Brief encounters in Damascus

Hi, this is Araddhya Chettri. I’m 35 years old. Originally I’m from Nepal; I’m an explorer by profession due to my profession I’ve been moving different countries and continents in last ten years. Most of my sexual experiences were brief-encounters or something like one night love affairs! After more than one year of living in Middle East, my love life had turned out to be much More varied than I ever could have expected. Hidden behind a curve of social norms and religious habits, deep lust and longing had unveiled itself to me and more than once I had deeply gotten enangled in a night of password sex with Arab women. However, my latest adventure proved to be even more daring and surprising than the previous ones. I had just finished 12 days trip to Syria; I had a week break before my next trip to another destination. I just made up my mind and decide to spend whole week in Damascus, Syria. May was just the perfect month to be in Damascus: hot like a European summer, trees and flowers in full bloom and the entire city was waking up from its self-imposed winter sleep by strolling around until late at night. It was also the time when the old town houses converted into restaurants started opening up the roof of their court yards to reveal the night skies to the diners below. I had the chance to spend one of these wonderful evenings with some friends and colleagues, enjoying the various delicacies of Syria Cuisine at its best. While lazily puffing away on a hubble-bubble (or narghile in Arabic), I noticed the big party that had taken the table next to us. While most of them were couples in their 50’s and 60’s, the sight of two women in their midst struck me as quite unusual.

First the fact that they did not really fit into the group; and second that although they seemed to be close friends, they could not have been more different in their appearance: one was clearly influenced by Western society and dressed that way with tight jeans, a stretched top showing her curvy figure and long, curly hair to perfectly frame her oriental features; the other one was covered in the black Arabic dress, the abbaya, including the matching head scarf so that only her dark, black eyes showed. While I was watching them, I realized that they must have been observing me before, since they started discussing some topic while looking into my direction. Their giggling seemed to confirm my suspicions, and suddenly I was met with two brightly lit pairs of eyes looking into mine and starting to smile. Somehow uncertain about this unexpected show of attention, I returned to my hubble-bubble and keep puffing away. However, every time my look wandered into their direction, I caught a smile or a glimpse of something undefined by both of them, as if they were sizing me up for something – not quite the usual way of Consideration that I had gotten used to in Syria. Playing along with them, I gave them some of my most beautiful smiles and simply enjoyed the moments of the wonderful spring night. When I excused myself to go to the bathroom, I did not immediately notice that both women also started in the same direction. When we almost bumped into each other in the anteroom, we seemed all equally surprised. After a moment of an insecure exchange of smiles, the Western-style woman was the first one to speak: “Btehki arabi (Do you speak Arabic)?” she asked me.

“Bass shway (Just a little),” I replied, “My English is a lot better. Do you speak English?”

“I do,” she gave back, “but my friend only speaks a little bit. But she can understand quite well!”

“Then maybe English is the better option,” I suggested with a smile. “What are your names?”

“I am Samira and my friend’s name is Zahra.”

I brought my hand to my heart, observing the Arabian rule not to shake hands with women, and introduced myself. Into the littlepause that followed, Samira spoke again: “Can we have your phone number?”

“Oh yes, of course,” I replied quite surprised; this was really an unusual move. But I was not willing to spoil the moment, although I did not really make much of all that.

Samira took down my number into her cell phone. Then she motioned towards the toilets: “I guess we better continue, otherwise everybody will be wondering where we are!” And with a final look to me she said: “We will call you; we would want to meet you again!”

Zahra had been following our conversation with a certain reserve, although she gave the impression of having understanding the topic. As if to make up for her silence, she gave me one deep and long final look from her dark eyes before disappearing behind her friend into the bathroom. Still wondering, I emerged shortly after to rejoin my friends at the table, where we got ready to pay the bill and leave. A final look to the neighboring table was met by two pairs for eyes smiling happily – and both Samira and Zahra gave me a hidden bye-bye wave. By the next day, I had almost forgotten about the incident at the restaurant, when in the afternoon, my cell phone announced an incoming call. Not recognizing the number, I answered and was met by a familiar voice: “Hi, this is Samira, you remember me from yesterday?” Well, that was a real surprise! “Hi Samira, of course I remember you, but I never thought you would really call! How was your evening yesterday, did you stay for long at the restaurant?”

“Oh yes,” she replied, “we stayed for quite long, it was just a shame that you had left so early! We had much more fun when you were still there.”

“Well, I could see that, you two were constantly gossiping secretly in my direction. What did you talk about?”

“Women’s stuff,” she answered teasingly, leaving a small pause after her remark. “What are you doing now; do you maybe have time for a coffee?”

That was an even more unusual move, but I had learned not to be surprised too much in this society. “I am actually just strolling around in the park in Shala’an and I would not mind a coffee. What do you have in mind?”

“Do you know the ‘La Trattoria’, that’s not far from you? I am sure you have been there. What about meeting there in half an hour?”

I agreed, then starting to become a little nervous. What did that woman actually want from me? She had been asking me straightforward for my phone number, and now she was inviting me for a coffee? Deeply immerged in my thoughts, I strolled towards the cafeteria and sat down, reserved the opposite seat for her. Samira showed up right on time and sat down opposite me, giving a fully content smile at her successful initiative. I did not show my slight disappointntment that Zahra was not in her company, remembering her last look in that restaurant one day before. However, that did not stop me from watching Samira more intensely in daylight: she was a true woman in her mid-30’s, with full hair highlighted by dyed streaks. That day, she wore black trousers that showed her female curves and a purple blouse, whose reflection gave her smile an extra touch of spring. Her well-groomed appearance matched her flashy make-up. Positively enough, we got along instantly and our meeting was like that of old friends: we chatted about ourselves, our current jobs and leisure activities in and around Damascus. Samira had lived for some years in Beirut, giving her the aura of a cosmopolitan woman who spoke outstanding English; this was clearly something not to be found in Syria. But despite our loose conversation, I keep having the feeling that she was having something in mind, some intentions that were at that point not quite clear to me. Things only started tolighten up when I asked about her friend: “So, how is Zahra doing? Why did she not join us?”

Her face took on a more conspiratorial expression: “Well, Zahra would have loved to be here with you and me, but that is a somehow complicated story…” She waited for my consent to continue. “She told me that she really found you very attractive and appealing as a man. That is not something easily said for a Syrian woman, but somehow she has taken on an interest in you. I know I am being very open right Now, is that ok for you?” I stirred a little in my seat, not exactly knowing where this was going to lead. But I was bound to find out: “Sure, go ahead.”

“Ok, so I will be frank with you. If you think what I say is crazy, please feel free to get up and leave; the coffee is on my anyway.” She paused for a moment, and then continued. “You see, I and Zahra have been friends for a very long time and we share each othes joys and problems. Zahra is a married woman, as you can probably imagine. Although her marriage is quite good, there is one area where she and her husband don’t seem to find a right connection: they are not having good sex.” When saying these words, she had lowered her voice a little and had looked around. After all, we were still in a public place, where conversations like this were not really appropriated. She looked back at me and cleared her throat. Although her self-confident aura, this was even for her a quite sensitive topic. “The point is: Zahra is really longing to have a fulfilling, intense sexual experience. And when she saw you, she thought maybe she could make this experience with you.” I was totally stunned at her words. Here was an Arabian woman, telling me that her friend wanted to have sex with me? I had to swallow once, twice, and then tried to speak; but nothing came out from my mouth. Samira saw my surprise and put her hand on mine: “I am sorry if I have been too straightforward. I did not mean to overrun you with this.”

“No, no, its fine, I am just… just totally surprised”. “Actually she almost gave me a heart attack”. I managed to stutter, before adding with a smile: “But I am also honored that your friends thinks of me like that.”

This seemed to relax Samira a little: “See, she could never do something like this with an Arab man that simply is not possible. We have been talking about this recently, and when she saw you, she instantly saw a chance. You are a foreigner and not so bound into our social ties. And, if I may add that, since I think myself that you are a very handsome man and I had a good feeling about You from the beginning, I promised to support her in this. After all, we did not meet in front of the bathroom just by coincidence…” Wow, now that was some kind of proposal! I settled back in my chair and breathed in deeply. Thoughts shot through my head, and before I could get some discipline into their errant back-and-forth moves, I blurted out the first concern that came to my mind: “But how do you, err, I mean how she wants to do that? She is married and living with her husband?” Samira’s smiled widened to a grin: “She is spending quite some time at my home, and I do not have anyone to monitor my moves.” She paused for a moment in order to let me take in what she had just said, before she continued: “So what do you say is that something totally impossible or is there a chance to put that into practice? I am sure you won’t regret it, Zahra can be very intense and giving.” This woman was really incredible: she just made the most initial proposal that I had ever heard without so much as blinking – and now she looked me straight into the eye and Even extolled the qualities of her friend! But by now, I had replaced most of my self-control. This situation was just tooInteresting not to find out where it could lead to. I could still say ‘no’ later if I did not feel at ease with it, but I definitely wanted to continue this game for now. Besides, men are pretty single-minded when it comes to some issues, so my decision was clear: “Ok, I want to see where this actually leads to. Do you have some kind of plan for the event?”

“Great, this is really great, Zahra will be so excited! You know what? I will call her right away; let’s see when we can do that.”

Amazed by the quickness of her action, I watched her make a call on her cell phone. It took a while until she got an answer, but then she started speaking agitatedly into Arabic. From her expressions changing between embarrassment, calming and excitement, I could tell that Zahra was at least as surprised as I had been. Suddenly, Samira turned to me and asked expectedly: “Do you have plans for this Evening?” My heart jumped; all I coulddo was shake my head. I guess even if I had had any plans, no appointment in the world would have stopped me from making me free for that. After some more laughing phrases in Arabic, Samira closed her phone and looked at me in full anticipation: “Ok, we are set. Zahra will come to my place at 7 in the evening. We still need to prepare some things, and most of all I will have to calm her down, she was so excited and nervous! But I must admit, I am excited myself, this is really something special.” How damned right she was! I was way too caught up in my own thoughts to remember exactly what happened between the café and my home. But I did recall the way to Samira’s apartment, which she had shown me; it was not far away from my own. Needless to say that the rest of the afternoon passed usefully for me between watching TV, making something to eat and preparing myself for the evening: a clean shake around all the interesting body parts was a natural course of action andmy clothes almost selected themselves.

So I geared up just around 8 p.m. and, after inhaling deeply in front of the mirror, I set off. My hands were shaking when I pressed the bell to her door, and my knees were in no better shape when I climbed up the three floors. Not knowing what to expect and what to make of the course of events until that point really made me nervous. Samira looked fabulous when she welcomed me at the door and bad me in. Her small welcome kiss on my cheek did little to calm me down; she took my hand and led me to her living area. The apartment was huge, even under Damascene circumstances, and obviously consistent of quite a number of further rooms leading away from the entrance area. With a tasteful mixture between kitsch and modern design, Samira had proven good taste and created a beautiful home for herself and for her guests. Only vaguely I noticed that also Samira had prepared herself for a special evening by putting on a wide skirt and a tight top thatrevealed more cleavage than usually permitted. But my thoughts went to the woman that had the intention of having sex with me and I looked around: “Where is Zahra? She did not run away, did she?” Samira laughed: “No way, and if she had made any attempt, I would not have let her. This is her big chance of getting what she was wishing for so long. And what about you, are you having second thoughts?” straightforward question raised not only my attention, but also brought some movement in my groin region for the first time that evening. Samira’s playful way of talking about this seemingly absurd situation had a relaxing effect on me, and I noticeably loosened up. “You can imagine that this is one of the strange situations that I have ever been in during my entire life. Apart from her eyes, I don’t know anything about her! Only you’re telling me that she wants to live her desires with me tonight give me any clue about what is going to happenn.” I breathed deeply and then smiled to her. “But you know, Samira, I regard you as something like an ally, so I just trust you along. By the way, what will you are doing when we…, you know…, get to know each other?”

“I haven’t decided yet, I will see how things are going with the two of you!” She gave me long and considerate look: “Maybe I will leave you alone; maybe I will stay here and join you later”! Her words had not faded away when my cock responded and instantly grew hard. What was that supposed to mean? But I did not get the chance to pursue this thought any further. “Before you start thinking too much,” Samira interrupted my train of thought and handed me a glass of juice. “I’d say we better get into the mood for an exciting evening. Have you seen belly-dancing before?”

“Of course I have, and it was a pretty good one, too. Why do you ask?”

“Just sit back and watch,” she suggested, while bending over to turn on the stereo with some Arabic instrumental music. “Zahra has been practicing that for more than ten years.”

Suddenly, the door to one of the rooms opened up and an absolutely stunning sight was offered to me. My jar dropped and my mouth stood open. A dazzlingly beautiful woman emerged and with dancing moves made her way towards us. I could not see her face under the veil, but who else could it be than Zahra? Still trying to catch my breath, I followed her every movement of entering the room. She wore a shimmering costume in all shades of green that left her belly exposed. Her arms and shoulders were also naked and my mind was racing to catch up with all the beautifully exposed parts of her body. It was my first chance of seeing her and taking her body in: round and well-shaped with brilliantly shining skin in a light touch of olive. Her belly was obviously designed for dancing, it had just the rightcurves leading downwards and the little padding on her hips was twisting excitedly. The long skirt covered most of her legs, and only her ankles were prone to my luscious gazes. She really knew what she was doing; there was no comparison with everything I had ever seen before. Expertly, she swung her hips back and forth with incredible speed and agility, her arms flinging to the rhythm of the music, and all that was accompanied by the stimulating noise of her dress in motion. Entranced, I could not take my eyes of her dancing belly; my eyes were glued to her button in the middle of all this wild and controlled modification. When she turned around for the first time and I saw the dress falling off her ass, I guess I had to clap the armrest for support in order not to jump forward and sink my teeth into it; it offered itself in such an astonishingly juicy fashion and swayed luxuriously back in forth as if to challenge my self-control.

Like through a veil of mist I noticed that Samira had put her hand on my knee and spoke into my ear: “I have never seen it myself, it is incredible, and don’t you think?” I guess I did not even answer, but my behavior said it all. Zahra’s performance was incredible, and when it slowly dawned to me that this dancing woman actually wanted me to become intimate with her, I realized I already had a rock-hard cock in my pants. I still had not spoken a single word with Zahra, but at that point I was absolutely determined to please her in every way possible my cock would lead the way and I would do everything to follow through. After what seemed like an eternity of this extraordinary performance, Zahra slowly retired into the room where she had emerged from earlier. It took some time until her spell wore off, and my eyes were still desperately trying to follow some imagined dancing movements. The first thing I felt when I slowly came back into reality was a hand struggling the huge bulge in my pants. “She really seems to have impressed you,” Samira’s voice hardly carried through to my hearing canal, while she continued caressing my groin. “Don’t you want to go after her and show her what you both came here for?” All I had to do at that point was to get up and go after my swollen dick. Upon entering the room, I was welcomed by a warm darkness, and the smell of sweet, sinful perfume filled the air. Almost imperceptible reflections of the ornaments of her dress indicated that Zahra was drawn on a huge bed that almost filled the entire room. When I moved closer, I could feel and hear her breathing, and a wave of heat and excitement was carried into my direction.

“Ta’a hoon – come to me!” Not more than a whisper and with a wonderful Arabic accent, Zahra took the initiative for the next step. The darkness allowed me to progress only instinctively, but this was not the worst move; when sitting down on the bed, our hips met and I could follow the shade of her body up to her head. With my hand, I made the first intentional contact with her skin at her neck. A layer of hot sweat received my touch, and shortly after I feel her lips kissing my fingers. I still have no explanation what had happened to us, but we had a mutual understanding that there was one thing we both wanted that moment, without any delay: unite our bodies, making passwordate and wild love. Bending My head towards her face, kissing her and lying on top of her with my entire body was one single motion. Nothing else did matter anymore, all that existed for us were our bodies, our lust and our immediate need to release all that. We kissed so passwordfully that it hurt. We pressed our bodies against each other so fervently that we stopped breathing. We only had one thing in our mind and our blood: get naked and fuck.

Never before had I experienced such feverish need to release sexual energy. Her dancing and the perplexing situation had driven my desire to a boiling point and she obviously felt exactly the same. Desperately, we tried to get rid of our clothes, which proved under the circumstances infinitely hard. After much fumbling for what seemed like an eternity, I finally had got myself undressed and reached out to help her out of her dress. Simultaneously, our hungry hands found our sexes and greedily went exploring. While she decidedly grabbed my swollen cock and squeezed it firmly, I brought two fingers straight into her wet pussy and shoved them up her love canal. We were acting like crazy, caught in some inexplicable suction of lust. Without even so much as acknowledging the presence of her tits, I had all my attention drawn to the lust hole between her legs. The inner parts of her tights were full of love juice; she must have been just unbelievably horny. My cock was about to burst, yet I could not get enough of her grip, forced forward. Any noises were suppressed by our mouths clinging together and our tongues intertwining obviously. Only moments had passed since we had stripped out of our clothes, and the next movements happened almost instinctively. I rolled on top of her and she opened her legs to receive me. Parallel to that, we let go of our grips and instead fell into a gripping embrace. Our sexes touched; it was a feeling of fire meeting water, of glowing lava hitting the top of an iceberg. Helplessly, we were drawn into Each other. I pushed into her and our maniacal movements were only halted when the tip of my cock hit the back of her pussy. Our moaning came simply and we were completely absorbed in gripping all the incredible sensings flowing through our bodies.

Our motionlessness was not to last long, we were both dying to continue satisfying our unleashed desires. Everything else ceased to exist and all I could concentrate on was the incredible feeling of drilling my cock into this wide-open pussy. Whether Arabic or not, that cunt was just perfect to receivemy forceful pushes and my quest for physical satisfaction. While crying out in her sexual ecstasy, Zahra started to make desperate effort to actively fuck me from underneath. Giving in to her wonderful struggle, I stopped my moves and let her work her hips up and down, back and forth. Incredible, with what strength her pussy could suck in my cock! Unable to control myself any longer against these overwhelming sensings, I started to prepare for the final moments our act, when I felt something else: my balls were being massaged from behind! For a moment, my mind somersaulted until the only solution hit me: Samira must have come into the room and turned on by our fucking decided to join in! More thinking was not possible in that situation, I was coming to reach my climax: Zahra had not stopped fucking me incessantly from underneath and was screaming with lust, while Samira was now pulling strongly on my balls from behind. In the midst of this action, my orgasm was coming over me like atidal wave, throwing me over and taking me with it to unknown depths…

The first spurt came of semen came so forced through my shake that I shrieked with pain and pleasure at the same time. With all my physical strength, I drilled my full erection into Zahra’s pussy and emptied out all I had into her. The rude yanking at my balls produced even more orgasmic spasms and my whole body was jolted upwards hard. It seemed endless, and our bodies enangled in a Forceful embrace to cope with the ecstatic energy that we had unleashed. From her erratic movements, her incessant screams and the power of her grip I could tell that also Zahra must have reached her climax, although I was too spent for any physical reaction on that. With my empty cock still sticking inside her pussy, I felt the Samira’s hands still working around the base, now being much gentler in her touch. She was pressing the bottom and pulling down the skin, creating an unparallel feeling of satisfactionion within my entire body. Minutes later, my limp member slipped out and I rolled off the woman that had just fucked me almost senseless. But the high point was yet to come and despite my state, I could not prevent myself from staring incomprehensibly at what happened before my eyes: spreading her friend’s thighs wide, Samira moved between Zahra’s legs and started licking her pussy!

Absolutely fascinated though immobilized, I watched this completely unexpected development: while she was pulling the labia apart, Samira tried to get as much of her tongue inside Zahra’s pussy and joyfully sucked my love juice back out, swallowing it with obvious pleasure! Although worked up by our previous act, Zahra seemed to secretly enjoy this treatment and offered no resistance. When she had made sure that she had gotten everything she wanted, Samira pulled back and leaned over to me: “You were fantastic and you just taste wonderfully sweet.” Having said that, shekissed me passwordately and shared my own flavor with me. Samira’s hands were slowly moving towards my groin, she pushed her entire body strongly against mine. My hands had started to cares the ass cheats and Samira was responding with the same kind of attention. Her nails searched my balls to scratch them, she looked up to my face; I closed my eyes and was totally absorbed in the little shockwaves that her treatment sent Through me. She pulled foreskin all the way back. I was so horny by then, just watching her! Her exotic facial features were then right in front of my cock. Her pink tongue shot forward and touched my most sensitive skin part. Samira pulled my foreskin back and seemed to hesitate for a moment. Then she opened her anthracite lips and bowed down on. Very slowly, as if to make my pleasure expand infinitely, she took me in, first the head, and then she stretched to accommodate me in her mouth. It was a marvelous sight how her dark lips stretched around my dark cockand sucked more and more of me. When she released me again, my erection shone from her saliva.

Samira had fallen into a wonderful rhythm, letting me glide in and out of her mouth. Her lips were stretched truly, but she seemed to enjoy this immensely. She must have had quite some training at that, and for a moment I smiled at imaging the expression on her face when she had laid eyes on my cock for the first time. Now she was all absorbed in her exercise, and when moving forward, her eyes enhanced her wonderful exotic touch. I was moaning. Obviously, I loved the way she treated me – just as I wanted! I spread my legs as far as possible and put his hands on the back of her head. Samira didn’t needed encouragement, but it was just another phase of our oral sex. I held her head in place and pushed forward, driving my cock deep down her throat. Samira was almost taking my entire cock into her mouth. My mouth-fucking made her obviously excited, as she worked more intensely with her left hand at my bottom and with the right hand pulled down his balls. Samira had closed her eyes and seemed caught somewhere between pain and pleasure at his treatment. However, she seemed to become more and more heated up, judging from her feverish up-and-down motion on my shaft. She held her head still as I drive forward, almost violently violating the precious opening between her dark lips.

I was groaning intensified and Samira joined in as well as she could with her mouth filled all the way with my cock. But she was clearly horny enough to know only one goal: with all the motions of her hands, she clearly begged for me to come deep in her throat. When I pulled back just a moment too long, she desperately grabbed my cock and jerked it back into her mouth. Opening her eyes, Samira glared up my full body size and her look clearly pleaded me to shoot. This precious moment of subscription was all it took: with some more harsh pushes forward, I drove my thick cock deeper into her mouth and then let out a wonderfully masculine yell. Just before climax, I consistently looked down on her; then, began to shoot my load. For what must have been two or three spurts of his semen spraying into her, we both came to a momentary halt. Then I resumed my thrusts and continued to mouth-fuck Sandra inevitably. She seemed to know what she was to expect and obediently let me work furiously between her lips, taking in the seemingly endless squirts of juice coming from his cock. I pulled my cock out of her mouth. Samira fought to swallow all I had left her with. When licking her lips to show that every precise drop had gone down her throat, I smiled contentedly at her and pulled her head towards my lips and gave her passwordate kiss and tasting my own cum in her mouth and laughingly hugged each other.

I brought one of my hands down on Samira’s breasts and started pulling teasingly on her nipples. Samira responded with a joyful motion of her upper body. After some more rounds ofthat game, she took my hand and brought it right between her legs. When I started massaging her through the material of her skirt, her body started emrith, motioning me to continue. My hand disappeared under her skirt I have found what I was expecting, and she twenty when my hand struck gold. Samira stretched on the bed and had her legs spread as far as her skirt allowed. She was desperately awaiting my touch, my stroke exciting her. She reached down and fumbled with the zipper of her skirt, and I took over pulling it down. She was wearing the matching panties, in rose color, and as expected her stockings ended well before her hips in a wonderfully elaborate lace work. The end was almost imperceptible against the dark color of her skin. Her tighs and her hips were beautiful, a true female work of art: seemingly soft and inviting, but at the same time strong and full of lust. A spot in the middle of her panty revealed the level of excitement that she was in: she was soaking wet from her previous blowjob and my massage. I motioned Samira to bow her hips upwards and pulled down her panties. I got the first full look at her pussy, nothing more and nothing less than I had imagined. The dark skin color seemed to intensify with every inch closer to the space between her legs. Her pussy was clean-shaven, only above the slit she had left a little stripe of thick, black hair. It was an arrow pointing downwards, clearly marking the way for anyone in doubt. While the tissue seemed to be soft as clouds, her groin was obviously swollen by excitement and unsatisfied lust. From between her skin folds, the inner labia stuck out and revealed a slight hint of pink interior. Her pussy could not conceal the wetness emerging from the innermost depths of this woman; her slit was soaked in anticipation. I admired this pussy like I never did with one before.

I took some seconds to savior the moment. Inhaling her scent, I probably tapped her with the finger tip. She screamed, wanting more of my touch. I moved in from the side and was met with wide open legs. She practically pushed her treasures towards me. I finally shook off the spell of watching her and used both hands to pull her labia apart. The pink flesh that I revealed stood in sharp contrast to her dark skin and my excitement rose. I decided to make the move and bowed down. I went straight for her clip and sucked it powerfully into my mouth. She was caught off guard by this and let out a scream, followed by a hefty movement of her hips. A second later, she reached out and found my dick, which by then was halfway back to erection. She had gripped my dick firmly and squeezed it while enjoying the spasms that were sent through her body. Almost brutally, I bent her thighs further apart and then shoved two fingers forced up her pussy. She let out another scream of joy, and it was obvious that she was craving for more of that treatment. With my fingers up her cunt and my lips sucking her clip, she was inno position to complain. Totally absorbed in her lust, she wank my now fully erect cock almost fanatically as if to prepare with all her power what she so much longed for. When her muscles started tensing under my incessant pussy work, I suddenly let go of her and pushed myself up. With the same contemporary look as before, I waited for some reaction. Even from my position, I could clearly make out those two words on her lips: “Fuck me.” I still waited. She had to say it again and again. She spread her legs totally open and pulls her pussy lips wide apart for me, incessantly repeating those two words: “Fuck me, fuck me, and fuck me.”

Finally, it seemed to have mercy with that exhaust woman that was pleading and begging me to stick my cock up her body. I placed myself into position between her legs; she was still holding everything gaping open for me and the pink interior seemed filled the entire room. ‘Fuck her, fuck her, fuck her,’ I spitout incessantly into the night. I placed my cock into position and was met with a desperate embrace by her dark-skinned legs. She was trembling in anticipation, and I was enjoying every single moment. Finally, my cock head touched the entrance of her pussy. It seemed almost impossible that this immense hard-on could actually fit into her tiny hole. But it was too late for any more delegations; she needed to be fucked and she wanted this cock inside of her. Grabbing her round ass on both sides, I went in for the final move. I did it slowly. As in slow motion, I pushed forward; but I would not hold up even once. With extreme determination, I sank my enormous erection right into her centre. Her pussy was stretched so much that I thought it had to burst out the next second. But that did not happen; instead, she seemed to have entered into a state of trace with my cock being shoved up inside her.

Starting with a slight trembling, her body began to shiver and shake until it is becausee almost uncontrollable. Her mouth wide open, staring ecstatically at the ceiling, she tried to spread her legs even more to take all of me. Almost all of my cock was plugged into her and I still did not stop pushing forward. My balls started to contract even without me touching them or my cock. Just the sight of them was more than I could take. I felt my orgasm building up in the deepest regions of my groin. My cock sticking way up her pussy, but it seemed now highly intense. Slowly pulling back, I let her calm down a little. But when she seemed to have gained some control of her body movements, I went in for the kill. With unexpected viciousness, I slammed my hips forward and my immense erection all the way into her. Though this motion must almost have ripped her open, she simply took it, and then again, and again. Like a maniac, I was now Using my dick as a jackhammer to penetrate time and time again into Samira’s pink pussy. She throw her arms above her head and started screaming relentlessly. This only encouraged me to fuck her harder, pushing her almost against the headboard of the bed. And then, her body jerked up and she wrapped her arms around me, bringing both of our bodies together in an ecstatic last spasm. Our insetting simulateneous orgasms hit us in total stillness and we were even too tangled up to emit any noise whatsoever. I stick my dick into her pussy until my balls were completely empty. We slowly slipped apart and kissed each other. Meanwhile I felt there’s someone behind me and it was Zahra giving me nice Arabian smile! This is one of the unforgettable brief-encounters during my 18 months stay in Middle East. Looking forward to hearing your feedback soon at [email protected].


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