Throat Pt. 02

A note on the use of the terms RED, YELLOW and GREEN in this story: They are a gage. Red is not the Sub’s safe word, it does mean stop, but it can go back to green. It is also at the Dom’s discretion to not stop if only the colors are used and the sub already knows this. The sub does have a safe word and is expected to use it if she needs to.

Throat Pt. 02

The elevator stops on Your floor. My stomach does a little lurch as the doors open. Suddenly you are all smiles again in the open hallway. Your arm is around my waist and you are carrying my bag as we head to your room. There is no one else here but your public face is back on. I feel like I’m getting whiplashed. I’m having trouble keeping up with you. I’m too emotional, too excited, too scared. I can feel myself trembling slightly and hope against hope that you don’t feel it too. I swallow hard as you walk into the room.

One last steadying breath and I follow you in. I look up and you are facing me. Watching me.I remember you said to strip. I strip. I’m too jumpy and nervous to do anything like a sexy slow striptease. I just sort of fumble my way out of my clothes. As I reach out to toss them to the side I notice my hand is shaking. It’s probably both from fear and excitement but I can’t really tell. I wonder what you are thinking. Are you planning how you are going to tie me up? Are you judging me, my clothes, my body… my ridiculous jumpiness. Do you like me off balance like this? Are you immersed in the moment? I can’t read you, you are just standing there watching and waiting.

“Confirm your safeword, say it. I need to hear you say it before we begin.”

“Mercy Sir…”

You turn away leaving me standing naked by the door. I want to follow, to Ask what I should do. This night is for you. I want to ask you a million questions about how to make it better for you. But you said no talking. So I take another long deep breath and wait. And wait…

Your back is to me, I can’t see what you are doing. I see some sort of rope and hear some clinking. I’ve never been hogtied. I’ve had my wrists and ankles restrained in the past. I’ve had my knees tied apart. But I’ve never been hogtied. I have an old injury (right shoulder and elbow). You know about it. I wonder if I will be able to bear the stress of the restraints. I’m worried about aggravating the injury, getting hurt, Disappointing you… I don’t want that. I want you to enjoy tonight. I just don’t know what to do for you. So I just stand there, trembling.

You call me over, you are quiet, firm, sure of yourself. You don’t explain anything. You push me face down on the bed. It’s uncomfortable. My breasts get in the way. I never lay face down because of them. Even during sex. If I’m getting taken from behind I’m always up on my knees or standing. Flat on my stomach just doesn’t work. You ignore my disappoint. You notice it but choose to ignore it.

You start tying me up and to my relief you somehow secure my right arm to my side without pulling it back behind me. Then you wrong my left arm back and tie my left wrist and pull it as close to my right elbow as it will go. I’m not used to this. It hurts. You keep going. Tying me up. It takes longer than I expected. I’m getting a little worried. Normally when restrained I still have some range of motion. Here with you I have none. I can’t move anything but my head. My breasts are getting very sore, squashed under me. And you’ve been leaning on me as you bind me making the pain harder to endure.

You start gathering my hair back… it’s long, it hangs almost to my wait. I don’t know how you are using it with the binding but it’s the first thing you’ve done that registers as pleasant. I like the feel of Your fingers in my hair. Even the slight pulling you are doing as you work on it is pleasant. I hear a quiet moan. It takes me a second to realize it’s my own. You stop working on my hair.

I’m lying crosswise on the bedand my face is buried in some old towels. They’re not mine. You must have brought some too. I struggle just a little to see if there is any give in the bindings, there isn’t. A sharp stinging pain followed by a bloom of warmth spreads on the side of one of my ass cheeses.

“Don’t struggle, not yet, we haven’t even started.” your voice is hard, warning me to behave. I shudder. I love that. Being warned and given an immediate correct stroke to help your words sink into every fiber of my being.

You push me slightly to one side so you can access one of my nipples. You put a clover clamp on it and pull my whole breast up towards my face and the edge of the bed. Then you push me the other way. And repeat the process on my other nipple and breast. As you roll me back to my stomach My breasts are filled with delicious pain. This part I like. I enjoy how it flows through me but suddenly I realize that I’m having trouble breathing. With my breasts pushed up this way, they are pushing against my neck and constricting air flow. I begin to panic. I lift my head up as far as I can. I see you smiling. You lean down and whisper in my ear.

“Took you long enough. Keep your head up and back. Here, I’ll help you.”

And that’s when you finish with my hair. Somehow you had attached a hook to my hair, now you pull it, hard, and attach it to the bindings holding my arms and feet in place. I can breathe again but the position is strict and a bit frightening. My hair is constantly being pulled now but the relief I’m getting by being able to breath without having to support my head by myself is like a balm. I can feel my eyes watering. I’m not really a cryer, and yet here I am. I can feel a tear dripping down my cheek.

You push on My shoulders a little and my whole body rocks. I’m rolling back and forth over my own breasts and crushing the clover clamps brutally into my nipples. You realize my breasts are like some sort of smushed roller under me. As much as youLike the ageized look spreading over my face, this is giving me too much movement for what you have planned. You reach over me and then down under me. Taking me by my rib cage you pull me forward, over the edge of the bed so that my tits hang down over the side. Now I’m unbalanced. So you get more rope and run it behind my knees. You then tie it to the bed feet. It isn’t really binding me more. It will however keep me from falling forward off the bed.

Lying there, helpless, I can’t move. I can’t stop you. You could do anything you want to me and I would have no choice. Fear asserts itself. Pushes itself to the top of my mind. I start breathing fast. Gasping…

You are calm. I can’t imagine that you are calm at all inside. This has to be some sort of a rush for you. But I can’t see it. You come around and give each clover clamp a firm couple of tugs and then you hang weights from them. Ugh! That hurts but in a way I like. It’s terribly confusing, the back and forth. Hurting me, scaring me one second, letting me work myself into a panic and then hurting me again but in a way that I like. Damn it! I can’t keep up with you. Every nerve I have is raw. And you haven’t even touched your dick to my lips yet. Your cock which I can see right in front of my face is ragingly hard. You say one word.


My mouth snaps open and you begin. You grab my head, your grip is fierce. Oh my God, I don’t know if I can do this. Maybe if I lick and suck your cock really well, you might ease up on me a bit. I start to suck and use my tongue to massage the underside of your dick. I hear you groan with pleasure and I start to feel better. But then you tighten your hold on me even more and then you are pushing further into my mouth.

I’ve sucked my fair share of cock but you are longer than I am used to. I’m putting an exhausting amount of effort into keeping my mouth open wide while I feel it filling up more than ever before. It hurts as you push against theback of my mouth. I feel like my mouth is being forced open wider. My lips are getting crushed between my teeth and your cock. I don’t want to scrape you. I agreed to this, I can’t hurt you. Why does it hurt so much? You told me it would. I even believed you. But I’m not prepared for this. I cry out. You pull back a bit but not out. You take a fistfull of my hair and tell me to swallow. I do. It helps a little.

“Again, this time swallow three times… one… two… three.”

I’m trying not to panic. I try to swallow every time you count. It’s just that my mouth hurts, it’s so stretched open with you pushing into the back of my mouth. I keep gagging and my jaw hurts now too. I start having little sobs/shakes every so often. I hear you groan as my distress increases. It scares me even more, the way you are enjoying each new thing that hurts me. Each thing that scares me seem to make you happier.

I want you to be happy but I didn’t realize how hard this would really be. Ican’t stop gagging and it’s starting to make breathing hurt. This is nothing like the videos I’ve watched. Your cock is pressing against the back of my mouth again and I start to cry out again. You pull back a bit. Frustrated by my screaming and my trying to pull away. No not frustrated. Not at all. It hits me that you like it. You are pushing me like that knowing it hurts and you like my fear and the way I’m trying to thrash around. I start to cry. It wells up in great big pathetic sobs. I’m so scared. I want some kind of reassurance from you. Something to let me know I’ll be ok when this is over. Instead I hear you say a very gruff

“Yeah that’s right, hurts doesn’t it? You were made for this. Time to move on to the next step honey. You’re ready aren’t you? You want me deeper in that fuck hole of a throat don’t you? No? That’s ok… we’re doing it anyway. Now. Open wide and breath a couple of times. Now listen to me, if you want this to be over you have to do what I say. We aregoing to do the swallowing again. Nice and slow. One then take a breath and then swallow, two then take a big breath and swallow but after three, breathe and swallow twice. If you can do this it will all be over real soon.”

You wipe some of my tears away. Your eyes flutter shut. You smile and make some sort of very satisfied noise I’ve never actually heard before.

“You want it to be over?” I try to nod yes.

“Tell me what you have to do” I try to repeat the swallowing instructions between sobs and coughts.

“Be the sexy woman I know you can be…open up and on my count breathe swallow, breathe swallow, breathe, swallow swallow.”

I’m so scared. I don’t want to do this anymore. I’m solidly in a place where I should be calling RED. But I tell myself it will be over soon. I can manage this for you. We did the swallowing before and I was ok. I look up at you and then close my eyes.


I open my mouth. A sob escapes as I open wide. I hear you say”yeah that’s right” and then it’s pain, gagging, tears and panic all over again.

I hear you say one, I breathe and swallow, you are pushed against the back of my mouth and it’s hard for me to swallow with my mouth stretched wide open but I manage it. Then I start to gag again and you don’t pull back at all I start to feel some bile come up and you still stay pressed against the far reachings of my mouth. You grab my head with both hands and change the angle slightly. Tipping my head forward just a fraction of an inch. And I hear you say two. Another round of cought comes over me. I suddenly know I can’t do this.

“RED!” Somehow you understand even though I’m garbling the word out around your cock.

The guttural groan / growl you make as you pull out of my mouth sounds painful and angry. I’m cought and sobbing. I hear you swear under your breath, your veneer of control slipping for the briefest of moments. But as I lay there pathetically mewling you crouch down and wipe my face clean. You run your thumbs over my cheeks while your hands wrap around the sides of my head.

“Hey, hey it’s ok. You’re ok. Breathe. Look at me. That’s right. Look at me, I’m here, I’ve got you.”

You keep caressing my face for a few minutes. It takes me several minutes to settle down. I manage to get the cought and sobbing mostly under control. I’m still crying though. I don’t seem to be able to stop. We talked about this. Being really and truly scared. You wait quietly, watching me. Your dick is hard and pulsing. It’s dark red and you look like you are way past ready to come. I think maybe you should jerk off and we can try it again another night. You see my looking at your cock and tell me to forget whatever I’m thinking. How you can tell I’ll never know.

“Not a chance, sweet mouth. The only place I’m cumming tonight is down that virgin throat of yours. It’s there or nowhere. I told you that from the start. I can wait, you collect yourself for a few moreminutes.”

It turns out to be 20, by the time I’ve reigned in enough of my fear to speak clearly with you. In that time I’ve started shuddering and shivering. You leave me tied where I am but cover me with a lightweight yet very warm blanket. You make me a cup of tea in the mini keurig in the room and even cool it off with a little cold water and help me drink a few sips.


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