Part two of two. Please see the first part for content warnings.
Magnus woke early the next morning, as he usually did. The curtains on his windows were tied back to allow the early morning sunlight to stream into the room, rousing him as soon as there was enough light to start the day.
Typically, that would mean bathing and dressing and beginning to sort his correspondences; but on this morning, the First item to address for the day was the doll pressed against his side, very obviously trying to minimize her squirming.
He stroked a hand along her flank, then pressed down on her abdomen, feeling for the tightness of her bladder.
She immediately gasped and then stifled an unhappy noise, shifting uncomfortable in the bed, but he could tell by what he felt that she wasn’t full enough yet to present an immediate problem.
He slipped his hand next between her thighs, feeling the heat of her cunny and the dampness between her lips. He caught her clip carefully between his thumb and his first knuckle–it didn’t feel nearly as swollen as it had been the prior evening, having recovered somewhat from her punishment–and rolled it gently a couple of times.
The doll responded with a quiet cry of confused need and a full-body shudder.
“G-ah-good morning,” he said, dipping his hand lower to insert just the tips of two fingers into her hole.
“G-ah-good morning, sir,” she gasped. “This, um, this doll will–will need to use the toilet soon, sir!”
“How soon?” he asked, slowly brushing his fingers around her entrance and then pushing them in again, feeling the way her body fluttered and pulsed. He was familiar enough with the effect that a good pussy-spanking had on a doll–he did it himself, sometimes, for the fun of it–and he knew that the recovery would have left her feeling even more sensitive than before, to the point that she was likely as desperate for an orgasm as she was to relieve her bladder.
“S-soon, sir, very soon,” she whimpered.
He tutted. “No. Is this the longest you’ve ever been made to wait before? Surely not. During your initial training, you would have been denied access to a toilet for at least one twenty-four hour period.”
“I–I don’t remember it too well, sir,” she confessed. As his fingers slipped out of her hole again and up to circle her clip–it had grown plump, but not from the swelling of bruising now; she was simply very aroused–she shuddered again. “Sir…”
“I suppose you wouldn’t. Remember it, I mean.” He trapped the little organ between his thumb and finger again, and he felt her tense–bracing for a pinch, perhaps, maybe worried that the sudden pain would compromise her control over her bladder. But he only tugged very gently, working his fingers in little movements that mimicked the way he would stroke his own cock.
The doll let out an open-mouthed sob and jolted against him, her legs spreading wide and then trying to draw together again.
He hummed to himself, satisfied with her state. Though he was strict with dolls in his rooms about their casual use of his facilities, he typically didn’t force them to go the whole night without emptying their bladders; it was too close to a punishment for normal doll treatment, in his opinion. But it was nice to have the opportunity to play with a squirming, desperate doll when he had the chance.
“Please, sir, Please,” she gasped as he continued his gentle tugging and manipulation of her twitching clip. “I won’t be able to hold it for very much longer…”
“Yes, you will,” he informed her easily. “You’ll surprise yourself with how long you can keep control. Of course, it can be unhealthy to overfill your bladder regularly, but this one time? I expect you could wait another hour, maybe two, before you truly risk soiling yourself.”
“Ohh,” she moaned, her expression crumpling into a picture of misery, but she didn’t try to beg or argue with him.
He tugged ather clip again, and she let out a little squeaking noise, her hips twitching. He smiled. “And what about your climax? How close are you to losing control over that?”
“I won’t, sir, I won’t come,” she promised, though she sounded less sure than the day before, as if she were repeating it to convince herself as much as him.
“If I were to give you permission to come, how close would you be?”
“Uh,” she moaned again, biting down hard on her lip before answering. “C-close. Just–very close, sir.”
“It would be a very intense climax, wouldn’t it? After being whipped yesterday?” He slide his fingers up and down her clip, then massed at the base of it before tugging again. “I’ve seen a doll pass out from how hard she came the day after a pussy-spanking.”
She let out a long whine, her toes twisting in the sheets, and he laughed.
“If I left the choice up to you, little doll–whether you would get to use the toilet or get to come–which would you choose right now?”
“The toilet, sir, the toilet!”
“And why is that?” he asked, tugging at her clip again and watching her body roll and then flinch, caught between arousal and the disappoint of her full bladder.
“B-because, sir, this doll remembers–this doll remembers that you said she mustn’t come–so that she can remember her place properly! And I want to remember, I want to be a good doll!” she blurted. “And–and–this doll would be so very ashamed if she soiled your bed!”
“Very good,” he remarked.
She glanced up at him briefly, with an expression of pitiful hope, clearly expecting that she might have secured permission to relieve herself with her correct answer.
He smiled and reached down to hook two fingers into her twinching cunny again, pushing them in deep this time.
She bawled in surprise, flailing against him and then grabbing on with both hands as if she needed to brace herself.
“Don’t come, now,” he reminded her.
She nodded franticalally, obviously unable to bring herself to speak as she sobbed and shuddered, holding tight to him and rocking her hips in restrained, lurching little movements like she was fighting back the instinct to ride down on his hand.
He tutted. “Is this what you wanted? To feel good? Isn’t this why you violent your most fundamental obligation as a doll and touched the part of your body that doesn’t belong to you?” With each word, he rocked his fingers inside her, plunging deeper, frothing up the wetness seeing out of her until the vulgar sound of her cunt being churned filled the room.
“No, sir,” she denied, and then quickly–in response to his frown–she forced out a handful more words, her voice wobbling: “Th-this doll is honored–sir-to be played with–for your entertainment–“
“I’m glad to hear that,” he informed her, twisting his fingers roughly inside her and feeling her cunt catch and shudder. “I am very entertained. I have half a mind to stick you on my cock and letyou squirm on top of me until I finish.” She moaned and clenched around his fingers again, and he smiled. “Do you think you would last, doll? Or are you at risk of messing yourself on me?”
She shook her head. “You say that I can hold it, sir, so you must be right,” she whimpered in a small voice. “But–but–“
“But what?”
“Would I have permission to–to pinch myself? To stop myself from coming?”
“Yes. You have blanket permission to touch yourself for that reason, as long as you’re with me,” he assured her, patting her tigh. Then he slid his fingers out of her, satisfied with the results he’d gotten, even if he still hadn’t gotten to the bottom of her misbehavior. “Go use the toilet now, and clean yourself up. No makeup or scents, we’re still sticking to basics, but you may brush your hair.”
It seemed to take her a second, writing against him, before she processed the instruction. Then she gasped and scrambled off the bed in a hurry, obviously steeling herself to pause at the edge of the bed and bow, her heels shifting against the floor like she was struggling not to dance in place. “Thank you, sir, for taking such consider care of this doll!”
“Very good,” he said, and she made her way quickly to the washroom.
Magnus rolled onto his back and listened, smiling to himself and palming his cock casually as he heard quiet whimpers of discomfort echoing from the washroom. The doll, he knew, was attempting to convince her body to release her overfull bladder–complicated, no doubt, by her raging arousal and nearness to climax, which he had learned could make urinating a challenge for women as much as it also did for men.
Finally, after nearly half a minute, came the sound of her loosing herself into the toilet, followed by a guttural moan of relief not unlike the sound he would expect her to make if he stuck his cock into her and gave her permission to come.
He laughed.
Once Magnus had prepared for theday–and took the time to spend himself quickly down the doll’s throat, gripping her hair and fucking into her mouth to bring himself to an efficient finish–it was time to get to work. He brought the doll through the palace with him to his office, which was a large, airy room at the head of the administrative wing.
As Magnus entered with the naked doll leashed at his side, Jude, his secretary, stood to greet him. “Good morning, Advisor.”
“Good morning,” Magnus said, using a touch to direct the doll towards his own desk at the back of the room.
She went obediently, standing beside the desk patiently to wait for him while he spoke with Jude, who had already taken the liberty of sorting his correspondences for him. After accepting the most important ones–copies of numbers collected in a recent survey of prices of bread, beef, and beer throughout the major cities of the Empire which he had requested and been waiting for–he went to his desk and sat.
The doll kneltbeside his chair, and he patted her head. “Look into the bottom drawer,” he instructed her.
She pulled open the bottom drawer of his desk, revealing a selection of toys that he kept handy for when he brought a doll to the office: phalic insertable toys and oil to go with them, metal clamps to be applied to nipples and other parts of the body, collars and gags.
“Choose one of the insertable toys and use the oil to slick it, Then fill your rear.”
“Which size should this doll use, sir?”
“The largest size you believe you can fit without preparing yourself first,” he said.
“Yes, sir,” she murmured, then selected the second-thinnest toy, obediently slicking it with oil before leaning forward to slide it up into her body. She bit her lip to quietly herself as she pushed it in, clearly sensitive to the fact that she was in a room where business was conducted.
When she finally lodged the toy fully inside of herself with a low sight, and then put away the oil and slide the drawer shut again, he gave her another pat on the head, then applied himself to his work.
The room was silent for the next few hours, disturbed only by the occasional shuffle of papers from himself or Jude, and faith little sights from the doll when she adjusted her weight and reacted to the toy shifting inside her. Magnus’ quill scratched across the purchasement as he recorded his notes on the figures he had received.
When Jude stood and said, “Advisor,” the sudden sound was evinedly so starting to the doll that she twitched–and then squeaked, no doubt reminded firmly of the phallus lodged in her anus as she tensed up.
Magnus ignored her, nodding to Jude in acknowledgement.
“I have some records to bring to the archive. Do you need me for anything before I go?”
“No,” Magnus said, and pulled a few items out of a drawer. “Bring these as well while you’re there. And take your time–I’ll be administratoring a spanking to this doll, and I’m sure that will be a bit disruptive.”
“Yes, Advisor Magnus,” Jude said, his face coloring a little–imagining the spanking he wouldn’t be witnessing, perhaps–as he accepted the bound sheafs of parchment.
Jude left the room quickly, boot-heels tapping quietly on the floor, and Magnus felt the doll’s eyes on him. When he looked down, he found her gazing up at him and chewing her lip.
“Sir, did–did this doll perform poorly?”
“This morning, you mean?” Magnus asked. “No. You’ve been doing very well this morning. The spanking isn’t a punishment, it’s only part of my overall plan to correct your confused thinking. Is that understand?”
“Yes, sir,” she said, looking relieved. “I understand.”
He nodded and pushed back from the desk, turning his chair at a right angle to it. “Come here.”
The doll climbed into his lap, and then–at his direction–onto his desk, laying herself across it with her legs over his knees and her rump presented pretty.
He took a moment to fiddle with the toy in her rear, pulling it out a bit and turning it before pushing it in again, and watched the way her cunt flexed automatically in response.
Then he delivered the first hard spank.
She grunted in surprise, the toy slipping out of her a fraction as she tensed up.
Magnus tutted and pushed it back in. “Hold that in place, now.”
“Y-yes sir, this doll apologizes–eep,” she yelped as his hand landed across her rear a second time. The toy jumped, but she managed to keep it from slipping this time; so he continued, swatting her a dozen more times in quick succession.
By the end of the set, the doll was panting hard and shuddering, her sex dampening and winding, as if it were so grateful to not be the target of the singing slapses that it felt the need to respond with arousal. Though he imagined the toy in her back hole, and the jolting of his hand impacting around it, may also be contributing to her state.
He took a break, rubbing his handover the blush of red that he’d brought up on her skin. “Tell me, now. How did Magistrate Porcius like to use you?”
She sucked in a started breath. “S-sir–?”
He gave her another quick couple of smacks, right across where he estimated she was stinging the most, and she yelped. “Dolls don’t need to think as hard as that. I just want answers to my questions, honest answers. Did he use your rear?”
“Y-yes, yes sir, that was what he liked,” the doll said quickly. “Or sometimes between my thighs–low down, so he wouldn’t accidentally touch me where he wasn’t allowed.”
“Mm, I see. And your mouth?”
“No, sir, he didn’t like to use my mouth, because he liked to kiss me while he finished.”
“I see.” Magnus leaned onto the desk and reached down to slip two fingers into the doll’s mouth.
She opened up obediently, letting him pry past her teeth, prod at her tongue. When Magnus dipped his other hand down from where he had been caresing her spanked buttons,slipping it between her tights to tease lightly at her cunny, he feel the movement of her tongue as she swallowed–a wet, convulsive movement that mirrored the way her slit pulsed under his fingers.
“This mouth?” Magnus mused. “He found it more useful for kissing than fucking? What a waste. I’ll have you suck Jude, when he returns.”
“Ye-th thir,” she lisped around the intrusion of his fingers.
He prodded again at her cunny, and she breathed in hard, her hips tensioning against the obvious urge to flex and rut down into the sensing. The visible end of the toy lodged in her rear bobbed a bit.
Magnus pulled his hand away from her mouth and tugged lightly at her hair, then left her sex alone to deliver five more sharp, serious slaps across her rump. These ones seemed to take her by surprise–the break in between, he knew, would have let the sing grow from the first set, intensifying the feeling–and she gasped and whimpered.
Then, Magnus stopped and once again grabbed hold of the toy in her rear, this time pumping it in and out of her with more purpose. The doll let out a shuddering noise, her hips wiggling in place.
“Like this?” he questioned. “He would use you this way?”
“Yes, sir,” she groaned.
“Did he feel very much like this?”
“H-he…he was thicker, sir…”
Magnus nodded. That only stood to reason; the toy was quite slim. He pulled it out of her, then leaned down and opened the drawer where it had come from, retrieving the phallus that was closer in thickness to a standard man’s cock.
After coating the new toy in oil, he pushed it into her–slowly, allowing her time to stretch–and listened to her moan.
“More like this?”
“Yes, sir…very much like it…”
He began working the toy in and out of her slowly. “And was he gentle with you? Used you carefully?”
“At first, yes…but then sometimes…he would be fast,” she murmured. Magnus picked up speed in response, plunging the toyin and out of her, and she gasped, her empty cunt spasming. “L-like that…”
“Which did you prefer? When he was slow and gentle, or when he would take you fast and hard?”
“This doll was only happy to serve him, sir,” she said, a blissful edge to her voice. As he began to pump the toy more quickly in her, she groaned and her sex twitched again, a long line of fluid dripping down from it and catching on her thigh.
“That’s good,” Magnus murmured, considering. “And climaxing?”
“He loved to climax inside my rear, sir. While kissing me.” She spread her thighs a bit and arched her back, perhaps unconsciously mimicking the pose that she would be in to receive him at those times, to allow him to push deep into her.
Magnus chuckled and patted her back with his free hand. “Yes, you said. I mean you, little doll. Did you climax when the Magistrate used you?”
“Oh. Sometimes,” she gasped. “When he would do it hard, and fast, and in–in a certain way, sometimes this doll would—-” she fell silent for a second as Magnus used the hand on her back to push her hips down a bit, changing the angle of the toy entering her. “Hh–sir…”
“Like this? Receive a pounding like this in your rear from Porcius, you might climax?”
“Yes…” she gasped, her hips hitching. Magnus continued to fuck the toy into her in short, quick thrusts, and after a few seconds, she whimpered. “Sir…”
“Remember, now, I don’t want you to finish.”
“Yes, sir,” she said, her tone so close to a whine that it made Magnus want to laugh.
“Did you enjoy that? Coming for your Magistrate?”
“I did, sir, because he loved it so much,” she gasped.
“He loved it? Porcius enjoyed it when you finished?”
“Yes, yes, he did. He would go wild with password and kiss me, and tell me that he was proud, and that I deserved pleasure. He would say that I–that I was such a good doll and nobody else had noticed–” her voice cracked a bit and her hips jolted.
“You are a good doll,” Magnus agreed. “But what does that have to do with what you deserve?”
“H-he–he said–ughn,” the doll fell silent suddenly and sucked in a hard breath, her fingers scrapbling at the desk, like she was fighting back the urge to climax, and then she hiccoughed out, “Sir, please…”
Magnus continued to pump the toy inside her. “What did he say? I’m trying to understand, little doll, but this is very confusing to me. Why did Porcious believe that he was the only one who noticed how good you were?”
“B-because nobody else wanted me,” she sobbed, her voice shaking with how frantically she panted for air. “H-he saw that nobody else paid me special attention, except the guards who will use any doll that’s available. And he told me that was because they all hadn’t seen how good I was, how hard I was working to be a good doll, and that I deserved to have my cunt and climate played with and made to come sometimes like the other very good dolls. But h-he couldn’t do that because he wasn’t allowed, so he was so happy when I came from him using my ass–uh, sir–sir–” she went silent again, tensing up, her thighs trembling.
Magnus plunged the toy into her even faster, grinding it mercilessly deep inside. Her voice cracked on a long sob and she clawed at his desk.
“Despicable,” he informed her. “Did you think that way, before he started to play with you? Did you believe that anyone thought you weren’t good enough?”
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