The caning was an interesting experience, the swish of the impending impact then the sound of flesh meeting rattan before a sharp pain which quickly received to a warm feeling.
The welts came up after a few seconds and were gone within a few hours. This was a milk discipline, no broken skin or deep briising, nothing to give the game away to lovers and partners.
“How many more Jerry?”
“Twenty should do it!”
“No, I protest.” said the woman from her bent over position, I’ve got to get home.”
“Well you should have thought of that before you negotiated this settlement with your landlord.”
Mary was early thirties and always getting behind in her rent, so as a last resort she had signed an agreement to allow this induction to be applied, a “behaviour modification exercise.”
She was beautiful, very fit and had two kids but her husband was away often and she would spend money on frivolous items. She was arousing the two men present with her nudity and very exposed private parts. She was bent holding her ankles which presented a lovely unobstructed view of a clean saden moistening cunt.
“Fuck”, she exclaimed as the cane struck her buttocks and the end curled around her and bit into her waist.
“Ok two more for that outburst Miss.”
Later and redder
Her bottom was not covered by the T-shirt and the red welts showed up angle on her pale skin.
“What a sight you are”, Andy exclaimed. “Here is your thousands dollars as promised.”
“Now we have a deal Andy, only private shows, no online distribution?”
“Yes we have a deal, private discrete views only and you can have a copy for …”
“No, I want to forget this happened, I do not want my kids or husband ever finding out or I swear I will …” she trailed off, what could she do really.
-many months later–
“Honey, I just wanted to say I love you very very much and you can tell me anything and I will still love you.”
“Felix, what the fuck has got into you?” She glared at him.
“I’m saying we have been married for a considerable time and should know each other’s secrets.”
“What secrets, you have never had anyone but me and you like looking at nudes…so what secrets.”
“Honey, you know mine but I don’t know yours, at least I don’t know what I don’t know but I Know what you think I don’t know.”
Mary went pale, “What do you know Felix” she whispered.
He switched the record to play and there was Mary bare bottomed talking to a woman holding a cane. “Ok bend over and hold your ankles love, push your chest out and spread your feet…a bit more.”
He paused the recording, “Like that Mary…I wonder what else there is?”
“Nothing, I swear”, she felt disappoint.
“So whilst I’m away you play?”
She glared at him, “How did you get this?”
“Not so quick my dear, I should never have had a copy if you had not participated as the main character of this little plot.”
He smiled, “Nice bottom, very nice…I think I like the red look, definitely needs some more discipline, until the truth is as exposed as that body!”
With that he got up from the chair picked it up and placed it in front of her. Turning he produced a cane from behind the cabinet and whisked it in the air.
“OK , clothes off and over the chair my naughty beautiful wife.”
“No Felix …you can’t , you won’t.”
“I can and intend to, now off with your garments and bend over, after ten strikes you will get the chance to confess and seek forgiveness.”
She feared the kids would be home soon and wanted the tape, he promised she could have it but first a bit of caning since she was no virgin at this.
Felix was heavily handed and the marks were redder than the casting and Mary used the interludes between strikes to confessed all to him.
She never liked the discipline so stopped her ways and Felix never disclosed her again. However once shehad replaced composer she challenged him on his copy. “Well if it’s good for the goose then it’s good for the gander, down trousers and hold your ankles babe.”
He had not told her that the guys sometimes watched porn, or to his utter delight at finding her on the porn site. Quite a nice surprised, he had thought his wife too prudish for such endeavours. He felt the cane on his bare rear just as she had, she was fit, very fit and out for revenge so there was some blising. What made her angry now was that he had a copy then manipulated the situation so he could spank her, the hypercritical asshole , when he was deserving of the same, she thought. She liked the power over him to do this and was going to ensure this wasn’t the last time she weld the cane him.
“Well I quite enjoyed that”, he thought “I suppose my next spanking is when she finds out that it never went on the internet and I have the sole copy”.
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