“You must be getting much more than me now days with all those dates you have been on.”
“I wish. You would think so but I think there is something wrong with me. All four of the dates in the last couple of months have been okay. Every time when the time comes for some action I just cannot respond to their gentle lovey dovey stuff. What is wrong with me? I just want someone to take me and fuck me stupid.”
“So what has happened at the end of these dates?”
“Basically, nothing I have just stopped everything dead. I feel bad, as three of them were really quite nice. I think I need help.”
“What help do you need? Can I help you?”
“I don’t know if I can discuss it with anyone”
“Try me I am a good listener.”
“I don’t know how to put it, so I will try and say it straight and cruel. I just want to be taken hard and aggressively. No it is worse than that I want to feel completely helpless. It is hard to say but I fantasize about being raped.”
“Relax, you are not a freak. I can identify with your fansy. Mike and I sometimes role-play with him being totally dominant. It is not a million miles away from your fansy. You have to decide whether this remains fantasy only.”
“I need something real and I need something soon. Sounds like I need to borrow Mike. Sorry, I should not even joke about him.”
“We are great Friends but I could not go that far. Our marriage is as good as most but I am not sure we could cope with him fucking you. I have had a thought but I am sure it is not possible.”
“Try me. This is permeating my every waking hour and even my dreams.”
“An ex of mine was into domination and rough sex. For anything to happen we would have to set up a reasonably safe situation. I could talk to him and see if he was interested. There would be some risk of things not going to your plan but that is the nature of your fantasy.”
“Could it be set up, I am happy to take the risk.”
Bill thought all hisSundays had come at once when Carol talked to him about Jean’s request. Carol insisted on a safe word and gave him Jean’s address. It was agreed that he would go to her house the next day. To keep Jean on edge no time was agreed.
Jean was like a cat on a hot tin roof all morning. Her excitement grow hour by hour. Her panties became so wet that she had to change them at lunchtime. She had dressed In a tight blouse, which showed off her braless boobs and nipples offering little cover. The skirt was short and close fitting. Her panties, no more than the briefest of thongs. Her makeup was as heavy as she ever wore when going out on a Friday night.
When the doorbell rang at just after three she nearly ran to open it. He was tall reasonable looking with a slightly angry looking expression on his face.
“A friend of ours sent me. You are to do exactly what I tell. Any hesitation or non-compliance will result in punishment. Do you understand?”
She wanted to answer almost before he finished but she struggled to make her mouth work.
“Yes sir I understand. I will try and do my best.”
“I am not interested in you trying. I am interested in you just doing. Turn round, down on your knees and pull your apology for a skirt up your back.”
Jean realized that she was only just inside the front door and it was wide open. She was amazed at how quickly she followed his instruction. The slight breeze from the open door played across her completely naked cheats. She wondered how long he would leave her exposed to the whole road.
He moved beside her so that she was even more exposed to the road. She did not sense him kneeing next to her but felt an exploration as he spanked her hard right across the center of her full cheats. In her surprise she let out a loud gasp.
“You will take the next six spanks with no sound at all unless you want me to double your punishment. We don’t want the neighbors coming out to see what is happening, do we?”
“No sir.”
The next six were harder than the first. Each one getting slightly lower until the last landed just above her pussy.
“Good girl, I think you are beginning to understand who is in charge here. If you want me to close the door you can stand up, take the blouse off, then face the street spread your legs and play with yourself until I say to stop. Leave the thong on we don’t want anyone seeing your pussy do we?”
The humour was lost on Jean. The safe word sprung into her mind. She was so scared that someone would walk past her door and see the state she was in. She stood quickly taking the blouse off as she did so. The helplessness of her position created an excitement which both frightened but also stimulated her. She had always thought her boobs were a bit on the small size (not actually the case) but she had always appreciated her nipples. These were now, even without any contact, dark reddish purple. Erect as they were now had them about half an inch long but even wider throughout this length.
“Nice tits, love the nipples they look like they would enjoy a spanking too. I am surprised that you have been slow to start the masturbation; your nipples will certainly pay the price. What have we here? I haven’t scared you so much that you have peed yourself, have I? If not you must either love being totally submissive or you must be a slut. So understand, you need to tell me exactly why you pussy is swollen and being like a fountain.”
Jean decided that she had to follow his orders to the letter so as not to make things worse. She had not realized until she started to play with her pussy just how wet it was.
“I have not peed myself. It is very embarrassing but yes I am excited and aroused by your complete domination. I am Not a slut but I have always enjoyed good sex. I can see my neighbor coming round the corner. Can we please close the door?”
“When your friend gets to your gate you are to smile and wave to him andThen, and not before, you may close the door.”
She knew her neighbor always tried to spy on her at every opportunity. He was older than her and a little creepy. She stood at the door ready to slam it before he got to the gate. From somewhere she got the courage to stand straight, call out hallo and wave as he passed the gate. She would remember the look on his face forever. He picked slightly on what he was eating and Almost ran into his house. Jean realized that she had taken longer than required to close the door, but felt a real buzz at holding her nervous.
He was still beside her and reaching forward took the front and back of her thong and pulled upwards sharply. This surprised her as it threatened to split her in half. He then let the back down and pulled up the front. Although the thong was very small it was cutting straight into Her clip. He now released and pulled the thong so that it rubbed and cut into her even more.
“You may take the thong off now. Then you will ask me very nicely for permission to undress me and worship my cock with your mouth.”
“Please sir may I undress you and suck on your cock?’
“You can do so but you will do so with your eyes closed. If you open them without permission you will be sorry. Do you understand?”
Jean was surprised by this twist but set about her task with enthusiasm. It was not until he was completely naked that she first got to feel his prick. She was far more surprised when she realized that her small hand could barely close around it. She was so keen to see it all she nearly forgot to keep her eyes closed. She quickly moved her hand from one end to the other trying to establish its length.
“I said you could worship it with your mouth. Do it with no hands.”
She was kneeing in front of him as she licked the length from his hairy stomach right to the smooth head. Avoiding using her hands she stretched her lips over the head and took about three inches into her mouth. Thiswas one thing she not only loved but she knew she was good, really good at. She had been told enough times. She was surprised he moved very little letting her try her hardest to please him.
“Not bad, not bad. I have not forgotten that your nipples are due some punishment. I have not decided whether to spank them or whip them. Our friend tells me you have a whip in your bedside table. Let us adjourn to your bedroom I have been far to soft with you.”
He positioned her in the middle of the bed, on her back with her legs open and bent.
“This will be like no title and nipple whipping you have experienced. I will show no mercy and it will hurt like hell. I will whip you until you will promise me to do anything I wish with you. It will increase in intensity as it goes. You may make as much noise as you wish, but after each twenty stokes I will pause and you will say thank you and ask me to whip you harder. Do you understand? If you do, ask me nicely to give you the whipping you deserve.”
“Please sir will you please give me the hard whipping I deserve.”
The first twenty were applied to her boobs but just avoided her nipples. They were firm but not as hard as Jean had expected. After she requested further punishment he increased the severity and landed every other one directly on her nipples. Jean was now struggled with the pain but also realized her hips and pussy were taking on a life of their own. Each stroke was now greeted by a howl from Jean. Through tears she requested more. The next twenty were all applied to her nipples, which by now were looking red and enflamed. Tears were rolling down her cheeses and she was sobbing.
Before she had to make the decision whether to use the safe word or request more he lent over her and took one of her nipples in his mouth and the other in his hand. He bit, sucked and pinched her raw oversensitive nipples. She felt they were connected to her clip by a tight wire.
“Please use me exactly as youI cannot take any more punishment to my nipples. I will do anything particularly if it involves having my pussy screwed hard. By your beautiful cock.”
“I going to whip your pussy until you beg me to fuck your arse rather than your pussy. Now hold your knees with your legs wide apart to give the whip a clear target from clip to arse.”
Jean did exactly as ordered, delighted to get the attention away from her raw nipples. The whip landed flat on her pussy from clip to just above her anus. Jean jumped like she had been electrocuted, her eyes wide open. As she let out a shriek.
“You will be quiet now unless you want me to hit you harder.”
She could not believe what the contact with her clip had done. From nowhere she felt like she could orgasm with little more contact. She had never orgasmed with almost the first contact to her clip. The next few strokes kept her feeling that she could cum at any time,
“I don’t believe you. You are getting off on thispain. If you orgasm while I am punishing your pussy I will fuck your arse senseless.”
Jean was beating. She wanted to orgasm so badly but knew his prick would destroy her arse. She had no say, totally dominated by him. Is this what she had wanted? It didn’t matter now what she wanted. The whipping became fast and furious, not giving her a chance to recover or collect her thoughts. She knew she had no choice whether she came or not.
“Think carefully now. Would you like me to stop? If you say no I will not stop until you cum hard.”
“No you can’t stop, anything, anything, just don’t stop.”
He concentrated the whipping directly on her erect swollen and bright red clip. He knew he had broken her completely. He even eased the whipping just enough to hold off her orgasm for a couple of minutes.
“The longer you can hold off cumming the less harsh I will be with your arse.”
It was as if the challenge was what made it impossible for her to prevent exploiting into orgasm. The violence of the orgasm frightened her as she lost any control she had. She was thrusting her hips into the air in time with the spasms she was enjoying. The whipping continued as she screamed in her ecstasy. Suddenly she felt his huge cock stretch her pussy as he sunk deep into her. She expected pain but she felt only pleasure as he fucked her hard and fast.
“You will not cum again until I do. I am not going to fuck your arse. You are going to fuck your arse with my prick.”
He then lay on his back with his rock hard prick pointing to the ceiling.
“Use as much of your lube as you wish it may reduce the pain just a bit.”
She was not sure why she lubed his prick, which was already coated with her natural lubrication, before pushing two fingers covered with lube deep into her arse. Her excitement to comply with his orders frightened her. She wanted to prove that she could take the whole of his magnificent price deep into her bowels. He was so hard anderect there was no problem lining the head up before she sunk onto it. She felt stretched to the limit before she realized that only the first three inches were inside her.
“You will keep working me in deeper until you feel my balls. That’s it work your arse.”
Why was she trying to please him? He had embarrassed her, whipped and humiliated her and she was loving it. She needed to make him cum deep in her. Her insides were just being re-arranged but there was only incredible pressure and a little pain. She realized she would not be able to bring on his orgasm without considerable disappoint. She took on the challenge and started to bounce up and down on his prick trying to squeeze herself as she pushed downward. This was hopeless as every fibre of her was already stretched.
“Would you like me to fill your bowels with my cum? If so ask me nicely.”
“You bastard you will not even let me have this moment. Please cum deep in my bottom I need your orgasm,”
He took hold of her hips and fucked her. Not long strokes but not letting her have relief as he was still buried deep. Her orgasm was unlike anything she had experienced before. Her arse went into a long spasm and did not relax for about 30 seconds. She thought she felt him squirting but she saw little or nothing in his face.
Things after this were an anti-climax. He withdraw cleaned his prick on a towel and started dressing.
“Will you thank Carol for arranging things. It was an extraordinary experience and wonderful orgasms. I will never forget, but probably not repeat it.”
“Who is Carol? Robert your date from last Thursday sent me to show you what happens to cock teasers.”
He was out of the house in a minute leaving Jean shaken. It was only five minutes later that Bill ranang the front door bell, eager and excited.
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