DISCLAIMER: The people in this story are fictional. The things that happen in this story are fiction. Remember how Wile E Coyote could survive getting run over by a bulldozer? You can’t. Likewise, stuff in this story may be ill-advised, dangerous, or fatal.
Jack Randolph looked at the clock in the lower right-hand corner of his screen. 5:37. He went back to the document he was reviewing, a 100-page memo that was part of a multi-million dollar merger. He was looking for loopholes. He thought of people down on the street, cheerily jostling into taxis, onto buses, and into happy hours at the bars. Jack rubbed his eyes and tried to re-read the sentence he had been scrutinizing: “Until it is expressly dictated by the executors of…”
“Fuckit,” Jack said, snapping off the monitor. It was Friday, it was a beautiful fall day, and he would be damned if he would put one more minute into this. He tossed a printed copy into his briefcase, snapped it shutt, and grabbed his jacket off the hook on the back of the door. Snapping off the light, he strode out to the elevators and pressed the call button. After several minutes, the doors opened, and he stepped inside. The doors were closing again when he heard footsteps clattering along the marble floor. He pressed the DOOR OPEN button, and the doors slide open. He recognized the owner of the clattering shoes – Susan something, he thought. From one of the consulting firms on the 34th floor. She curried into the elevator.
“Thanks for holding it.”
“No problem.”
“Susan Harwell, Ashleigh and Andrews.”
“Jack Randolph, ComExec.”
They both reached to press the G button simultaneously. As they bumped into each other, Susan’s purse, precariously wedged between her ribs and her elbow, fell. Jack apologized, stopped, and picked up the scattering of pens, costumes, and keys that had spilled out back into the purse He started to hand the re-assembled purse to Susan. But she was looking past the purse, past him, at the floor of the elevator. The look only lasted a moment, and as he handed her the purse, he realized, as a leader ball congealed in his stomach, what she had seen. When he had stopped to pick up the purse, he had put down his Wall Street Journal. As he turned to pick up the paper, his fears were confirmed. Lying on top of the paper was the copy of Singles Connections magazine that he had hidden in the paper. Jack felt a scarlet blush rise from his collar. He picked up the magazine and the newspaper slowly, and considered his next move. He thought about excuses, about babbling about how hard it had been since the dividend, about…he gave up. He turned to her. “Sorry you h-had to see that,” he started, but she looked quite unembarrassed.
“Why should you be?” she replied. “God knows the horrible state of the singles scene in this city. I mean, I…” she trailed off, suddenly getting an odd expression on her face, like a child who has just discovered a new and notquite identified flavor in a jawbreaker. “Jack,” she continued, “would you like to have dinner?”
He accepted.
They shared a cab to her apartment. The conversation started with their shared announcements at the office, and then drifted from his dividend, to her last boyfriend, (“All the right hair in all the wrong places,” she chuckled wanly), to their shared interest in travel. They shared a few glasses of wine as they put together a light supper in her apartment, both of them a little surprised at how well they worked together.
After dinner and dessert, they sat on the sofa, staring at the twinkling lights past the window and sipping drinks. He felt her weight shift, and turned to face her. She was turning, too. Their eyes closed, their lips met, and Jack felt electric adrenaline slide up his spine and exploit in His brain. They continued to kiss, their drinks forgetten on the coffee table. Susan rolled Jack onto his back, breaking the kiss to trace her tongue up hisneck and nibble on his ear. He moaned softly, his hands sliding down her back to her ass, pulling her against him. She broke away from him, her chestnut hair slightly ask, the blush of arousal spreading up her neck. “Let’s take this somewhere more comfortable,” she said, her breath coming quickly. Jack agreed, and followed her into the bedroom.
As soon as she was in the bedroom, Jack noticed an subtle but perceptible change in Susan’s demeanor. She had put forth an air of confidence before, certainly – a successful business person, male or female, must show a sense of leadership. But this was different – she was more direct, more forceful. She competed at the bed. Jack sat down. She pulled something out of her dresser. Jack recognized it as a mask – the sort of thing that you pull over your eyes if you want to sleep on an airplane. She handed it to him. He put it on.
“Lie down,” she said. He did so. “Jack,” she continued, moving her lips to an inch from his ears, her voice dropping to a husky whisper, “there are things I want to do to you, with you, and … I’m sure that there are things you want to do to me, too. But…for what I want, we have to have some rules. Understand?”
He nodded.
“Since you have the blindfold on, you won’t know what I’m doing to you, or what I’m about to do to you. But I want you to enjoy this. So you need two words. One means ‘This much is OK, but don’t do any more’. That word is ‘Yellow’. Say it.”
“Good. The second word means ‘Stop completely’. That word is ‘Red’. Say it.”
“Good. Now it’s time to have some fun.”
Jack felt Susan straddle him on the bed, kissing him again, grinding her crotch against his. She unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off. She kissed him again, and he pulled her to him, pushing his hips up, pulling her to him. Their legs intertwined, and she felt his cock pressing against her. She rolled him back onto his back. Jack was a little surprised at herstrength. She sat up, smiling.
“Hmm,” she said, “I think there’s a little too much freedom here,” and got off the bed. Soon, and not too surprisedly, Jack felt a leather cuff around each of his wrists. Each was pulled tight, and then he could feel each being attached to a bedpost. Susan pulled his trousers off extremely, and he felt similar cuffs on his ankles. He tugged a little. The Restraints held. Susan smiled.
Jack felt the bed shift as Susan got up again. After a few minutes, he felt something lightly brushing his chest, his neck, his arms.. and then, sharp, singing pain on his stomach. It was immediately followed by soft, wet kisses on the area. Susan saw his face contorting at the mixture of pleasure and pain, as his brain tried to sort out the confused signals his body was sending. She nipped the skin lightly, and saw his cock twitch. This, she thought, was going to be fun. She picked up the crop again, and laid light lashes upon his chest, his stomach, hisarms. With each stroke, he twisted, he strained, and yet, at the same time, his cock twitched and he moaned ecstatically. Susan saw a damp spot blowing on his underwear. She worked her way up his thighs, and then stopped. A moment later, she returned. Jack felt the cold steel of the knife slide under his briefs and slice through them. His cock sprang free, and he heard Susan sight softly. A moment later, he felt her mouth envelope the head of his cock. Jack moaned as her lips slip down, her tongue swirling around his cock. He felt her mouth moving slowly, and his hips began to move in time, and then she stopped. “Not yet,” he heard her say, “the best is yet to come. But I think you should see this.”
Susan removed his blindfold. Jack blinked for a minute – he was surprised to see that Susan had Actually turned up the lights. Once his eyes had adjusted, he had another surprise- she was still fully clothed. He only had a moment for this to register, and then Susan continued, her hand resting lightly on his thigh as she sat next to his naked form on the bed. “Now, it’s been established,” with this, she raked her fingerprintnails down the inside of his thigh, causing him to twist and moan with pain and ecstasy, “that you enjoy things a little painful. Because of that, I have a treatment for you.”
Reaching beneath the bed, Susan produced a box. It reminded Jack of the tackle box he used when he went fishing, but he didn’t have time to wonder about it. In an instant, she had opened it, and had pulled on a pair of latex exam gloves. She smiled at Jack. “The first thing we need to do is make sure that the area is prepared.” She slip his cock into her mouth again, drawing a moan from Jack. Suddenly, her mouth was replaced with the cool feeling of an alcohol prep swab, wiping up and down his cock. She tossed it away. Jack wondered what was coming next. When he saw her unwrap the packaging on a small, thin, needle, though, he realized. “Wait.” he said, “Stop, no, wait, I don’t think, I mean -” The needle was drawing closer to the skin. She could see his curiosity, his lust, fighting with his fear. She stroked the tip of the needle up and down the underside of his shaft, tracing the edges of the urethra. A tiny droplet of precum oozed from the tip of his cock. “Keep going….?” she asked, watching him wrestle with the idea. Finally, he decided. “Yes, keep going. Ohhhh god…” he moaned.
Susan slowly slip the needle through the shake of his cock, crossing it shallowly near the base. Were this a piercing for jewelry, she would call it a lorum. Jack didn’t know what it was called. All he knew was that he felt intense sensings like he had never known before. Later, he would tell her that it was like sticking your hand into water, and you don’t know if it’s very cold or very hot, you just know it’s very something. At the time, he wasn’t thinking coherently. He moaned as he felt her tap the end of the needle lightly, and the sensing shot through himlike lightning. She unwrapped another need, and he saw that the needses were incredibly thin – they were actually tips to hypodermic syringes, just without the syringe. She slip this one in just above the first. Explosions of pain and pleasure radiated from his throbbing, bleeding cock. She continued her way up the shake, slowly, methodically, until he had an even row of ten needs from base to glans.
Susan reached into the box again. Jack figured she was getting another need. Instead, she removed what looked to Jack like a pen made of shiny metal. She looked at Jack and smiled. Lightly, very lightly, she stroked the tip of the sound over the tip of the needs, like someone playing a xylophone. Jack moaned again, more precum oozing from the tip of his cock. She drizzled lube onto the steel rod, and Jack realized what was about to happen. Susan slip the tip of the sound into his urethra, working it slowly in and out. Jack could feel it brushing the needs inside his urethra. His breath was coming in ragged gasps. His hands clnched the sheets. The sound was now sliding all the way to the base of his cock, and Jack could feel orgasm approaching.
“Ohhh god..yes….” Jack said through gritted teeth, and then he came. Susan slipped the sound out of his cock just before the cum shot out, splattering over her hand and his tights. She stroked his cock lightly as his body spasmed and stretched, until he finally began to relax. His eyes fluttered open. He grinned sheepishly. “That was … incredible,” he said, feeling himself slowly returning to reality. His cock, though, was still hard. He looked at the needs, and breathed deeply, feeling excited, scared, intrigued.
Susan grinned at Jack. “Now,” she said, “it’s my turn.” Jack realized, dreamy, that she was still clothed. “Everybody at that office,” she started, “thinks I’m just another professional suit.” She continued, slowly unbuttoning her blouse, “And it gives me such a thrill to know what I know about me, what nobody else does there.”
As Susan unbuttoned her blouse, Jack saw on the widening triangle of exposed skin, an enormous, beautiful tattoo. As she removed the blouse, he saw it in its entirety. It was a Japanese dragon, flying rampant across her torso, its outstretched forepaws reaching for her right hip, its tail stretching under her left arm and wrapping around over her right should. Smoke trailed whimsically from its nostrils and curved around her right breast. “Much is not as it seems on the surface, Jack…” she continued, unbuttoning her bra. Her nipples were pierced – Jack had almost expected that – but not horizontally, like the few times he had seen pierced nipples on strippers, but vertically. She stroked her fingertips across them and surprised softly. Jack was ensueated. Susan continued to strip, sliding off her skirt, and finally, her panties. Jack had expected to see a piercing under there, too, and again, there was jewelry, but not what he expected. Each of her outer labia had a ring through it, there was a barbell passing vertically through her hood, and another barbell that passed through the fork where her labia met at the bottom. Jack stared at her, amazed at what had been concealed under her professional exterior.
Susan got onto the bed and kneeled over Jack’s head, putting one knee on each side of his neck. As she was lowering herself, Jack stammered, “But…how…what…”
“Don’t worry,” Susan replied, “You’ll figure it out.” She lowered her pussy into Jack’s face. He licked tenatively at first, not sure if what he was doing would hurt her or cause her pleasure. He flicked his tongue over the rings in her outer labia, and she sucked air in between clenched teeth. He did it again, with the same reaction. He tentatively licked Between the labia, slowly tracing his tongue up the cleft between, and then flicking it over her cliporis, ring and all. Her body twitched and she moaned softly. Jack started lickingMore vigorously, sliding his tongue into her, moving up to lick and suck on her cliporis, licking the outer labia. He found that she seemed to enjoy it when he sucked on her clip, hood, and barbell at once. He got into a rhythm, sliding his tongue between her labia, then sucking on her clip. Jack tilted his head back, sliding the tip of his tongue over the fourchette, flicking along the perineum, and lightly brushing her anus. Susan surprised and moaned. Jack licked her lightly, flickering his tongue over her anus, toying with it, then moving back to her clip, licking it, sucking it, getting into a rhythm. Susan’s hips started to roll in time with his ministries. Her breath became ragged. Jack felt her fingernails dig into his thighs as she leaned forward to give him better access. Suddenly, he felt her knees clamp and her body jerked and she screamed, then relaxed. He kissed her thighs gently as the orgasm washed over her. As she came down, she started plucking the needs out of Jack’s cock. He wondered what was next.
Susan got up slowly, and walked out of the room for a moment. She came back with another box. From this, she removed several things. Jack couldn’t see what everything was, but she could see the look on his face. “Jack…” she started, “I like you. I like what we’ve done so far. And I’d really like to fuck you now.” Jack smiled. She continued, “But there’s one thing I want to do first. I’m going to pierce the head of your cock and put in some jewelry.” She held up a steel bar that looked to be about 1/4″ across. Jack felt the blood drain from his face. He thought about this. Fears and doubts tugged at the edges of his mind, but he couldn’t take his eyes off the woman in front of him, and his mind was similarly occupied.
“Mm, fine…” was all he could reply. He felt like he was standing outside his body as he watched the preparations. Susan pulled on a pair of latex gloves. She used an alcohol swab to wipe his penis clean. The coolness removed the remnants of his erection, but felt nice. Then she used a different product to clean off his glans. She scrubbed very thoroughly. Susan took a marker and carefully made two dots on his glans – one on top, and one below. He realized vacantly that she was marking where the needle would pass. She removed the needle from its wrapper. The other needs were tiny compared to this. He made himself watch.
Susan carefully placed the needle on the underside of his cock, and, with one swift motion, it was through. Jack heard himself scream and felt pain rip through him like lightning. It was the most intense pain he’d ever felt, and then it was gone. Jack looked down and saw Susan screwing the jewelry together. She showed him her handiwork. There was a metal ball on the top of his glans, and a metal ball Underneath. Jack felt the shock wearing away, and an incredible euphoria flooding in to replace it. He felt ten years younger. He felt like he could run a marathon and jump out of aplane. And he wanted Susan like he had never wanted anyone before. She grinned at him, knowing what he was feeling. “Now it’s time for fun.”
Jack closed his eyes as he felt her mouth envelope his softened cock. He felt pain as the barbell moved around, but somehow…good pain. He felt himself hardening as she sucked and licked and the jewelry slide around. As soon as he was hard, she slide His cock out of her mouth and climbed up onto the bed. He was inside her in a moment. It hurt a lot, but somehow the pain made everything else feel more intense. Her hips were rolling on his, and he felt himself sliding in and out of Susan’s pussy. Susan was moving faster now, her second orgasm approaching. Jack could feel that he was close, too, and began moving his hips in time with hers. When they came, it was as one – one body, twitching and squeezing and thrusting, one voice, screaming, as pleasure rippled through the tangle of their genitals.
Some time later, (5 minutes? 2 hours? Jackhad no idea) he opened his eyes again and felt himself softening inside her. They smiled at each other, Susan stroked his cheek lightly, and Jack knew that nothing would ever be the same again.
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