Working for Miss Black Pt. 06

As she watched Sasha kneeing, bound, and naked in front of her, Miss Black remembered the first time she met her.

Many years ago, Miss Black was trying to gain a controlling interest in a new tech company called Vampyre. She had done her normal dispatch, the use of the pheromone perfume a previous client created for her, and was just one short signature away from adding another asset to her portfolio. While everything was going to plan, the final closing was moved to Sax’s Gentlemen’s Club, which made her feel uneasy, but she thought she would play along. After all, the CEO, Lewis Black, was your prototypeal man’s man.

“Miss Caterina Black….you look as beautiful as always,” said Lewis. “Sorry for the change of Venue but this is Silicone Valley.” Lewis came up and gave chef kiss greeting to Miss Black, as his two lawsers flanked him. “Mmmmm, you smell as lovely as always.” Lewis inhaled the pheromones, and closed his eyes.

“Yes, love…..I’m actually quite fond of the naked human body, silicane or not.” Miss Black returned the gesture as the deep bass music thumbed through the air. They all took a seat in the leather chairs in the VIP section.

“I enjoy the naked human body too, which is why I bought Sax’s.”

“And that’s why I want to do business with you,” Miss Black smiled with a quick reply. She then slyly removed her leather gloves and set them on the table next to the papers. She wanted this tech company. They were doing great things with audio messaging and virtual reality that had a lot of promise. “Should we get down to business, or did you have something else in mind?”

“Ooooooo……let’s take care of this business and then we can take care or other matters.” Lewis’ muscles bulged from his dress shirt as he handed Miss Black a pen. “After all, I think there’s too many lawsers in this room.”

Miss Black quickly signed the paperwork followed by Lewis. She then handed a cashier’s check to Lewis. “So, we are now partners….anything you would like to do next?

Lewis smiled at Miss Black, leaning in so he was a few inches from her face. “Well, that’s not entirely true.” He reluctantly sat back in his chair. “See, I happen to know the very same chemist who helped you with your perfume….it seems before he made that for you, he practiced with the formula for several strippers who worked here….and one of the flaws is that when too many where their own pheromone perfume, they all kind of cancel each other out…..too much of an overload, and you can build an immunity.”

Miss Black sat there is shock. “And what did I just sign?”

“Funny thing….you hear that techno music….the stuff echoing in your head……that’s got subliminal messages especially tailored to make everyone in this room to spend The laws, including you…..You signed a document indicating the money you are providing is a donation, like that guy tipping the stripper….not an investment.” The lawsyers behind himstart laughing. “C’mon guys, the first lap dances are on me.” The three of them stood up and went back as Miss Black sat there devastated…enraged…vengeful.

The next morning, Miss Black woke up in her high rise apartment to a knock on her door. She walked over in her silk robe, still singing from her failure the day before.

“Who is it?” Miss Black was in no mood to tolerate anyone.

“I’m a messenger from Vampyre,” this timing female voice came through the door. Miss Black opened the door and stared at this thin, insecure girl; her hair hiding her face, layered, grungy clothing, and knitted hat being wound in summer. Miss Black looked at her in curiosity. “Um, well…I’m just an intern, and um…..when the head of the company asks you to…”

“Just shut up a second.” The wheels of revenge were spinning in Miss Black’s head. She then realized her mistake…lions don’t go after the strongest, they target the weakest. “Would you like to come in a second?”

“I guess.”

“You guess…What’s your name?” She could feel a smile come over her. She usually hated weak people this and wanted to crush them, but for some reason, she was more intrigued with this one.


“Well, Sasha….let’s see what you brought me, shall we.” Miss Black took the box and opened it. Inside was a pair of used panties and a note from Lewis saying “Luna thanks you for your money too,” and a lipstick print.

“Oh, that is so wrong,” Sasha replied. “I’m sorry, I had no idea….”

“I quite understand.” Miss Black actually liked the cockiness of the note. “Tell me, what do you do at Vampyre?”

“I’m an intern…I technically work in marketing, but pretty much do everything they ask.”

“Everything they ask?” Miss Black mused.

“Well, not that…”

“Why not?”

“Ummmm, because…”

“Don’t you want to get to the top?”

“Not that way.”

“Does it matter how you get there? Won’t the ends justify the means?” Miss Black was starting to circle around Sasha, sizing her up. “All those men could be doing everything you want them to do.”

“Me? I don’t know….”

Miss Black grabbed Sasha’s hand. “Come here.” Miss Black walked her into her bedroom, in front of the mirrors. “What do you see? I see someone who lacks confidence, someone that should be worshipped instead of told what to do.” Miss Black started to take off the layers Sasha was wearing as Sasha looked in the mirror overwhelmed. Thoughts moved too fast for Sasha to criticalize anything. “I see a woman who should be proud of the way she looks, instead of hiding.” As she took off her tank top, Miss Black saw the thin frame, and the perky, young, breasts. “You should control them.”

The thought thrilled a daydreaming Sasha. Miss Black He had her.

“How would you like to be my personal assistant?” Miss Black throw out there.
“I don’t know..I kind of like working where I am…” Sasha began to awkwardly cover herself.

“You can still work there during the day…in fact, for what I have in mind, it’s actually advantage…” Miss Black grabbed Sasha’s arms and held them out so her breasts were visible. “…But at night and on the weekends, you will work for me. I will mentor you to be a successful woman, and in return all you have to do is everything I say….or do you want your used panties sent to someone else?”

Sasha looked in the mirror. She thought a second. “Yes, Miss Black.”

[Page 2]

Sasha went back to work like always. As soon as she got back, the guys surrounded her to hear how Miss Black accepted her gift, especially Lewis. She just shrugged her shoulders, “I don’t know, she didn’t open it in front of me. She just grabbed it and slammed the door.”

“Aaaagh……I told you that bitch would be feeling my prick for months,” Lewis laughed. How they all were acting rubbed Sasha the wrong way, and she quietly left the room and sat at her desk.

Just then, Sasha received an email on her smartphone from her new friend.

Sasha honey,

I need you to stop and pick up some things before you come over:

Fredrick’s: Pick out some lingerie and a good vibrator.

Grocery store: Honey, Whipped cream, yogurt, bananas, baby oil


Sasha replied back:

What size lingerie do you wear?

Sasha waited patiently for the reply. After 10 minutes she saw it pop up.

Sasha dear: All of this will be for you. Just tell them to put it on my account.

Sasha got a little tingle…”She wants me to go to a sex shop and pick out a vibrator?” she thought. Just going to one was outside of her comfort level, but gave her a little thrill.

After work, Sasha stopped by Fredrick’s, and was immediately met at the door by a very enthusiastic store manager wearing leather pants and a bow tie. His rock hard muscle body shimmering from the oil lathered on him. “You must be Miss Black’s new assistant, my name is Roger. I am to help you any way I can.” He was a perfect specimen of the human body Sasha thought.

“Ummmm, yeah…..Roger, I am to pick out a vibrator and I never have done that before.”

“I see.” As Roger started to rub his chin, his bicep flexed to be bigger than her thigh. “Well why don’t I walk you around and help you.”

Roger walked her around to the vibrator and dildo section. Just looking at gave her naughty thoughts she never had or contemplated. “Starting out, I would go small….but if you want excitement, you can never go wrong with the rabbit.” Sasha let out a small giggle after hearing of the rabbit, something talked at length on her favorite show. “Would you like to try it?”

Sasha didn’t know how to reply.

“Why don’t we go in back and I will let you try it…after all, Miss Black is one of most important clients.”

“Ok, I guess.” Sasha mumbled as he walked her to the back room with thepurple rabbit vibrator in hand. Roger let in back and closed the door.

After putting in some batteries, Roger turned to Sasha. “First, you want to use these to get in the want to turn it on, and just lightly play…maybe over your clothes.” Just then Roger turned it on and started massaging Sasha over her baggy dress pants. “And then maybe over your breasts…” He then started lightly waving over Sasha’s perky tits as he got closer.

Her nipples started popping out as she let out an “mmmmmmmmmmmm……oh, that feels good.” Roger started moving slower, circled her nipples…and slowly down to her navel, before she let out another sight. Sasha took off her top and leaned in closer before picking up her head to start to give Roger a wet, slippy kiss. Sasha just closed her eyes and swayed as Roger continued using to message her.

Sasha started to unwittingly unbutton Roger’s pants as he unsnapped hers. As she pulled his pants down, she gasped at the size of his cock. It was bigger than she had ever seen before. She pulled Rogers pants down to the floor and kneeled in front of him, grabbing his cock and wrapped her lips around the end. He turned off the vibrator and softly cradled Sasha’s head as it began to bob. With each bob, she tried to swallow more and more of Roger’s cock.

After a few minutes, Roger pulled back and laid down on a counter. Sasha immediately jumped on him and his cock. As it slowly entered her pussy, she let out a moan. It never felt so good and so painful. As she closed her eyes and leaned back to begin humping him cowgirl, he turned the vibrator back on and began rubbing her lips as they stretched over his penis. Sasha let out a primary scream before covering her mouth.

Sasha came almost instantly as Roger continued to use the vibrator Against her and his penis. As she came, he let out a moan before exploding into her. She collapsed next to him. She didn’t want to even be touched. She just wanted to soak in thisfeeling.

Sasha showed up at Miss Black’s after doing her other shopping. She couldn’t hide the smile on her face (or her new walking style) as she entered. As she walked into Miss Black’s, she saw Miss Black standing there, a leather crop in her hand, long black leather skirt, white blouse. “You’re late.”

Before she could even let out a sorry, Miss Black interjected, “It’s time we go over what I expect out of you.”


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