WVC Ch. 28: The Photography Class

After the private posing session I did for the Gang of Three in Ms. Reynolds classroom (WVC Ch.27 – the Private Drawing Session), Valerie and Erika waited for the other students to leave. Then the two Club members escorted me outside to make certain none of the three were lying in wait on the steps of the Art Building. I had hoped to be able to spend some social time with either one, but they both had school work to do. Or so they said. We parted ways in the middle of the campus on the walkway that led back to their sorority.

I guess I believed them. Neither had that mischievous glint that might have signaled an ultimate intent, so I trusted back across campus to my dorm. I had told Chandra that I needed to study, and it was true. As I approached the coed dorm, I realized that I was hoping she might be lurking in the lobby or outside my door in our shared hallway. I was more than a little disappointed not finding her in either location.

Locking the door behind me, I settled in for a night of studying. When I fired up my computer, I found the e-mail that I had missed, the one Erika did receive. From the Political Science Department, it read.

“You are to be the subject of a private drawing session, supervised by your trainer. You are to report to Ms. Reynolds’ art classroom at 2:00 PM on Saturday. Continue to take the diamond shaped energy pills as well as the herbal supplements tonight and Saturday. Under your normal clothes, wear your Display Suit #2, the blue posing pouch with the restraining straps. You are not to ejaculate during the session.”

There was a second e-mail as well, this one had originated in the English Department.

“You are to be the model for a photography class led Professor Eva Redmond. Report to the Room 301 in the Art Building at 7:15 PM on Wednesday, April 29. You are to take the herbal supplements and the diamond shaped energy pills beginning on Tuesday, and the following day. Eat lightly, dress caSually, and bring your leather collar and the full body harness you got at the Velvet Fist. Ms. Redmond has your Display Suit #4, and she will provide the rest of the costume you will wear. You are reminded not to ejaculate during class.”

This e-mail must have been the one Erika saw before the private drawing session. I’d never been photographed before. The prospect left me feeling both nervous and excited at the same time, and it was still four days away. Pulling out the box from underneath my bed, I rummaged through the various display suits and pieces of equipment. Laying out the metal and leather harness out on top of my bed, I shivered, wondering what else I’d be wearing for the class that the teacher would provide. And I couldn’t remember exactly what Display Suit #4 was.

I’m not sure how I managed, but I focused on studying the rest of the night, sitting on pillow on the desk chair. The welts on my ass were still quite tender. Sunday was spent hitting the booksas well, trying not to think about the upcoming photography class. Ms. Redmond? I was certain that I’d seen or heard the name before, but I couldn’t place her.

The days passed quickly. In between studying for exams and finishing papers, I wondered how this would be different from posing for a drawing class, suspecting that the poses would be more rapid, maybe like the class with Ms. Reynolds where I’d danced to music she played (WVC Ch.12 – the Intermediate Drawing Class #3). And judging from the comments made at the end of the private posing session, the Gang off Three would be there. I wondered if I would know anyone else.

By the time Wednesday evening came, my nervous energy had increased to the point I couldn’t eat any dinner, no matter what my instructions were. And my cock stayed thick and heavy, filling out the pouch of my cut-offs. Assuming I’d be changing into my gear as soon as I got to the class room, I decided to go commando. After stuffing my bondage gear intoa small carrying bag, I set off across campus and arrived promptly at 7:15. Taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door.

“Come in.”

The voice was low and all business. Timidly, I opened the door and entered the classroom, closing it softly behind me. Tallish, with close cropped blonde hair, the instructor rose from her desk and strode towards me, wearing black pants that hugged her slim hips and a white t-shirt under a purple sleepless vest. Despite my best intentions, my eyes dropped to her chest. She didn’t seem to be particularly well endowed. A brief smile flitted across her attractive features as she held out her hand. High cheesebones on her narrow face gave her the faith look of a high fashion model.

“Hello, Bill. I’m Professor Redmond. It’s good to see you again.”

As I mumbled my greeting, her smile grow broader. Her handshake was firm, almost brusque. Still griping my hand, she continued.

“We met the day you were trying on the posing suits.”

Immediately, I flushed red. Now I remember her, especially the forthright way she fondled my cock. Behind her fashionable glasses, her dark brown eyes twinkled as she finally released my hand, dropping her gaze down to the bag I held.

“Did you bring your costume?”

“Yes Ma’am.”

“Excellent! Put on the collar.”

Nodding meekly, I dug into the bag and retrieved the shiny black leather. Crossing her arms over her meter chest, she watched as I fastened it around my neck.

“Good. Now the harness.’

Pulling it out of the bag, I held it up for her, the shiny rings and buckles glinting in the lights. She was still smiling as she shook her head.

“You’ll need to take off your clothes to put it on, Bill.”

I looked around for a changing area. One end of the long room was closed off by a black curtain, so turned towards it, assuming that I was to change on the other side.

“Where are you going?”

Her words were curt so I stopped immediately. Gestraverse toward the curtain, I asked.

“Isn’t that where I change?”

“No. Our photography stage with all the props and equipment is behind that curtain. You can change out here.”


She nodded as she checked her watch.

“Yeah, and we only have a few minutes before the students start to arrive.”

The tall blonde took the harness out of my hands.

“Hurry up.’

With a deep breath, I pulled my t-shirt up over my head and tossed it onto the nearest desk. Kicking off my sandals, I unbuttoned my shorts and let them slide down my legs. She watched closely as I stepped out of them, her brown eyes focused on the thick log swinging between my thighs. Bending over to retrieve my shorts from the floor, I dropped the denim cut-offs on top of my shirt. Professor Redmond made me wait a moment as she gazed down to my twitching cock, watching it thicken and grow longer under her direct scrutiny.


Untangling the leather straps, the attractiveve blonde arranged the harness and held it up for me. The broad straps formed a pair of Xs, each centered on a large metal ring. Another shiny ring hung lower, attached to a single strap attached to what seemed to be the waist belt.

“Lift up your arms.”

As I obeyed her instruction, she slipped the cold leather and metal up over my arms and down across my arms and down across my shoulders so that one X separated the peptide muscles on my chest while the other centered on my back. After buckling the wide belt and cinching it tightly around my wait, she adjusted the crossing straps and stepped back. Glancing down, she nodded at the glittering ring hanging directly in front of my bare crotch.

“You know where that ring goes, don’t you?”

“Yes Ma’am.”

Without waiting for any more directions, I bent over and started working the shiny metal down over my cock and balls. She stood with her hands on her slim hips, watching me pull my still softened shake through the rigid circle before I stuffed first one and, then my other ball through the ring as well. Once the ring completely encircled both, I squeezed more skin through the tight aperture until the shiny metal nestled firmly against my lower abdomen.

When I had finished, I straightened up and let her look. Behind the glasses, her brown eyes gleamed as my cock started to thicken and fill, stretching out away from my thighs, gradually rising until it was pointing directly back toward the blonde. Reaching into her front pocket, she nodded approved as it twitched higher, still no fully erect.

“Excellent! Put this on.”

The bit of clothes she held out to me was bright red. I just stared at it.

“It’s the display suit that was too small for you.”


Vaguely, I remembered that Erika had kept one of the suits to make adjustments. Taking it from her, I saw that was a spandex pouch with two holes, one rimmed with tight elastic and the other with a rigid ring, probably metal like the one that now circular my balls and swelling cock. When I hesitated, she smiled.

“It’s a ball pouch. The elastic opening goes on first.”

Nodding as if I knew what I was doing, I bent over again and stretched the elastic, sliding it over the reddish bulb. My engorged knob was just a little too swollen for the hole with the metal.

“Squeeze the head of your cock so it will slide Through.”

And that worked. Forcing the blood to reverse and flow back down the thickened shake allowed my cockhead to shrink enough so that the rounded bulb could pop though the unyielding hole. Sliding the rigid ring all the way down my stalk, I nestled it against my balls, circling the very base. As I straightened up again, the blood rushed back into my crotch, filling my cock and causing it to extend out, twitching eagerly as it stretched towards the short haired blonde.

Looking down, I watched the veins bulge out along the sides of my darkening stalk, and I suddenly remembered why this suit had to be altered. The ring around the base of my stalk had been too small. Judging from the intense shade of red my cockshaft was turning, I wasn’t sure that any change had been made. I glanced up at Ms. Redmond, and her brown eyes were focused on my angry looking cock, now fully erect and quivering as it jutted out from between my thighs.

“Oh. That’s looks a bit uncomfortable. Is it?”

She didn’t raise her gaze above my wait as I answered.

“A little.”

“Well, no one will see it anyway. Here, put his on over it.”

She tossed me what appeared to be a matching G-string, made of the same shiny spandex. With my deep purple hard-on waving proudly before me, I stepped into the elastic straps and pulled the shiny thong up my legs. But as I Pulled the pouch up over my engorged cock, I realized that it was way too big. Although the straps fit snugly on my hips and up the crack of my ass, the pouch was huge, offering absolutely no support for my bobbing hard-on. Ilooked up to see a bemused expression on the teacher’s face.

“Is this right, Ms. Redmond? Is it supposed to be this loose?”

Shrugging her shoulders, she stepped closer, her dark eyes glittering behind the glasses as she examined the shimmering pouch.

“I’m not sure. Assume the position.”

Without any hesitation, I clapped my hands on top of my head and shuffled my feet apart, which sent my hard-on swinging freely inside the baggy suit. As she watched it came to a jerking, twitching halt, she shrugged again.

“This is what I was told to have you wear.”

I caught my breath as she reached down to cup my balls, tightly bound in the shiny material. After a couple of friendly squeezes, she released them and curled her hand around the base of my stalk. With a one firm stroke all the way up and then down the full length of my stiff pole, Professor Redmond tested the limits of the stretchy material, pulling it forcedly against my scaling cockhead as she completed the one pump and pressed the back of her fist into my balls. I gasped at the strength of her stroke.

And then she let go, studying the way my projecting pole swung back and forth. After a short minute, she swatted the rounded knob, causing it bounce wildly.

“I see what you mean. Turn around.”

Shuffling my feet, I turned away from her with the bulging pouch swing heavily before me. After just a moment’s pause, she palmed my bare ass and I jumped.

“Excellent. No sign of any marks.”

Giving my butt a firm squeeze, she let go and crossed the floor towards the black draws.

“Oh. You know about that?”

I couldn’t stop myself from blurting out the question. With her hand on the edge of curtain, she turned back to me, a smile playing across her lips.

“Oh yes. I’m a Club alumna. Word gets around. Come on, let’s get you ready. The students will be here shortly.”

With that, she yanked the heavy drawery aside to reveal a low stage dominatedby a large cross of St. Andrew at the back of the platform. Amid tables straight with equipment, other wooden structures stood along the edges while a second black curve formed a backdrop. Nimbly, she hoped upon the stage and motioned me to join her. With the prominent hard-on swinging excitedly inside my flimsy G-string, I followed her up onto the platform.

“And now for the final touches — “

From a table at the side of the platform, Ms. Redmond picked up a pair of leather arms and fastened them around my upper arms, emphasizing the bulge of my biceps. Next, she held up a pair of leather cuffs and attached them to my wrists. Satisfied that they were not too tight, she then knelt on the floor between my legs and fastened an identical pair around my ankles. Finally, she retrieved a black leather mask and stepped close behind me, careful to avoid the distended pouch of my neon red suit. Expertly, she put the half mask on my head, arranging the eyesholes so I could see.

“You may know some of the students in class, so this will give you anonymity.”

She glanced down at the bloated front of my thong. The quivering bulb made the shiny clothes shimmer under the bright lights, emphasizing the size of my swollen pouch.

“On the other hand, they may recognize you anyway.”

Cupping her hand over the bulge of my cockhead, she gave me a little squeeze through the thin material.

“Your most distinguishing feature is quite the talk on campus.”

With a smile, she gave me a couple of quick strokes before she released me and turned towards the back of the platform.

“Stay facing front.”

As I compiled with her command, I heard the clank of chains overhead. Glancing up, I saw a horizontal steel bar descending towards me. A short length of chain dangled from each end.

“We’ve been shooting a series of fantasy scenes this semester. Hold up your arms.”

As I obeyed, I noticed that the ring around my cock and balls tightenedas I raised my arms. And when the attractive professor attached my wrist cuffs to the clips hanging from the chains, the increased tension tugged my wobbling pouch up toward the ceiling.

“Good. Now spread your legs.”

Following her directions caused the bulge in my flimsy suit to bounce wildly up and down. Shrugging off her purple vest, she tossed it onto a nearby table and retrieved a steel rod. Turning back to me, she carefully avoided my bobbing hard-on as she knelt on the floor to fasten my right ankle to the end of the spreader bar.

“You’ll be the first male that my students have had the opportunity to photograph.”

As she ducked under my twitching G-string to attach my left ankle, I couldn’t help but to stare down at the curves of her chest. Smallish in size, her breasts appeared to be round and firm beneath the sleepless top, but what caught my eye were the prominent nipples that crowned them, large and pinkish brown through the thin cotton, and very obviously erect. My cock twitched as I watched her fasten my ankles to the rigid bar. When she finished, she rose to her feet and squared her shoulders, which thrust her stiff nipples out toward me.

“And having you in this series will be a special treatment.”

After a glance down at my quivering pouch, she nodded approved and stepped back to evaluate her work secured me to the structure. Even Though my wrists and ankles were firmly attached to the bars, I could pivot in place and had quite a wide range of movement.


“Yes Ma’am, I guess so.”

“You look yummy! Now, it’s time for me to don my costume.”

She grinned at my look of surprise.

“Oh yes. I’ll be in the shots with you.”

After pulling the front curtain closed, she smiled as she moved the light poles that lined the sides of the stage, switching on each one and adjusting the beams so they were focused directly on me.

“I’ve been a model for a number of the other sessions. Ilike being in front of a camera.”

Once she finished with two sets of poles, the attractive blonde hurried past me to the back of the stage, out of my sight. I could hear the sound of what must have been the zipper of her pants as she continued.

“Sometimes, I think I like being a model even more than I do being behind the lens.”

I heard the classroom door open and close, and then again. The students were Beginning to arrive. The animated tones of their voices and the vibrant sound of their nervous laughter betrayed them. They had same excitement that I felt.

“I better get back out front.”

As she brushed by me, Professor Redmond didn’t give me a second look. The black boots clicked briskly below her long white robe, and aside from the boots, I couldn’t tell what kind of costume she wore. After dismounting the stage, she slipped between the curtains, careful to keep the edges from swinging open.

“Good evening, girls. Please take your seats while we waitfor everyone to arrive.”

The door swung open and closed twice more, and then the blonde professor called the class to order.

“Girls, girls, can I have your attention? As promised, we have a young male as our model tonight, a special treatment that I know many of you have been eagerly awaiting. I know I have.”

There were some nervous giggles, but she plunged ahead.

“We’re Continuing with our fansy series, and he is approximately attired. As I’ve done in the past with our models, I will be assisting him with some of the poses, and joining him in others. Are there any questions?”

An awkward silence followed. I guess there were no questions since she abruptly pulled back the curve to reveal me hanging spread eagled in the middle of the small stage. There was a soft gasp as the students gawked at my harnessed body, and especially at the bright red G-string jutting out towards them.

Looking out over the classroom, I counted a total of seven students, all female, all armed with Nikons except for one Pentax. I spotted the Gang of Three, clustered together at one side of the room, whispering and giggling. And I recognized two students I’d met earlier in the semester in the campus coffee shop, a dark blonde with brown eyes and a strikingly pretty blue-eyed brunette. I couldn’t remember their names, nor could I tell if they recognized me. But I certainly had caught their attention. They were talking excitedly, staring at my nearly nude body.

“As you can see, although he is securely restrained at his wrists and ankles, he can move quite freely with the rest of his body.”

Stepping back up onto the low platform, the blonde instructor flashed a long expansion of bare leg. As she strolled to the table, I turned my eyes to the other two girls. One I’d never seen before, a short Hispanic-looking brunette with black eyes and a nicely rounded chest, while the other was a tall full-bodied black girl with long sleeve legs, her dark skin in sharp contrast to the snug white shorts she wore. With a start, I suddenly recognized her as one of the sorority sisters I’d met last Saturday at Sigma Epsilon. I think her name was Regina, and she was strikingly attractive. Already fully erect, my cock twitched higher, the jerking movement readily visible inside the loose pouch.


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