Paying for His displeasure…

I had displeased Him at dinner at the club. Over-eager reaching for the cream when the after dinner coffee was being served, I had managed to knock both my cup and the carafe out of the server’s hands – spilling piping-hot coffee into the lap of his business associate seated next to me. There had been only shocked gasps from around the table – and very loud shrinking from under the table…more specifically, from the young woman serving His business associate!

The tension in the air during the ride home was intense. We rode in silence. I knew that I’d be punished.

His cell phone rang just after we walked into the living room. He answered it, asked whoever was on the line to hold on a minute, and then ordered me to go to ‘the room”, strip and stand in the punishment corner.

I hurried to the room – the room he had set-aside to use to take His pleasure from my body – stopping just outside the doorway. Quickly, I removed my shoes and clothes, neighborly folding my clothesing and placing all on the small table just outside the door — I was not allowed any clothes inside the room.

The ‘corner’ was the corner of the room farthest from the door – the corner where, on the walls on both sides, he hung his implementations used to punish me for my misdeeds. Silently, I stood in the corner, my hands clenched behind my back, my gaze going from item to item on the wall, wondering which would be his pleasure.

His muffled voice carried from time to time down the hallway and into my corner, where I stood slowly becoming more and more nervous of what was to come – tearfully sniffling.

I didn’t hear Him until he was standing behind me, reaching around and in front of me to take the ball gag off the wall. Not wishing to increase the punishment, I obediently opened my mouth and accepted the gag – which he promptly buckled behind my head. A pair of handscuffs were quickly affixed to my wrists, ensuring that my hands would stay behind my back. He then reachesd for the blindfold.

Once the blindfold was slipped over my eyes, He grabbed me by my elbow and hauled me backwards to the other side of the room…to his ‘workbench’. He pushed me face down on its padded top, pushing my hips up and forward, my legs too short for my toes to even touch the floor. I felt him knee between my legs, and grab one ankle and cuff it to one of the benchmark’s legs. While affixing the other ankle the doorbell rang and He whispered in my ear, “Time to make amends my dear.” He then left to answer the door.

I was quietly weeping behind the gag and blindfold, shaking in fear / anticipation of the punishment I knew I deserved.

Footsteps soon came back down the hallway and into the room – two sets. He spoke then, telling me of the painful injury I had caused His associate’s servant – He reached across my upper body and pulled the loose end of the thick leather strap that was fastened there across my shoulders, latching it to the side of the table. How she would be useless for his use for several days. How painful the injury I had caused was – he ran his down my side and patted my bottom. How the punishment I was about to receive would meet her level of disappoint and pain – SLAP!

He slapped each side of my bottom in turn, variing the placement of each so that my entire bottom was soon on fire. Strapped down as I was, I was powerless to escape – tears soaking the blindfold as I screamed my pain against the gag.

And still he did not stop…periodically asking the Other what he thought of the coloring. “Not red enough yet…her injuries were much redder and more pronounced than that.”

So on it went, until I thought to pass out from the pain. “That should do it for now,” the Other said. Then, leaning close to me he whispered in my ear, “Since my service’s ass is unavailable for my pleasure tonight, you’ll take her place — and you WILL NOT COME!”

I heard clothing shuffle as it was removed, the rip of a condom package being opened, then hands painfully kneading my already tortured bottom as he came up behind me. My bottom was then held widely apart and he forced himself all the way into my backside in one powerful stroke. My scream was lost behind the gag.

My Master then leaned down to stroke my face, “You were very lucky that most of the coffee missed her back and burned only her bottom…”

The Other spoke Then…”Now that I’ve had a closer look, I don’t think her bottom’s red enough yet…” He withdraw only slightly, Master spanking each side until the Other said, “That should do it for now…” and then continued to use my bottom…

It seemed to go on forever.


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