He squirmed, uncomfortable in his seat, and wished he weren’t blindfolded. Wished his hands weren’t tied behind his seat. Wished his pants and boxes weren’t around his ankles. Okay, he really wished his pants and boxes weren’t around his ankles. But he wasn’t going to say anything, the embarrassment as much of an aphrodisiac as he’d ever felt. He had no idea why he was letting someone do this to him, much less a woman he’d just met two hours ago, but for some reason it felt right. His mind screamed that this was wrong, this was weird, he should protest, but his body pursued and begged for more.
“You’re blushing,” came the amused voice of the woman, bringing even more blood to his face and to his cock. She was close, nearly whispering into his ear. He shivered.
“I’m not sure about this,” he protested weakly, feeling his cock reach for her, bobbing blindly upwards.
“You’ll be fine,” she told him. “If it gets to be too much for you, or if I do something you really don’t like, tell me and we’ll stop.”
“Nobody else can see me, right?” he asked nervously, almost glad for the blindfold, so that he couldn’t see if there was a crowd watching him. That would be even more embarrassing, and he wasn’t sure he had enough blood left in his outer extremes for more blushing. She just laughed, and he found that he did. He could feel the heat radiating off of his face.
“Where are we going?” he asked, wishing he’d stayed back at the bar.
“To my apartment,” she replied. “Now hush, I want to enjoy the view in silence.”
He wasn’t sure why he obeyed her, but he stopped protesting and let her look, feeling her eyes on him. Delicate fingers went to the buttons on his shirt and undid the first three, briefly caring the skin revealed before retreating. That single tiny touch was more effective then any attack his past girlfriends had made on his senses, leaving him nearly crying out when it was removed. He shivered again, though this time with anticipation rather then concern. She laughed again. He heard the engine start, and felt the car start to move, and waited in silence for her to command him, to do with him as she wished.
He’d never had fans like this before, but he suspected that he’d have quite a few after tonight. He wasn’t sure why he’d agreed to this, except that the sight of her ruby-red lips forming the words of the things she wanted to do to him had been one of the hottest things he’d ever seen in his life. Now he was having second thoughts, though his body was all for it.
He tried to keep track of the turns and directions they were going, but lost count fairly quickly. His nervouss grew, now that he didn’t know where he was. He squirmed in his seat again, feeling the blood drain out of his face slowly, and sending cold chills down his back.
“Nervous?” asked the woman calmly. He nodded. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of you.”
“That’s what I’m worried about,” he muttered, and she musthave heard it.
“Tell me exactly what’s got you concerned,” she commanded, and he found himself answering.
“I don’t really know you,” he replied. “You could be a serial killer for all I know, or out to torture me or blackmail me or something. You could leave me in some cheap hotel room with a gang, and let them rap me or beat me or something.”
“I could,” she agreed Calmly. “But I wouldn’t. It’s very easy to cross that line between safe, consensual play and rape or abuse, especially with the kind of lifestyle I lead, but I know the line very well, and if you want to go back, I’ll take you back.”
“No,” he protested, then wondered why. “I’m just nervous. I don’t want to stop.”
“Good,” she replied. “I want you to be anxious and squirming, but I also really want you to trust me. I won’t let anything happen to you that you don’t agree to.” He was reassured, though he probably shouldn’t have believed her.
“Tell me what you expect from this evening,” she commanded a few minutes later, and he shivered again with anticipation.
“I…I… I really don’t know.” He blushed. “You mentioned bondage and…and some other stuff, but this is all new to me. I’ve never pictured myself doing anything like this before in my life.”
“You do want it, don’t you?” she asked, and he hastily nodded. “Then tell me what you want. What do you want me to do to you?” she persisted.
“I…fuck me,” he whispered. She laughed.
“What was that?” she asked. “I couldn’t hear you.”
“I wanted you to fuck me,” he said, louder and blushing harder.
“Details, baby,” she purred, running a finger up his cock, and under the ridge of the head. His hips bucked, trying to get more of the sensing, but she took her fingers away.
“Um… I…let me lick you,” he said, trying to concentrate. “Let me play with your breasts. Let me touch you at all. I really want you to touch me, not just those teasing little touches you’ve been doing. Really touch me, play with me, do whatever you want with me…” He trailed off as her hand wrapped around the base of his cock and pulled up, bringing his hips up off the seat in an attempt to keep her hand on him. She laughed, and let him thrust into her fingers for a few moments, before dropping her hand to his balls, and playing with them for a moment. Then she took her hand away and he whimpered. He felt the car turn, and then her hand returned to play with him some more.
He lost track of time, as he felt his orgasm building, then she touched the spot right behind his balls that was so sensitive, and he moaned, long and loud. She laughed. “I don’t want you to cum yet,” she told him, keeping her hand on him, but not moving it. “If I keep going, do you think you can handle that?”
“What?” he asked, focusing on her voice. She repeated herself. “I can warn you when I get really close,” he said, hoping that she wouldn’t stop, no longer at all self-conscious. He couldn’t have cared less if his grandmother was in the back seat, as long as she kept doing whatever she was doing.
“Just so long as you don’t cum,” she warned. “If you cum, I’ll be upset.” He nodded hastily, not wanting her to be upset with him. He somehow knew that he wouldn’t enjoy that nearly as much as he was enjoying this. He felt another moan slip out when her hand started moving again, building the fire back up. The sounds just kept escaping him, his body overwhelmed as his felt his head fall back against the seat. She built him up, almost to the point where he was ready to cum, and then pulled back, making him squeak in protest. She laughed.
“Patience,” she murmured, and he whimpered.
It seemed like forever that she teased him over and over, bringing him to the edge twice more before arrival at their destination. He was hotter then he’d ever been before in his life, and he wanted to cum, but he knew he wasn’t going to get it until this woman was good and ready. He suspected that he hada while before she granted him anything, and he knew he’d be on his knees begging long before that. He wanted it more then anything he’d ever been offered in his life.
“We’re here,” she said with a purr. The car shut off, and he heard her door open. He nearly panicked, terrified at being left alone in the car for an unknown amount of time, but before he could seriously freak out, he heard his own door open. A hand reached across him, unbuckling his seatbelt, and then reached behind his seat, untying his wrists. She tugged him to his feet, pulling up his pants and boxes, but not fasting the pants, and kissed him gently.
“Turn around,” she ordered, and he turned, feeling the breeze on his engorged cock. As turned on as he was, it nearly made him cum right there. She buckled a pair of soft leather cuffs around his wrists, securing them behind his back again, and locking them in place. He jumped at the sound of the first lock clicking shut.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“I’m locking them closed,” she replied.
“Why?” he asked, almost panicking. He could think of a million reasons, all of them ending poorly, why she would want restrains on him that he couldn’t take off.
“I like the look of them, that’s all,” she replied gently. “I know you don’t totally believe me, but you can trust me. I’m not going to do anything you don’t want.” He nodded hesitantly, and was rewarded with a gentle kiss on his neck. “Remember, all you have to do is say your name, and I’ll stop whatever I’m doing.”
“Okay,” he replied, slightly reassurered. She pulled his arms behind his back and connected the cuffs, then trailed her fingers up one arm, across his collarbone, and down the other as she circled him, studying him.
“You’re amazingly handsome, you know that?” she asked, and he blushed.
“I’m not, not really,” he protested, but she clicked her tongue at that and he stopped.
“I think you’re handsome, and that’s all that matters,” shesaid firmly, and he nodded. Her voice softened. “Good. Now let’s go inside. I’m going to put you on a leash, and I want you to follow the direction I tug. Tell me right away if you want to slow down or if I’m pulling too tight.”
“Okay,” he said.
“And from now on, I want you to answer me with ‘yes Mistress’ or ‘no Mistress’, understand?”
“Yes Mistress,” he corrected. He felt a surprisingly soft piece of leather fastened around his throat, and heard the soft closing sounds of a chain leash as it was attached, then felt a gentle tug and followed it. He stumbled twice, tripping over things he couldn’t see, but made it into wherever they were going without a major problem. It was reassuring that Mistress stopped and asked if he was OK after every time he stumbled, even though he didn’t say anything. There was the sound of a key scraping in a lock, and then she was leading him through a doorway, warning him that there was a slightly raised part on the floor and to watchhis step.
They paused, and he fidgeted, becoming conscious that he was now insides in a strange building with a strange woman, with his cock waving to the world. He could feel himself starting to blush again, and wondered if she’d close his pants if he asked her to. He realized a few moments later that they must have been waiting for an elevator, and shortly after that, there came a faith ding and another tug on his leash.
The elevator doors closed with a soft sound, and they began to move, and he felt her hand on his shirt, unbuttoning the rest of his buttons. He wondered briefly what she’d done with his tie, but then decided he didn’t want to know. She brushed aside the material of his shirt and let her fingers wander over the revealed skin. His cock reached for her fingertips, twitching hopefully when her fingertips drifted down his stomach. There was another ding as the elevator doors opened again, and there was another tug on his collar. He followed, still unsure whyhe was so obedient. He was rapidly ceasing to care about the ‘why’ though, and just enjoying.
“You’re being awfully quiet,” Mistress murmured, stopping again and the sound of keys jingling came again.
“I’m not sure what to say,” he replied. “I’ve never done anything like this before.”
“You’ll be fine,” Mistress whispered into his ear. He shivered, then bit down on a moan when he felt the warm wetness of her mouth on his earlobe. His knees nearly gave out on him. She laughed, low and super sexy, right in his ear, and he shivered again.
The key scraped in the lock, and he was very conscious of the blindfold. He wondered what kind of place this was, whether this was an apartment like every other, whether it was covered in whips and chains, whether it was absolutely barren, whether it was full of silently watching people. Mistress tugged him into the room then he felt the leash fall to his chest.
He waited, trembling slightly, for her to give him some kind ofInstruction. His ears strained to hear her as she moved around the room, and he wondered once again why he didn’t just take off the blindfold and see. He didn’t. It was nervous wrapping, but made his imagination run wild, going through hundreds of possibilities, both the horrifying and so hot.
“Take two steps forward,” came the silky voice of the Mistress. He tenatively slide first one foot, then the other forward, war of tripping over something, but instead found the way clear and even. Mistress ran her fingers across his stomach and he shivered at the sudden contact. The fingers traced around behind him, and he felt the cuffs being unclipped from each other and his shirt being slip off slowly until it fell to the floor. His shoes were untied and pulled off, then his socks, and his feet touched the cold hardwood floor. Then pants and boxes fell as well, and he was told to step out of them and spread his legs wide. He shivered, both at the vulnerability of being blind and naked,and the thrill at it. Mistress picked up the lean and tugged him forward a few more steps, before telling him to turn around and backing him up until his back was against the wall.
“I’m going to enjoy tying you up and playing with you,” she whispered into his ear, her wet tongue tracing the curve at the top.
“You’ve been playing with me ever since we left the bar, Mistress,” he breathed, voice only slightly shaky. She gave a low laugh that made his cock twitch towards her again.
“True,” she agreed. There was the sound of more clothes being shed, and his mind provided a beautiful image of her tugging off the red halter top she’d been wearing in the bar, and shimming out of those tight jeans that had first caught his attention. Her standing there in her bra and panties (his imagination and body went wild with that image) and slowly unsnapping the bra…
“Take this off,” she said, pulling his hands up to the clap of the bra. It was a lacy, front close bra, soHis curious fingers brushed her breasts as much as they played with the bra, something he tried to take full advantage of without being too obvious about. After a bit of intentional fumbling, he got the thing unsnapped, and slid his fingers across the full bottoms of her breasts as he pulled it off. She gave a fear, breathy laugh, clearly having enjoyed it as much as he had.
“Aren’t you the cleaver one?” she asked, but seemed to require no answer, simply dragging a fingerprintnail down his chest in retaliation as she picked up the leash. “Now, I promised you a shower. Come.” And she tugged him away from the fallen clothes, and onto a cold tile floor. Again she dropped the leash, and again, he stopped and waited for her to continue.
The sound of the shower turning on was loud in the room, as was the sound of her testing the water to make sure it was warm enough. Then came the jingle of keys, unlocking the cuffs at his wrists and the sounds of them being put down on the counter.He gave a very quiet sight of relief. Then she had him knee and drove him crazy by asking him to take off her panties with his teeth. He knelt carefully, and she handed him a towel to put under his knees. He did, but absently, thinking instead of how her skin would taste. He went to raise his hands, but instead felt a hand in his hair, curling around and twining fingers through it, and pulling his head towards the scent of her arousal.
He ran his tongue up the front of her thigh until he encountered the elastic band of her panties. He traced the top across to the center of her stomach with his lips, kissing as much skin as he dared along the way, then sliding his tongue under the elastic and grabbing it with his teeth. He nipped her gently in the process, and felt her stomach suck in as she gasped softly. He tugged downwards, dragging the reluctant garment with him, and burying his nose briefly in her pussy as he went. Another breathy laugh.
“Are you sure you’ve never donethis before?” Mistress breathed shakily. “You seem to know all the tricks.”
“Never, I swear,” he said around the panties in his mouth, so it came out kind of garbled, but he wasn’t going to let go just yet. He dragged them all the way down to the floor, and kept them in his teeth while she stepped out of them and away. He stayed there, some instinct telling him to keep his forehead on the floor and wait. Gentle fingers curled under his chin and raised his head, and he left the panties on the floor. She kissed him, a gentle kiss that told him he’d been right to trust his instincts.
“You must be a natural then,” Mistress whispered against his lips. “You’re doing such a great job.”
“Thank you Mistress,” he said, very pleased with that. He was slightly surprised to find that he didn’t feel weird kneeling on her floor, wearing nothing but a collar and leash. It feel natural; it feel right. He was still a little nervous, but those nerves were quickly becoming a fear of disappointing her rather then a fear for his safety.
“Get up, we’re going to take a shower,” she told him, and gave him a hand to steady him as he got to his feet. He nearly whimpered at the loss of the collar, as she took it off and set it down (probably next to the cuffs) and wondered if she was going to leave the blindfold on or not. She did, instead keeping hold of his hand to lead him into the shower, telling him when to step over the slight lip and to be careful of the doors. He used his other hand to steady himself on the frame of the sliding door and stepped into the wet heat. He heard the door slide shut behind him and winced as the hot water hit him for the first time.
“Too hot?” she asked.
“No, just surprised, Mistress,” he assured her. Her delicate fingers cleaned every inch of him, including his cock, which twitched and jumped in her hands. She didn’t let him cum yet, though, and gently scratched his hands away when he tried to bring himself over the edge. Shelaughed every time he tried, like she found his attempts to finish as amusing as his whimpers when he was denied. He got his revenge though, when she handed the soap to him, and told him to wash her. Then she was the one panting, and he nearly smiled. She pulled away before she came though, and he was rarely disappointed. A moment later, the water was turned off, and he heard her getting out of the shower.
“Hungry?” she asked after a moment. “I think we both need to cool down for a little bit, otherwise this evening is going to be over too soon.”
“Anything you want, Mistress,” he said truthfully. She laughed.
“Dangerous words,” she murmured, and began to meticulously dry every inch of him off. The rough texture of the towel was so different from her smooth fingers that he moaned again, and wondered if he could possibly get any harder. If this was cooling down, he would die of bliss when things really heated up. He was glad when he felt the soft collar being put backon, and didn’t even mind the cuffs as much this time.
“Now, what kinds of things do you like to eat?” she asked briskly, tugging gently on his leash and leading him out of the bathroom.
“I can’t have you, Mistress?” he asked with a disappoint smile. She laughed again.
“Later,” she replied.
They ended up eating strawberries and chocolate sauce, her sitting on a couch of some sort and him on the floor at her feet. She fed him, keeping his hands cuffed behind his back the whole time and making him feel helpless and cherished at the same time. It was a strange combination, one that he’d exam later. For the moment, he concentrated on sucking all the chocolate and juice off her fingers and teasing both of them while they ate.
“I take it then, that you aren’t planning on cooling down any,” she said, though the breathless note in her voice told him that he was keeping her on the edge as much as she was keeping him there. In response, he sucked the finger she was starting to pull out of his mouth back in, caressing it with his tongue the whole time. She let him suck it for a while, gently seeing it in and out of his mouth like he was giving head instead of sucking on her fingers, and he found that he could get hotter, harder. He wished he could see her, though. He bet she was beautiful, watching him with a smoldering look on her face, and a superior smile on her lips.
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