Work and Play Pt. 02: Strapon Cuck

“You should go first.” Angela told Jane as she idly toyed with the younger woman’s nipple “Less chance for Monday morning gossip.”

When Angela got to the car, Jane had one knee up on Tim’s shoulder as he knelt in the footwell. He was pulling her bikini briefs to one side with his right hand and expertly fingering her with the other, all while he licked her clip. Angela leant over and kissed Jane on the lips as the car began moving, and the driver tried his best to ignore it all.

By the time the car pulled into the underground garage, Jane was all but naked, the remnants of her string bikini falling to the ground as she clambered from the vehicle. Angela’s house was huge and she made a point of directing Tim to the drinks cabinet whilst she sank into the couch with Jane. By the time Tim arrived with beverages, Jane had half mounted Angela, her left hand pulling at the fabric of her one piece. Awkwardly, Tim tried to join in from the other side, but he’d barely laid a handon Angela’s ass before she pushed him off the couch and onto the floor. Being on his knees felt humiliating but so, so right.

Jane forced his face into her pussy and let him worship her for a while as she and Angela made out. Then, as if passing the joint at a party, she moved Tim’s head between her boss’s legs.

“You’ll need to work hard to impress me, boy. I’m not quite a dyke, but boys need to put twice the effort in before I trust them not to fuuu– oh damn.”

Tim was not uniquely skilled at eating pussy. He wasn’t born with any great intuition. It had merely been the sole active part of his sex life since adolescence. In college, while Jane dated her bulls, Tim went down on her friends and took notes on how to do it better.

Seven minutes later, Angela came so hard she immediately reached for a cigarette, then handed Tim back to her employee by the hair.

“At home, I make him eat my pussy while watching his ass jiggle in the mirror.”

“As foreplay to fucking it, I assume?”

Jane looked almost shy as she admitted. “We’ve never done that. This one always finds some way to tempt me out of it, with his silver tongue.”

“No one’s fucked his ass?” Angela asked incredulously. Jane shrugged.

“He’s hurt butt plugs, but only when I need him at his most submissive.” It translated Tim had never used one on her either, so the biggest things Jane had taken were her bull’s admittedly huge cocks. “My boyfriend is over 8 inches.” Jane said boastfully.

Angela reached beneath the couch and pulled out a leather case. It was filled with all manner of sex toys, from crops to leashes. Angela pointed at her array of strapons, ranged in half inch measures from 6″ up to 10. “How do you like Your eight inch boyfriend, Jane? Ever wish he had just a little more?”

“Perhaps… sometimes… is that greedy of me?”

“We’ll try with nine. Say if it’s too much. I’m not some man, I won’t be heartbroken if my tool’s not right for thejob.”

Angela took a moment to leash Tim then led an upright Jane along with her crawling fiance to the bedroom. Tim lay lengthwise on the bed and watched as Angela spooned Jane from behind. It took Angela a moment to find Jane’s opening and, when she did, she took her time pushing her way inside. Slowly, slowly, with the force and momentum of a bulldozer, Angela filled Jane’s dripping pussy to the hilt.

“Oh my god I’m so full!” Jane screamed as Angela held her tightly, her huge tits pressed into the younger woman’s back “Pleaaaaase!”

With a nod of her head, Angela had Tim licking her clip. The pleasure was intense and overwhelming, almost too much. All Angela needed to do was rock Jane from side to side like a baby, till she came harder than she ever had in her life.

Then she pulled out all the way to the tip, and fucked her like the cops were closing in.

Tim gawped as the enormous, thick strapon slammed Jane’s tight wet pussy. He realized then he’d neverseen such strength — not merely in the lawyer’s body, but in her mind. Jane had been with so many bulls, all of whom had claimed to own her, but none of whom had known to use her quite like this.

Angela ground her clip into the harness as she fucked, making herself cum decently as she made Jane see sparks. Tim thought he counted four orgasms from his finance, maybe five. Then Angela fell on top of her, exhausted, and breathed

“Give me the key. I’m gonna take his cherry.”

With a sleepy tug, Jane removed the key from her nipple. Then it was in Angela’s hand as she towered over a quivering Tim. She unlocked him with a deftness that spoke to experience then lay on her back, legs spread wide. “Fuck me” she commanded, yanking at Tim’s leash. Suddenly Jane was roused from her fucked out state. This was as close as Tim had ever been to fucking her, and she wondered if it would end the same way. Angela held the strapon down against her stomach, her tits long since spilled from the one piece, as Tim moved in.

“Jesus Christ, is that it? There are more fuckable acorns. You really think you can do this, Tim? With all your 0 hours of practice, and the worst equipment I ever saw. What if you’re bad at it? What if I get frustrated and give Jane’s promotion to someone else? Do you know how to fuck, Tim?” Angela let go off the strapon and it sprang forward, hitting Tim in the dick with its full force. His erection deflated like an old air mattress “That’s what I thought. Lock yourself back up now and suck Jane off my dick while I decide whether to split you open tonight.”

For the next hour, Angela watched through narrow eyes, chain smoking, as her new lover’s ‘man’ gagged on her nine inch strapon. He was desperate to protect that sissy pussy, which only made her more desperate to own it. But not tonight.

When she was sure Jane was sleep, Angela whispered to Tim “Most relationships are just drag. Dead weight, holding you down on the way to the top. I can see now why she *thinks* you’re special. She *thinks* you’ll do anything to please her. Best not prove her wrong, now, eh?”


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