Ya Just Never Know Ch. 02

Dear readers: You’re cordially encouraged to go back and read Chapter One of this story to become acquainted with the characters, and the hot finger fucking, of course.

Enjoy. All aboard. I’d appreciate our feedback. This is my maiden venture into a BDSM story line, thanks.


The sweet taste of Keri’s hot, dripping cunt juices lingered on my hand throughout the night on Saturday. Come on, guys (and ladies), confess. You know you do this, too, we all have from time to time. Forsaking hygiene for a few hours so that you can savor the intoxicating, lingering scent of a lover’s cum on your hands to memoryize a night that ended far too soon.

Combined with the memory of her incredibly talented and passwordate kisses and her teasing hint of obedience, my often disobedient cock throbbed constantly throughout the week in anticipation of our next rendezvous on this upcoming weekend.

I received only one correspondence from Keri during the week, an e-mail message that said only: Come up to my apartment door when you pick me up, I want to discuss something with you.

I had picked her up at the front of her high-rise vestibule last date due to the fact that her young daughter was home with a babysitter, so this revelation told me that I had a invitation into her above for this date. This offset the normal anxiety whenever a woman information you she wants to ‘discuss something’. Stronger men than myself have run for the hills upon hearing that phrase, it is indeed truly frightening normally for most males just seeking no-strings-attached carnal activities.

Instinctively, though, I sensed Keri had something relevant to share. It was apparent to me that still waters ran very deep inside of this externally subdued, private, yet highly intelligent woman. Intelligent women are always the most creative and adventurous lovers, from my humble perspective.

However, her cunt spoke volumes to me. It was literally the hottest tunnel thatI had ever explored, the securing temperature that exuded from within her channels was unlike any that I had ever experienced from a woman, and this was just from mere, though intense, digital explorations. I knew the topic of conversation would be similarly scintillating.

8 P.M. Saturday finally rolled around after countless masturbation sessions during the long week. It was all I could do to declare a 24-hour moratorium and cease-fire between my hands and my own cock so that I had some ammunition remaining for the anticipated skirt with Keri’s pussy, so I stopped my relentless self-assault with one last rousing session behind closed office doors before I departed my office on Friday afternoon. Discipline was not normally my strong point. I would soon be duly motivated to improve.

Keri greeted me at the door and gave me a soft kiss and a warm hug, all rather platonic. She had heeded the request for a skirt, but it was a conservative, tasteful, suede skirt down to her ankles, augmented by leather boots with high heels. She again hovered over me by several inches, which I continued to find extremely arousing. Something about a tall, slender woman in heels.

“My daughter will be home in about two hours, she’s at the movies with my sister and her kids, so if its OK with you, I thought we could just stay here?”

As she motioned me to sit down on the couch, she quite obviously noticed me perusing her attire. She raised an eyebrow quizzically as she sat down next to me, on the other side of the couch, a clear signal that we would indeed be conversing first before any extracurricular activities may commence. “Is something wrong?”, she inquired, looking disappointed.

I blushed and stammered, diverting my eyes away from her legs, and tried to block out my thoughts of what was hiding beneath the long skirt and boots. Her legs were impossiblely long, and I wanted to get between them pronto. However, for now, discretion was the better part of valor./p>

“No, no, not at all, it’s just that, well….”

Keri smiled smugly and uncrossed and then again crossed her legs. It was as if she were reading my mind. (What’s that old joke about a psychic breaking up with me very early in the relationship? It means she’s very good at her job.)

“If you wanted me to wear a shorter skirt, John, you should have been much More specific. I told you I can be very obedient.”

I squirmed on the couch, momentarily rendered speechless, unsuccessfully trying to take inventory of the karma in the room. I had lost control, for now, and was uncertain how to regain it. It was that quick. Keri flipped her hair back off of her shoulders, briefly exposing her chest so that I could see the outline of a lacy white bra beneath her silky cream-colored blouse. Her brown nipples peeked through the fabric, an encouraging sign, I mused.

“Don’t fret, John, you’ll very much enjoy what I have as accessory items this evening, in due time, perhaps. Butfor now, I need you to listen, and try to understand. Could you do that for me? I have an intuition that I can trust you.”

I nodded as earnestly as I knew how, betrayed only by the involuntary below-the-waist twitching.

Keri witnessed deeply. “I don’t know what other way to say this, John, so I’ll just blur it out. I’m a sex addict.” She stopped to study my initial reaction, but I had my best poker face on. Inside, though, I was thinking, “Tell me you own a golf course and a brewery, too.”

I extended my palms upward and rolled my fingers towards me, in the universal ‘tell me more’ gesture, and attempted to put on my most empathetic face. I’m not certain that I could have succeeded, though. Why, oh why, was my cock so steel hard?

She continued hesitantly, “Well, I guess I should clarify that statement.”

“No”, I thought to myself. “I pretty much got your point.”

“Um, I’ve never been diagnosed clinically or anything. I just know.” She paused. “This is harder than I thought.”

Again, my silent devil took over inside my head as I readjusted my lap and he uttered into my ear. “You’re telling me.”

I tried viliantly to maintain my best behavior, but in all due respect, you try sitting in front of a beautiful woman who’s in the process of telling you that she’s added to sex, and you try to maintain decorum. As Lieutenant Dirty Harry Callahan said When discussing his supervisor’s mouthwash, “It ain’t making it.” Still, my eyes implemented her to continue. After all, what could go wrong now?

I decided to ask her a question to help ease her disappoint. “When did you discover this, Keri?” I expected a benign reply. That’s not what I received.

Her eyes blazed into my own. “When I fucked five guys in a spontaneous gang bang all night at a convention in Atlantic City last summer, and then got up the next morning and blew the young bellhop as he came to pick up my bags. And that wasn’t all. There were more earlier in the week, I think I fucked or sucked twelve or fifteen guys that week. And that was the culmination of several months worth of promiscuity, ever since my dividend became official two years ago. I was on a massive ‘revenge-fuck’ mission.”

I gulped, and then swiftly gathered my wits, and came up with a very soothing reply of my own.

“Oh.” I was smooth.

Fortunately, she seemed to be oblivious to her one-man audience now, and wanted only to tell her story, a kind of therapy for her, I surveyed. I was now determined to only sit back and listen. My little head had rendered the big head temporarily incompetent, so anything I would say could not be held against me, I reasoned.

She told again, this time more deeply. “You see, that was 14 months ago, and I haven’t had any physical contact since, none at all, at least not until the other night, with you. And that opened up the floodgates again, I was afraid of that.” She looked at me, vulnerable and exposed, once again the frightinduced fawn in the forest.

“Afraid of what, Keri?”, I asked, generally curious.

She looked at me with incredulity, as if the answer was so obvious. “I’m afraid I can’t control my urge for cock, John, don’t you see?”

I shrugged, acknowledging my ignorance, waiting for Keri to elaborate.

“I need you to help me, John, I’ve thought about this all week and I want to do it. Please help me, tell me you will. I sensed you were different when we met, and I want you to be the one to help with my idea. Will you?”

Rarely, if ever, was there a time in history when a more chivalrous opportunity was ever presented to a man. It’s a tough job, but someone’s got to do it, I decided.

“Anything for you, Keri, I’m flattered that you feel so comfortable with me. But, well, uh, what exactly do I need to do to help you?”

Keri’s face softened. “You didn’t try to fuck me last week, John, that’s when I knew you were different. That pleasure you provided to me with only your fingerers, and God, it was incredible, told me that you were unselfish, and a giving lover. It’s not all about your cock, you please the woman first. True?”

I nodded bashfully, admitting the half-truth. My cock is not altogether altruistic, let’s face it. But I was interested to see where this was heading. Keri continued.

“I want you to be in control of my cock intake, John. You decide when I get cock, mostly yours, of course. And, I can’t wait to have it, by the way. But, I’m also going to entrust you with deciding if and when other men get to fuck me also. If so, you will allow me to partake, and also decide for yourself whether you are going to join in, just watch, or let me tell you about it.” I listened, transfixed, amazed, yet rock hard.

“I can’t control myself, so I’m going to ask you to ration out my allotment and be my cock adviser, for lack of a better phrase. And, while you’re pondering this, I have a pot sweetener for you, as it were. Like to hear it?” I again nodded in stability, wondering under what circumstances I would decline such an offer. I didn’t foresee hell freezing over any time in the near future.

Keri looked at me confidently. “You no doubt enjoyed the way I kissed you last week, correct?”

My mind drifted back to last week’s lip locks outside of the restaurant. “Keri, in all sincerity, you are the best kisser I have ever enjoyed. No one has ever kissed me with the password and intensity, and , well, the talent that you did.” Every word was gospel.

She grinned in self-confident assurance. “Then, just imagine how I suck cock.”

My eyes met hers with equal confidence now. “Keri, this may shock you, but that thought had crossed my mind once or twice this week.”

She smiled even More brilliantly. “Splendid!” She clapped her hands together. “Then you shall enjoy my fee proposal, I believe. As my cock manager, you will be the recipient of my oral skills anytime and anyplace you so desire, strictly on yOur whim and command. I will suck you at your beck and call.”

I looked around for the magic genie, or the ‘Punked’ camera crew. “Anytime?” I stammered.

She gave a gleeful thumbs-up sign. “Yep, anytime, guaranteed.”

I pressed my luck. “Anyplace?”

She frowned in mock consternation. “What part of this aren’t you understanding, mister? Well, within reason, of course. I mean, we don’t need to get ourselves arrested or contributing to the corruption of minors or anything. But, yes, basically, any place. You see, I love the thrill of getting caught, and I love to be watched.” She paused, teasing now, she had me, she was reeling in the hook. “Would you like people to watch me sucking your big cock, John? I feel it beneath your pants last week while I was laying on Your lap, it was pounding into the back of my head. Yes, I noticed.” She began to unbutton the top two buttons on her blouse, exposing the top of her bra. “Oh, and there’s just one more thing, kind of a catch,if you will.”

I knew it, I knew it, it was definitely too good to be true.

She peeled the blouse now off her shoulders, and stood in front of me displaying her lacy bra now, the nipples poking through in rapt attention.

“Even though you will be the master of my cock domain, so to speak, and I will of course be your submissive in that regard, I will be your submissive in that regard ONLY.” My gaze of confusion was interpreted accurately by Keri, yet she continued her master tease, completely in control now, while simultaneously offering to relinquish control to me at my direction. She reached behind her back to unsnap her bra strraps, and it fell to the floor as she continued. Her B-cup breasts perfectly accentuated her taut, slender, athletic torso, large brown areolas, perhaps three inches in diameter with full, brown nipples staring at me, begging to be sucked. Not unlike my cock, at this point.

“You see, John, I get off on playing both the sub AND the dom roles. Interchangeably, as it were. You will be my dom when it comes to my cock allowance, but at other times, especially in public when the mood strikes me, you will be my sub. Your cock will be available to me whenever I demand it, such will be the exclusive nature of our agreement.” She waited a full fifteen seconds before speaking again, using the interlude to rub her breasts and pinch her nipples between her long fingers. By now, Chinese algebra was not harder than my dick.

I decided to lighten the tension and rolled the dice with an attempt at humor. “Do I need to sign a release form or an insurance disclaimer or anything, Keri? This sounds like a potentially dangerous occupation.”

She stared at me unsmiling, ignoring my lame effort at frivility. She unzipped her long skirt and stepped out of it, so that she now stood before me in only a pair of transparent beige panties and her knee-high boots. “Do you know the difference between my pussy and my cunt, John?”

Now,Normally, I love a good riddle, but I know for certain that I did not currently hold the capacity to even garner a guess at this one, so I did the right thing and shook my head, staring at the growing wet patch beneath her taut stomach and between her long legs.

She slide the panties down her legs and rubbed her fingers across her mons. “My pussy, John, is solely to look at. Other men may now only look at and crave for my pussy”

She eased over to the couch and lay next to me, spreading her legs, exposing herself fully to me, raising her legs over my shoulders, her juices cascading already from her pussy and into her pumpered light-brown anus.

“My cunt, John, is now all yours. You own it now you control it, to suck and to fuck. Yours alone.” Her calves tightened on my neck, pulling my head downward.

“Now, suck my cunt, John, your cunt, eat me, fuck me with your tongue. Suck your slut’s sweet cunt”

I spend the next hour sucking and lapping on the tastiest, wettest, hottest, juiciest cunt that I could have ever imagined, heeding her independent demands to continue, to suck harder, to lap longer, watching her exploit in literally dozens of orgasms. My own cock pleased silently to be released from its own prince beneath my jeans, but she made it clear that tonight was, again, not about me. I sensed correctly that my reward would be forthcoming, many times over.

At the stroke of ten o’clock, my face still buried beneath the tasty waterfall that was her cunt, her phone again rang, signaling her daughter’s pending arrival back home, and the passage of our activities for this evening. Keri indicated that I had to hustle to get out before her daughter came to the door, and she quickly regrouped and put her own clothes back on.

As I walked towards the door, her juices still caking my entire face, her smell permeating her entire apartment, Keri asked me a question. “So, John, you like short skirts, do you?”

“On your particular frame, Keri, I would unequivocally say I would love to see you in the shortest, tightest skirt possible. And, since I just spent the last hour between them, I now consider myself rather an expert on the shape of your legs. So, do you have something in mind?”

She pinned me against the door and gave me one of those mind-spinning kisses, the first time all night she had kissed me on the lips. “Mmmmm, I do taste SO fucking good, don’t I?” She licked her lips, and then refocused on the question.

“Why, yes, in fact, I do, John. My daughter has a sleep-over at her cousins’ house next Saturday, so YOU ​​are going to book us into a room at the Conshohocken Marriott for the night, and I will meet you at the bar at precisely seven p.m. in the sexiest miniskirt you have ever seen. And, as a bonus for your tremendous cunt-eating performance tonight, I will begin to live up to my end of the bargain and be your little cock slut for the entire night and into the morning. RSVP?”

I nodded asshe pushed me out the door, leaving me with this promise to cum.

“You’ll like me as your cock slut, John. You’re a very lucky man. Don’t jerk off this week, I want you cumming hard all over me next week.”

“All fucking night.”

To be continued…


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