Credit to Kenjisato with editing help. The story would never make it to post without your assistance.
I drove slowly down the long road that led to the main house. My wife, Ashley, and I had been here a few times before. The grass was a perfectly manicured, lush green. There were tables along with an outside bar being set up for the event tonight. I stopped near the front door, and a man approached us. He was quick with his words and asked us about our business. I gave him our names and he opened Ashley’s door. She kissed me and stepped out. At this point, I wouldn’t see my wife until later tonight and I wouldn’t be the one bringing her home.
To say Ashley and I had become adventurous is an understanding. A few years back, we mutually decided we needed to spice things up. Partner swapping became our favorite activity. Adult resorts and sex clubs became a common search in both our Google feeds. Then I remember the day my wife asked me if I had ever tied someone up. I told her no, but I got right to work learning about it. I found a local club and had a chat with a man who could show me the ins and outs of everything. I knew my wife wouldn’t just want to be handcuffed to the bed, she usually wanted the extreme when we tried things. Ashley loved to have her limits pushed. The day that man showed up at our house, set today’s events in motion.
Charles was an older gentleman with a very attractive younger wife. The two of them arrived at the house one Saturday afternoon. Both of the wives chatted a bit in the living room, while Charles and I talked. He opened the case and put it on the coffee table. I sat with my wife on one end of the sectional and he with his wife on the other. We started in with the ropes, and before long, we had both women hogtied on the ground in front of us. My wife loved it. This is the point where Charles untied his wife and gave me some points and they left. With the new repertoire of goodies on the coffee table, I continueed. I put the ball gag in my wife’s mouth, which she hated. I started to use her favorite vibrator on her, and before long, she was twisting on the ground, moaning loudly. I slowly took the gag out of her mouth and she gasped for air.
“You can do this to me any time,” she said with a smile, as I looked at her still hogtied. “But I’m not sure how I feel about the gag.”
I laughed and finished removing the ropes. She put everything away for me because she was curious to look at it all. I kept up talking with Charles and learning from him. A few months into our new adventure, he finally let on to me about a club.
“It is a bondage club: mostly couples, some singles. Everyone is pre-screened and membership is very select. I think Ashley and you would be good prospects to join,” he said, as we shared an afternoon beer.
I went home and brought the idea up to Ashley. Right away, she was on board but wanted to know more about everything. Charles said we could attend a meet-and-greet with some of the members of the group. We went to an initial event at the ‘ranch’ as it was referred to. It was about an hour outside of town. A spraying ranch-style house with many bedrooms and a large barn-stables-type building off to the side. It had been purchased by the club with funds from memberships and money donated through other means. We were given a tour of the house and the barn. Nothing screamed ‘bondage’ anywhere. It was very classy, though. We mostly stayed in the bar area and chatted with some of the members, who primarily ran the club. By the end of the event, another couple and I were shown to a living room. All four of us were explained the membership details and invited to join.
A month later, we went to our first event. We were paired up with another couple who had been members for a few years. They gave us the layout of the land and we took to them. A few times over the next month, we would meet up to experiment with the lifestyle and engage in some swapping. I could not believe how into all this Ashley was.
On our third trip to the ranch, a senior member approached Ashley and me. He was an accountant by trade, who ran the finances for the club. He explained that at our quarterly events, it was customary for the submissive partner of new members to be audited off with the procedures going to the club. The winner of the auction would get that person for the weekend. The dominant partner was not allowed to bid at the first auction, but could at future auctions after that. He explained that some members went up more frequently and some didn’t, but it wasn’t ever forced. He would allow us to think it over and asked us to reach out to him before the audition.
“I’ll do it. If you’re okay with it, hun?” Ashley said to me, as we drove away from the ranch.
“Are you sure? I mean we don’t know who you could go to, or what could happen. We’ve only been here a few times,” I said, as I drove slower, more focused on the conversation.
“I think it is safe. We went through the administration process and saw how in-depth they were with us. I’m sure there is a safe word, and my restrictions will be respected,” she said, as she put her hand on my hand.
I waited until the next day to make the call. I wanted to see if she changed her mind, but she didn’t. I knew how much she was enjoying this and I didn’t want to spoil it for her. Something told me that if we said no, we might not be in the club much longer. I called the man we spoke with, and he said he would email me with more information. He sent me an email with the rules, time to drop off, etc. He then emailed my wife a questionnaire about limits, safe words, and so on.
We both quickly responded and then spent the next month waiting for the night. Per the instructions in the email, Her responses were not to be shared with me. This worried me, but I trusted Ashley. That didn’t stop me from prying and asking questions about the content of the email and her response.
For the next month, most of our sexual activity was between the two of us. We tried some new bond positions every couple of nights. Since neither of us was sure what Ashley would have to do for the weekend, we even tried some Dominant-submissive-type actions. We enjoyed the bond, but never ventured far into the servitude aspect. I’m not going to lie, the next month was a man’s dream. My wife asked permission for everything. The first week she would come up to me and ask if she could use the bathroom. By the second week, she would knee in front of me before asking me to leave the house. In the days leading up to the event, she left work early to be home before me. I would arrive and she would be naked except for a collar and a lean. She would have a cocktail ready for me and knee in the middle of our living room.
I could tell how important this was to Ashley in other ways, as well. Her working out every morning before work had intensified. Shewas hardly drinking and she did always eat right, but for the month, it was more congised, as to what and when she ate.
The event was on a Friday evening. I was to drop Ashley off promptly at four PM at the ranch. I was not allowed to stay or see her again until the audition. In the morning, she left early for the salon. Her reddish-blonde hair, which I loved so much, was teased as if she was going to a prom. She got her nails painted a bright red to go with the ginger of her blonde hair. As per the instructions, she showed up in casual attire. The following Sunday night, I would wait for my wife to come home. Whoever bought her had to have her back to the ranch by four PM Sunday, then she could come home.
I pulled down the road slowly. It felt as if I had lost her forever, but it was only going to be a weekend. There hadn’t been an auction since our membership induction that we could have attended, so I didn’t know what to expect. I went home and got ready. I had to havea couple of drinks to calm my nerves. Being drink at an event was highly frowned upon though, and consumption was regulated. I didn’t want to miss this, so after a few, I switched to coffee which increased the pacing and anxiety. I got ready in the custom formal dinner attire and called a cab.
The cab dropped me off at the house. He commented on how nice of a party this must be that I was going to. If he only I thought, as I got out of the car. I gave the same man as before my information. He scrolled through the tablet and then gave me the okay to enter. I saw Charles with his wife. Just as I spotted them, she walked over to another couple. I quickly made my way to him.
“Hey, Charles. I’m nervous about this,” I said, declining a drink from the waiter walking around.
“I get it. I remember the first time Allie went up for audit. I must have paced in the back for an hour. In the end, she loved the experience,” he said, as he took a glass of champione from the waiter. “She has done it a few times.”
“Can I see Ashley?” I asked quietly, not wanting to be overheard.
“No. Only bidders can look at who is up for audit,” he said, putting a hand on my shoulder to calm me down.
“Where is she?” I asked, as I motioned the waiter back over, and grabbed a glass.
“She is in the barn. They will bring her out to the yard when it is time for the audit,” he said, as he waved to his wife and started to step away. “Sorry, Allie is looking for me. It will be okay, man.”
I said hello to a few of the people I had come to know in our short time in the club. I made my way outside and saw a man standing behind a valet robe on two stanchions at the entrance of the barn. I gave him my information, and he said I wasn’t allowed inside. I had to try, but know the rules were strict so nothing would come of it.
Sunday when she returned …
“So what was the barn like?” I said to Ashley, as we sat in the living room on Sunday, eachwith a glass of wine in hand.
She took a sip of her wine and then a long exhale before saying, “Wow, I, umm, it was what it sounds like. Each of us was naked in a stall put on display. They had us ball gagged. Our hands were cuffed together with two wrist cuffs. They were strung up above our head but we weren’t hanging.”
I didn’t say anything. I just looked at her, a bit dazed, as she continued.
“People came by and looked at us. They walked around our whole body. No one was allowed to touch us.” She paused and looked at me then continued. “We were like this for about an hour.”
“An hour is a long time for a ball gag,” I said, with some concern.
“Oh, I hated it. They gave us a break before the audition. One of the other women was talking before the stalls. We weren’t supposed to do that. They said it could ruin the others’ experience since the two of us were new and she wasn’t.” She stopped to sip her wine and then continued.
“They gagged her leading up to being put in the stalls since she wasn’t complying. Then they gagged the two of us since it didn’t seem fair.” She laughed, as she looked over at me.
“That bitch,” I said with a laugh, then continued, “what was it like before the stalls?”
“Well, after you dropped me off, they took us into a couple of the bedrooms. A woman did each of our makeup. Our personal belongings and clothes were then taken and put in a locker. The combination was our birthday. I was naked for a few hours leading up to it. Thankfully, the heater was on in the bedroom,” she said, then paused to let me comprehend.
I didn’t say anything at this point. My thoughts went back to me pacing around, wondering what was going on the whole time. I thought that I was the selfish one because she was the one going through this, not me.
“They brought us all into a common room and put us in chairs. That is when she started talking. Shortly after that, the gags,” she said, with a displeased look on herface.
“How did you feel during all of this? Help me understand why this would arouse you.” I looked at her, my curiosity since.
“I felt like an object being hered. I didn’t feel like anything else, just an object. I was very curious but once they gagged us before the stall, they didn’t tell us anything else. No one even knew my name. I mean, unless I knew them before, but they were all new to me,” a befuddled look on her face.
Back at the audit…
Everyone was starting to gather in the backyard. It was set up with chairs in rows, almost as if a wedding was going on. The first couple of rows were reserved. I saw Charles and went over.
“Where do I sit?” I said, with a confused look.
“In the back. You’re not bidding so you can’t go to the reserved seats. I’ll sit over here with you.” He motioned his wife and me to a couple of seats.
Allie had a warm smile when she looked at me. Almost as if to say don’t worry, Ashley will be fine.’ I watchedas a man went up to a podium that was set up with a microphone.
“Good evening, everyone. Let’s get right down to it,” he announced and paused as everyone clapped. It wasn’t raucous but a more-reserved response.
“Item number one. She is feisty and going to be a hassle for anyone who takes her home,” he said, with a smile.
The woman was naked when she walked out. I didn’t know her, but maybe in passing at the last couple of events. Her hair was long and black. She had a similar frame to Ashley, both being taller and more busty but thin. A man in the front had a hand on the leash which was attached to a collar around her neck. He walked her slowly on the concrete strip between the separate rows of chairs. The strip led from the barn up next to the podium. Another man stood beside her, I assumed in case she slipped, with those black platform heels she had on. The gag stood out the most. The ball was big and bright red. All I could think of was Ashley must be hating thisright now if she has that in her mouth. The woman’s hands were cuffed behind her, as she walked slowly. One of the men helped turn her to face the audience.
“We will start the bidding at five hundred dollars,” the man behind the podium said, as he scanned the crowd.
The man next to the woman spun her around slowly once, to show her off. The lean dangled from her neck down between her ample breasts. Her gaze didn’t give off a look of concern. I found out later when I met her husband, she had been put up for audit a handful of times.
A paddle was raised then another. The bidding went on for a few minutes and finally, the chilling sound hit me as I heard it.
“Sold! Five thousand dollars to the gentleman in the third row,” the auctioneer said, with a stern, loud voice.
Everyone clapped as the woman was led by the leash back down the concrete walkway between the seats and back into the barn. There was a pause for a few minutes while the woman returned. I couldn’t stop wondering if Ashley was next. I also didn’t know how many people there would be.
Everyone looked back, as a whisper came over the crowd. I quickly had a sight of relief. It was the woman from the other couple that joined at the same time we did. She was shorter than my wife and the other woman. She had almost a teacher quality to her, as she walked. She was adorned with the leash, collar, gag, and heels the same way as the first woman. My eyes were fixed on her, as she walked. When she passed me, I saw her husband. We briefly chatted at the initial meeting and they were very similar to us. Both couples are in their early thirties, two high-earning income households with no kids. He looked more nervous than I felt, though. I had done a lot of swapping with Ashley, this might have been the first time for anything like this for them. That was when it dawned on me. This was the first time Ashley would be with another man without me in the same house. My head sank, as I thought about it.
“Item number two. She is one of our newer members. We will start the bidding at five hundred dollars.” The words rang out of the auctioneer’s mouth and Shook me from my thoughts.
She was spun around naked and showed off like the first woman. She had a worried look on her, but she seemed to be keeping it well together. I watched as paddle after paddle went up. I assumed Because she was new she might fetch a higher price.
“Sold! Eight thousands dollars. The man on the left in the first row.” The winning bid was accepted with an empathetic proclamation.
I was shocked at the price. I watched her being paraded back and couldn’t help but watch her husband look at her, as she went past. She looked at him as they drew closer, then looked back at the barn as she passed him. The crowd went back to talking among themselves, as we waited for the next. That’s when Charlie turned to me.
“Ashley is probably the next one up. You can go if you want, but I wouldn’t,” he said with a nod.
“No, I’ll stay,” I said, as I nodded back at him.
I sat up in my seat and put on a strong face. I tried my best not to look worried, as I looked back at the barn. That’s when I saw her. The same bright-red ball gag stand out. The same two men led her, as she walked slowly in high heels. She looked at me the whole way, as she approached me. She, too, was keeping a strong look on her face. I didn’t know what it was, but as she passed me and looked up to the podium, I had a sense of calm on my face. This wasn’t a normal thing to happen to anyone, let alone my wife, but in this circumstances, it was a normal thing and I could rest easy that she wasn’t freaking out, so neither should I.
Sunday when she returned …
“You looked so strong when you walked up to the podium. How did you feel?” I asked, as our eyes were fixed on each other on the couch.
“Nervous but curious. I didn’t know what was going on when each woman went up. I only saw the first one come back and the second one goes up. They put us back in our stalls the way we were before,” she took a sip of wine.
“I was so nervous,” I confessed, sheepishly.
“I could tell. I think the most uncomfortable thing for me was I had never been naked in front of that many people before. I soldiered on,” she said, with a laugh.
“Could you believe the whole bidding part?” I said, with a curious look on my face.
Back at the auction…
“Item number three. Another one of our newer members. Isn’t she lovely? We’ll start the bidding at five hundred dollars,” the auctioneer proclaimed to the crowd.
Paddles went up left and right. I couldn’t believe the action. I mean, I understand it. Ashley was new, and not bragging, but the best-looking of the three. I remember watching as they spun her naked body around. She was on show for thirty or so strangers. The auctioneer was yelling faster on this one and there was more enthusiasm. Even Charles hada bit of a shocked look on his face. That’s when the words hit me.
“Sold to the gentleman in the fourth row on the right. Ten thousand dollars!” He heightened the volume of his voice as he said the dollar amount.
Our eyes locked, as we both heard the word sold. I watched as her eyes met the man who had the paddle up last. I could only see him from behind, but they stayed locked in a look at each other until she passed him. Then she gazed at me, but only for a moment, as she was already passing me. I watched her parade slowly back to the barn.
“That concludes the night’s festivals,” said the auctioneer, as he started to clap.
Everyone else clapped, as well. Except for Charles, Allie, the other husband, and me. I felt compelled to go over him and see how he felt about all of this. I didn’t, though. I would just languish in my worry and curiosity at home, by myself.
Everyone went back in for drinks for another hour or so. We didn’t see the three women againor the people who purchased them. I had a couple more championnes than I should have, but no one noticed. Charles offered me a ride since Allie didn’t drink and was the driver. We sat in silence for the ride home. They told me to call them if I had any questions. I thanked them for the advice at the auction and the ride and went inside.
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