Wrestled into Submission

The story begins with a man named John and a find queen he meets on Twitter named Princess Mel.

John sends a message to Princess Mel asking if he can book a wrestling session with her with some extracurriculars. She responds saying that she is interested, but wants to know the rules and more importantly the price when she wins. John reads her response and scoffs at the thought she could actually beat him if he tried. He craves the feeling of being overpowered but knows it could never end with him being dominated if it was a level playing field, so he starts to think about how he could actually make it an interesting battle. He decides to tell her nothing is off limits and that he would even agree to wear a blindfold thinking that might give her a chance to get a good first move in and maybe, just maybe, take him down. To boot, he says he will bring her some tools she can use and that he will not be allowed to use them, but she can do with them what she wants, if she can manage to get the chance. She wants to know what “tools” are and if she can bring some of her own, but John says it will be a surprise and tells her she can bring whatever she needs as long as its won’t cause any serious injury or permanent damage.

Princess Mel agrees to the rules and asks again what her price will be. John having been too focused on his prize of being dominated scrambles his head and responses that she can lock him in chatity if she wins. Princess Mel likes the idea and knows that if she wins she will have control for however long she wants after the session and she her mind begins racing with the possibility of owning this cocky arrogant man who thinks he needs to be blindfolded for the match to be fair. She tells him to book a hotel room and tells him the date and time she wants the match to be.

A few days later, John arrives at the hotel room with the tools. he has brought a pair of handscuffs, a spreader bar, a cane, a roll of duct tape, and a buttplug. HeFigures if she can manage to get the handscuffs on him, she might be able to manage subduing him enough to use the other tools. He lays everything out on the desk and then knees with his head on the ground waiting for Princess Mel to arrive. About 20 minutes later, Princess Mel opens the door to the room and John lifts his head to greet her when she sternly tells him to keep his face on the ground. She takes off her shoes and places them under John’s nose telling him to sniff the sweaty shoes she has just gone to the gym with and to keep his mouth shut until she says otherwise.

Princess Mel walks over to the desk and begins examining the tools John brought and placing her own on the table. She has brought her biggest dildo, a few pairs of stretchy panties, a few or sinkiest pairs of socks and used panties, and of course a new Chastity cage with the key for the lock.

Princess Mel notices John has brought a water bottle, grabs it, and says she will use the bathroom quickly.Little does John know, but Princess Mel goes into the bathroom, pees into the bottle, throws a key into the bottle and then places the bottle in the freezer for later.

Finally, she makes her way to John and begins degrading him for actually staying on the ground and sniffing her disgusting, sweaty, stinky shoes and say he better get used to it because when he loses, he will be sucking the sweat out of her socks daily. She starts a conversation with him so he thinks she is being nice and friendly, but really she is just stuck so the bottle in the fridge has a chance to freeze into a solid block of ice pee with the key stuck in the middle.

She turns on the TV and puts on an episode of a show she likes while telling him he may now lift his head and crawl over to her where he may start by massaging her feet while she gets settled in. John has never been into feet, but thinks he is getting addicted to the musk of her stinky shoes at this point and wants a chance to smell hersocks so he happily crawls over to her and begins his task. a few minutes in she tells him to take her socks off with his teeth and to then stuff them in his mouth while he sniffs away the stink from her feet. John greedily sniffs for about ten minutes before he realizes they won’t stop stinging and he asks to lick them clean to get rid of the stinch. She tells him to beg for the privilege and after seeing him grovel and degrade himself to be allowed she tells him to go ahead and save some energy for the main event.

A while passes by and she is satisfied that the bottle in the freezer has had enough time so she suggests they begin to prepare for the main event. John excitedly stands up not realizing he may be back on his knees soon enough. They discuss the rules once again before Princess Mel tells him to turn around and crouch down so she can put his blindfold on. Once she’s done she whispers in John’s ear how she is going to make him regret giving her an advantage with the blindfold and letting his balls be fair play. Princess Mel circles him for a second before starting the countdown.

She counts down from 3 and begins toying with John just to see how he would react. John is following the sounds of her footsteps with one hand out ready to grab her and the other protecting his manhood. Princess Mel playfully slapses his ass a couple of times before she decides to take him down. she knows the easiest way to win will be to trick him into leaving his manhood vulnerable and then taking him literally by the balls. She grabs his outstretched hand and smacks him across the face with the other, much harder than the playful spanks she had started with. Without thinking John goes to cover his face and as soon as he does Princess Mel grabs John’s balls and pulls him down to the ground. John tries to use both of His hands to unpry her fingers but Princess Mel just squeezes harder and grabs John by the hair forcing him flat on his stomach. John pleads and begs Princess Mel to let him go but she drags him near the desk and grabs the handscuffs yelling at John to cross his hands behind his back if he wants his balls to stay intact and unpopped. John quickly realizes he is beat and does as she says.

Once John is handcuffed, Princess Mel begins teasings John’s undefended asshole beginning gently with one finger before quickly upping the ante to three fingers and viciously violating him hard and fast. Eventually Princess Mel decides to give John another chance as John is on the verge of tears and she takes her fingers out of him only to hook him with them in this mouth and pulling him up to his feet. After making John fully clean off her fingers, Princess Mel stands in front of John and tells him he has one more chance to submit her before the real punishment begins and he is eventually locked in chatity. John realizes he has no chance and begs to take back the bet but Princess Mel is not having it. Instead she grabs both of his nipples and twists as hard as she can and tells him to stop whining and stand up for himself like a real man. she even takes off his blindfold for round 2.

Princess Mel counts down yet again and obviously has a much easier time getting John on the ground this time. she puts him on his back and then sits her ass right on Johns nose telling him to sniff her asshole clean better than he did her shoes. While he gets to work, Princess Mel begins slapping John in the balls and talking about how his dick should be locked up forever. John instinctively crosses his legs to try and protect his balls, but Princess Mel is having none of that. She decides to grab onto the front of his boxers with both hands and pull as hard as she can while sitting back and essentially shoving Johns nose fully into her asshole hoping his nose gets so dirty he will be smelling it for days. the first frontal wedgie wasn’t to Princess Mel’s satisfaction so she decides to make sure the second one splits his balls on either side and she pulls until they are torn entirely. Laughing hysterically, Princess Mel tells John she is going to do him a favor and cover him up but that she will only do that for him if he agrees to a secret demand. John hastily agrees and before he knows it, a butt plug is inserted into his ass and three pairs of stretchy Wacoal panties are put on him. Princess Mel seems pleased at her work and quips that even she could not rip three pairs of panties off him.

Princess Mel asks John if he is ready to accept defeat and be locked or if he wants to continue playing their game. He says he wants round three and is humiliated and frustrated enough he decides to go full power and take this girl down. Princess Mel counts down and without even feigning any competition grabs his unprotected balls and tells him to tap out. John angrily tried to cross his legs to protect himself and accidentally kicks Princess Mel in the ass. Princess Mel now appears furious. She tells John to spread his legs, but JOhn sheepishly shakes his head saying he is sorry. Princess Mel calmly releases John and walks over to the desk where she gets the spreader bar. She walks back and tells John to spread his legs or suffer the consequences. John obliges and then Princess Mel tells John he is a good slut but will need to punished with 10 smacks of the cane to his ass, 10 to his balls, and 10 more to his asshole.

John sinks to his knees pleading for mercy, but when Princess Mel asks is he wants 15 to each instead, he bends over and shuts his mouth. Princes Mel instructs him to count each out loud followed by “I am a little bitch and Princess Mel’s slut.” Princess Mel begins and by the last caning to his ass John is once again beginning for mercy. Princess Mel immediately says that it is now 11 for his balls and asshole and starts without warning. After the final cane to the balls, John is crying and emrithing on the floor in pain, but he knows not to beg anymore as he doesn’t want anymore strikes addedto the last 11. Princess Mel tells John he cannot take the asshole strikes with the plug in as that will prevent direct contact with the tender skin of his asshole. She removes the plug and gives John a choice: “You can either suck the plug clean and I will only give you 5 more canings, or I will just give you the original 11, but I much prefer you choose to suck the plug clean like the little slut you are.” John chooses the second option and wants to just take the 11, but Princess Mel starts grinning. She says very good choice going for choice C. John lays on the ground confused as he had chosen Choice B and there was only 2 choices. Princess Mel tells him by not striving to do what pleased her he won secret prize C which was to take 15 with the plug first rubbed on his nose then put in his mouth. John started to beg when he saw Princess Mel starting to speak and decided to save himself from getting worse and take back his begging. “Please please Princess Mel allows me to be humiliatedwith the smell and taste of the dirty plug and show you I am your little slut.” Princess Mel tells him very good you will get a reward for that and begins administratoring the last 15 canings.

After she is done, she tells John he hs been so good she is willing to let him play one more game with her and asks if he would like to play. If she wins, she gets to claim her price of locking up John’s dick and if he wins he gets to fuck her. John starts smiling ear to ear and immediately agrees, kissing her feet and thanking her. Princess Mel says very well and tells John to lay on his stomach while she prepares. She goes to the desk and grabs the monstrous dildo and the duct tape. she walks up towards John’s face and says suck on this dildo to get it nice and lubed, it is the only lube you are getting. Although he was scared at the thought of being impaled on that, he figured it best to obey. While John was humiliatingly giving some of the best sloppiest head imagineable to a dildo, Princess Mel went to the bathroom and retrieved lube; she wanted to scar him, but not actually damage him and tear him in two.

Princess Mel emerged from the bathroom and took the dildo from John’s mouth, covered it in lube, and roughly inserted the entire length into John’s ass. John wanted to cry and beg but did not want to upset her while in his current state. Princess Mel fucked him with the dildo for a minute or two before telling him he really is a good slut and how happy she was he decided to play this final game before burying the dildo balls deep in his ass.

She then sat down with her legs open right in front of John’s face briefly teasing him before grabbing all the three of the panties from his butt and pulling them up above his forehead. She knew they would slip off but wanted John to try and adjust so she could punish him for it. After a few seconds it happened and after scolding John, she gave him another atomic wedgie and taped around his forehead so he couldnt getThey off without his hands which were still cuffed behind him. For the finale, Princess Mel went to the freezer and retrieved the bottle of her now frozen piss with the key and placed it in a bowl in front of John.

“Now John, this is a frozen block of my piss and the key to unlock yourself is at the bottom. You may either lick the piss block so it melts faster so you can let yourself out of this wedgie and give your asshole a break or you can wait until it melts by itself. Either way, I am going to get something to eat, go attend to another session with one of my slaves, and then I will pick up a condom on the way back. If you are free by the time I get back and sit down on the bed, you can have your way with me. if not, Ill be locking you up in that cage on the desk and taking that key right next to it with me.”

John painfully nodded his head debating whether he would lick the piss like a popsicle or if he could afford to wait. Princess Mel left and after a minute John decided to start licking to melt the block so he could have some relief from the dildo splitting him open and the atomic wedgie splitting him in half. He licked and licked for over an hour, not even paying attention to the acrid taste, until eventually the block had melted and he took a short sight of relief. But when he looked down he realized he had another problem. The key was at the bottom of the bowl and the bowl was filled with now ice cold piss. Having no other choice, John dipped his face into the bowl fishing around with his tongue for the key, but could not secure it. In the process of even finding it he had swallowed a mouthful of piss and gotten some in his nose not to mention all over his face. Eventually he retrieved the key to the handscuffs and was squirming around trying to get them in his fingers to unlock the cuffs. A few failed attempts later he had finally gotten the key in the handcuff hole when he heard Princess Mel’s voice in the hallway. Frantically, John started trying to turn the key and realized it didn’t work.

Princess Mel walked in the door momentarily afterwards and without saying a word walked over to the bed and sat down. She stared at John and told him he had failed but she was impressed with the effort. Nonetheless, Princess Mel stood up and let John out of the wedgie so she could put his new chatity cage on and she made a spectacle of clicking the lock closed. That is when she broke the news to John.

“John you should have listened more carefully because now I own you. i told you there was A key in the block of my piss, not the key.”

She then walked over to the desk and grabbed the key that had been right next to the chatity cage and walked behind John.

“John you didn’t have to lick my piss icicle like a little bitch. You didnt have to dunk your face in the melted piss bowl like a little bitch. You didnt have to stay wedgied with the biggest dildo I could find in your ass for the last few hours like a bitch. But now you will have to do anything and everything I tell you to because you are MY bitch.”

With that, Princess Mel took the key in John’s hand, the one that would unlock his caged dick, and unlocked his handscuffs with the key that was on the desk the entire time.

Once he was uncuffed, Princess Mel told him there is still a chance he could cum if he gave the dildo in his ass a good enough blowjob to impress her. John was so horny by then he didn’t even think twice when he removed the dildo and began cleaning his nasty ass off of the head, shake, and every fake vein on the thing. After he was done, Princess Mel looked at him and told him he hadn’t paid enough attention to the balls and better luck at their next session.

As a farewell, she told John that if he wanted her to ever even respond to him again so he could have another session and maybe be allowed out of his cage, he needed to put the a new buttplug she had bought in, give himself a shoulder wedgie in the backwith one pair of the panties, give himself another one in the front, and then wear the third like a normal pair before he put on his clothes and walked home. John followed his instructions without hesitation and Princess Mel walked out. Not five seconds later, the plug started vibrating and Princess Mel had sent him a message saying to send her a picture when he got home as proof he walked all the way home in his new slut uniform.


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