Why are you doing this to me?

You pull out and wipe my face again. Gently. Your touch is firm and reassuring. You run your finger over my lips. My eyes flutter shut as I soak in this moment of unexpected caring. I should call red but I won’t, even now my deepest desires are driving me forward. I’m crying too hard to form an intelligent word. I settle down after a minute or so. I look at you.

You are sooooo NOT done. I thought I wanted to please you but now I feel like I’m just trying to survive. I’m starting to worry that I might really get hurt here. I know you said you wouldn’t do that butmy own fear is freaking me out. It’s taken hold of me like something cold in my stomach. I start to remember all the reasons you told me why this position was the one I had to be in. The way it lets you line up my mouth with my throat so that you have a straight shot in.

I remember the things you said could go wrong otherwise. The stories about women who have ended up bleeding down the inside of their throats. The women who have had their voices permanently changed from damage to their larynx during a throat fuck gone wrong. What if this pain is the wrong kind? What if I’m not just hurting but really injured.


I sob in fear. I’m freaking out now and call “yellow” before you even touch my head. I’m barely breathing. Just little short gasps between sobs. You step back and tip you head to one side looking at me intently. You crouch down again.

“I am not going to damage you. I’ve hurt you, yes. I will hurt you even more. Give me this. You do want to don’t you?Give me this? I know how to do this the right way. Look at me. That’s right. Good. Good job. I will NOT damage you.”


I sob again as I obey you. This time you don’t both telling me to swallow. You just keep pressing against the back of my mouth with steady increasing pressure. I’ve learned what to do. I swallow as hard as I can. You don’t stop, you don’t ease off, you shove into me harder than before. And my throat is open to you now so you go right in faster and deeper. It’s agony. I’m actually sobbing around your cock and when you push in so far your balls start slapping my chin again I gag hard and it hurts.

All the gagging and sobbing hurts so much more than I could ever have imagined. And everytime you go into my throat I can’t breathe. My whole body is shaking. I left scared behind and devolve into desperate panic. I start wrenching around in the bindings. Struggling to get free.

It goes on for what feels like forever. The world starts to dim again. Finally I feel you tend up and then you unload deep in my throat. I feel the warmth of it. I feel you pull out slowly. I’m desperate for air but I only manage to get one breath. You push my mouth closed and tell me to finish swallowing. The relief flickers through me but doesn’t find a footballold. I try to focus on it. Finally it’s over.

I’ll be able to move soon. To stretch my aching body. To drink some warm soothing tea. After several minutes I’m crying freely but the sobbing has stopped. The pain from the gagging, sobbing, cought, puking and throat plunging is slowly diminishing over time. The pain radiating from my nipples is noticeable again. It hadn’t even registered while you where fucking my throat. I’m so glad it’s finally over.

You are wiping my face again, gingerly. I can see you smiling. You ask me where the alternative set of nipple clamps are. I rarely remember bringing them. I croak out that they are in my bag. You go rummage around for them. You are taking your time. Moving slowly, enjoying your post orgasm high.

You come back and ask me about the nipple clamps. You’ve never seen a pair like them. They are smaller than the clover clamps. But they are also heavier. A nice silver, possible chrome. They have a hinge in the middle and finger indentations to one side and clamp ends to the other. The clamp ends are solid balls. I tell you honestly that I don’t use them often because they are the harshest most painful clamps I’ve ever had on. The pain they cause shouldn’t be possible without leaving copyright amounts of damage. But they do it. No permanent damage. Agony as bad as locking pliers set too tightly but without real long term damage. In the back of my head I’m wondering why you aren’t untying me.

You smile again, holding up the clamps in front of my eyes. This is when you announce that you won’t until you have orgasmed a second time. So I have to go through it a second time, just harder and longer…

AndThen it happens. I feel the deep ache inside me screaming for more. I feel the pit of fear in my stomach exploit. I start gagging even though you aren’t touching me and my whole body starts shaking again as I’m wrapped with sobs of fear, pain and desperate desire.

You confuse me and frustrate me. I don’t understand what you want so I don’t know how to give it to you. I don’t understand my own reactions to you. Part of me wants to scream for mercy but I know I won’t. I want to see this through. I want to be able to do this. My desire drives me now. It takes everything I have to just cry and not speak. So there I lay, seemingly helpless and sobbing, in your room. Half hanging off your bed, terrified, waiting for and wanting you to take what you want.


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