Work at the BDSM Training Camp

Hello again. I wanted to add one of my hobbies that I am totally invested in, I am the designed submissive trainer at a really nice BDSM Training Camp in the Southeast. The camp is known worldwide because of the Internet and many come from outside the US to train there.

The Tops get to be trained in things like paddling, whipping, bondage, leather social protocols, and later tying ropes into exhaust-looking and Solidly binding workmanship. We actually model the ropes at the end of camp in a runway contest. All the subs/faggots have to get tied up in these ropes and model them for the camp. We are of course then fucked like dogs before the ropes cum off.

The Tops/Masters learn about safe words, negotiating sex contracts, reading their subs, the many levels of commitment to the relationship, and how that can change. Truly tough Tops learn to be more attentive and less aggressive. Very timing Tops learn to be more aggressive and assertive. It is a mix that all learn fromand typically the camp only meets 2-3 times a year.

i am one of the submissive trainers. i teach the truly mind-altering head fucks of real BDSM restraints, bondage, and yes acceptable levels of pain. i am kind of out there on the pain scale. i am not a true masochist but i am pretty close.

The submissive traines at the camp usually come in about ten strong. I meet them at the gate and take them to the open toilet and shower area. The open toilet area is a raised wooden stage. It is about ten feet by ten feet and raised about 4 feet tall, about waist high for most men. There are stairs to the front. On the left side is two conventional toilets, open to the air, no roof, no walls. in the back left corner is a sink for shaving and washing up. On the right side are three shower heads. the back two are for just showing. The one on the right front includes a ‘shower shot’ and an open drain for the subs/faggots to douche in front of the whole camp. Before the camp is over, every sub/faggot is expected to douche openly in front of the camp. This is to break all shreds of modesty before they leave.

Submissives must learn many things while here. Personally, i like to start the “end of modesty” class asap. For many men in America, especially the younger ones, modesty is a real issue. They cant even get undressed in a locker room. Nudity to them is unheard of by their peers. i get them from the van, walk them to the open toilet/shower. They are told to place the clothes they packed, all gay males pack way too much clothes, and place them in a shed “for safe keeping.” Master Tim, the camp owner will lock that shed almost immediately. These guys will be naked for the next ten days. They have signed that on several papers and on the application. They just cant process that at that point. This happens every Training Camp i teach. While they are standing there, i light a fire i have built, strip off my clothes, and burn them completely. This usually has them very upset. i tell them i am a graduate of the camp and i will be their new instructor and i will be completely naked from now on to honor my Master. We then introduce one of the camp owners, Master Tim or Master John, and they reinforce everything I just said. 1) Their clothes will be locked up safely and 2) They are expected to be completely naked for the next ten days.

Usually, i have two quit right there. They came to a nudist camp for submissive training but never once thought they would be nude? Happens every time. I don’t understand nor really care about their thinking or lack thereof at this point. The rest strip and either throw their clothes in the fire, they were already told many times to wear old junk clothes when they arrived, or give them to me and i place them in bags and into the shed. Again Master Tim keeps the key.

At this point Master Tim or Master John (they are not my husband but are really good friends,) will put me thru the whole open toilet routine. Iwill piss, defeat, shower and douche right in front of them. Now, i am an admitted exhibitionist and all this makes me very hot. i love being humiliated like that in front of other men.

We then explain to them that this is the new norm for them at the camp. They are expected to use the open toilet for the next ten days. They have no right to the Tops’ or Masters Quarters’ bathrooms. At this point, the Already aware subs will at least take a shower and douche their asses/pussies. The others usually will be there later on. i explain that cleanliness is strictly maintained for the Masters’ pleasure and is expected by every sub there. Not keeping your ass/pussy clean will get you kicked out.

I explain the eating regime to them. We are only fed solid food for dinner, and we are expected to be doued freshly in the early morning for sex with whoever is to take us for that day’s training.

In case you want to know, subs are instructed that they are not allowed on any funnIture unless they are told to sit on the furniture, i am allowed to sit on the furniture at my home, but not when we have any guests in the home. A good sub/faggot should always be on the floor, on a towel the camp provides hopefully. Some of our couples are into Dog or Horse Training and they are taken to be with their Masters at nite. In camp, as an example, i sit on the floor all the time. i eat whatever food there is on the floor, on a towel. Subs are trained to stop thinking of themselves as men, but as subs, slaves, or faggots. Many of our subs come to us either tattooed or branded as sub, slave, or faggot. For me, I was branded the first 3 years we were together. FYI, brands rarely last a year. Later, i was permanently tattooed with the word FAGGOT across my ass in three-inch high letters in black gothic script. Everyone I cant do the actual training. I do counseling and talk the subs thru their indoctrination. I monitor them for abuse, drugs, andmental health. We do try and make these people willing and lovingly cared for by their Masters.

We usually graduate almost 100% of the Masters and usually 60% of those that come as subs. A sub/slave life is not for all. It is what it is. If you like that though, well i cant imagine getting my wad blown any other way.


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