Phone Sex Operator's Mistake Ch. 03

Donna picked the magazine up off the floor and thumbed through it without looking. It crackled as she turned the first few curled and frayed pages. Something sticky dried there? Or just waterlogged? It was more than two years old, the movie star couple on the cover had long since divided and moved on to new relationships, the starlet who’d lost 30 pounds on a miracle diet had replaced her weight, and the actor who’d Resurrected his career had already vanished into obscurity again.

None of it mattered. She dropped it to the floor and chuckled. They’d slide it under the door a few minutes ago. Was it supposed to be a present? Was it supposed to provide distraction? Entertainment? Take her mind off of her situation? Maybe it was just someone’s bad joke.

She thought back to the meeting earlier today. Everything was so formal and cold, so business-like. If they were serious, they had to be insane. You couldn’t buy and sell human beings. It just wasn’t done. But she recognizedher words as bravado – nothing more. She read enough to know that slavery was still practiced in many parts of the world. Both legally and illegally. And the people at that meeting could have come from anywhere. Anywhere on the planet. And they could take her anywhere.

Was what they were saying actually possible? Could they really have made her vanish so completely? The more she thought about it, the more scared she became. Yes, it was possible, completely possible. She’d done everything she could to hide her phone sex work from her friends, most of whom she’d kept at arm’s length anyway. Even if they noticed her missing, it would probably never occur to them that anything terrible had happened. Most of them were Internet friends who would think she just got bored.

The only other possible hope she could imagine was the bank. If someone at the bank noticed that the regular deposits had stopped, maybe they would become suspicious. Maybe they would wonder what had happened. Maybe they would try to contact her. Or her employer. No. Not her employer. She shivered as she realized that the only person they could contact to ask about her was the same man who was offering her for sale.

She was completely alone.

She hung her head and closed her eyes. The fact struck her hard. Would this turn out to be the price she paid for her cherished privacy? She tried thinking of some other possible escape, something in the meeting yesterday, something in M ​​that she could appeal to, but everything dead-ended with the simple fact that she was in this alone.

Donna laid down on the bed and tried to stop her racing mind. Her thoughts drifted to her last phone call with Larry. His last call ever. Her insides churned. She thought about how intensely they’d played, thought about the authorities listening in on the call. Had they listened? Or was it enough that he’d called? Had she caused his death? Was there a tape of their conversation somewhere? Was it circleting on the Internet? Among the people at that meeting? Everything swirled but she finally fell asleep.


There was a loud, grinding sound as the heavy metal door began to slide open. She lifted her head, rose slowly to her feet. The brights lights were on again and she smelled something sweet in the air. Refreshing the room for the next encounter?

Three women came into the room. She Thought she recognized one of the faces from the board room but couldn’t be sure. They took positions, one to each side and one directly behind her. The room lights dimmed. Then, a panel in the wall in front of her slide open and a screen lit up.

The screen showed the room, the three women, and Donna standing in the middle. They were dressed in the same light grey business suits Donna had seen in the board room Earlier. She stood out in stark contrast, wearing a deep burgundy colored lootard that covered her neck to toe, the arms ending just above her wrists.

In the movie, one of the women bent down and picked up the magazine. She rolled it up, tapped it lightly under Donna’s chin and smiled. “Didn’t like it?” Donna looked down at the floor. The magazine was gone.

She heard a voice and looked back at the screen. The image had changed. She recognized the man whose face had been there earlier.

“I said earlier that I’d explain some of this to you, do you Remember?”

Donna nodded.

“That’s good. Sometimes lately, you’ve found that you’re getting confused and forgetting things, isn’t that true?” He paused a few beats. “Like some of the movies you’ve been watching? When they were taken? Where? With whom?”

Donna started as she felt a pair of lips kiss her lightly at the base of her neck. At the same instant, the women at her sides each raised an arm and held her gently, elbows at her side.

“That must confuse you,” the man said. The mouth moved from her neck down along her spine. She felt a warm hand touch inside of her right leg,Just above the knee.

“Yes,” she whispered, then cleared her throat and repeated it. “Yes.”

The face on the monitor smiled. “A little distracting, isn’t it?” A short laugh. “It’s very difficult to get one’s bearings when so much is going on. Sensory overload. And it’s even worse when so much of it is a mystery. A lot of things are confusing you right now, aren’t They?”

The mouth had worked its way to the base of her spine. It was open now, a warm tongue making small, hot circles. The hand was moving upward slowly. Donna closed her eyes and focused on the feelings. Something seemed to be connecting them. A heat traveling from the hand to the tongue and back, warming the entire area in between.

“Do you wonder why you are so much more easily aroused now? And why you do not remember the encounters we have been showing you on these monitors?” She opened her eyes. The monitor changed to another movie. This time, she was with the same three women, in the same room shewas in now. The same room and the same clothes. But it was different, it wasn’t in real time. Yes, the same two women were holding her, but the third was on her knees, the back of her head visible, face buried between Donna’s thighs. She felt slightly dizzy again, her eyes focused tightly on her face in the video. She saw herself lost in ecstasy, they must have been at it a long time already. She was completely naked – covered with a shiny layer of sweat and grinding her body against the woman’s face.

“Look familiar?” the voice taunted.

A loud moan escaped her lips and her knees went weak when she felt the tongue between her legs. She looked down and saw the woman kneeing there. Just as she was in the video. On her knees, working diligently. But how? And why was there no leotard on the Donna in the monitor?

“And are you wondering why you do not remember things that have clearly been happening? Like the movie you’re watching now? And why it’s so difficult to focus?…” Donna tried to listen to the voice. It was about to answer her questions but she didn’t really care. She felt her own hands drifting slowly towards the sides of the woman’s head. The two women at her sides released their grip on her arms.

“We use a very old, old herb. Have you heard of lactuca virosa or lactuca serriola? It not only has an aphrodisiac effect, but it also causes complete memory loss for short periods of time.”

The science lesson was completely lost on Donna who was now pressing the woman’s head harder against her. She felt the lips and tongue pressing on her sex through the lootard.

“You no doubt do not recall what happened after the delivery man entered your apartment…” It was coming through, but Donna’s attention was completely focused on the woman’s mouth. She felt the woman’s hand slowly unzipping the crotch of the leotard.

“…how he let you take the next several phone calls that day while he listened? You objected but he refused to leave, telling you that everything was all right and to go about your business…” She heard less and less of what he was saying. She opened her legs wider and felt the single finger the woman was now pushing gently into her.

“You left voluntarily with him and we began the process of slowly shutting down your life…” Donna’s knees trembled and she tried shutting him out of her head. She wanted to feel, not think. A second, then a third finger was inside her. The tongue was masterful, her entire body was on fire.

“You have been here for six months.”

A long pause. The tongue and fingers continued to work on her body. Then:

“Nobody is coming.”

Donna heard it somewhere deep in the back of her mind but didn’t care. Not right now. She was close but the voice was distracting her.

“You probably wonder where the videos come from, don’t you? Watch,” the voice said. Through the fog in her head, she saw the screen in front of her change. There was Donna with a strange man, gambling on the Rivera. Playing bass guitar onstage in a rock and roll band. Sinking a hoop shot from mid court. Then, her sitting in her cell earlier today, looking at the magazine. Her at home, taking phone sex calls. She was dizzy, none of it made sense.

“We can do anything with these computers. We only needed a few photos of your face. Which we took from your website.” Dimly, she realized that she’d been watching computer-generated footage. The screen flashed to a view of her and the three women, realtime, from a camera she could see in the corner of the room.

“Some of the movies are real. Some are generated.” There was a quick thrust of fingers inside her; she groaned. “And from now on, you will never know which is which.” The tongue focused tighter on her bud. “You reality is totally in our control.” The tongue was driving her crazy, the voice merely an announcement now. “We will control everything you perceive and how you perceive it.” She felt two mouths nibbling on her nipples through the lootard. “There is only a single reality you will be able to be certain of.” She felt her nipples stiffen as the mouths sucked on them. “One single reality.” She felt her nipples grow and stretch as the mouths bit and tugged them – one inch, two inches, five, ten. “The moment of orgasm.”

Donna jerked and rocked as the mouth took her over the edge into that single new reality. She collapsed to the floor, pulling the woman’s head down with her. She tried to grind the mouth hard against her, but something felt wrong. She closed her fingers and panicked – her hands were empty. She opened her eyes and looked, she was alone in the room. Was she going mad? Were they driving her insane?


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