Working Late Ch. 03

Notes to the reader:

I recommend you reach chapters 1 and 2 before this third chapter, or you’ll be missing the motivations which led to the choices made by our proteinist, Jamie. If infidelity bothers you, please do us both a favor and stop reading now.


He thrust into her, his weight pushing her face into the mattress. She stifled a groan as he penetrated her ass roughly, caring only about the pleasure he was taking from her, her body offered up to him as a gift. No, she thought, not a gift, but a right. She belonged to him, body and soul, and her body was his to do with as he wished.

He didn’t care whether or not she was wet, as long as he had enough lube on his cock to slide into her without any unnecessary resistance. And that had been solved with a hefty squirt of K-Y, the coldness of which had shocked her at first. Cold and slippery, like an eel, she thought. When he fucked her like this, bent over the bed, she couldlet her mind wander as her body opened to him. Her response was automatic already. She enjoyed it when he used her for his pleasure. It turned her on immensely to know that something so simple as the sight of her bent over could arouse him to the point that he had to take her — right then, right there — with no thought or consideration given to anything (or anyone) else.

The alarm jolted her awake. Jamie was Surprised when she discovered that she had kicked the blankets off the bed and was face down in a pillow, crossways across the bed. “That was some dream you were having,” she said to herself as she rolled over and slowly became aware of the dampness between her thighs and the feeling that she really needed an orgasm to start the day off right. But a glance at the clock as she slapped the alarm button revealed that she really didn’t have time for that this morning. It was Monday, which means the team meeting started at 8:00 sharp. No rolling in at 8:25 like she usually did.Anyone not in a chair in the conference room at 7:59 was subject to the Death Glare and grunt work gleefully handed out by the boss as punishment for tardiness.

It wasn’t until she was in the shower that Jamie remembered what else today was. D-Day. Decision Day. Day of the Deadline. And she had still not made up her mind.

She had spent the weekend making lists of pros and cons, but the decision wasn’t any clearer. The sticking point was really her marriage to Steven. She wasn’t sure how she could spend every evening at Ian’s, from 6-10p, without Steven knowing what was going on. She couldn’t very well avoid him every night for who knows how long, could she? Or was this another test? Was she supposed to tell Steven what she was doing, and see how he reacted? She knew exactly how he’d react – he’d be furious. This would be cheating in his eyes – what she had already done and what she was proposing to do – and the wedding would be off. Of course, that would certainly simplifyher dilemma of her evening whereabouts…

She began later her legs in preparation for shaving, and continued lathering from ankle to pussy. Normally she didn’t shake that secret area between her legs, but for some reason she felt compelled to today. Just in case. If she decided to surrender herself, she wanted to be ready. Just like the “always wear clean underwear in case you’re in an accident” reminder from her mother when she was growing up. You just never knew who might see you in your skirtvies – or out of them, for that matter.

To complicate matters even more, Jamie was still reeling from her first lesbian encounter. It was as though her body had simply taken over for her mind. Her sense of reason and self-control had disappeared, and the resulting events hadn’t been altogether unpleasant. She had never Thought that she could experience such pleasure at the hands of a woman, nor would she have ever thought she could so willingly provide pleasure to another woman inthat way. She was beginning to think that being bi wasn’t such a difficult leap to make.

Her decision weighed heavily on her mind as she dressed. First she layered on scented lot – gardenias – and followed it with a liberal dusting of gardenia-scented powder. On top of that went a few spritzes of gardenia perfume. Smelling sweet was important to her, regardless of the day. She gave careful thought to selecting an outfit that was somewhat out of character for her: a short black skirt, thigh high stockings held up by lace-covered elastic, and a semi-sheer floral blouse that wrapped and tied at the side of her waist. A pair of black 2″ heels completed her ensemble, and she was pleased with the effect. The bloom had a nice V-neck that drew subtle attention to her cleavage, and the sheerness of the blouse hinted at the curves beneath. She knew in the back of her mind that she was dressing for Ian, although she wasn’t entirely sure why. It wasn’t as though she had made up her mindyet, right? Her deadline was 6p, which left her 11 hours to come to some sort of decision.

Jamie briefly considered putting her hair up, as was her usual practice for work, but decided to leave it down. She brushed it until it gleamed, and it flowed over her shoulders and down her back in a river of red. Her hair, she thought, was by far her best feature, and she had known for quite some time that Ian was partial to redheads, especially those with long hair. It was one of the reasons she had been wearing it up so much at work – she could perpetuate the illusion that it wasn’t as long as it was, and somehow prevent any unwelcome attention it might bring from him. The events of the past few days, however, had shattered that illusion, and his attention wasn’t all that unwelcome anymore. Part of her really wanted to draw his attention to her today and make him wonder whether or not she would accept his offer.

Jamie arrived at the office earlier than usual, and was pleased to see that Ian had not yet arrived. At least, his cube was empty and it wasn’t like him to be early. She would see him soon enough. It was 7:46. If she timed it right, Jamie figured she would be able to sit directly across from him. That would enable her to make eye contact and engage in a little harmless flirting or footsie. On the other hand, she could sit next to him, which might allow for a casual brush of her leg against his, or a flirty pat on the arm, and he would be close enough to catch a whiff of her perfume or perhaps catch a glimpse of the swell of her breast in the V of her bloom. She stopped in the break room to get a cup of tea before heading around the corner to the conference room.

As she pushed open the door, Jamie’s gaze immediately fell on Ian, already there, sitting at the end of the table. It was impossible to sit immediately next to him or directly across from him. This was something she hadn’t counted on. He glanced up from the newspaper he was reading, gaveher the once-over, and lowered his eyes again without so much as a hello. She immediately felt defendive. So much for careful planning and maintaining the upper hand, she thought.

She sat, casually she hoped, on the long side of the table to his left, leaving an empty chair between them, and pulled out her notepad and a pen. She wanted to look as busy and nonchalant as he, but she hadn’t a thing to do, so she began making a list of errands she needed to run over the weekend. Yes, this was Monday, and the weekend was still 5 days away, but that was beside the point. She wanted to look busy and as casual as possible. There was no way that she wanted him to know how her heart was pounding and how she couldn’t help but let her mind wander to the feel of his hands on her body and his lips on hers.

She paused her furious writing, ostensibly reading over what she had just written, but in all actuality she was studying his hands as they held the paper. He couldn’t see her, which was a blessing, and she could tell it was the business section that separated them. It was funny how his hands could look so innocent, holding the paper here in the conference room, when she was well aware of the kind of blissful torture they were capable of in other settings. A blush rose to her cheeks as she recalled being face down over his lap in the conference room next door, his hand first slapping her exposed bottom and then masturbating her to orgasm, one finger up her ass as she came.

Sex with Steven was, well, ordinary, and usually over in 15 minutes, 20 on special occasions. He would never dream of spanking her, much less touching her asshole. And watching her with another woman? Well, she knew that was the number one male fantasy, but she’d bet her retirement savings that if push came to shove, he’d never let it happen. As for her dream This morning, well, THAT would never be happening with Steven. The one time she had mentioned anal sex, you’d have thought she’d askedhim to strip naked, smear himself with butter, and run through the streets of New York singing show tunes for all the disdain he showed.

“Good morning, everyone.” Jamie looked up to see her boss set down a pile of what could only be the reports turned in last week. “I trust you all had a good weekend.” Jamie stole a glance at Ian, who had a smile on his face that showed blatantly what he was thinking About. He turned at her, and she blushed again, looking back down at her list.

“Jamie,” Worthless was speaking to her now. “I see you were in this weekend, finishing your report.”

“Yes,” Jamie answered uneasily. “I was.”

“Glad to see you were able to get it done, in spite of the problems you were having last week. I’ve only glanced at it, but it looks like good work.”

Jamie heaved an inward sight of relief. With Worthless, you never know what she was thinking when she opened her mouth. It could just as easily have turned into a dressing down and a public humiliation. She just wasn’t sure she could have dealt with that today on top of everything else. Her nerves were already on edge, and she felt like a tightly-coiled spring about to pop. The least little thing could set her off. Off where, she wasn’t quite sure yet.

As the meeting progressed, Jamie found herself thinking less about Ian and her looming decision deadline and more about the work which lay ahead today. She had two meetings, was assigned a new project which would require extensive research prior to Wednesday’s kickoff meeting, and there was the possibility of an off-site class next month.

Just as the meeting was drawing to a close, Worthless presented one more surprise. “By the way, I’ve decided that Ian and Jamie will put together the presentation for the vice president next week. It’s going to mean some overtime, but I trust that won’t be a problem.” Jamie stared at her notepad, her stomach lurking somewhere near her toes. This was not good. Not good at all. “Ian?Jamie? I’d like your verbal commitment to this presentation.”

“No problem,” Ian said, his eyes on Jamie. “We’ll make it happen, won’t we, Jamie?”

She couldn’t force herself to look at him, so she focused on corner of the table instead. “Of course we’ll get it done,” she said quietly. She longed to suggest that perhaps Leah or Eric might be better choices than her, but that could Also hurt her chances at a promotion, and she needed to keep her options open. Not delivering on an assignment from Worthless was to sign your walking papers. Her ideas were treated like gems and executed to whatever extent she desired, and this would be no exception. She expected her team to make her look good. After all, that’s what they were there for, wasn’t it?

Jamie longed to go work with Adam, her buddy over in Development. She’d heard he just got a new boss, Bethany McMillan, and things were getting quite interesting over there.

“Ian, Jamie, I’d like you two to meet this afternoon to discuss your ideas for the presentation and have an outline on my desk to review before you leave tonight. I don’t have to tell you how much is riding on this, correct?” Jamie Shook her head, not only answering her boss’s question but also surrendering to the inevitable: hours alone with Ian. Could things get any worse??

But indeed they could. Thanks to a number of last-minute requests, one emergency, and a lack of available conference rooms, it was 4:30 before Jamie and Ian were able to sit down to begin brainstorming for the presentation, and nearly 9 before they were satisfied they had an outline Worthless would be willing to entertain. As Ian put the finishing touches on the outline and printed out a clean copy, Jamie closed her eyes and rolled her head around on her shoulders. She was so tired and her Shoulders and neck were stiff with fatigue and stress. All she could think about was going home and soaking in a hot bath with a glass of merlot, jazz playing softly in the background, candles on the windowsill and in the corners of the tub by her feet… Hands on her shoulders brought her back to earth, back to the conference room, where Ian was standing behind her, rubbing the tension from her neck. A breathless sight escaped her lips before she had a chance to think.

His voice was soft in her ear, “Imagine being naked on your knees, your mouth filled with my hard cock, my hands twisting your nipples.” Jamie moaned and dropped her head back as he continued to whisper in her ear. “I cum, and you aren’t careful and my cum starts to leak out of your mouth, and you know what that means, don’t you.” Jamie nodded. “You’ve been a bad slave, and now you must be punished. A good slave never wastes her Master’s seed.” She was amazed at the effect his words had on her. Jamie’s eyes were closed, every nerve in her body was on edge, and her pussy was juicy with arousal. She could almost feel his hard cock in her mouth, lapping at it with her tongue, sucking it in deep, almost to the point of gagging. She could imagine his hands on her nipples, pinching and pulling them and spurring her on. Her lips stretched wide around the base of his cock as it expanded and shot jets of hot, salty cum down her throat, the cum leaking out over her pink lips, in spite of her best efforts to keep it inside and not waste a single drop. She felt so ashamed at the thought that she had failed him, failed to swallow all of his gift to her, dreading yet welcome the punishment that would follow.

“Jamie, tonight you will give yourself to me. Body, soul, mind…nothing will be held back. You are mine. Stop denying it and just give in to the pleasure your submission will bring.” Her mind floated away with the thought. Complete surrender. Total submission. Pleasure. Pain. It scared her immensely, but she had never experienced such a state of arousal from just a mere suggestion before.

Ian slipped out of the room, but it didn’t register with her. Her thoughts had turned to her fiancé, and what would become of their engagement if she did, indeed, give herself, body and soul, to Ian. Steven was a wonderful, kind, considerate, gentle man. He would be a good provider, he had a stable job with a blue chip company, and they wanted many of the same things out of life. But he didn’t make her feel the way Ian did. He was, well…predictable, for lack of a better word. She could practically set her watch by his timing in bed. Three minutes of kissing, two minutes between her legs, getting her wet, followed by four minutes of her sucking him. Then he’d mount her, missionary style, and fuck her with steady strokes for eight minutes. If she hadn’t cum by then, he’d roll her over on top and she’d play with her clip while she rode him, his hands on her hips directing her movements to maximize his pleasure. And as soon as he felt her begin to cum, he would thrust hard and fast, exploding just as she finished. From start to finish, seventeen minutes. Twent, tops, if she was distracted and he had to roll her over on top. He fucked her on Friday, Saturday, and Wednesday nights unless she was on the rag, and if that was the case, he’d jack off to pictures he’d found on the internet. Was this what the rest of her life was destined to be like?

Her eyes flew open and she looked at her watch. It was 20 of 6. Her deadline was 6. Where was Ian? She quickly gathered her things and made a beeline for her desk. A note was taped to her computer monitor:

J – Time is running out. You know where to find me when you’ve made up your mind.

She didn’t both powering down her terminal, just grabbed her purse and flew out the door, down the stairs, running to her car like she was being chased. Speed ​​limit be damned, she thought, as she raced down the highway at 80, her thoughts focused on what waited for her at the end of her drive.

All the lights were off at his house, but she wasn’t surprised that the kitchen door swung open silently. She knew he was here. And she knew he was expecting her.

“Ian,” she called softly. No answer.

She slipped her shoes off and shut the door behind her, pausing to allow her eyes to adjust to the darkness. In front of her was an open doorway with stairs leading to the basement. This door had never been open before. She peeked around the corner, looking through the dark kitchen to the living room beyond. Empty. He must be in the basement, she decided.

“Ian,” she called, slightly louder this time.

“Come downstairs.” She could hear his voice but not see him. It reminded her of being on one of those silly trust walks.

Jamie took a deep breath and slowly walked down the stairs, following the sound of his voice. As she reached the bottom, the door above her closed and locked with an omino click.

+ + +

She smoothed her dress over her hips, smiling at her mother. Jamie couldn’t remember being so nervous before. She turned around and faced herlf in the mirror. Her ivory dress set off her fair skin perfectly. The empire-waist bodice was embedded with beaded lace trim, and the swirls of chiffon fell gracefully to the floor. She felt like the princess she had dreamt of being as a little girl, ready to be swept off by Prince Charming.

“You look beautiful, honey,” her mom said to her as she adjusted Jamie’s skirt and arranged her veil. “I’m so happy for you.”

“Thanks, Mom. I can’t believe this is real.”

“It is, baby. In about 15 minutes, you’ll be walking down that aisle toward your future.”

A knock at the door interrupted the moment. Jamie’s mom stuck her head out to see who it was and returned with a small white box tied with white ribbon.

“I’m supposed to give this to you.”

“Who’s it from?”

“I’m not sure. One of the ushers handed it to me. There seems to be a card, though. Maybe it’s from Steven.”

Jamie took the box from her mother, slid the card out from underneath the ribbon and read the message inside.


Remember me as you say your vows. Remember who you really belong to. Wear this as a constant reminder during the ceremony.”

She tried to he keep her face impassive, knowing her mother was watching her. “Mom? Can I have a few minutes alone?”

“Sure, honey. Are you ok?”

“Yeah, of course. I’m just a little nervous.”

“Who’s the gift from?”

“Just a friend. I’d like to be alone, if you don’t mind. I just need a few minutes.”

“Ok. Ella will come for you when it’s time to go to the narthex. Don’t forget the ring!”

“I have it. Thanks, Mom.”

They exchanged kisses and Jamie’s mom shut the door behind her, leaving Jamie alone with the white box.

* * *

This was it. The moment she’d been anticipating for so long. The ushers opened the door and she stepped through them, into the church. Her father took her arm and smiled, his eyes already wet with tears.

Jamie took a deep breath and walked beside her father down the long aisle. The first step wasn’t so bad, but after that, each step was worse than the last. Her instructions at the rehearsal had been to take one step and bring her other foot up to meet the first before taking another step. This was supposed to allow people plenty of time to see the blushing bride. But each step made her more and more acutely aware of the fat pink butt plug lodged firmly in her ass. It was hard not to walk funny when she felt like she was being split in two with each swing of her legs.


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