I woke up in the morning, glanced at the clock, and quickly hoped out of bed and ran into the shower. I overslept because I had stayed up too late talking to you again last night, but I can never get enough of you. And honestly, I would probably still be talking to you if you hadn’t ordered me to go to bed! As I was latering my body quickly, I began to think about our conversation the night before. I loved your voice, so deep, so firm, so irresistible. As I was washing my pussy, I lingered a bit, thinking of how you made me play with myself last night, but never let me cum. How you loved to torture me! And how I loved it when you did! I forced my hand away and finished washing up, as much as I needed to cum, I wouldn’t without your permission.
Wrapping myself in a towel, I walked to my bedroom, where I had laid clothes out the night before for work. You chose the underclothes for me, and I shivered in anticipation as I looked at the panties you had picked. A present from you. Red lace, with a medium size vibe attached to them. You had seemed disappointed when I told you I couldn’t find the remote to the vibe, but you still wanted me to wear them. Suddenly, I heard my phone beep with a message. Flipping it open, I read this : “Good morning slut. You have one more item to add to your ensemble today. Your red vibrating butt plug. No need to take the remote, slut. I just want your ass filled while you are at work today. We will talk when you are off work, and just as a reminder. Do not even think of cumming. At all. Understood slut?” My stomach clnched and warmed reading the words. I typed a quick reply, “Yes Master.” I walked over to my toy box, and retrieved the specific plug he had mentioned. This was one of the larger plugs I owned, at almost 8 inches, and I wondered if I had displeased him in some way, why he wanted me to wear this, all day… at work.. But, I obeyed his orders, and lubricated it a bit, not too much, I didn’t want it slipping out! Placing one knee on the bed, I positioned the plug and began pushing and twisting to get it in place, gasping at the pressure, and feeling the need to cum increase with it. Then I got my panties on, shuddering as the vibe entered my already soaked pussy. Finally, I placed the harness on that ensured both the vibe and plug would stay in place, and finished getting dressed. As I stood up straight, I could barely restrain from cumming at the pleasure having both holes stuffed so full. How was I ever going to make it through the day at work???
Only an hour into work, and I was struggling to restrain myself. I had to take a moment to myself, and listen to his voice in my head, restricting me from cumming. I settled down, and went back to work, and was able to make it through a few more hours. Nearing the end of my shift, I was walking around the tables, visiting customers, offering refills, getting change, etc. I walked into the back to do my side work, and suddenly I clnched the side of the counter and stood a gasp, as the vibe kicked to life inside my pussy. I shuddered and wondered what the hell was going on! I fought to keep control, and continued my work, legs trembling from the exertion of fighting against cumming. I made a lot of noise, hoping no one could hear the slight humming coming from the vibe. As I finished up, I walked on shaky legs to go clock out and I heard a single word that melted me.
“Slut.” It was your voice. I tried to turn around, but you told me to stop. I obeyed, and waited. I felt the vibrator go up to medium speed and I uttered a low moan, unable to control it. The vibrations made me even more aware of the plug in my ass and I feel myself soaking my panties.
“Clock out and come find me. I am sitting out front. We are going to have dinner.”
“Here?! Now?!” I gasped through my slight panting. You knotted your hands in my hair at the nape of my neck and yanked tightly, reminding me of my place.
“Do as I say slut.”, and you released my hair. I bowed my head and said
“Yes, Master”
“Good girl.” and I heard you walk away, and thought I heard a slight chuckle as you were leaving. Suddenly the reason for the chuckle became evidence, as you flicked the vibe onto high. My knees almost buckled under me. But I gained what control I could, and did as you had told me. Walking was ago, every step I took increased the pressure of my much needed orgasm. You were looking at me with a smile on your face, watching my obvious disappointment. I saw the remote I had misplaced in your hand, and realized you had taken it, and planned this wonderful surprise. I slip into the booth, facing you, and sat down gingerly. Sitting down only made matters worse, the plug seemed to delve farther into my ass, and the violences seemed to increase. My eyes rolled back, and I fight, so hard to keep control. I lost myself for a minute, but your voice snapped me back to reality.
“Enough. I said NO cumming.” tears began to form, as I bowed and nodded my head. You told me to act natural, as one of the servers came over to take our order, and make small chickenchat with us. I was squirming, and trying not to make it obvious, while you just sat there and laughed and talked with the waitress, turning on your charm, and suddenly, turning on the vibrating butt plug. My eyes widened and I barely kept a scream from coming. She left, and brought our food soon after. I could not eat, the victorys were so strong and the pleasure was so intense, I had to put all my concentration into not cumming. I did not want to disobey you. Your eyes softened.
“Would you like some release my pet?” I nodded eagerly, thinking you would allow me a small trip to the bathroom, to let myself cum. But, all you did was turn the visas on low. It was a small relief, I could thank you for that. We finished our dinner, and walked out of the restaurant, your hand firmly around the back of my neck, leading me towards my car, parked in the employees section. I looked at you questioningly, wondering why we were not going to your vehicle.
“Get in slut.” your voice dangerously low. I settled into the drivers seat, and you into the passenger side. I kept my eyes downcast, but you told me to look at you, and then you slapped me across the face, telling me it was for questioning you earlier. I apologized and then screamed quietly, as you again increased the speed on both vibes.
“What do you want, slut? Tell me.”
“I want to cum Master, please, can we leave so I can cum?”
“Please Master! I need to!”
“I know you do slut, and I am proud of you for holding it. I will give you the release you need, but you will do it here. With all these people, your coworkers, walking around.”
“Master?” you slapped me again.
“DON’T QUESTION ME SLUT!” you thundered.
“I’m sorry Master. Please forgive me.”
“You are forgiven slut. Now, are you prepareded to cum for me? Right here?”
“Y-y-yes Master”
“Then cum for me my little slut!” and those words were all I needed, I screamed and moaned in release, my fluids gushing through my panties, my pants, and onto the car seat. You shoved your hand down my pants, telling me to cum again, and I did, my pussy twitching uncontrollably. Pulling your hand back out, you wiped my pussy juice all over my face, neck, and in my mouth. I hungrily sucked at your fingers, licking all traces of me off. Removing your hands, you smoothed back my hair.
“That’s my good girl.”
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