To My Senses Ch. 09

Author’s note:

As we approach the end of this book, I urge you (if you’ve been enjoying it) to read my other 3 books – Messy, 3 Weeks On The Road, and Jessie – in that order. They will explain a lot of necessary information about the characters and the scenes that are occurring.

Once again, thank you for your views and votes, your public and private comments. I really appreciate it.


Jessie and I stood hand in hand at The Curve. It looked a little different now – the guardrail replaced, the bodies cleaned up. I could still see the scars on the trees though, broken limbs and shattered stumps, and occasionally, a healing bullet hole in a trunk.

“This is it?” My black-haired lover asked.

“Yeah. First my parents… Then me.”

She squeezed my hand. “Why did you bring me here?”

“I wanted you to see it…once. I’m never coming back. Business is settled in Minnesota. It’s…it’s time for me to go.”

I walked back to the truck, my teethgritted and my throat full of back emotion. I retrieved the bouquet from the backseat, returned, propped it up against the rail.

“Dad. Mom. This is Jessie Rigg. She’s mine. I wanted to introduce her to you before we go. I’m not, we’re not gonna be coming back here anymore. Moving to Wisconsin. We’ve said goodbye here a couple times now, and I guess this is the last one.

Miss you guys.”

Jessie didn’t try to approach or touch me as I walked back to the drivers side door. She got in on the passenger side a few moments later, and shut the door with a soft thumb. I feel myself breathing hard and fast in the closeness of the Suburban and the world felt too small and hot to contain the ache in my arm, my head, my heart.

I hung my head and sobbed, and Jessie put her hand on my leg.



“For a designer and marketer, you are very much lacking imagination,” I admonished Jessie as we walked through the house.

“I imagine that’s so.”

Behind us, the realtor snickered at our banter.

“Try and imagine what it could be, look past what it is now.” I tried to sound convincing.

“What’s that?” Jessie asked, disgust evidence in her voice.

“Our home. Our fortress. Our reject away from the world. Freedom from all the stupid of work and life outside.”

“No, I mean what’s THAT?”

I kicked at the pile of brush with the toe of my boot. “Oh. Something must’ve been living in here.”

I stood in the living room, looked around at the trashed building. A three-story saltbox at the end of a culdesac in a neighborhood that could best be described as a ghetto, it didn’t inspire confidence, not with the smoked drywall and broken windows and electric and plumbing that needed to be replaced and the growing assumption that hobos had been camping here.

I could picture it though. Gray wood tile and dark heavy fixtures, the TV would go on THAT wall…

Pain shot through my head, down my arm, and the worldfuzzed black and white. Fucking weather changes and the migraines they brought. Spring should be a time to get outside, not hide in the dark from the temperature changes wreaking havoc on my head.

I looked around the room again, saw my vision of how it looked overlays with the ugliness it was now, bullet holes punched in the brick and drywall. Why did it look like that?

I shook away the pain in my skull and sniffed.

Damn weather changes.


My arm ached as I muscled the snowblower down the sidewalk. Ten degrees, blowing snow, and this fucking thing weighed a ton.

Better than Jessie being out here though.

I shivered in my coat as a gust of snow blew across the yard and sprayed my face with ice crystals. I’d need to come back out in two hours and do the whole fucking thing again, but right now I could go inside.

The big machine chewed a thin path through the snow into the dilapidated garage, and I pulled down the door and locked it, hurried through the cold wind to the side door. I stomped my boots off, then stepped inside. The kitchen was dimly lit by a few strings of white Christmas lights strung between the upper cabinets.

I pulled my boots off, hung up my coat, and stepped into the dining room. Jessie sat cross-legged on the floor, smoothing the back of a piece of tile with adherensive. She set it down, positioned it, looked up at me. “You look frozen.”

“I am.”

“I know that hurts your arm, let me do it.”

“Nope, not your job.”

She rolled her eyes. “Why do you insist on doing the hard, ugly work when you know I could do it just as well?”

Maybe it was the warmth and closeness of the room. Maybe it was the festive atmosphere caused by the strings of lights. Maybe it was… The words rolled flippantly off my tongue before I could stop them. “Cuz I love you.”

Her eyes flicked back to me from the tile, sharply.

“You do?”

Might as well committed to it. “Yeah. That’s why it makes me happy to go freeze my ass off outside while you’re warm in here. I love you.” The words sounded, tasted different.

Her browser narrowed and she cocked her head. “I love you too, Gary.”

I hadn’t heard someone say that to me since Cady.


Since Sienna. I briefly wondered where the coltish blonde was. It felt like a tiny betrayal to remember the Christmas I’d spent with her and Tori in northern Minnesota. I pushed the thoughts of my former partners from my head, raised an eyebrow at Jessie’s smile. “What?”

“I didn’t die first.”


Her phone dinged on the floor, and she picked it up. “McKenna is bringing pizza over and she wants to work on the coding for the doors. If you want to keep talking about this, I’ll tell her to hold off.”

“Nah. Have her come over, I know you always have fun with her.” I was not looking forward to the irritating little programmer coming over. She looked like she was about sixteen, pouted and sniped with ateenage temperature, and just plain acted immature…and she dressed like jailbait. However, she was a programming prodigy, and I needed one of those.

I told. This was not going to be a fun evening.


“Our first vacation,” Jessie said as she zipped her duffel bag closed. “I can’t believe it.”

The bedroom was one of the first rooms finished, and even though I was loathed to Leave the construction of the house for even a second – finishing touches awaited – I had still insisted on getting out for some rest and recreation. This summer weekend seemed perfect for it.

Particularly with the delivery that was occurring in just a few hours…

Jessie looked around the room, still dim in the early morning light. “Got everything?”

“Yeah. Except for one, no, two small details.” I retrieved two velvet bags from the dresser, held them out to her. “Open.”

She smiled when she saw the toys, unmistakably sexual in design. One was a thin U of polymer, smallridged pads at each end designed to fit against the g-spot and cliporis extremely. The other toy was a buttplug with a short wire tail.

I held up my phone. “They work remotely!”

“Oooh, sounds like fun.” She flopped back on the bed with a giggle, pulled her dress up to her waist, reached down and pushed her panties down, over her bent knees, off.

I lubed up each toy, paired them with my phone, and Jessie giggled again as the cold liquid overcome the passage of the vibrator into her cunt. I shifted the clitoral arm to snug it into place, and then she reached down deliciously to adjust.

“Cold!” She yelped happily as the tip of the buttplug pressed against her backdoor. I held it there, gently rotated it, let it warm slightly before recovering the push. Her asshole stretched and her breath hitched, and then she told as the stem was swallowed by her wrinkled pumper. I placed a kiss on her little triangle of black public hair, stood, and swiped at the sliders on myphone.

On the bed, Jessie stiffened, jerked. “Oh fuuuuck…”

I swiped the toys back off, handed her her underwear. She sat to pull it on. “You’re going to do that when we’re out and about today?”


“Are you gonna make me cum in public?”

“Maybe. I’ll try not to do it when people can see.”

A smile tugged at her milk-white, freckled cheats. “Oh thanks so much.”

“You like these games we play, and you know it.”

She stood and groped my crotch briefly, and there was dark hunger in her eyes. “I LOVE these games we play.”


The drive up to Sturgeon Bay was only about three hours, but it felt like longer. The morning was already sunny and hot, the optimistic temps beat down on my SUV like a hammer, the air conditioning never quite fighting off the heat.

Jessie danced in her seat along with the classic rock, occasionally texting McKenna about some song their fledgling band should cover. I was glad for her distraction, it kept her from paying attention to my own phone going off in my pocket. I’d forget to silence it, and now I keep getting updates from the construction foreman.

We walked downtown Sturgeon Bay for an hour, getting a bite to eat and checking in at various shops to see if there was any décor needed for our nearly-complete house.

There wasn’t, but it felt good to walk with Jessie, to be Somewhere new, away from the hustle and bustle of daily life, of working at the bank, of a city that hold two million people. It feel good to slow down.

And occasionally I’d give Jessie’s vibrators a buzz from my phone and she’d laugh or start, cover it with a cought. Or if we were somewhere a little more private – a deserted corner of an antique shop, hidden by shelves and shelves of old tin signs and hurt books and cloudy kerosene lamps – she’d lean against the wall and enjoy the sensing until the lustful look in her eyes turned to a snarl of enjoyment, and she grabbed at my crotch.

Back in the truck, and we headed north to a soundtrack of classic rock. The houses up here – even the country homes and farmhouses – were expensive, hidden back from the roads. Outside of small clusters of homes, and of course the small towns, it felt like we were well into the country, acres and acres of farmland and forest in every direction. Off the main highway, there were hardly any other vehicles, and one could easily believe they were driving through North Dakota or Wyoming from the lack of traffic.

Jessie had shared with me, years ago now, that she had long dreamed of traveling out west, and the countryside up on the Wisconsin peninsula reminded me somewhat of that territory. We’d even talked in noncommittal terms about someday moving out west, and this gave me some idea what that would look like, long stretches of farmland Interspersed with remote houses. I could see myself living like that, but it’d take a significant push to get me out of the city that I enjoyed.

Door County being home to MANY wineries and distilles, we stopped for a tour at one of the big ones that advertised producing whiskey.

I liked to watch Jessie when she wasn’t aware of it, and watching her move through the racks of wine bottles, weave through the crowds brought a smile to my face. I couldn’t imagine my life without her in it now. It wasn’t just the physical attention and connection, it was…her.

I loved her.

I loved Friday nights when we curled up on the couch to watch a blank and white horror movie. I loved making tacos for her every Tuesday, she always seemed surprised to come home from her technology meeting to find me cooking dinner. I loved watching her paint the inside of the house, long, lithe body stretching to slash the brush back and forth across the ceiling from the chair she was standing on. I loved arguing with her over appliances or the color of the interior brick. I loved taking her to the range and then Ashley’s bar afterward.

I watched her short undress sway around her thin frame, and wondered what I’d do without her in my life.

Probably sit against a wall and drink from a bottle and cry about all the people I’d lost.

She turned and saw me watching her across the room, ducked her head with an embarrassed smile, the massive-brimmed hat on her head flopping, her black hair swaying, her bottom lip between her teeth.

Dammit, I loved this woman.

The tour took us through the basement wine-making operation, a fruit and yeast smelling affairs that ended up producing alcohol neither of us cared about, and ended with their still, a giant shiny copper bell cooking yeast and grain to produce what looked like very high octane water. We all got to try the clear alcohols and the aged versions, and as the designed, I just took sips from Jessie’s shots. Not bad. Not as finished as what we got from Ashley’s, but it was ok.

We didn’t buy anything, but spent another half hour wandering thestore with the increasing crowd, hand in sweaty hand, enjoying the festive atmosphere, the relaxed sight of the soul that came from having nowhere to be and someone to be with.

Jessie danced tipsily along with the modern rock song that McKenna had texted her as I drove, and I made a decision, pulled off the main two-lane highway, off that back road onto another, keep heading north through the forests and fields.

With no one passing us or even visible on the road for five minutes, I pulled over to the side, shut off the SUV. Jessie smiled at me as I turned to her up and down. “What?”

“I want my girl.”

Her demeanor instantly changed, going to a mix of sultry and submissive. “How?”

I unzipped my shorts, pushed the front down and extracted my erection from my boxes. “Right now? Right here.”

She licked her lips, pushed the floppy sunhat from her head and frisbeed it into the back. “Yes, daddy.”

I sat back and enjoyed the blowjob as her head bounced in my lap, the wet suction, her tongue tickling my balls every time she descended. I stroked her fine black hair – saden on the left side for the summer – and added just a hint of pressure to her down-stroke to show that I was in charge.

Slurping her way back up my rod, Jessie smiled happily at me as she pumped my slimy dick, then been back over to take me in again. I Watched for cars on the deserted road and appreciate my girl’s effort and attention to detail.

Finally I pulled her up, kissed her on the lips and nuzzled noses with her. “You’re not gonna let me finish?” she asked, cute and breathy.

“I will.”

I pulled my pants up, stepped out of the SUV onto the deserted road. Hot and dusty, the sun burned down on me and the corn growing as far as the distant treeline, warm breezes rustling the stalks as I walked around the vehicle.

The road was silent.

I opened the passenger door and took Jessie’s hand, helped her out like a princess, then very deliberately turned her around, applied pressure to the back of her neck until she bent into the truck.

All she said was “Oh. Like that.” And then she shuffled her feet apart.

I pushed the hem of her sundress up around her waist, pushed the thin strap of her panties to the side to expose the vibrator and plug. The g-spot toy was slippery when I withdraw it, and a brief brush off my fingers against her slit confirmed how wet my girl was, made her twitch as if shocked. I set the vibrator on the seat, pushed my pants down, made Jessie inhale sharply as I stroked the angle purple crown of my cock up and down her labia.

I pushed in slowly, and despite how slick her pussy was, I could feel the artistic strength of the plug in her ass, the pressure of it through her flesh. She gasped as I folded her over the seat, gasped again when I paused to turn on the violences in her remaining toy. I could feel the buzz of it as I thrust, hear the wet slapses of flesh together over her moans of pleasure, all sensings heightened by the hot breeze, the taboo feeling of fucking out in the open.

Jessie curled her head against mine when I leaned in to kiss her neck, and we made out breathlessly as I continued to fuck her. She gave me a needy look from the corner of her eye when we parted. “Can I play with my cunt, daddy?”

“You can.”

One hand on the car seat, she reached down and began rubbing frantically at her clip, the circles she was pressing against her stimulated flesh even faster than my thrusts. She grunted and bucked violently, body locking up, and I watched her back arch and flex as her body convulsed through the orgasm we’d given her. Her pussy was squeezed me deliciously, and I caught myself before I let go.

I withdraw quickly, tugged Jessie around by her hip, pushed her to her knees. She knew what to do, looking up at me adoringly and opening her mouth, and it took only a handful of pumps on my cockto send my spunk jetting across her tongue, my toes curling in my shoes, body jerking and my breath leaving me in hard grunts with each shooting clnch.

My lover closed her lips around the head of my dick for the last few spurts, keeping the unbearably pleasurable sensing going with soft flutters of her tongue over my sensitive flesh, sucking down every last drop I had to give her. I pulled away when the feeling became too much, and she looked up proudly at me, showed me her empty mouth. “All gone.”

I bent over and kissed her, and she groaned with desire.


Jessie didn’t wear much jewelry, and neither of us were interested in pipeline up knickknacks around the house, so there wasn’t much for us to spend money on in the little towns that dotted the Door County peninsula, but that didn’t stop us from getting out and walking. The sidewalks were crowded even early in the day, and the only time Jessie let go of my hand was inside clothing stores as she slipped from rack to rack. She didn’t try anything on, just held up this little dress or that button-up shirt for my approval, and I made mental note of styles and companies to research.

Outside, the view was gorgeous, each street and building perfectly maintained for the height of picturesque and pastoral beauty. Sailboats were visible on the lake, and looking in any other direction showed tall bluffs, green forest, or architecture that had stopped trending in the early to mid-twentieth century.

Watching Jessie takes it all in made my heart swell with happiness. She’d been a city girl working two or three jobs all her adult life, and I got selfish enjoyment from giving her a vacation, showing her a beautiful world outside of the concrete canyons and boringly identical suburbs and dirty ghettos.

Occasionally pulsing her vibrators with my phone gave me a kick too.

We got a snack and a drink at a rooftop bar in Fish Creek, wandered the streets and shops, then paid our twentybucks and drive into the state park. The dedicated parking spots afforded us an opportunity to get out and explore specially selected portions of the park, scenario vistas and lighthouses – Jessie refused to climb the lookout tower due to her short dress – and then parked next to a campground to walk along the beach for a while.

It feel perfect.

Just me and Jessie, hand in hand on the shore, waves lapping the sand and shells and stones and gulls cawwing out over the water. The opposite shore side was dotted with expensive homes set into the stone and forest, and between, boats bobbed in the water, full of revealers enjoying the warm weather.

Jessie pulled me aside when we found a thick, stable log lying on the sand, and I sat while she settled sidesaddle across my lap and adjusted her big floppy hat not to smack me in the face.

“Thank you for a beautiful day, Gary.”

I grinned. “It ain’t over yet.”

“I know, I just…” she blew out a heavy sight. “I feel like I can breathe up here, away from people. Finally. Your work has been busy, my work has been busy, we’ve been working on the house. It’s nice to be just us.”

“I was thinking the same thing earlier.”

“Would you ever want to move someplace like this? Away from so many people?”

I shrugged. “Maybe. If I can do my job. If you can do your job.”


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