
I’m in the mood for action tonight. It’s been a while since we’ve played, you and me have both been very busy. But even though it’s late again, and I’ve had a hard day at work, I’m too horny to just fall into bed like the other nights. To hell with sleep. I’m in Domme mood.

I’m wearing my favorite, a champione colored corsage with suspenders, lace stockings in a matching color, and steel grey high heels. I’m also wearing your favorite: no panties.

My long blonde hair is tied into a bun, I hate it when it keeps falling into my face. If you’re really good, I might let it down later, so that you can play with it. If you’re really good.

You are still wearing your jeans and t-shirt from work, and I make a mental note to get back to that later. I don’t like it when my little boy smells like sweat and cigarettes from the office.

You look up from the computer and can tell by my attire that you won’t get to sleep soon. I love that spark in your eyes which tells me you’ve been wanting this as much as I do. Immediately you get up, walk over to me and knee beside me, bowing your head.

“You look especially beautiful tonight, Mistress. May I ask how I can please you.”

“First of all, take off those sting clothes and shower. And wash yourself really thoroughly.”

“Yes Mistress. Of course. I should have done that without you reminding me. I apologize.” You bite your lip, probably cursing yourself for being so negligent.

“Well it’s too late for apologies now, better get going before we lose even more time.”

“Yes Mistress.” You rush off, hoping to make up … you should know me better by now.

As you return, you’re wearing nothing but a towel around your hip. You are a little Unsure since I didn’t give you any directions and haven’t laid out any clothes either.

“Drop the towel, you won’t need it.”

Immediately you do, I must say, once I got your attention, you are very obedient. I get up and walk around you, admiring your tall body, your broad shoulders. It fills my heart with warmth and pride that such a strong intelligent man is giving the gift of his submission to me. I must have had a smile on my face, because you start to smile too. I quickly gather myself, I need to be focused for the ride I have in mind.

“Bend over!”

Quickly you do. I cares your back with my hand, running my fingerprintnail down Your spine and causing a delightful shiver.

“Spread your ass cheats.” I take a close look. Judging from the deep red color of your butthole, you’ve frantically cleaned it. This could either mean you’re really trying not to give me any more reason for complaint, or you’re hoping our actions will take a certain course.

I run my fingernails up your thigh, and fondle your balls. Your dick is already raising its head. “Get up”, I say, before I tentatively lick my finger for you to see, then bend over, displaying my cleavage, and run my wet fingertip around your cock, spreading theemerging pre-cum lasciviously all over its tip. Satisfied, I see your balls contract and your price jump to full attention.

“Get my bag, and fetch me a glass of red conventional juice in one of my crystal goblets.”

As you return, carefully balancing one of my most expensive pieces of crystal, you find me relaxing in my easy chair. You obviously hand me the goblet, and I reveal in the deep red sparkles it dispenses.

“Open the bag, and lay out all the items you find inside. There are a few which you haven’t seen before.”

One by one, you take out a crop, lube, nipple clamps, your cock ring and cuffs while I sip the delicious red nectar. A little surprised look passes across your face as you also find a butt plug with pony tail, a bit gag that is shaped like a harness, including reigns, and some rope. You look at me questioningly.

“That’s right, I did some online shopping. I had these reigns made after my very own design. I thought it would be fun to add some role-play to our repertoire.”

I casually pick up the cock ring and slip it onto you. I want your dick to stay hard and big as long as possible. Then I reach into a side pocket of my bag and retrieve a rubber glove. Carefully lubing my fingers, I go back to your rear end. Without command, you bend over and spread your butt cheats again.

“You were hoping for this, weren’t you?”

“Yes Mistress.”

“Well then ask for it like a good little boy.”

“Please Mistress, stretch my asshole. Please fuck me with your fingers.”

“How much do you want it?”

“I want it really badly, Mistress. I need you to fuck my butthole.”

I carefully insert a finger and wriggle it around. You’re pretty used to it, so you lost up easily. Soon I can add a second finger, but as you begin to push back and sway your hips, I withdraw. Quickly I reach for the butt plug and shove it into your gaping hole.

“Don’t drop it, or you’ll be in deep trouble!”

Next, I tie your hands behind your back. I add some rope, tying your arms above your ellbows, rendering you even more helpless.

Finally, I slip the harness over your head. You willingly open your mouth so that I can insert the bit gag. It doesn’t make it impossible for you to talk, but it certainly makes it much harder, and I’m pretty sure you’ll be drooling soon. I buckle the straws tightly, not that you could get out or even want to, but just to remind you …

“See, now here’s my little invention. I had these extra straps attached to the reins, and guess where they go?”

I pick up the nipple clamps. Fingering first one nub, then the other, until they are nice and perky, I slowly let those iron mouths bite into your flesh. They’re not too tight, so you can keep them on for quite a While. So far, this is nothing new. But now I add the straps from your reins, running them underneath your arms and attaching them to the nipple clamps from the side.

“See the beauty of this? When I pull thereins, I can tear your nipples at the same time! I’m a genius!”

You nod your head, less in approval, rather to test your limitations, to get a feeling for the harness. I can’t believe it, already you’re starting to behave like a pony!

I step back and admire my work. Circling around you, I take it all in. It’s perfect, just like I imagined.

“Run a few rounds for me, little pony. And don’t forget to shake your tail.”

You manage a muffled “Yeff Mifftreff”, for which I pull on the reins, giving your nipples a sharp and painful tug. “You’re a pony now, and ponies don’t talk. You may whinny, snort, nod or shake your head. You may also paw or stamp your foot. But that’s it.”

This time, you only nod. Then you start running. I’m leading you by the reins, making you run in circles around me. I pick up the crop and start slapping your butt violently. “Don’t forget to shake your tail!”

You pick up speed, trying to escape my crop, but to no avail. Beads of sweat are forming on your naked chest and back, your breath gets faster and faster while I, too, increase the pace of my slapses. Finally, you’re almost stumbleing over your own feet, and I lower the crop.

“Brrrr, my pony, stop, this is enough for now.”

You stand still, breathing heavily, sweating, knees shaking, drool running down the corners of your mouth. I walk over to you and whisper in your ear: “You’re a very beautiful stud. You’d breeded a fine race.” I start fondling your balls. “Maybe I should milk you and sell your semen to another breeder. Wouldn’t that be fun? Or maybe even take you to a fair and have you mount a pretty mare while I watch.”

The red color on your face is suddenly deeping. I know that this sort of treatment is humiliating for you, Especially the idea of ​​showing you off and making you fuck another woman with me watching. At the same time, these ideas rarely arouse you, as I can easily tell by your throbbing dick. You shake your head and snort.

“I know.”

I run my hand across your butt, which is turning a nice shade of pink from the treatment with my crop. I start slapping it, alternative between rubbing and slapping, until it is nice and red, ignoring your flinches. “Get over it, you wuss. You know I like it red.” You just nod your head in willing compliance.

“We still have to discuss the issue of your smelly and dirty appearance this afternoon. You know I expect you to be sufficiently clean when you are in my presence, that means, at least get out of your work clothes and take a shower.” You nod and hang your head.

“For this translation, I will deal you ten blows with the handle of my crop. You will thank me for each blow by saying ‘thank you Mistress’.”

I carefully aim, I really don’t want to hit you on your hands, and deal you the first blow on your already abused butt. I hear a sharp intake of breath, then a muffled “Fank you Mifftreff.”

Number two and three you take amazingly well, but after the sixth I can see tears running down your face. But you don’t cry out, and don’t forget to thank me after each blow. As the handle hits you for the twelfth time, I can almost hear you say “thank God” as you thank me.

“You handled this very well. Next time, you won’t be so careless, will you?” You shake your head. I go to the bathroom and retrieve a clean towel, wipe the tears and drool off your face, rub your sweaty body down as it is appropriate for a pony that’s just been taken for a stiff ride. You snort and nudge my neck, resting your chin trustingly on my shoulder. I grant you a moment of closeness, then I walk behind you and take off the rope and cuffs, freeing your arms again.

Thanks to the cockring, you’re still sporting a raging hard-on.

“Would you like permission to come, pony?”

You nod frantically. As I said, it’s been a while since we’ve played.

Once more, I sink into my easy chair, but this time I spread my legs wide for you tosee. Slowly I reach for the crop and insert the handly deeply into my dripping wet puzzle. This little game has certainly turned me on, and I’m glad I added it to our list of activities.

I pull the crop out again and motion you to come over. You drop to your knees and look up to me trustingly. I run the handle all around your gaping mouth, covering your lips in my juice.

“Bow your head.” It only takes a few moments to release the harness. Again, I hold the crop up to your lips.

“Kiss it.” You do, and I wonder if you’re thinking about the pain this little thing caused only moments ago, or if your reveling in the pleasure of my taste. Both, probably.

“Take off your cock ring. You may start jerking off now. But don’t come before I say so.”

I shove the grip back into my cunt, rub my clip with my free hand, and it doesn’t take long until I’m bucking my hips and throwing my head back into the cushions. You’re working your shaft at an impressive speed now, and I can tell by the look in your eyes you’re having a hard time holding back your orgasm. Seeing you kneeling there before me, your nipples still clamped and your butt still plugged, is enough to send me over the edge and I come in a shattering orgasm. When my knees finally stop shaking, I reach for your nipple clamps and take them both off at once.

“You may come now, pony” is all it takes, and you spurt a huge load while I rub your nipples.

After that, you just collapse at my feet, and I think you don’t even notice when I pull out the plug.

“Clean this up, then come join me in the bathroom.”

You grab my ankles and kiss both of my feet tenderly. “Thank you Mistress.”



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