Penny's Story Ch. 01

Mr Martinet looks at the clock she will be here in five minutes. He smiles to himself and thinks of the scene he is going to play out to help Greg who had phoned a couple of weeks ago. He had been intrigued by his story and pulse, but what convinced him to help is the way he had got his name and number. Mrs Mary Edwards is going to suffer before he extracts the truth from her.

Greg had started as an Online dominant in a number of BDSM websites, before finding Penny and making her his real time submissive. That was just over two years ago and while it started out as an exciting adventure these past nine months it had drifted into tedious routine. He is sure that it will not be long before the relationship ends. They have talked about it but neither can see a way out and have resigned themselves to the inevitable.

Then last month he overhears the neighbor’s cleaner, Mary a plump woman who was most probably older than she looks, next door in the garden having a cigarettetalking on her mobile phone about her weekend away, how she had been distributed and used in every hole. She had laughed, no giggled like a girl as she had described some of the activities she had been made to do. Well she admitted to the person on the other end of the phone she did not need much persuasion. It was clear from the description of the things being done to her that she was a submissive and had been on a BDSM weekend. She mentioned her Master and it was obvious to Craig that this man is using her in very innovative ways with some interesting techniques. She also let slip how she had invited one of his friends round to the house she cleans, when the owners were away, and had been tied to their bed, which she reckons never saw any action, and had her arse used till she screamed the safe word. Her laugh at this comment was loud and dirty.

Later that day Greg ‘accidentally’ bumped into the cleaner, tells her how he had overheard her telephone conversation and asked her about the disciplining. Her face dropped and it is clear she has made a mistake. Then he uses this knowledge as a threat of telling her employees, who are good Catholics and have a very moral streak, to get the name of her discilinarian along with his phone number out of her. In fact he continues to use the threat to ensure he has her a couple of times a week, always in the garden, always on all fours and always in both holes, Mary obviously loves having her anus used by the squeals of delight when he enters her, so the threat is just part of the game, or so he thinks, Mary knows different. The thought occurred that if the situation with Penny did not get resolved then Mary will be a more than adequate replacement until her can find a younger model again.

Greg tells all of this to Mr. Martinet when he phones him, after all he wants to get on his good side and does not want to be seen to be deceiving him. All he does is make Mr. Martinet angry, not with him but Mary. All he asks ofHis submissives are two things, first that no one but him uses their anus and secondly, all sexual activity is to be reported to him, either by asking in advance or by written report afterwards. Mary had failed on both counts. This was not the first time Mary has disappointed him, she will be dealt with in due course.

Penny parks her car in the side street off the main road, about 100 yards from the house she has have been instructed to go to. It had been a bit of a shock, then a thrill to have Greg, her Master tell, no order her to visit another Dom he has been talking to. He explained that she is the price he has to pay for the help he has been given. Money has not changed hands, instead she is to be provided for him to use for the evening. The thought of being under the control of another even for an evening had been a daunting thought at first, but it became more exciting the longer the thought remained. She has to admit that life with Greg has become predictable. As she pressesThe button on the remote that locks the car she feels her breath grow deeper and her heart beat faster. Oh my god she thinks, will I be able to do this. Steeling herself she pockets the keys and walks back to the corner and along the main road.

The e-mail instructions have been very precise in what she should wear for the evening. The type of underwear, the shoes, the stockings, the skirt and its length along with the blouse which has to be unbuttoned to her navel. She is to carry nothing, no bag, pursuit or money. The only thing allowed is the keys to her car. The night is drawing in, and the sun has disappeared behind the clouds making the slight wind feel colder than it really is. When Penny turns the corner the wind catches the open blouse and makes it billion and expose more of her bra covered breasts than she wants. She pulls it back into place and notices that the car heading towards her has slowed a little as the man driving looks goggle eyed at her. The road is busy even atThis time, but thankfully has no one walking on her side of the pavement.

The houses are set back a little with short driveways. Curtains are not dawn yet, but lights are on and Penny can see normal life going on. Hedges vary in size so a couple of houses are blocked out completely. She counts the houses along the road after finding the number of the first one so she can workout the one she is going to, it is Further along the road than she likes as a few cars have honked their horns as she tries to keep her blouse from taking away all her dignity.

Mr Martinet looks across the room at Greg, who is examining his watch.

“Don’t worry, she will be here soon. I think she is both intrigued at what will happen and scared of letting you down, if what you have said about her is true.”

“It’s all true.” Says Greg a bit defensively as he covers his watch with the sleeve.

“Good.” Replies Mr Martinet, “Then I will have a most pleasant evening.” He smiles, but Greg looks less than pleased, he might even be having second thoughts.

Penny reaches the driveway of the house. It is detached with a porch, much like most of the others she has passed on along the road. She feels flushed and is sure she is red in the face. Her breathing is harder now and her heartbeat can be felt in her ears. She is unsure about what she has let herself in for, but she is also excited. She is sure it is Just the wind chill that has made her nipples so hard, at least that is what she wants to believe. With a deep breath she walks up the drive. The gravel crunches.

The porch is lit up and as she reaches for the bell she notices an envelope stuck to the door. It has her name on it and the instruction ‘enter the porch and read me’. Her eyes widen and she bites her bottom lip. She looks around, but can see no one. Opening the door she enters the porch and take the envelope down.

Inside is a short note with a list of instructions, she reads it carefully:

Penny, you will remove all clothes and place them in the wooden chest to the right of the door.

You will then knock three times.

Then knee to the left of the door and wait.


Penny’s eyes widen, she reads it again. Looks around the well lit porch and realitys that she will be seen by anyone passing. The hedge is quite high, but the gap for the driveway is wide. Another look makes Her realise the porch is brick built for a third of its height, but glass to the roof. She figures that if she keeps low, then she will be able to get undressed without being seen and if she knees down low, then she will only have her head and shoulders showing above the bricks.

With this plan in mind she starts to strip and keeping low she manages to get all her clothes off without being observed. Folding her clothes as She goes she places them in the chest. Hunched down she turns to the door to knock. Penny looks up as the door knocker is high and she will have to standto reach it. Panic sets in. She looks towards the road to see cars going past the end of the drive. Surely they would be looking at the road and not down the driveways. Controlling her breath, Penny counts to three, stands with her back to the road and knocks three times quickly. Dropping back down before the third knock has finished. She turns and stars out at the road again. A couple are halfway across the gap. Have they seen her? No, they are to busy talking as they go by.

Penny knees down low to the left of the door and waits. Her arms folded across her chest, shaking, ready to jump at the slightest noise.

Greg goes rigid and starts to rise as the knocks sound through the hallway and into the sitting room. Mr Martinet raises a hand and motions for Greg to remain seated. It is after all necessary for him to be out of sight of Penny when she enters the room.

“Wait. At least we know she has arrived and followed your orders to come to my house. It remains to be seenn if she has followed the instructions I left at the door however.” Mr Martinet smiles at the puzzled look Greg gives him. “I have not told you the detail of what will take place this evening, only the outline. Now to see if Penny can be brought back into line and become the submissive you want her to be, we must test her and give you enough information from this evening to keep her off balance so to speak. She must never again feel comfortable in her submission position, she must always be wondering what will happen next. I expect she is nervous if not a little scared of what you have let her in for.”

The puzzled look has not left Greg’s face. “I don’t understand,” he says.

“Let me explain and tell you the prediction your little slave is in right now while I make us some more tea.” As he leads Greg out to the kitchen he says, “ten minutes or so on that hard floor dodging the walkers and runners as they pass my drive should be long enough this time for her.”

He is right, Penny is a bundle of nerves as she knees and waits. Each person that passes causing her to duck down. While she is not adverse to topless sunbathing, or being displayed at the BDSM parties Greg had taken her to. This is totally different. It is not a natural time or environment in which to be naked. She has been warming to the thought of grabbing her clothes out of the chest and running. It will be letting Greg down, but after she has explained he is sure to forgive. Isn’t he?

With the tea made and steaming in the cups, Mr Martinet leaves Greg to carry them back into the sitting room as he goes to the front door to introduce Penny to the next stage of her evening. He opens the door quickly causing Penny to jump and for a moment regret not making her move a few minutes earlier.

He gives her a cursory glance then moves into the porch and stands in front of the chest. He messes the neighborly folded clothes tutting as he does, making sure that she knows he disappears approves. Pennyopens her mouth a few times as if to say something, but shuts it as quickly. He is taller and bigger than Greg and has an air of authority about him. Then to her utter horror he closes the lid of the chest, secures the clap and threads a padlock through the ring. Locks it and puts the key in his pocket. Turning he looks at Penny properly for the first time and sights.

“Kneel up girl, don’t slouch.” He barks.

Penny knees up immediately, surprised at her involuntary reaction to his strong voice. Then realizes her breasts will be visible from outside. Slowly she tries to lower herself without being obviously. But he clearly knows what she is doing and steps forward, places a hand under her chin and raises her head so she has to knee up straight.

“My name in Mr Martinet and you are here at the bidding of your Master. Tell me girl, what is your name?” He is now holder her chin firmly and Penny can hardly move her mouth to reply.

“P..P..Penny… sir.” She manages tosplutter out.

“Are you called that because like a penny you are worthless?”

Penny’s eyes widen, she is shocked, she has never been spoken to like this before.

“i… erm.. i… whaaaa.” Again Penny splutters but this time it is meaningless noises.

Mr Martinet looks straight into her eyes and sees how confused she is already. Good. He releases her chin with a flick. “Stand up and face the porch door.” Penny does not move. “Now,” he barks.

Penny jumps. She starts to move, but not quickly enough. Mr Martinet reachs out and grabs the single plait that Penny has been instructed to wear her hair in. She now knows why as it gives a good handle as she is hauled upright and turn her to the porch door to face the driveway and the main road.

“Put Your hands on the door frame and lean into it. Stick your arse out.” To emphasize this last point he slapse her butt cheats hard. “I have to get you ready to enter my house.” He smiles to himself and wonders just how confused she is right now.

“Ouch.” Penny’s bottom smarts at this slap. As she does not want another she places her hands on the door frame and looks down the driveway. She feels her ankles being tapped by his foot and opens her legs. She has never felt so exposed as at that moment.

Mr Martinet has discussed Penny’s acceptance of anal plugs with Greg and is appalled to find that they had never used anything larger than four inches. He has explained how that is not good enough and a regime of anal expansion is required. This will take the form of introducing larger and longer plugs over the coming months. Greg has agreed that Penny is comfortable with four inches and the fun of having her plugged had started to disappear. This is about to change. Mr Martinet can see that Penny is obviously shaking as he steps back into his house to the small table that has the tube of lubricant on it. He squeezes a good finger full out of the tube and stands behind Penny. With unerring accuracy his gel covered fingerprint finds her pumped anus.

“Relax girl and let my finger enter you.” He says as it touches and then starts to swirl around the entrance before he pushes it in. Penny is not ready for the cool feel of the gel let alone the fact that this stranger is now driving his finger into her bum. Pulling and stretching the opening. She closes her eyes and grunts at the movement and the sensing. When he removes his finger she Feels stretched and wet, very wet. She opens her eyes and looks down the drive at the little old man and his dog. He has stopped and the dog takes the opportunity to pee on the bushes. He just stands and stars at Penny and has obviously witnesses her being prepared. Horror rushes through her, but also a sight of resignation.

“Ah, there’s old Harry and his even older dog.” Mr Martinet laughs at his own joke. Penny has not noticed that he has stepped inside and returned. This time he has the plug with him. Six inches long and shaped like anextended bomb. The end is broad and would dig into the cheeses on either side when fully in place. “You know,” he continues in a conversational tone, “he has the happy knack of walking that dog past here whenever I am preparing a girl to enter my house.” He laughs again, “think I’ll invite him in one day and let him have a play. How about tonight Penny? Should old Harry be allowed in to play with you?” She shudders and whimpers.

As Harry stands and watches, even with his failing eyesight he can see that she is a pretty girl, nice sized tits and is it a legal requirement these days to have their cuns sealed. Everyone that he has seen at this house has been the same. He isn’t sure what goes on, but he does enjoy watching the naked women as the next bit of the performance begins. Yes, it is very enjoyable to see this next bit. He can just make out the man behind the girl as he reaches down. He has one of those dildo things in his hand. Yes he has, looks like he’s lined it up and……… Penny grunts again as she feels the end of the plug open her anus. She is trying to relax but it makes no difference, it is going in at the speed that Mr Martinet wants it to, which is quicker than Greg ever does. She can tell it is fatter and she feels her passage stretch to allow it in. But will it never stop coming, oh it is so long, she grunts again as it continues its journey into her anal passage.

Finally her sphincter closes around it so that only the flat round end protrudes from her. She can feel beads of sweat on her browser and she is breathing heavily. But now she can relax, it is over, it is in. She gentle tightens her bottom muscles which confirms it is much bigger than anything she had felt in there before. She feels full and strangely content. Her eyes refocus on the old man outside, he is tugging at the dog lead trying to worry away. Harry has an important task to perform as usual after he has watched a young girl being plugged. The image will last long enoughfor him to have his pleasure. Then a cup of tea, yes that will round the evening off nicely he thinks.

Mr Martinet pulls first one arm then the other behind Penny’s back, the touch of cold steel and the click tells her that she had been cuffed. It registers on a subconscious level. Penny is not ready for the real world just yet. Her real world at the moment is six inches of hard plastic and the muscle spasms it is causing.

“Kneel by the door again girl. Now.” Mr Martinet barks the last word at Penny, knowing it will make her jump. “And says ‘yes sir’ after each instruction given. Do you understand Penny?”

Penny looks round, started and not really knowing what to do or what has been said. She is still inspecting the plug with her anus muscles and starting to feel a dull ache now that the initial stretching has been done.

“If I have to repeat myself girl, then you will be thrown out as you are on to the main road. Do you understand?” He points this time to the spot to the left of the house door. Penny’s reeling senses some how managed to grap that she should return to the position.

“Yes sir,” she whispers and groans when both she and the plug moved.

“Speak up girl.”

“Yes sir, sorry sir.” She manages between moans of discomfort.

Awkwardly, from the combination of the plug and the cuffs Penny knees down and slumps to below the porch wall level. As she manoeuvres herself into a semi comfortable position, Mr Martinet steps back into the house and to the small table, re-emerging with a dog’s collar and lead in his hands.

He looks down on her and shakes his head. “Kneel up girl.”

“Yes sir,” Penny raises herself up squirming under the influence of the plug as her anus moves around it into the new position and consciousness now that she will be visible, albeit only her head and breasts, from the road once again.

“Lift your chin girl.” As Penny does the dog collar is placed around her neck and secured by the buckleat the back. Mr. Martinet then clips the lead to the collar and lifts it up. Penny’s neck extends and then she has to knee up further as Mr Martinet continues to pull upwards. The looped handle of the lead is slipped over a hook by the door, meaning Penny has to knee with a straight back or suffering being chased. This has raised her to a full knee and now even her navel is above the wall of the porch.

She turns her head slowly or tries to towards the road it is not easy with the lead pulling her head up and the collar tight against her neck. No one is there she sights and sags, but immediately pulls herself up again as the collar digs in to her throat. As she turns back to the house and door again, she is in time to see it closing. She is alone in the porch, she is alone and naked, she is alone, naked and unable to move, she is alone, naked, unable to move and visible to anyone who cares to look. She would gulp if the collar allowed it. A tear forms in her eye. What has she allowed herself to be drawn into.

Greg looks up from his chair behind the door when Mr Martinet walks in and over to the table where his cup of tea is waiting. It is not possible to see what has taken place, but he had heard Penny’s voice and the tremble in it. She is scared, he can tell, but it seems she has done as she is told. Mr Martinet takes a sip of his tea before turning to face Greg.


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