As I write these words about events in the year ‘Twenty Thirty’, the year is ‘Two Thousand and One’ and thus, this tale is set in the future. It is deliberately set in a not too far distant future, to allow you, gentle reader, to feel that such things as are described in this tale, may come to pass in your own lifetime.
At this point I feel obliged to mention that the story you are About to read contains material of an erotic nature. Specifically it contains descriptions of sado-masochistic rituals, domestic discipline and sexual unions. If you find such sexually explicit material offensive, or if your Master/Mistress has forbidden you from ‘self-pleasure’, please stop reading now and delete this file. Or if you old fashioned enough to be using a paper book, dispose of the manuscript in the nearest recycling facility.
Chapter One – Plainville
In which we are introduced to the happy community of Plainville in the year 2030.
Imagine a ‘future’ where all of the world’s food and power problems have been solved, a future where thanks to genetic engineering everyone is healthy and long-lived. In this place all the women are beautiful. Some women are blond, leggy & sassy, some dark, doe-eyed & voluptuous and some petite & cute or any combination of the above. As to the men, they are all physically & mentally strong — some are witty & kind, some artistic & cruel, while others are staunch and reliable. The cruel point is no one has to be ‘too thin’ or ‘too fat’. Thanks to genetic advances, people are free be, who and what they want to be.
In this bright new world, technology can cheaply produce everything people need and much of what they merely want. In this ideal world what will happen to society. Will the work ethic still function? Will there still be wars? What happens when we have it all.
As everything the world need and much of what we want can be produced by machines in 2030, it is only natural that the big ‘movement’is to produce things by hand – the old fashioned way. And so it is that the ‘computer consultant’ makes hand-made furniture in his spare time; the ‘financial consultant’ runs a wind-powered flour mill on the weekend, which grinds whole grain wheat. The ‘lumber jack’ ensures that hardwood trees are planted alongside fast growing pines and make sure the beavers can build their dens. All this contributes to the well being of the people, but there are other changes. The Internet has caused national boundaries to become less important, centrally organized security has all but disappeared, so each neighborhood has to provide its own. All across North America and to some degree in Europe, neighborhoods and towns are walling themselves off with electric fences and guard posts. Inside these fortunes they are making their own rules. There are, religious fundamentalist communities, gay & lesbian communities and Dom/sub communities. And many other variations.
Plainville is one such self-defending neighborhood. It still looks like a typical well-to-do North American town of our own time with tree lined streets and neighbor wooden houses. There are still shopping malls and churches, although since the oil wells started drying up the cars are fewer and powered by hydrogen, but they still look much the same. But dear reader, don’t let appearances deceive, look closer, look inside the Shopping Mall, notice that most of the women are wearing collars. Look around and see that in place of those old water fountains, there are posts with rings just out of reach, and cages hung over circular pits. Plainville is one of a growing number of ‘Heterosexual Dom/sub’ towns and cities. In these Dom/sub communities the men literally own their female companies, who voluntarily gives up all sovereignty over their minds and bodies in return for love and protection.
Surprisingly the D/s communities are already the third largest grouping, only coming behind the vanilla (conventional) ‘Reagainst’ communities and the Hispanic ‘Romantic’ communities. Further more, the D/s communities have the fastest growing membership of all communities. It seems that when the ‘pressures’ of earning a living and staying healthy are lifted; many people rediscover the need for ‘strong’ personal values.
Let us look again in the Shopping Mall and notice that, the ‘collared’ women are led round by their masters by means of a leather Leash attached to a ring on their collars. Take a look at the entrances to banks, law firms and other important buildings, notice that a set of heavy iron rings are set into the wall eighteen inches off the ground. The rings may seem to have been thoughtfully been provided for pet dogs to be tied up while their owners visit the bank. But no, look yet again and see that outside ‘Happy Homes Realtor’ – a row of females are down on elbows and knees, locked to the rings by their leashes and collars. Notice also that in order to prevent the croouching females’ silk stockings from constantly ‘laddering’, the pavement of the Mall under the rings is surfaced with padded leather.
Let us leave the bustling mall for a while and look inside one of those neighbor wooden houses on the tree-lined avenues. Nothing unusual to see you may say, the husband is working in the study while the woman prepares the evening meal and the children play on computers. But look closer at the woman, yes; her breasts hang free under her sheer blouse. And notice she has no pantie line, this is because she not wearing any panties. In fact she is not allowed to wear undergarments in this house. And in the study, isn’t that a thick leather strap on the desk, what can it be for I wonder. Now see in the cellar, a heavy wooden saw bench with leather up holstered top and eye bolts set into the legs. Did you notice the windows upstairs – triple glazed and the walls are heavily insulated. That triple glazing doesn’t just the cold of winter out. All the doors are heavy and snug fitting. You will find that all the houses in Plainville are more or less sound proof, so that whenever the Master chooses to discuss his submissive partner, her cries will not be heard even in the same house. Most men spank their women at least once a day, that quiet time just after supper while the children are doing their homework is popular. He will nod his head and she will ascend the stairs to the study or bedroom and remove her clothes and wait in the position customary in that household; maybe standing facing a wall or down on all fours. The man will then enter the room when he thinks his woman is ‘ready’, and summon her to him. He will then point out his possession’s short comings before administratoring a hand spanking typically administrator with her drawn over his knee, warming her backside and bringing her close to orgasm. In childless homes the sexual intercourse will generally follow immediately, but in the house we are in now, the adults re-dress and go back downstairs wheree some TV will be watched before the children are put to bed and then the couple retire and complete their ‘mission’.
You may have been curious about those circular cages hanging in the shopping malls. In the centre of the Mall there is a square, and in the middle of the square is a large circular cavity with water running at the bottom of it. Above this large opening it is a common see a naked woman (or women) contained in a cage (or cages). The cage is suspended just out of reach of the public. On the outside of each cage, there is a crude sign showing a short message such as ‘Wanton’, ‘Whore’ or ‘Slut’. At set times you can see the sheriff come out with food and drinks on sticks to poke through the bars. Twice a day the cages are hosted down with a fire hose to clear away the remnants of rotten fruit that has been thrown at them and any human waste that may have clung to the female’s bodies, this always draws a crowd.
Those posts in the square? They are whipping posts, who are whipping posts, whoere public floggings are administratored. Look now as a Master that has just found his sub ‘gossiping with the other subs outside the Realtor’ is pulling by her lean towards the posts. If you listen carefully you may hear her pleading with him for mercy, apparently she will ‘do anything’ for him if he ‘just stops’.
Chapter Two – New Beginnings
In which we meet our ‘hero’ and Our ‘heroine’ at a turning point in their little lives.
To get a better view, let us take a closer look at Plainville though the eyes of a newcomer to the area, John Ransom. John is a truck driver like his father, but unlike his dad, John is doing the driving just to work his way through Law College. Now, look at John standing in the doorway of the greeting card shop in the Mall; he is watching the whipping post scene that we just saw starting with gossip outside the Realtor. He has just delivered several large boxes of Christmas cards and novelties to the shop and is riveted by the sight of the woman being cuffed to the posts and her ass being bared. John looks away when the Master starts flogging his sub with a six-tailed whip. Try as he might he can’t block out the sound of the whip landing on her captive flesh, nor can he avoid the sounds of her forced cries and pathetic pleasures.
Noticing his disappoint, Amanda, the greet card shop sales assistant, say, “what’s up Sir?”
“How can you stand by and watch a woman being misreated so, and be so… – so calm?”
“Oh Sir, with respect you must be from ‘outside’. That ‘woman’ is very lucky Sir, why I would give almost anything to be in her place right now!” and she turns to watch the flogging.
“How can she be ‘lucky’, she is being whipped by a man who drags her round like a slave, how can that be anything but cruelty and suffering?” says John, still averting his eyes but feeling his cock rising unbidden between his legs.
As wrestles with his emotions the sound of the lashes falling and the woman’s wimperings seem to make his cock grow ever harder.
“She is loved Sir and she has a position,” Mandy turns back and looks into John’s eyes and he knows she means what she says. But despite that knowledge and the feeling between his legs, he persists with his interrogation of Mandy.
“And you, are you not ‘loved’ by someone? You do have a job here is this shop, doesn’t that count for ‘position’ hereabouts. Surely you are better off than that ‘slave’,” says John indignantly.
“Sir, she is not a slave, she is a submissive, she agrees her limits with her Master,” amanda lowers her eyes, “and i am not loved Sir. i am ‘un-collared’ which is a very lowly position indeed Sir; only whores and run-aways are lower. And my job here is nothing, I merely watch the shop, all sales are automatic.”
Noticing that the screams have stopped, John turns back to the square. The sub is at her Master’s feet and to John’s amazement, in full view of everyone, she has her Master’s erection in hermouth. John turns away again and looks at Mandy, he notices that she has large friendly green eyes and a happy demeanour.
“So, have you got a flat of your own, or do you live with your folks?”
“Like you Sir, I used to live on the ‘outside’. But i have recently been accepted into the Plainville community as a sub. i live in a hostel for new ‘available’ subs,” says a smiling Mandy, she can sense his ‘interest’.
“You mean you chose this community, having lived outside? Don’t you regret the move?” says John, now not expecting to hear that Mandy has any regrets.
“Yes Sir, i chose Plainville and no i don’t regret the move at all. ‘Outside’ is all chaos Sir, in Plainville there is order, and i hope one day to be ‘owned’,” she says looking again into his eyes while leaning forward slightly to present her breasts for inspection. John’s eyes take in their fullness, but he turns his head back to the square.
“I gather you are not allowed out on the streets alone, so how will you meet anyone?” the man is holding his sub’s head now and thrusting into her.
“Oh, there are concerns, clubs, churches and bars – like any town, and there are quite a few men without subs, cruising for action. And then there is the Internet.”
John feels something unfamiliar as amanda talked about her prospects, for some reason he didn’t think it was ‘right’ for her to be putting herself About so much and he turned to look at her again.
“I gather that it is common for D/s men to whip and spank their women folk in this township. In these clubs, do you let men, you know er, spank you?”
John looks into her eyes while suddenly becoming very aware of his hands.
“Not in the clubs for me Sir, although some do, but later in their rooms i have got lucky once or twice, although they were a bit young for me.”
John looks down and notices amanda’s large rear. He notices she was wearing suspenders under her tight skirt; he starts to feel very warm.
“Amanda, this is my last ‘drop’ of the day, what time do you get off? Do you know a bar where I could buy you and I, a cold drink?”
John’s eyes trace the edge between her lacy bra and her heaving breasts.
“Sir, my friends call me Mandy and i’m off in about twenty minutes. We could go round the corner to ‘The Galleon’.”
Well once settled in the ‘Galleon’, a pirate ship theme bar made of old wood and ropes, they talk and talk. Mandy explains more about the lifestyle of Plainville; she explains that collared subs live well. They are given expensive accounts and can browse the fashionable clothes stores and generally buy what they want on account, providing they please their Masters. Mandy explains that many couples enjoy erotic spanking and that subs are generally expected to take physical punishment as part of their training. She explains that subs are not allowed to go out on their own for their own safety (although crime is not nearly as bad as outside, there is stillcrime in Plainville) and they are bussed around in dark green minibuses with darkened glass driven by other subs. Subs can and do work, just as outside, but are not allowed to take part in the serious financial matters of the town (hence the iron rings outside banks) however they can take part in the political life of the town, standing for places on the subs council.
John starts to understand. He has in fact, heard much of the information before as it is common knowledge especially among the truck driving fraternity, but coming to Plainville and hearing it from Mandy, who is so obviously deeply committed to the lifestyle, it suddenly makes sense to him instead of being just an erotic dream.
Inspired, John says, “Mandy honey, you’ve been talking rather boldly, for a ‘submissive’.”
“I’m sorry Sir, have i offended you?” she lowers her eyes and colours slightly.
“I think perhaps, a ‘spanking’ would remind you of your position.”
He leans towards her, liftsher face so he can see her eyes again and gently take hold of her forearms; his eyes hold Mandy’s.
“Oh Sir, you wouldn’t would you, i mean where could we go?” says Mandy, looking puzzled then, brightly, “unless we go to the forest park where there are rings set in certain trees. And there are special log cabins…”
“I think my wagon would be handier,” laughs John turning for the door and offering his hand to Mandy. They leave together in quite a rush.
The scene shifts to the inside of the nearly empty cargo bay of John’s large wagon. John is sitting on a wheel arch with Mandy standing in front of him.
“Over my knee then my penitent one.”
Mandy carefully draws herself over John’s knee. John peels up her skirt and admires her shaped bottom. Mandy giggles. John slapses her experimentally. He likes the way her flesh moves and smacks her again, a little harder, then John lets his hand wander down her stockinged legs – the silk feels good and as his hand comesback up on the inside of her leg her soft skin feels fantastic.
“Ohhh John, that’s … ohhhh yes,” moans Mandy.
As John’s fingers explore her labia, he remembers just in time what he is doing and commences spanking her cheeks in a determined fashion, first one then the other. Mandy grosses and moans and John increases the pressure. He loves the feeling of holding her as she half-heartedly struggles whilst he sends waves of pain up through her body from her base. He can make her moan or squeal at will. He notices she is getting very red and ceases the rain of blows. John massages her hot cheeses and Mandy moans. His hands wanders between Mandy’s legs she is very wet. John eases Mandy round so that she is kneeling facing John and strokes her hair.
“May i,” she says in husky voice, indicating his bulge.
And Mandy unzips his jeans and take his erect form into her lipsticked mouth. It isn’t to long before John feels himself on the broke. He takes hold of Mandy’s head and forces it down on to ‘hiself’, while thrusting convulsively into her throat. She chases a little but John is soon pumping into her mouth. When they both recover their composition.
Mandy says, “You are a natural Dom you know, and if you wanted if you could consider me as worthy, you could be my ‘Master’,” Mandy looks down the continues, “except that you have to be accepted into the community first. And there are the ‘exams’ to consider,” Mandy looks up and searches his eyes for a moment before looking down again.
“yes, exams and tests. Many people want to join the community and not all of them for the right reasons. The authorities want geneuine Doms and so they try and keep out ‘sex maniacs’, scrollers and plain old bullies,” explained Mandy, “you will have to do a bit of studying.”
“You are starting to scare me my sweet one.” John has his arms round Mandy.
“I think you will be alright, I know you are a ‘natural’,” Mandy smiles to herself, “but You will have to watch out for the secret test.”
“Secret test? Now you are really scaring me.”
“No one knows what is because it keeps changing – the most famous one was; a girl drops a tissue and if the candidate picks it up for her he is out!”
“Oh I see, well I shall just have to be careful then,” chuckles John, “what about you did you have to pass any tests?”
“All the novel girls are put in a fake castle dungeon and made to serve men.”
“You mean…” John’s jaw just drops.
“yes, serving at table, being whipped and being taken, kept in darkness, then being whipped and taken again and again,” says Mandy in conversational tone of voice.
“How long does this last?”
“Hard to say, they make you lose all sense of time.”
“How did you feel?” asks John getting excited.
“At first it was terrifying, but then I got into it.” she smiles into his eyes, “apparently they have no trouble finding staff for the dungeon.”
John resolves to apply for citizenship with all possible haste.
Michel (c) 2001
Twelve Years On – a Plainville Progress Report
It is now April 2013 and 2030 approaches and the question occurs to me (even though Plainvile 2030 was/is fiction), has any of the social changes inter-mated in Plainville come closer to being reality.
In 2001 the Internet was well Underway and the story was inspired by the ‘special interest groups’ on Internet Relay Chat (IRC) and the now defunct Microsoft Groups. Now of course we have Second Life, and I can definitely see the Plainville story being recreated in Second Life. But what of reality. I can’t speak for the US (where I set the Story), but I do know that in the UK there are towns that are becoming associated with sexual groups, Brighton for example is associated with male and female gay culture and Hebden Bridge is known as a lesbian town.
But what of the acceptance of M/f Domestic Discipline households? I must admit tothinking that there hadn’t been much progress until I remembered the overwhelming success of “50 Shades of Gray” book trial which took it’s manly female readers through Dom/sub romance. Many people regard the book as poor BDSM, but is an indication that many people are prepared to think about different types of heatro-sexual relationship that are not the standard liberal stand-off.
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