Dear Sir:
It has been 17 days since we last spoke, and I have thought of you each and every day. I know that it was my choice to discontinue our…connection…but that has not made it any easier. I dreamed of you last night and I woke with a powerful orgasm, my heart pounding, my hands gripping the sheets, my body pulsing in pleasure with only one thought: You.
I dreamed that I was at work, at the college, and as I turned the corner to head down to my office I saw a man sitting in the chair just to the left of my office door. It is not unusual to see someone sitting there – either waiting for me or a colleague in a neighboring office, but this man caught my attention. There was something about him. Yet, it was not his appearance which drew me in.
He was dressed casually, in a red golf Shirt and khaki pants, reddish blonde hair and a reddish blonde mustache. As I walked down the hallway, trying not to stare, I saw him look at his watch. It was not the impatient move of someone who is annoyed at having to waste time, but the deliberate move of a confident man who is willing to wait all day to attain what he wants.
As I advanced, he turned and looked at me and a slow smile spread across his features. I could not help but smile back, a thrill running through me, generating out from my stomach, an electric jolt which made my heart beat just a little bit faster and my pussy excitedly twitch.
I stopped in front of him and said tenatively, “Hello, Sir.” My voice was nervous. I could feel my hands began to shake a little. It was him. This was so unexpected.
“Well, hello, yourself,” he said slowly in his Texan drawl. God, I loved that drawl.
“I’m surprised,” I say. “I…I didn’t expect…”
“No, I’m sure you didn’t.” He smiled again, his gaze never wavering from mine. “Why don’t we go inside.” It could have been a question, a suggestion, but it wasn’t. We both knew it was a command. We also both knew it was a small test. I had no doubt that if I resisted he would simply smile, say that it was nice to meet me and walk away. I didn’t want that.
“Um, yes, of course….” I had been about to say “Sir” again, but hesitated, turning and peering over my shoulder at the open door to the office behind me. The door stood wide open and the office’s occupied was curiously watching this exchange. Thankfully, she and I didn’t Know each other very well, and I hoped that she thought that this man was merely the father of one of my students, or perhaps even a mature student who had come for assistance with a paper. I gave her a little wave and said “Afternoon, Cassie.” Realizing she had been caught watching us, she gave me a precious smile and waved back before pretending to stare at her computer screen.
I turned my attention back to the man who had now stood and was waiting for me to unlock the door. “Sorry,” I said. He was now only a foot from me. I felt jittery and excited. “No problem,” he replied, patiently.As I went to open the door, I saw him watching my hands; they shook a little, but he said nothing. I unlocked the door and pushed it open. “Please, go ahead,” I said.
“Mmm…no…ladies first.” His lips turned up at the corners, his warm tone teasing me and he knew it. I gave a little laugh. “Well, thank you,” I responded, my voice flirty. I could not stop smiling.
I walked into the office and he followed. As I put my bag down on the floor, I heard the door close, and I realized that we were now alone, that he was here in my office and then my head began to spin. Oh, I shouldn’t be doing this, I thought…I should have just walked away and then I would have never seen him again. Nervousness began to replace my excitement. What on earth was I doing here with this man? This is where I work….
“Tell me what you’re thinking,” he directed.
“Well…” I began hesitantly. “I’m really surprised you’re here…I never thought we would actually meet in person.” I looked up and met his strong gaze. “Go on,” he said in an assuring tone.
“I especially never thought that I would see you after I…after I ended our….relationship.” The air crackled with sexual tension as I waited for his response. Even as I stood there, having this simple discussion, I could feel the moodness between my legs. He had been right. He once said that if we ever met I would be strongly attracted to him, that the sub in me would uncontrollably want to please him, to be with him in every way he wished. But seeing those words on a chat screen is one thing, experiencing them as a reality was quite another.
“Are you glad to see me?” he asked gently.
“Yes, Sir.” I replied without hesitance this time.
“That’s my good little sub,” he said and reached forward to touch my hair. He showed, lightly pulling on one of my curls. “I’ve missed our chats very much.”
I blushed with pleasure. I could feel the heat rise up my body, from my feet, up through my tinglingmoist pussy, up my stomach to my breasts and soon the pink radiated from my cheeks. “You blush beautifully,” he noted. “I look forward to seeing that happen when you’re completely naked, bound at the wrists and blindfolded.”
My breath caught in my throat and a little shocked gasp escaped my lips. I swallowed nervously, but I couldn’t think of anything to say.
“I know you decided that you should not continue with this. I know you had good reasons. But I decided that you need to have one good spanking from my hand before you decide that this isn’t for you. Would you like that? Would you like to know what it would feel like to be spanked by me?” His eyes went up and down my body, taking in the curves of my 5’3″ body. His eyes lingered over my FF chest.
Silence filled the room. I couldn’t do this…what if people found out? What if…
“Yes….” I whispered.
“Good girl,” he smiled at me. “Now bend over that desk of yours.” He pointed to the large computer desk.My office had two desks and the larger was at least five feet long. I only used for my computer though, so there was plenty of room for me.
I bent over the desk and felt my jeans tighten around my round ass. I wasn’t sure what to do with my hands though, and then decided to push them out in front of me. Then I waited. I could feel his eyes on my bottom. “Mmm…even nicer than in the pictures,” he murmured. I felt one of his hands cup my right cheek and squeeze it while the other stroked teasingly down my crack. I wondered if he could smell how wet I was. I thought I might soak through my jeans.
“Pull down your jeans,” he demanded. Without a word, still bent over, I unbuttoned my tight blue jeans and pushed them down, revealing red transparent panties that I had gotten for Christmas. “I like those very much,” he said, “but they need to go as well.”
The sensible voice in my head was now yelling at me to stop, that this was crazy, that I barely knew this man and that the last thing I should be doing was presenting my naked ass to him for his use and pleasure – but I wasn’t listening to that voice. All I wanted to hear were more words from his mouth, more commands. I couldn’t believe how wet I was. I pushed the panties down, so both they and my jeans stopped at my knees. I knew as I pushed them down they would betray how incredibly turned on I was. I wondered what he would do.
He laughed when he saw the wet panties and I knew we could both smell the cent of pussy that was filling the air. “Well, well, well. You are an even more delightful sub than I ever thought possible,” he said. Another thrill of pleasure rushed through me. Nothing made me feel as wonderful as his approval and compliments. I wondered for a moment if there was anything I wouldn’t do to get them.
“Are you wearing a bra that matches those delightfully soaked panties?” he asked.
“Yes, Sir,” I answered.
“Good, I will look forward to seeing it when you suck my cock,” he replied nonchalantly. I couldn’t believe we were having this discussion. And I couldn’t wait to pleasure him. “But perhaps I would like to taste some of that juice that is starting to run down your thighs first,” he stated. I tried to open my legs but my jeans bound me from opening them too far.
“Push them down to your ankles but leave them on,” my Master commanded. I did as he said and waited.
“Close your eyes,” he said. I closed them and focused on the sensing of the afternoon sun strreaking in from the window and warming my bottom. I felt his hand on the top of my head. He stroked in one, slow, downward motion, down my spine. I held my breath, waiting for him to reach my naked bum.
I felt his warm hand suddenly pull away once he reached the bottom of my spine. I resisted the urge to turn and see why. My patience was rewarded when I felt a silky scarf being tied around my head, blocking out the sunlight. I couldn’t help but smile.
He leaned forward, pressing his torso against my back, letting me feel his hard cock through his khaki pants. His hands slid up my arms. He looped another silky scarf around my wrists, binding them snugly. I could barely stand it. Here I was, exposed and bound. I felt like I could come at any moment and that any touch might just send me into orbit. My taunt nipples pushed painfully into the desk.
Then, he whispered into my ear, his chest still pressing me down onto the desk. “You are so goddamn sexy,” he purred. I was breathless with anticipation. I would do anything for this man…this experience was everything I hoped it would be.
Then I felt him lift off of me…he must have stepped back to admire his work because I heard him give a warm laugh. I also thought that I heard a zipper. My lips parted and for a moment I panicked, again asking myself what the hell I was doing. This man was going to fuck me, here on my desk, here at work, with Cassie across the hall listening. And let’s be clear –I’m not the kind of girl who can have sex and not make a sound. The whole damn building would know before we were through.
But I was wrong – and overreager for his cock. He had heard my breath catch in my throat when he pulled his zipper and he laughed. “Soon, my little slut,” he said, “But first…”
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