Timelooper Ch. 01

Weird Doc Marsden is weird because he has a timelooper and can change the past. He is also a member of The Society, a retired Grand Master, and a very kinki old man who has a story to tell David that will change his life.

This is Chapter One of Four chapters. This is either a Sci-Fi story woven through a BDSM story or a BDSM story woven through a Sci-Fi story. If you’re a Sci-Fi geek who doesn’t want the BDSM stuff, just skip through that to the Sci-Fi story. If you’re a BDSM freak who does’t care about the Sci-Fi stuff, skip that and enjoy the BDSM portions. The BDSM portions stand more or less on their own, but the Sci-Fi story is in four parts that only make sense if you have read the chapters in sequence.

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WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events described are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life.

All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century.

Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is copyright (c) 2020 by The Technician.

Individual readers may archive and/or print single copies of this story for personal, non-commercial use. Production of multiple copies of this story on paper, disk, or other fixed format is expressly forbidden.

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CHAPTER ONE – The Marsden Mansion

David DeAngelo walked slowly into the elaborately-restored ballroom of the Marsden Mansion. Doctor Victor Marsden was very rich and more than a little eccentric– though some people would use the word kinky rather than eccentric. Rumors of his parties had swirled around the small town of Pattersonville for the sixty years he had owned Marsden Mansion, once called the Patterson Estate.

The Pattersons founded a town around their mill in the late 1800’s and named it after themselves. They soon became immensely wealthy. The second generation built a huge country estate back in the 1920’s. The roaring twentyties were an era when rich people showed off their money. It was also an era built on inflated property and stock values. The Pattersons went bust in the crash of ’29 and the estate fell into ruin.

The bank foreclosed on the property, divided the manor house into small apartments, and spared out the surrounding land to local farmers. It remained that way until Victor Marsden won big in Vegas and then doubled or even tripled that money in the stock market. With his new-found wealth, he bought the estate and began to restore it. Through the years, he continued to restore the manor house as he steadily increased his fortune in the stock market. Also along the way, he got a doctorate in Paleontology and personally sponsored many digs throughout the world. His many finds made him well known and highly respected throughout the world, but around Pattersonville he remains just “Crazy Doc Marsden,” the weird rich guy who throws some of the wildest parties in the world.

David didn’t know why he was invited to a party at the Marsden Mansion. He would have assumed it was totally a mistake if the invitation hadn’t been hand-delivered by one of Doctor Marsden’s personal staff. David tried to turn down the invitation. “I’m an introverted geek,” he said.”Why would Doc Marsden want me at his party?”

When that didn’t seem to faze the messenger, he continued, “I’m not that great with girls. I don’t understand the subtle signals that girls are always giving off. I mean, how am I supposed to know that red high heels or high heels with red bottom soles are supposed to mean ‘I’m horny.’? Or that a gray scarf tied on the left side means you are looking for someone to tie you up? The only thing that I know for sure is that I don’t fit in with the people who come to these parties.”

The messenger listened politely and then said firmly, “It is a semi-formal party. Dress appropriately. A car will pick you up at 8:45 Friday night. Be ready.”

David just swallowed hard and said, “OK.” The messenger smiled at him, turned, and left.

The car arrived exactly on time. David had been ready for over an hour. Before that, he had spent an hour and a half putting on and taking off almost every piece of clothing that he owned. “What is semi-formal?” he shouted in frustration as he throw his last pair of pants onto the pile on his bed. Finally he decided that he would dress like some of his heros in the tech world. When his ride arrived, he was dressed in a pair of faded blue jeans, a dark khaki sport coat, and a white polo shirt. The one item he didn’t have to decide about at the last minute was his shoes. He had actually gone out and bought a new pair of black sneakers to wear with whatever he finally decided to wear.

From the look of the front driveway of the mansion with all of the cars parked around the huge circle, most people had already arrived. The driver walked in with him, staying slightly behind. A middle-aged man dressed in a red suit coat of some sort, black pants, and a frilly white shirt asked him, “How should I announce you?”

David looked back at him in total confusion. The driver whispered loudly in his ear, “He wants your name,” so David said, “David, just David… I guess.”

The manin the red coat pounded a tall, heavy cane of some sort on the floor and yelled loudly, “David… just David.”

David stood frozen but the driver tapped on his shoulder and pointed across the ballroom to where Doc Marsden was beckoning him. He continued walking slowly until he found himself standing in front of the old man’s wheelchair at a small round table.

“Come, come, sit down here next to me,” Doc said. “I’ve saved a place for you.” He gestured out at the room and said, “We’ve all been waiting for you.”

That really didn’t help David’s nerves. As David sat down, the old man continued, “I think tonight is going to change your life.”

David didn’t respond except for a nod as he sat down. Then he said softly, “Thank you for inviting me, sir, but I really don’t know why I’m here.”

“Time for explanations later,” Doc said with a dry chuckle, “but for now, It’s showtime!” Those last words he nearly shouted out. When he did, the room suddenly became silent and a spotlight came on in the center of the dimly lit ballroom. A man dressed in a black tuxedo with wide, shiny laptops stepped into the light and said, “Ladies and Gentlemen, Masters and Mistresses, Masseurs and Doms, submissives and slaves, Members of The Society and all guests and neutrals present; our first presentation for tonight is a simple collaring ceremony.

Doc leaned in close to David and said softly, “I think a collaring ceremony is such a delightful way to start an evening, don’t you?”

David just stared out silently as the lighting for the rest of the ballroom got slightly brighter. Then a man dressed in a western-cut black suit with a black polo shirt on under the coat stepped out into the center of the ballroom and stood near the man in the spotlight.

“Master Cunningham,” the Emcee said, “has decided to add a new slave to his stable.”

Doc again leaned in close to David and whispered, “It’s actually his first official slave.”

David turned to face Doc but his attention was instead caught by a naked young woman who began to walk promptly towards the Master in the center of the room. When she had just about reached him, another naked woman appeared and stood next to him, holding a tray. The young woman stopped and then continued forward. When she reached Master Cunningham, she lowered herself to her knees, stretched out her arms, and bowed down her head and arms so that her forehead was touching the floor in front of him. Her hands were flat on the floor just at his feet. She then said in a loud, but some shadowy voice, “Master William, I want to submit myself to you this day and beg that you accept me as your slave.”

Master Cunningham said simply, “Kneeling rest,” and the young woman lifted up her body so that she was sitting on her ankles. The woman with the tray lowered it so that the young woman could take something off of it and then stepped away. The young woman held out her hands flat with her palms up. Across her hands was a pink collar with jewels or sequins glimmering on it. In a quivering voice she said, “I offer this collar and myself to you and submit to you as my Master… if you will have me.”

Master William looked down at her and smiled. It was obvious from the warmth of that smile that they loved each other. His smile widened as he reached down and took the collar from her hands. Then he carefully wrapped it around her neck and said loudly, “I accept you as my slave. Your name shall be princess.”

He smiled down at her and asked, “What is your safeword?”

She lowered her eyes and answered softly, “Maleficent, Master. My safe word is the name of the evil queen in sleeping beauty, Maleficent.”

“And what is your escape phrase which would terminate this relationship if I violent our agreed upon terms and boundaries?” he asked.

She swallowed hard and then said with a shadow voice, “I will never have to use it, my Master, but it is ‘The apple has been poisoned.’”

He waited a moment or two and then said with a smile, “You may rise.” He took her by the hand and pulled her to his side where she stood with tears of joy slowly rolling down her face.

Doc leaned in to David and said softly, “I think you figured out that Rebecca… slave princess… is Master William Cunningham’s slave wife. There are several Master here tonight who have slave wives.” He chuckled and added, “… and there are as many Mistresses with slave husbands, or in some cases, slave wives.”

“I don’t understand why I am here,” David said once again. Then he quickly added, “I’m glad you invited me, but…” He gestured with his hands. “… I don’t seem to fit into all of this.”

Doc laughed. “You think that a nerdy boy like you wouldn’t be part of the BDSM scene, do you? Didn’t you watch what just occurred? A man and a woman made their relationship explicit. No need for interpreting abstract symbols or guessing hints. Everything is out front and above board. Rebecca has agreed to be slave princess and William has agreed to love and protect her and play by the rules. And if he forgets the rules or does something that princess won’t accept, she just says ‘Malefacent’ and they stop and discuss it.”

“Oh,” David said, “that would appeal to a nerd.”

“Or nerdette,” Doc Marsden responded. Then he looked David directly in the eyes and said, “But are you a Master or a slave?”

David sputtered “I… I… I…” but Doc held up his hand and said, “Don’t answer that… yet. Just watch a few more of our presentations. And between sets, I will tell you a little about myself.” David was about to answer, but the MC was starting to say something so he just nodded.

The spotlight was back on and the tuxedo-clad man was saying something about wishing Master William and slave princess a long life together. Then he turned completely around as if looking for something in the crowd in the ballroom. “Ah,” he finally said, “I wasn’t sure if the equipment had arrived.”

Doc yelled out to the man, “If W says the equipment will be here on time, it will be here. The truck arrived at eight o’clock in plenty of time for our little fantasy race.” He laughed and then said, “Don’t worry folks, the actual races will be tomorrow afternoon out in the paddock area. This is just a demonstration of technique.”

Six or seven men dressed in all black with “staff” written on the back of their black T-shirts wheeled out a strange looking device that looked somewhat like a black frame from a giant, collapsed, beach umbrella. They set it in place and lowered four legs that had been folded up against the tall post. The legs lay on the floor and stretched out about three feet from the upright portion. Then the men began pulling out four… Somethings. Whatever they were hung from a stiff rod that opened upward like the struts of an umbrella. Once all four struts were pushed fully up, the devices which hung from them were moverved into place at the outer ends of the struts, about eight feet from the center pole. With some twisting that was accompanied by several loud clicks, the devices took shape. Two poles came down from the strut. A single pole ran between the uprights about five feet off the floor and held the poles approximately three feet apart. A short pole– about two feet long– went forward on the upright poles at about wait high.

David was wondering what this strange piece of equipment could be for and became even more confused when four more or less naked men were led out and positioned between the upright poles. They were barefoot with nothing on their legs. Their arms were also bare except for large, leather wristcuffs with something dangling from the sides. Each man had a black mask or hood which covered the top portion of his face. His mouth was visible and there were openings for his eyes. A small opening over the ears obviously allowed for hearing, but the ears themselves were not visible. Two of the men had large, black plums sticking straight up from their hoods. The hoods of the other two were formed to the top of their heads as if they were bald.

All four men had on wide, black leather belts with a thin crotch strap which seemed to split into two pieces to go around their cock and balls. Two of the men had a strange black metal contraction encasing their penis and balls. For one man, his prick seemed to be Only an inch or so long. The other man’s penis was all but gone and his testicles seemed to be pressed back and up into his body. The two men whose prices were not constrained were sporting impressive hard ons. They were also the ones with the plumes on top of their head gear.

All four of the black belts had a large threaded chainlink hanging from chrome D-rings on each side. As the men were put into place, one of the staff workers opened the threaded link and attached it to a D-ring on the upright poles. After attaching the links, a similar system was used to attach the wrist restraints to the front of the short poles. The final thing put in place were small butterfly clamps which attached to the men’s nipples. A chain ran from each of the clamps to a spot on the upright struts slightly above each man’s head. The chains were not pulled tight and seemed to be primarily to hold the clamp and keep it from falling if it were to dislodge from the nipple.

After all of the men were in place, a Mistress stepped into the light. She was dressed in standard English hunt attire with high black boots, tight Jodhpur pants, and a red, fitted hunt jacket. The only thing not standard to the attire which declared her an official of the hunt was that she was wearing a white silk blouse, open at the throat, rather than the expected linen shirt with a black tie.

She was holding a long handled whip with the leather curled back into Her hand. As she approached the men in the carousel, she released the leather and let it swing out fromHer body. The leather itself was thin and braided, but the end was not tailed. Instead the end of the whip had a small, square piece of leather on it like you would find on the tip of a crop.

As she stood next to the carousel, the MC said loudly, “I present to you Mistress Ivana and her matched set.”

She nodded towards the MC and walked slowly around the carousel so that each of the men could see her clearly. Then she said firmly, “Starting position!” and all of the men raised their right leg into the air until the knee was bent slightly greater than ninety degrees. She swished the whip slightly and the tip swung out and slapped into one of the ponyboi’s asscheeks with a loud pop.

“Begin!” she said just as the whip struck.

The four men began prancing around in their tight circle. “On your toes! Knees higher!” she called out and the men raised onto their tiptoes and began bringing their legs well beyond the ninety degree mark.

The whip flicked out four times, striking each of the men on the ass cheek. Then the Mistress changed the way she flicked the leather so that it swung upward rather than horizontal. One of the ponybois yelped as the crop patch landed squarely between his legs.

The Mistress then reached into her pocket and held up a remote of some sort. “Let’s add a little pleasure,” she said loudly and pressed a button.

Doc leaned over to David and said, “She just started the vibrators on their ass plugs. They have three minutes to make thirty revolutions on that wheel or the pleasure turns to pain.”

David replied, “What?” but Doc just said, “Watch… watch… You’ll learn something.”

The ponybois were now prancing frantically around their little circle. The two men whose prices were captured in the chatity devices were leaking cum… or piss… or a combination of both. The pricks of the other two men were bobbing and swaying as they pumped their legs up and down like show horses.

Just short of the three minutes, one of the non-constrained men broke step and stood shuddering as he erupted out onto the floor. The Mistress held her hand– and the remote- high in the air and said, “You know what failure means!” She then pressed another button on the remote. All four men tensed up as if someone or something had speared them in the ass. One of the restrained ponybois screamed a high pitch scream. The other just took a deep breath… a really deep breath. The unrestrained ponyboi who hadn’t yet climaxed, let out a deep, quivering moan and copied his harness mate by spurting out onto the floor.

Doc leaned in to David and asked, “Do you know what happened there?”

“One of those guys couldn’t hold back because of the pleasure he was getting from the vibrating ass plug,” David said.

“And the other?” asked Doc

“Well,” David answered, “it looks like he could handle the pleasure, but the pain took him over the top. And maybe it did the same for the two with their pricksin those strange holders.”

Doc smiled and said, “Now you know what a painslut is.”

A round of soft applause drew Doc’s and David’s eyes back to the center of the ballroom. The black-clad staff people were releasing the ponybois from the carousel. The Mistress stood facing them with her hands on her hips. “I am very disappointed in you all,” she said sternly. “If they didn’t have to get Everything switched over for the next demonstration, I would have you clean up the floor with your tongues!” She flicked the whip so that it snapped very loudly against one of the ponyboi’s asscheeks. She then led all four bois out into the darkness.

“While they are resetting,” Doc said softly to David, “let me tell you a little about why you are here. It’s a long story, but bear with me. We have all weekend.”

David spun his head and said, “What?!” but Doc just shifted in his wheelchair and then leaned back slightly and rested his arm firmly on the arm rest. “It all started backWhen I was in college,” he began. “I was supposed to be working under a couple of famous paleontologists as a summer intern, but the federal government was shut down because of some sort of political security infighting. That means their grant was frozen and they ‘lost their window’ for the dig. I, however, was still committed to twelve weeks of study at the site out in the desert in Nevada. Basically I was a cheap security guard until they could get their foundation back in place and come back to the dig. Nobody ever came through that desolate section of desert, but the dig was not properly covered and protected, so someone had to ‘check on it daily.’ Since it took so long to get out there, the best way to do that was to have someone live on site full time in the dilapidated security trailer.”


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