Aly quickly got into dominating Karen. For such a submissive girl, she adapted to being domineering amazingly well, and as soon as she came down from her bubble bath she made a start by saying to Karen “I’m desperate to pee, lie your head back on that stool, so I can pee in your mouth.”
Karen looked at me, but I just stared into her eyes, and Aly snapped, “Do it!” Which started Karen into obeying her new mistress. This was going to be fun.
Aly squatted down over Karen’s face and settled her weight onto Karen’s open mouth. She smiled at me as her piss flowed into Karen’s mouth, saying, “I could get used to this, her mouth is so lovely and warm, and toilets are so cold and clinical,” then, “I’ve finished, but I’m so comfy here I think I’ll stay here for a while, do you think she can breathe?”
“Possibly not,” I replied, “but I’m sure she’ll make a fuss if she can’t,” and then Karen was making a fuss, wriggling and trying to push Aly off her.
Finally, Aly liftedup a little.
“Lick me clean,” after which Aly flopped onto the sofa next to me and pointed between her legs for Karen’s benefit.
Karen got the message and crawled between Aly’s legs and began licking, which Aly loved.
We settled down to watch a movie with Karen alternatively licking Aly’s slit and giving me a blow job. After about an hour Karen lifted her head from Aly’s pussy to ask to go to the loo.
“No!” barked Aly, “you can wait until you’ve made me cum again, and later I’m going to punish you for not calling me mistress.”
Karen went back between Aly’s legs and licked like crazy, but since Aly had already cum several times, it took quite a while to get her over the edge again. Once she did get there, however, it was obviously a really good orgasm, and as she reached the peak she grabbed Karen’s long blonde hair and pulled her tight in to her pussy, so that Aly could clamp her legs tight around Karen’s head. Aly kept her there until her climax was totaly over, then pulled Karen up by her hair and said, “Now you can pee, come with me.”
Aly stood up, pulling Karen up by her hair and then dragged her to the door.
“Go and do it in the garden,” she instructed.
“But I’m naked,” wailed Karen, “someone might see me.”
“Don’t you dare disobey me!” Aly shouted, giving Karen a hard shove through the door.
Karen stumbled across the hall and crashed into the lift doors, just as Aly slammed the door shut behind her. Now Karen had no choice but to take the lift down and go into the garden to squat and pee. Aly watched through the spy hole in the door.
“She’s in the lift,” she told me, “sadly there was no-one in there already, but hopefully someone will get in on the way down.”
Aly next went to the window, but couldn’t see anything in the dark.
After only a few minutes Karen was back, knocking on the door. Aly left her quite a while, then went and opened the door, but kept Karen outside.
“Please may I come in mistress?” she pleased.
“When you’ve told me exactly what happened, did you meet anyone?”
“Yes!” Karen confessed “two young guys got in the lift with me, they kept touching me and kissing me, I thought they were going to rap me, but the doors opened and I got out.”
“What a shame they didn’t,” Aly smiled, “we’ll have to arrange a consolation prize for you.”
Aly aloud Karen in and closed the door behind her and shutted Karen to her knees again, pointing between her legs for Karen to resume licking.
“Are you horny darling?” Aly asked me whilst struggling my cock through my trousers, “why don’t you give Karen’s tight arse a good reaming?”
“Brilliant idea!” I exclaimed, as I walked to get the lube from the drawer. I quickly dropped my trousers and briefs , put some lube on the head of my ever ready penis, positioned myself at Karen’s small brown opening, and thrust in hard.
“Mmmnnff.” Karen excaimed in shock.
“That felt nice darling, keep ramming her.”
So I did. I pounded her lovely tight arse for a full five minutes, but it felt so good that I couldn’t go on much longer.
“I’m going to cum babe,” I called.
“So am I!” Aly shouted back, “Aaaarrhh!” Karen cried.
“That was totally wonderful, ” I told Aly, “I think I’m going to use her arse a lot in future.”
“Well, she’s a lucky girl then…what do you say slave?” she demanded of Karen, but
Karen just looked defeated.
The next evening over dinner Aly explained to me that she wanted to torture Karen, in a sexy way, of course, and she thought she would start by stretching her pussy, then her arse, and then maybe attack her nipples. I told her that I thought that would be brilliant entertainment.
“Karen, when you’ve finished loading the dishwasher come in here, Aly is going to play with you this evening.” I instructed.
Karen went very pale.
“Oh God, please don’t hurt me, I don’t mind being your slave, but I still hurt from the Wooden Pony, and my arse is still sore from being fucked.”
“Shut up slave, you lost so you don’t get to choose.” Aly explained, with venom in her voice.
Karen was naked as normal, but I had allowed Aly some clothes for her week of dominance over Karen. She had a very short flared skirt on, and a thin T shirt through which I could see her erect nipples. No underwear, of course.
“So David, I’m going to use the Pony, but in a different way. I’ve decided to Stretch Karen’s pussy by inserting bigger and bigger objects up her. It should be fun, but I hope this room is as sound proof as you say it is.”
“It doesn’t matter Aly, the neighbors above and below are away on holiday.”
“Oh good, I’m looking forward to the screaming.” Aly announced, grinning broadly.
Aly led Karen to the pony, and made her get onto it and be attached by her arms as usual.
“Right Karen, stand on tip toes while I position this dildo.”
Aly locked the dildointo position pressed hard against Karen’s unenthusiastic pussy. It was the fattest dildo I’d ever seen, at least twice my thickness, and I’m not small.
“Ok, well I don’t want to waste time at this early stage, so David, let’s you and I go and encourage Karen down onto the fake cock.”
The dildo was smoothed with lubricant, so when we pushed gently on Karen’s shoulders it slipped easily Between her pussy lips eliciting a shriek from Karen. It was two or three inches inside Karen’s vagina, which she obviously found uncomfortable, but she wasn’t in age. That was until we both put all of our combined weight onto her shoulders, her knees buckled under the strain, and she slide inexorably down the dildo. It was about ten inches long and it only took a few seconds to be fully embedded inside her sex, making her scream and scream.
Aly picked up a couple of belts which she had placed close to hand. She pulled Karen’s Left foot up, and strapped her leg bent double, then repeated the process with the right leg.
“Ok,” she said, “all of her weight is now resting on the entrance to her cervix, I want to get the dildo past the entrance and inside. I need you to help me, we’re going to stand on a leg each.”
We hoped on to Karen and her cervix quickly gave up the uneven content, and we felt ourselves slowly lowering until Karen’s knees almost touched the floor, almost but not quite.
“Ok, I’m happy with that position, let’s go and watch TV for a while, would you like a whisky?”
“I’d love one, but I think we should gag her, she’s making one hell of a noise.” I suggested.
In the end we watched TV for nearly two hours, and when we went back to Karen she had passed out. She had also wet her self, so there was a pool of pee on the floor underneath her.
Aly and I unattached Karen, removed the dildo, then used smelling salts to wake her.
Unfortunately sorting her out meant that she got rolled around in the pool of pee, so thatshe ended up covered in her own urine.
“Karen, you filthy bitch, there’s pee all over the floor, get on your hands and knees and lick it all up. I’m going to lock you in here tonight, you can sleep on the floor, goodnight, sleep well.” Aly announced.
“Well, you certainly know how to torture a lady.” I commented, as we headed to bed.
“I’ve got another great idea for tomorrow. Do you want to fuck my arse now?”
“That’s a great idea, I love your tight arse.”
Shortly after the week of Aly tormenting Karen I decided it was time to do something about Peter. In my first plan for Peter and Karen, she was living with him, in her house, and controlling his sex life with the key she was wearing around her neck, which would unlock his chatity cage, when she thought it appropriate.
Since then, I had removed her from her own house, to be my slave, under the control of my Senior Slave, Aly.
This was all fine, but it left Peter in Karen’s house, on his own, free to do as he wanted, with the exception of sex, as Karen still held the key. Since he now had no access to Karen, or her to him, he was permanently chaste.
This situation had obviously been playing on Peter’s mind, because, before I could do anything about him, he rang me.
“Rob, you’ve got to help me, I’m desperate!”
“I imagine you are, how long is it since you had an orgasm?” I actually knew, but thought it would be fun to tease him.
“Over three weeks!!” Not actually accurate, but I let it slide.
“Well, Peter, I guess we need to find a way to help you, why don’t we have dinner tomorrow evening, and we can discuss a way out of your prediction.”
“That would be brilliant!” he exclaimed, clearly not understanding what I had in mind.
The next evening after work, Peter and I met at a Brazilian restaurant in Fulham. We exchanged pleasuresants while were sat down, chose some wine, collected some salad from the salad bar, and started eating.
“So, you’re finding it difficult to live without relief?” I started.
Peter looked around, to see who might hear our conversation, so I smiled pleasantly at him and waited for his reply.
“I’m actually going insane! I can’t go on like this, you have to help me!”
“Well, actually I don’t, you aren’t really my problem.”
“Please, I’m begging you!”
I noticed one or two people trying to eavesdrop, but it was a noisy restaurant, so I imagine they only got the odd word. Nonetheless, it did show how desperate Peter was, to risk embarrassing himself in public like that. It made me feel good inside, and I smiled at Peter, relishing his desperation and disappoint.
“OK here’s the situation, Peter. Karen is handing over ownership of the house You are living in to me. She is also going to divide you, and the three of us are moving into what was her house.”
“I see, but what about me?”
“Well, you have two choices. One, you move out of the house. Karen will unlock your cage, and you can go off and live your own life.”
“But I have nowhere to live, no job worth the mention, how will I survive?”
“True, which is why there is option two. You stay in the house when we move in, Karen will give your key to Aly to control, and you become the house boy.”
“I don’t understand, what would I have to do?”
“You would be responsible for everything domestic, you would do all of the cleaning, the shopping, most of the cooking, the gardening, clothes washing and ironing and so on. You wouldn’t go to work, and we would provide food, clothes as appropriate, a modicum of alcohol, and maybe an occasional outing.”
“But what about…you know?”
“Yes!” He almost whispered or even hisssed.
“Aly will be in charge of you in every area, including your sex life. If you do your job well, and understand your lowly status within the house, and generally please her, then I’m sure she will allow you some kind of relief fromtime to time.”
“I see,” he murmured, not sounding too excited at the prospect, “I don’t really have a choice, do I?”
“Not really, no. So, are you going to come back to the flat with me, and let the girls know the good news?”
“OK, if that’s what you want.”
“It is. Now eat up, you’re hardly eating any meat and it’s delicious”
We finished the meal pretty much in silence. I guess Peter was contemplating his rather bleak future as a chaste houseboy.
I was smiling at one of the waitresses who had been eavesdropping on our conversation. I called her over, and asked her name. She told me it was Stacey, and I asked her whether she would like to go out to dinner somewhere much classier than this rodizio, and she agreed, and told me which night was her night off. She was living with her boyfriend, so I couldn’t pick her up, but agreed to meet her outside the restaurant she was working in. I was looking forward to having her, she only looked about 22, and had agorgeous figure, and long blonde hair. I decided to book a hotel, as the flat was rather crowded.
Back at the flat, the girls were sitting together on the sofa, looking quite relaxed, although Aly looked a little flushed, so I assumed Karen had been licking between her legs, I turned at Aly, and she blew me a kiss.
“So, Peter has decided he would like to join us as our houseboy. I’ve explained that Aly will control him, but that he is completely at the bottom of the food chain, haven’t I Peter?”
“Yes what?”
“Yes sir?”
“I think, yes Master would be appropriate.”
“Yes Master”
“Now Karen, please give Peter’s key to Aly to put round her neck. I think we should get some sort of chatity device to stop Karen from playing with herself in bed, don’t you agree Aly?”
“Yes I agree, but do I have to have one?”
“No my sweet, you can have sex whenever you want, however, I would like you to promise me that you won’t masturbate unless I ask you to. After all, you have two sex slaves here to use however and whenever you want, and if you don’t fancy either of them, I’m sure you could easily seduce me.”
“Yes Master, thank you Master.” She replied with a smile like a Cheshire Cat.
“But don’t forget,” I warned, ” You may have two slaves at your beck and call, but you are still my slave and will still get your cute little arse whipped from time to time.”
“Yes Master, I am happy to be your slave and would be unhappy if my punishments were to stop.”
“Right,” I said with authority, “I think we need to have some ground rules for Peter, don’t you girls?”
“Yes Master,” they both said in unison.
“First, I want him kept hairless except for his head. Second, please get him some feminine maid clothes to wear. Third, he needs to be punished weekly, and Aly needs to keep a diary of his imperfections to help you calculate the punishments. Fourth, Aly is in charge of Peter’s sex life, and if she istoo general or lenient with his punishments she will pay with pain of her own. Any comments girls?”
“Sounds ok to me,” replied Aly, followed by Karen’s question, “I won’t have to have sex with him will I?”
“Certainly not, he will never have sex with a woman again. Aly, you need to find ways to make him cum which involves as little intimacy with either of you as possible, and as little satisfaction as possible for Peter. Obviously you won’t be releasing him very much, so it shouldn’t be too arduous a task.”
“Master?” continued Aly, “you suggested we might give him some relief tonight, but I wondered if we should punish him first?”
“Good idea Aly, why don’t you two girls get your heads together and decide what you want to do to him. I’m going to have a large whisky and a soak in a lovely hot bath.”
I had my soak, and my whisky. Aly and Karen took turns to visit me and stroke my cock to make it hard, whilst kissing me passwordately on the lips, then they’d break away, top up my whisky, and waft out of the bathroom leaving me feeling aroused and content.
Finally, I decided to get myself out of the cooling bath. and, as if by magic, both women arrived, grabbed towels and dried me tenderly. There was a delicious smell wafting across from the kitchen.
“Is Peter cooking?” I enquired of Aly, but before she could speak Karen answered, “It’s probably the only thing he’s good at.”
“Excellent!” I exclaimed, ” as neither of you are exactly Cordon Bleu chefs, and I’m fed up cooking all the time”
With me nicely dried, and excited again, from four hands which kept finding my cock, balls and arse, I put on a robe and all three of us went downstairs.
Well, Peter did well, an excellent salad, followed by Spaghetti Carbonara, then some cheese. Obviously, he didn’t get any. He has to lose quite a bit of weight if he’s going to pass as a woman.
With dinner over I enquired.
“So, the punishment, are you going to be lenient since Peter has made us this lovely meal?”
“Certainly not!” Aly chimed, “We’re going to make the bastard suffer.” added Karen.
“Ok let’s get to it.”
The girls got Peter bent over the dining room table, his hands were out on either side, and he looked scared.
“We’ve decided on twenty strokes with the leather belt, followed by twenty with the beech cane, all on his bare arse,” Aly pronounced, “Karen and I are going to team tag to keep the strength of the strokes up, and if he gets to the end without moving, we may allow him an orgasm.” She finished.
Aly got into position with the belt and I relaxed on the sofa. Karen joined me and reached into my robe to start stroking my cock again. This was really working out well!
Aly did ten really hard strokes, and by the end Peter was blubbing like a baby, but he didn’t move. The girls swapped for ten more from Karen. She is older, bigger and stronger, plus she had been married to Peter, and hated him with a vEngeance, so her strokes were much harder, and with each one Peter jumped up in the air and screamed.
With Karen’s ten done, Aly was back with the cane. Karen knelt before me and started giving me a wonderful, slow, soft blow job, while Aly was getting some amazing screams out of Peter. With the next ten done, and Peter striped all across his arse, the girls swapped position, and Karen lay into Peter’s arse as though she wanted to cut through to his cock. Aly was teasing my cock with her mouth as she knew I was close to exploding.
Finally they were finished and both girls sat next to me on the sofa as Peter continued to blub, still bent forward over the table.
“Come on girls,” I chided, “I’m keen to get you both into my bed.”
That worked. They were up like a shot getting Peter up off the table, locking his wrists into handscuffs, then down onto his knees on the floor. Aly lowered his arms until he was on his elbows on the floor, with his arse raised up. Karen unlocked his cage and removed the plastic sheath, leaving the ring around the base of his balls and cock in place.
Next Aly sat next to Peter on the floor and pulled his knees apart, so his genitals were hanging down between his played legs, and before Peter could wonder why his knees were spread apart like that, Aly started stroking his penis and balls. Karen meanwhile, quietly moved round to stand by Peter’s feet.
“Oh God…that’s sooo good!” groaned Peter, the pain from his punishment temporarily forgotten as Aly brought him closer and closer to orgasm.
Karen got into position and Aly wounded at her.
“Don’t stop…I’m so close!…don’t stop…oh God…I’m cumming!!”
Aly shouted “Now!” and pulled her hand away.
Karen already had her leg back and it took Her only a fraction of a second to complete a full force forward swing, right between Peter’s legs. Her right foot impacted Peter’s balls and cock when he was only about one second into his much anticipated orgasm. She kicked him with such force that his knees lifted clear of the floor for a second.
He screamed in agoy, and as his knees crashed back to the floor, he fell sideways and curled into a foetal ball, moaning and retching, rocking himself in agoy.
The girls showed him no sympathy at all. Aly rolled him onto his back and pushed his knees down, while Karen grabbed a wash clothes, ran hot water onto it, then soap, before getting on her knees next to Peter and washing his damaged balls and deflated cock.
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