
You are warned that some people will find that the sex in the story below shocks them.


This story contains no reference to real events or to real people

This story may be reproduced in any form provided credit is given to Penelope Caesar.

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“Yes, that is the boat we were on. It is built like a Roman pleasure galley they say, with eighteen oars each side and that big pavilion on the back. There is no motor or anything, just the oars to drive the boat along.”

“Here are the slaves smoking as they row. They row nude except for the gloves on their hands; and the females typing them to the oar and to the benchmark. The galley can’t break stroke if a slave wants to piss or to shit, so it all goes into gutters underneath them. If you look there and there you can see that two of them were pissing when the shot was taken. And here is a shot of slaves cleaning the gutters at the end of a day.”

“That one shows the drummer and the steerswoman. We have a proper rudder rather than the Roman steering oars. The drummer sets the pace for the oarsmen’s’ stroke. You can see they both have whips at their belts, but they don’t normally use them much.”

“This one shows the three working whips doing their duty. Each of them deals with six men on each side. When this was taken, the Captain had just ordered More speed at the end of a hard day, so the whips had plenty to do. You can see the fresh marks showing on most of the slaves shoulders.”

“This shows the cabin below the pavilion. The Captain, her officers and guests use it when they don’t care to use the pavilion above. That is me as first officer, three gold stripes on my collar and my boot tops. That is normal uniform, but we put on more if the Captain Wishes. The one with two gold stripes is the navigator, and the one with two red stripes is the Slavemistress. She is a tiny little thing, but she has a wrist of steel with the whip. A line of blood drops with every stroke. The other two women were guests. The man serving the fat one is one of the two supernumerary oarsmen. You can see the other waiting by the door for when he is wanted. As soon as one of them’s cock goes limp, he is put back on an oar and a replacement brought up to officers country. We officers and guests were getting through about twenty a day at the time. The crew women take as many as they feel like when the galley is moored. The other two men you see in the posing pouches, black ties and aprons are the steels. They are never allowed to fuck or to row.”

” This shows the inside of the pavilion, looking forward. That is me with my back to the camera standing over the oar pit. Most of the slaves are looking past me at the display couch where you can see the two supernumeraries are sandwiching the other guest. The one up her backside has an extraordinarily thick cock, which is why the Captain ordered him up there. The Slavemistress there was whipping them to make them go into her harder. And just after this was taken she began to scream with orgasms.”

“Guests do pay passage money if the Captain thinks they should. She charged her own daughter for a trip last year. But of course the slaves pay almost all the costs.

It is part of their servitude. And the Slavemistress picks and chooses over whom she will accept. She says she must have a balanced team every voyage.”

” The point is, my dear, there will be a vacancy for a whip for a two day trip in June. If I recommend you, the Captain will accept you. Given your looks, she will probably take you too. She is powerful sexual medicine.”

” I’ll leave you these and the other photos to look at. Don’t lose them or let anyone else see them. Give They back to me and tell me your decision tomorrow evening. We can talk about it when we have each had my husband and he is sleeping off the effects.”


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