Josh seemed very pleased with Lori’s participation so far. As they drove from San Francisco he prayed her obedience. He instructed her, since she now had four pairs of high heels of his liking, she should never let him see her in any other footwear. He suggested she kept her ‘other’ shoes in her car and change them once she was sure there was no chance of her and him crossing paths.
“Of course, you understand I would be very angry with you if I EVER see you in any other shoe.” Josh looked over at her while they sped down the freeway.
“Yes, Josh.” The orgasm she experienced in the store only fueled her need for this man.
“And you know why I would be upset, don’t you cunt?”
“Because I am your slut and as such I must look that way,” she paused and added, “but Josh what will we do when David or the kids are home?” She brought her husband’s name up to give him a reality check.
Holding back any anger he smiled and gently patted her bare thigh, “Of course, Iwas talking about when it is just the two of us.”
He exited in San Bruno and headed down the El Camino Real, a large street running along most of California, from south to north. Lori had no idea where he was heading.
He pulled the German car into a rather run down small shopping center, a strip mall of sorts. Lori saw a liquor store, a nail salon and further down a few more businesses which she could not make out. Dusk was starting to darken the skies.
Once the car engine and radio were silenced by the turn of the key, Josh turned towards Lori. He took his left hand and softly stroked her forehead, pushing her hair from her eyes.
“Lori, you have been very good, so far. I am so proud of how you handled yourself this morning and in the store.” He reached to the nape of her neck and gently rubbed her. “Feel my cock, Lori.”
She reached across the consult and let her hand drop below the steering wheel. He was hard, very hard.
“You do that to me and I havehad to fight my desire to fuck you,” he was now rubbing her ear lobe. “You want my cock, don’t you cunt?”
She nodded her head in agreement.
“Say it. tell me.”
“I want your cock, Josh. I want you to fuck me.” She hadn’t wanted anything as much since Frank last visited her. The guilt she felt amplified her desire to be used.
His hand had reached to her blouse and slowly began to unbutton it. “I never had a blow job as good as this morning. You are a great cock sucker. Where did you learn to take a cock down your throat so well?” He gave a quiet laugh, “I don’t see you sucking David that way. Where did you learn to suck cock. Lori?”
The top three buttons were open and he stopped and began to gently rub the tops of her smooth breasts.
Somehow she felt proud to be called a cock sucker, a great one no less. “In college. I had a boyfriend who, well who taught me.”
“To be a cock sucker and to be his slut. Were you his slut like you are mine?”
“Yes. Like you. I was his slut, his whore.” She felt him open her final buttons and pull the blouse to the side.
“You liked it when he used your mouth, your cunt, your ass when you were his slut, didn’t you?” His fingers were twisting her nipples with enough pressure to make her voice crackle.
“Yes, I loved it. David is good but he just can’t,” she fought tears When she spoke his name. “but, I need it to hurt, I need to be used.”
“I know you do. And that is why we have one more stop before I take you home and give you this,” he pushed her hand back on his cock and flexed it. “You need to be good for me, even if it seems too much for you, I want you to know it will make me happy. You want that don’t you Lori?” He pulled out a set of nipple clamps and began to tighten them.
She hadn’t answered so once both clamps were tightly affixed to her nipples and the chain hung between, Josh grabbed the chain and tugged, pulling each nipple up and away.
“You want me happy, don’t you?”
The pain excited her as she mumbled, “Yes, Josh. I will do whatever you want.”
He redid the two lower buttons, then pulled the chain so it was visible. “Get out.”
She stood, on her six inch heels, feeling the evening cooling on her legs. She waited until he came around and grabbed her elbow, steering her towards the end of the buildings. As they neared she noticed the glass windows were painted yellow and in red letters, forming a half circle, like some obscene sunset were the words: ADULTS ONLY! Below that was a list that included: adult novelties, adult magazines, video booths and DVD rentals. The first thought that came to Lori’s mind was ‘dirty book store’.
Josh pushed open the door and let Lori enter. What first struck her was the brightness of the store. Bright florescent lights showed down on everything. Not a flattering light she thought and awful bright for something considered dark and dirty.
One wall was covered with all sortsof toys, vibrators, leather restraints, oils, whips and chains. The other wall was filled with video and DVD boxes depicting all sorts of acts on their covers. Crude headings printed on cardboard were taped to the wall above the shelves: girl/girl, gang bang, interracial, BDSM, gay etc. There, by a magazine rack and a glass counter, containing even more toys was a large middle aged black man. He wore a plaid shirt and his stomach hung over his oversized belt buckle as he watched from behind the register.
There were five or six men perusing the goods and they all stopped when Lori entered. Strangely, they seemed almost embarrassed to be seen in the store by a woman.
Josh whispered in her ear, “go check out that wall,” he pointed, “pick out a medium size butt plug. I want you asshole stretched a bit before I fuck it.”
Lori thought she would fail, or trip on her unsteady shoes. Her thighs were thick with her juices and her aroma was strong. She had never felt so reducedto basic animal lust. She walked to the wall passing one elderly man who, recovering from the shock of her being there, openly eyed her body.
Josh walked up to the counter, getting ready to buy some tokens for the video booth. Before he could speak the man behind the counter spoke in a low guttural voice.
“She your bitch, young falla?”
Unafraid, as he was at the boutique, to use his pet name for Lori he spoke. “Yes, the cunt belongs to me.”
“And you are here to test her…. or scare her….. or some damn thing, right?”
Was he that evidence? “Something like that.”
“She follows orders pretty good? She ain’t gonna go ballistic on us is she?” He smiled showing a gold lateral incisor.
“She does what I say,” he answered proudly.
“Well son, I have have been through this a few times and if you follow my lead I think we can both have some fun.” He laughed and Josh swore there was a glint of light off his tooth.
Feeling a little insecure with thisconfident man he nodded in agreement and whispered,”no fucking. We can play with her but no fucking.”
“Sure, but she’ll suck won’t she?”
The question was left unanswered as Lori just walked up to the counter holding a red butt plug. Keeping her eyes down she laid it on the counter. She was sure her heartbeat could be heard, it was pounding so very hard in her chest.
“Ma’am, are we sure this is the right size for you?” he held up the plastic wrapped plug smiling at the woman. He noticed she was much older than he first thought.
“I think so, yes it will be fine,” she could feel the flush in her face and wanted this to be over.
“Well, I don’t want you to have to return it if it ain’t just right,” he tore open the package and stood the plug up on its base, “why doesn’t she try it on for size, as we say?” He directed his question to Josh.
“Good idea. Yes we want to be sure it fits, don’t we Lori?”
Before she could answer the store keeper put a bottle of Astroglide Lube next to the red dildo and pointed to a door in the back, “you can use the restroom in the back, Ma’am.”
On autopilot, Lori picked the two items up from the counter and headed to the back.
The cashier waited until she closed the door and he announced to the men in the room. “We are gonna have some fun tonight, boys. If you can’t follow my orders or don’t want some of that,” he nodded towards the restroom, “take off. Otherwise we are officially closed for the night.”
No one moved and Josh watched as the neon light blinking ‘Open’ was shut and the front door locked. Everyone was told to continue browsing and wait for the black man’s directions. He introduced himself as Big Ed.
They all turned and watched as Lori slowly walked back to the counter. Her short steps, the grimace on her face and the fact she was only holding the lubricant in her hand told everyone where the plug had gone.
“Fit okay, lady? asked Big Ed.
“Yes, fine.” Lorifelt everyone’s eyes on her and noticed them all straining to hear what her soft reply was. An EF Hutton commercial somehow flashed through her mind.
“What’s that hanging out of your shirt? he pointed from behind the counter. “Some sort of chain it looks like, to me”
Lori stood quietly wishing they would leave. She knew it wasn’t time yet.
“Answer the gentleman, Cunt.” Josh’s voice was loud and she flinched at her name.
“It, it is a chain, um it is connected to…well,” she looked at Josh and knew he wanted her to finish, “connected to my nipples. Nipple clamps.” There she said it!
No longer directing his questions or remarks to Josh, Big Ed spoke, “Show me. We sell them but I have never seen them being hurt. Show them,” he paused and Lori waited for the polite ‘Ma’am’ but instead he finished, “Cunt.”
Was it possible, as he body shook slightly, she thought; did I just have a mini climax?
Josh spoke, “Do as he says, as if I were saying it. Do this for me Lori.”
Lori reached up and slowly unclasped the three buttons. She let the bloom fall open and her dissented nipples were visible. She felt the presence of others moving closer, trying to see, but only looked at this old, fat, ugly man.
“Cunt, be a good girl and take off the shirt, so everyone can see.”
She wanted to scream; it is a blouse, not a damn shirt, but Instead shrugged her shoulders and let it fall off. She laid it on the counter.
She could hear under-the-breath exclamations of disbelief from the other men but she still just looked ahead at Ed. He had dealt with women who needed to be told what to do. Who wanted to submit. She could sense it.
“The skirt, too. Take it off. If there are panties under there, you can leave.” He laughed, “if not we gonna have some fun.”
Lori looked at Josh and saw no help in his, now familiar, evil grin. She unzipped the skirt from the side and gave a little wiggle of her hips to help it off. It slideto the floor, forming a denim puddle at her feet.
Big Ed could see her bald cunt and the juices leaking from it. The crowd behind her could see the red base of the plug in her ass and the red tattoo.
Big Ed directed his order to a man in the back, “Sully, go and grab one of those leashes off the wall. The small one with the chain.” When he returned, seconds later another order was given, “good, now hook it to that chain on her titles.”
This elderly man’s hands shook as he followed directions. After connecting the clasp he looked up at the man.
“Okay. Now walk her back to the toy wall. Real slow, so we don’t hurt those nips, ” he paused, smiling and displaying that golden tooth as he finished, “too much.”
Sully, feeling honored to have been chosen, slowly tugged on the leanh causing Lori to turn and step forward. For the first time she saw the others, staring at her body with lustful eyes. She felt empowered by her submission. The thirty or so steps endedand she heard Ed’s voice behind her.
“Cunt, on your right, grab that leather crop, no, not that one, the other. That’s it.” He felt no guilt or trepidation in giving orders to this naked lady. He looked for no answers or explanations of her situation.
“Now, put it in your mouth, hold it with your teeth.” He watched as Lori bit into the middle of the black leather crop. “Now, Cunt. Get down on your hands and knees, like a good bitch. Crawl to me.”
He had stepped from behind the counter and watched as she was led by Sully and the lean down the aisle. Her hands and knees could feel the dirt on the rarely swept floors. A good ache came from the pull on her nipples and she secretly wished the man would tug harder.
When Sully and his beautiful pet completed their journey, he handed the leather looped handle to Big Ed.
Few times in ordinary men’s lives do they get to attain some sort of celebration; today Big Ed was going to have his fifteen minutes of fame.
Basking in his moment of glory, he tugged upwards on the lean making Lori’s nipples pull away from her heavy breasts. Then, taking the crop from her mouth, he entered his friends by slicing through the air with the crop. The noise registering gasps of fear from Lori as she felt its closeness.
“Well, Missy,” he rubbed the crop gently across her ass, flicking his wrist so it made small painless taps on her cheeks, “I see a wedding ring on your finger. I know this boy isn’t your husband. So tell us does your man know what you are doing tonight?”
The highlights of her meetings with Frank over the years were those times he reminded her of her betrayal to David. This was no different.
“No,” she looked up ignoring, everyone except Big Ed, “he has no idea.”
“No idea you are here or no idea you are a filter slut?”
“Where I grew up, if a bitch dog left the junk yard, we beat its ass. That bitch learned never to leave again. Could leave her on that front porch with no lead on and she wouldn’t move.” Lori and he locked eyes. The tip of the crop was making circular movements on her ass.
He looked to Josh, “She is your bitch, son. What do you think, should we teach her a lesson tonight?”
Josh saw the eyes of a man whose people were misreated for generations. Lori wasn’t the cause nor was Josh going to let him make her pay for whatever hatred he had endured.
“Big Ed, she isn’t your bitch dog, she isn’t your wife and she isn’t gonna be beat by anyone, except maybe me.” Josh knew he needed to change the mood quickly or this could spin out of control. “Why don’t we use the Cunt for what she is good for; sucking cock.”
The other men cheered and after a few seconds, Ed’s look of defiance turned into a smile. He tossed the crop to Josh and told Lori to get up. She told a breath of relief and stood on her heels.
“Take her to booth number three. Remove the chair and close the door. I will start the movies from here. Anyone with fifty bucks gets a blow job, that includes a rubber.”
Lori had reached a new low, she was being whored out to a group of strangers. The choice wasn’t if she would suck the men, it was whether they could afford it or not.
Josh led her by the leash into the dark video room. The wall was lined with small doors with lights above them indicating use. All the lights were off, meaning the boots were empty. He stopped in front of booth three and opened the door.
The video screen emitted a low light and Josh pulled out the hard plastic chair, sliding it into the hallway. In the wall was a fist sized hole, a glory hole, and Josh understand Ed’s plan. It made sense, she wouldn’t even know who she was serving. Completely anonymous sex.
He led her into the room and undid the leash. He did not remove the clamps but loosened them so circuit would restart. He put his hands on her shoulders and spoke.
“Do this for me, Lori and we will be done.We will go home. I know this is what you want. You are a slut and a whore. Well now you can prove it. I will be right outside the door.” He pushed down until she was kneeling. Her knees were sticking to the discharges, shot on the floor in these dark lonely closets by faceless men.
She heard the door close behind her and sat in the dark, the only light was the dim green of the video screen. She started when Suddenly the room was lit and on the screen was a porno film. It depicted a young naked blond girl sucking the cocks of a group of men. Fitting she thought. The close ups of the girls lips wrapping around the hard members excited Lori.
Through the wall she heard, “open up, bitch!”
Turning her head she saw a hole she hadn’t noticed before with a rubber clad penis sticking through. The balls of the man were partly pressed into her room and it reminded her of the suction cup dildo stuck to her patio window.
“Suck it, Bitch.”
Her breath began to come in short gasps and she flashed to her duties at Frat parties in college. Cock after cock would invade her oral cavity, bruising her lips and scraping her throat. She did it for Frank and now all these years later she was doing it for Josh. She leaned forward and swallowed the cock until her nose hit the plywood divider.
The first wasn’t much different than the sixth. Her skill was something these men had never experienced and she quickly brought them off in their little latex sheaths. She preferred to feel the ejaculate hitting the back of her throat and sliding down her gullet, her mouth being nothing more than a reception. But times were different and this was not the place to take risks.
When no more cocks poked into her domain she stood and opened the door. Josh saw her lips were swollen and her face was covered with perspiration. She Walked with a skewed sense of pride out of the video area. She looked at the six men loitering around, none particularly good looking, and wondered whose cock belonged to whose face.
Since none she sucked were black she knew Big Ed hadn’t partaken.
“Well. little lady, the boys here say you are quite the cock sucker.” She heard the murmur of agreement from the men and again some weird sense of pride engulfed her.
He stood and walked in front of her. “They called me, Big Ed, before I got fat.”
He unhooked his big belt buckle and popped open the buttons to his old chinos. Without ceremony he pushed his pants and shorts to his ankles. He leaned back against the glass counter and spread his feet as far as the pants on his ankles would allow.
Lori gasped. There hanging between his legs was the biggest cock she had ever seen. And it wasn’t even hard!
“Jesus Christ,” exclaimed Josh.
Ed hefted it up with his hand and Lori could see his equally large balls. “It really never gets completely hard,” he explained, “but if you lick it good and suck the head I’ll give you something good to eat.”
“Josh,” the sound of fear was apparent in Lori’s voice, “you said I could leave, if I did what you said. I did, didn’t I? Please. Let’s go.”
For a moment it looked as though Josh was agreeable, then Big Ed’s laugh sounded in the room.
“I thought you told me she was your ‘cunt’. She would do whatever you say. Don’t look that way to me, boy.” Big Ed’s chiding caused some laughter from the other men. “You said we could have a blow job. Well, what about me?”
“Josh, please….” the second she saw his face Lori knew she should have remained quiet.
“Listen, Cunt. Ed is right. Anyway a slut like you would regret passing up a cock like his. You are my cunt and will do what I say!” He felt powerful around the men who would never speak to a woman like that. Except for Big Ed.
“Tell her she does what I say. I will stop only if you tell me to. I don’t listen to the bitch.”
Lori was nervous, her lips ached, her knees and legs were sticky from kneeling in strange men’s cum and she was standing nude in a dirty bookstore. Everything logical and sane told her to run; her body wanted her to stay.
“Cunt.” Josh spoke loudly and waited until she turned and faced him, “you heard Big Ed. You will do what he says, without question. Everyone here knows you crave this type of behavior. So stop pissing me off.”
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