Part 07: Skinny Finny

1) Discussion

After the shower we head out to the patio which overlooks a pond. The pond is surrounded by the model homes and frames of unfinished houses. The sun is setting. The sky above is shiny gray. No clouds. No moon. No stars. Master Gary sits in an aluminum frame lawn chair with faded green and yellow webbing. I’m standing because my ass is still on fire from his “lesson.” It’s one of many sources of lingering pain.

“You ready for your touchy-feely conversation,” he asks, his tone sarcastic. He takes a long draw from his beer.

“Yes, sir, I’d like that.”


“I’d like to know why you allowed me to…have my way with you last night.”

“You’re testing the boundaries of our relationship. At this point I’ll let you try things, and if I’m not pleased then you’ll be punished. And you won’t try it again. Will you?”

“No, sir. I’m sorry I did it.”

“I’m not sorry. I got a great blowjob from you. AndThen I got to punish you tonight. I’m the winner. I’m always the winner.”

“Yes, sir. You’re the champion of the world.”

“Don’t test me now. I can drag your ass downstairs and reacquaint you with the rack.”

“Sorry, sir.”

“You’re a smart-ass. And you have to learn your place. You can think whatever you want, but don’t have to say whatever you think.”

“Yes, sir.”

“So, any questions or concerns about our session today?”

“Why did you let me fuck you?”

“You think you’re the only one who enjoys a hard dick in his ass?”

“I’m not sure I enjoy having a dick in my ass.”

“Are you telling me you didn’t like when I fucked you? Because you shot Your load all over me after a few minutes with my cock inside you.”

“My first time, sir. Two firsts. First time I got fucked and first time I fucked a man.”

“What did you prefer?”

“I prefer whatever pleases you, Master.”

“You’re very coy. Come over here.” He pats hislap. In spite of the burning pain I sit on his lap, hoping the chair will not collapse. He pulls me close and kisses me. His probing tongue tastes like beer. I can feel his erection pressing against me. He releases me and I stand.

“Seriously, did you prefer getting fucked or fucking?”

“I preferred fucking you, sir, although your weight was a problem. You bounced on me like a madman. I banged my head on the floor.”

“Hmmmm, that’s too bad, because you’re more likely to get fucked. I hope you can get used to it.”

“I will for you, sir.”

“And in the basement? You never yelled Bertha. I really thought you were going to be a pussy when I hung you on the rack. Tears. Crying. While. But you stuck in there. You’re a trooper. Get me another beer.”

I fetch another beer. When I return to the patio he’s standing at the edge looking at the pond. “All this,” he gestures to the abandoned worksite, “will be finished eventually. We finally broke a deal. Construction resumes next week. This is probably our last playdate here.” He looks sad. I put hand on his shoulder and nod sympathetically.

“Are we breaking up, sir?”

“No. We’re in too deep. I have great plans for you. Next time we meet will be at my condo in the city.” Excitement rushes through me. I’ve never been to his home and thinking I will actually visit…well, I’m swelling inside. So is my dick, which amazes me since I’ve already cum twice today. “But I need your help tomorrow. We have to dismantle the rack and clean out a few things in the other models.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Anything else, dear?” Sarcasm.

“When you punched me in the stomach…was your intention to knock me out?”

He laughs. “You’re not a fighter, are you?”

“No, sir. I’m a lover not a fighter.”

He shakes his head, not amused by my joke. “All I did was knock the wind out of you. If I really wanted to hurt you with a punch I’d have punched you the sternum.” He pokes my chest. “Punch to the stomach will knock the wind out of you. Punch to the sternum can do damage to your heart. If you punch hard enough. Can you punch hard? Make a fist.” I ball up my fingers and thumb. “Keep your thumb over your fingers or you’ll break it. Good. Now punch my arm.” I punch him. He laughs. “You punch like a girl. We’ll work on this another time.” He takes my elbow and says, “Let’s walk.” We head down a path towards the pond.

He looks melancholy standing at the edge of the water. “Tell me about your first blowjob. Not the first one you received one. The first time you sucked a guy’s dick.”

2) First Blowjob

It was the summer between junior and senior year. I was at a party with a few friends and a lot of people I knew from school but who probably didn’t know me. I was a skinny kid and kept a low profile, sometimes the target of teasing from the jocks. I had grown several inches the past year, so I hoped they didn’t recognize me. The derisive nickname some people called me: Skinny Finny.

There was a keg of beer and some people had pot. I got high and drank a few beers. Feeling ignored by everyone, like a ghost or a shadow, I wandered upstairs. I slipped into a bedroom and stretched out on the bed. The booze and reefer got the best of me and I fell asleep. The bed was up against the wall. I turned on my side, my back to the door. I don’t know how long I was sleep.

The party must have broken up except for some stragglers, couples probably making out. I started to wake up. The room was dark, and I felt I wasn’t alone. I rolled onto my back and saw 2 figures standing next to the bed. Don Garrett and Tessa Schneider. Don was on the football team and Tessa was the girl that most of the football team claimed they had fucked at some point in the past two years. She had a reputation. She also had shoulder length blonde hair, unblemished pale skin, bright green eyes, a firm round bottom and perfect breasts. They weren’t huge, but they filled out a shirt and the shirt always exposed teasing cleavage. Tessa and I were in study hall in 2nd period and she was always nice to me. She called me Skinny or Finny, but never teased. Always treated me like just another guy. Don was tall and athletic, one of those guys who ran down the field to catch the football. His broad shoulders, sinewy muscle arms, curly brown hair and brown eyes made him the desire of most of the girls at school. Don had never teased me, he probably didn’t know I existed.

“Skinny Finny,” he said. “Scoot over so we can lay down.” I looked confused. “C’mon, move over, we’re tired.” Tessa didn’t wait for me to move. She slip onto the bed next to me. “Hi, Skinny,” she said. She was drunk. He was Drunk. They had just graduated high school, maybe this was their last fling. Don reached over Tessa and flipped me back on to my side so I was pressed against the wall. Tess moved up against me and Don stretched out next toher.

Tessa turned away from me and her ass pressed against mine while she snuggled Don. In a few minutes they were breathing heavily as they drifted to sleep. I was wide awake with an aching boss. No idea how many people were still in the house, I couldn’t remember whose house we’d come to, and I didn’t know the time. There was me, Tessa’s ass and my boss. I wanted to stroke it but didn’t move a muscle. Don’s breathing turned to snoring. Tessa told him to turn on his side. He rolled towards her. I felt him press close to her forcing her body against me and his hand rested on my shoulder. I should have felt revolted or frightened but it made my dick harder.

They fell asleep and their gentle breathing helped me relax, like a mantra in my head, and I soon joined them in slumber. It might have been a few minutes later or an hour, but I was awakened by the bed shaking like it did when my dog ​​was sleeping next to me chasing a rabbit in her dreams. It wasn’t a dreaming dog, itwas Don and Tessa. I looked over my shoulder. She was straddling Don as he fucked her, both apparently oblivious to my presence. I wanted to watch them, but didn’t move. My dick was hard again, or maybe it was the same boss raging since I fell asleep. I stared at the wall.

Tessa’s moaning filled the air above me and I heard Don’s voice behind me, “Oh fuck, baby, fuck, I’m gonna miss Your pussy.” Seconds later he groaned, the bed stopped bouncing but I felt their bodies tremble as he shot his load. Tessa came back down on the bed between us. I heard them kissing, wet and sloppy. “You’re a mess,” he said. How romantic, I thought.

“And you stink. Take a shower,” she told him. He invited Tessa to join him, and she decided. Don left the bedroom and went down the hall. The bathroom door closed and Tessa snuggled up to me. “Mmmm, Skinny, you’re still here?”


“Turn over.” I rolled on to my back and Tessa wrapped me in her arms and legs. She felt the boss in mypants. “Skinny Finny, you’re all grown up.” She fumbled with my belt and zipper. “Pull your pants down.” I did as she instructed. My pants were at my ankles, my shoes still on, and my erect dick poked out of my boxers. She stroked it. “Mmmm, nice cock, Finny, it’s not too skinny.” She giggled and nuzzled my neck, her tongue licked my ear, her breath warm and moist. How can she still be horny after getting fucked? She guided my hand to her swollen pussy and told me to rub. It was hot and wet. My fingers fumbled until she pressed my middle finger into her then up to find her clip. She shivered. “Right there, Finny, there.” I rubbed and she shook and moaned. “Lick me.” I licked her neck. “No, Skinny, lick me here.” Her hand pressed on my hand rubbing her pussy.

I crawled down awkwardly and placed my mouth on her pussy. It was soaked with her juices and Don’s sperm, but I did as Tessa told me and I licked. She raised her knees and opened wide for me, and my tongue saved the slippery textures and tastes and aroma. I had only licked one other pussy, last summer, but that was before I put my dick in it. It had been exclusive with a musty aroma. Tessa’s pussy was alive with her musk and Don’s salty seed. I licked and fingered her for several minutes until she poked a finger on her cliporis and in a husky voice said, “Here.” I licked and kissed her clip until she squirmed and moaned and Finally had an orgasm. Her thighs clamped my head in place and she seemed to cum a few times before she released me. She Shook and whimpered. She was wetter than when I started and my mouth and chin were wet from her juices.

“Nice job, Finn.” Don leaned in the doorway. I jumped away from Tessa and tripped up by the pants around my ankles I landed on my ass on the floor at the foot of the bed. Tessa stretched her body and stood up.

“Why can’t you do that for me?” she asked Don. “You blow your nut then leave. Finny here knows how to make a girl happy.”

“You always seemhappy with my cock inside you,” he replied. “I want to know why this skinny prick is eating my girlfriend’s pussy.”

“I’m not your girlfriend.” She pushed Don out of her way and headed to the bathroom. Don watched her walk down the hallway, then looked at me, came into the bedroom and closed the door behind him.

I stood up and reached for my pants, noticed my dick sticking out of my shorts and stuffed it back in. Don grabbed my shoulders and pushed me back on the bed. I reached for my pants.

“No, leave them. In fact, take off your shoes and pants.” I didn’t move. I was afraid Don was going to beat me up in this strange bedroom. “Do it!” he commanded. I removed my shoes and pants. He pulled me off the bed and stood me up in front of him. He looked at the bulge trying to pop out of my boxes.

“You like this, don’t you?” He yanked the boxes down to my knees. My cock stood straight and hard between us. “You horny little prick. Did you like licking my cum out of myGirlfriend’s pussy?”

“She’s not your girlfriend,” I said. He slapped me. My body went rigid with the shock of his blow to my cheek. I was petrified, staring at him with fear, but he must have thought it was defiance because he backhanded my other cheek. Tears well in my eyes.

“You like this, too. You like it rough.” His hands gripped my shoulders and he forced me to My knees. He had on shorts and a t-shirt, and I could see his cock was starting to stiffen. “I’ll ask again, did you like licking my cum out of Tessie’s snatch?” I nodded, hoping to avoid another slap. “Maybe you want to suck some fresh cum from my dick,” he mused, and he pulled it out, stiff, red and pulsing. Don removed his shorts and t-shirt revealing his muscle form. He had a nearly hairless body except for a patch on his chest that trailed down to his naval and on to his thick mat of public hair. His scrotum hung low and had long hairs covering it. Don had the body I wished I had, but I wasn’t athletic,and felt ashamed when I was in the locker room watching other boys undress for gym class. I tried to avoid staring or looking at the bodies around me, but couldn’t resist. Sometimes envy turned to desire. I was always too frightened to turn desire into action.

I tried to get up but Don held me down, hands clamped to my shoulders. He inched towards me, his cock close to my mouth. “C’mon, Finny, you know You want this. You look like a fag cocksucker.” Now I did look at him defiantly. I hated being called fag. Although singing a peak at naked guys in the locker room I liked girls. I had eaten a girl out last summer and then we fucked. I was not a fag, I told myself.

He loosened his grip and sat on the bed. “You know, I could go get some of the other guys. They’re right downstairs. They’d love to pull a train on your mouth. Wouldn’t be the first time we let someone suck our cocks.”

“You let a guy suck you? All of you did?” He was referring to a few of his football teammates, probably still downstairs chugging beers and smoking weed. I could not believe these jocks had any interest in letting another guy near their cocks.

“Not a guy. Some slut we picked up.”

“But you want me to suck your dick.”

“You’re not leaving this house until you do. You have to choose. Suck me and go home. Or I drag your skinny ass downstairs and see if those guys want to mess you up. You know, because you tried to fuck my girlfriend.”

“She’s not your girlfriend,” I said before I realized I what I was doing. Don reached out quickly, and gripped my neck and pulled me close to his cock.

“Suck it!” he sawhed through clenched teeth. He pushed his cock on my lips. “Open!” His grip tightened. My mouth opened. I felt his cock brush my lips. His cockhead was damp and slick. “Wider.” I opened my mouth and he slid over my tongue. I tasted him and recognized it from the taste of Tessa’s pussy, a blend of his cum and her excretions. But now, Don’s dick in my mouth, all I could taste was his slippery precum.

He put his head back and said, “Yeah, good. Now suck on it. Lick it. Use your tongue.” It wasn’t difficult to suck cock. You opened your mouth and your head went up and down. I thought this was going to be over in a minute. He pulled out of my mouth. “Finny,” he said, almost intimately in a whisper, “watch your teeth. Don’t bite it. A good cocksucker never bites. Don’t even let your teeth scrape on it. I know my cock is hard, but it’s still very tender.” He reached down and grabbed my erect cock and tugged harshly. He scraped a nail against my glans. I jerked back from him. “Didn’t feel good, did it? Imagine how teeth feel?” I almost told him to show me, but didn’t want to risk another slap…or a bite.

Without further urging or threats I took hold of his cock and wrapped my lips around his glans. He released his grip on my throat and put his hands on my shoulders. My tongue explored the curves and crevice of his cockhead. He squirmed as I twirled my tongue around it. He put a hand on the back of my head and guided me closer so his cock slide deeper into my mouth. He held me firmly and his hips started pumping his cock in and out of my mouth. I didn’t think about the other people in the house, or that Tessa could return in a second and see me sucking Don’s cock. I thought only about this cock and wondered why I had waited until I was 17 to suck a dick.

Don saw that I was enjoying this, lost in the act. He released his hold on me and let me take over. He occasionally moaned, or said, “Fuck yeah, suck it,” and I did. I massed his hairy balls and stroked his cock as my head continued bobbing. He lay back and lifted his legs. He pulled his knees to his chest exposing his balls and ass. “Suck my balls.” I released his cock from my mouth, my tongue slide down his shake to his balls. I licked them, sucking in one, then the other, then his entire scrotum into my mouth. I let his balls pop out of my mouth. A fewstray pubes were left behind and I spit them out. His hairless asshole was staring at me, pulsing. “Lick my ass, Finny.” Reluctantly, my tongue ticked his hole. It quivered. I expected it to taste awful, like shit smells, but it had a clean earthy flavor so I licked it again. “Lick a finger and stick it in.” I covered my middle finger with spit and poked his hole. My finger slide in and I moved it around. Not near as wet as Tessa’s pussy, but tight and inviting.

I suddenly realized I wasn’t the fag. Don is the fag. He had me finger fucking his anus. But I enjoyed it, so…

“Suck my cock while you finger me.” I followed every command. Don was my guide on a journey I never imaged I’d embark upon. One finger became two fingers stretching his tight hole while I swallowed as much of his cock as possible without it going down my throat. His body stiffened and he said, “Stop!” he pushed me away. I fell back on my ass as he stood over me. He was red in the face and chest. He took hold of his cock and stroked vigorously. He grabbed my hair and pulled me back to my knees. “Open wide!” Mouth wide open, eyes unblinking, terrified of what would happen next.

He shot a stream of cum that hit the back of my tongue. I closed my mouth. I wanted to spit but he continued stroking, let go of my hair, slapped my cheek and ordered me to open my mouth. “Now! You licked it out of Tessa’s cunt, now take it in your mouth, bitch!” I opened wide just as several more streams of his sticky white jizz shot into my mouth, on my cheeks, chin and nose. Don groaned and said, “Fuck yeah!” He grabbed my hair. He used his cock to push his semen from my face into my open mouth. I hadn’t swallowed any, holding it on my tongue, hoping to spit. He shuddered each time his cock pushed more cum onto my tongue. “Swallow it, Finn.” I was starting to cry. “Swallow it, Finn.” He slapped my cheeks with his cock. I closed my eyes, closed my mouth and swallowed, gagging and trying not to puke.

Don sat down on the bed, let go of my hair, patted my head. “Good job, Finny, well done.” I sat on the floor, head in my hands, cock still throbbing. “You should get dressed and get the fuck outta here.” I crawled over to my pants and shoes, struggled into them. Don stood over me, grabbed my arms and hauled me up. “Listen, you don’t tell anyone about this! I find out you told anyone I’ll find you and kick your ass.” In that moment, his hands gripping my biceps, our faces inches apart, I wanted to kiss him and assure him I would never tell anyone what happened between us. He stared into my eyes, both of us unblinking. He released me and pushed me away. “Get the fuck outta here.” He picked up his discarded clothes and started dressing. I left the room, pulled the door closed.

Tessa stood in the hallway leaning on the wall across from the bedroom door, a towel wrapped around her tucked into her cleavage, barely covering her pussy, her legs crossed. “Did he hurt you?” I wondered howlong she’d been there, what she heard behind the door.


“Are you okay?”

“Yeah.” I had a bonder, but I was okay.

She put a palm on my flushed cheek, probably felt the sticky residue of Don’s ejaculate. She planted kiss on my lips. “Get outta here, Finny.” I held back tears. Tessa was the only person who had shown me any compassion in the past year. It felt awkward, but I wanted to be with her again. I wanted to drop my pants and fuck her right there in the hallway. But I didn’t. I nodded, turned, walked downstairs and out of the house. I didn’t see if anyone was still there, I left the house behind me. My erection pointed me towards home, a two mile walk past darkened suburban homes lit by sodium streetlights. I eventually arrived home, crept in without waking my parents and siblings, closed my bedroom door behind me. I undressed, sat on my bed, quietly masturbated until I shot a stream of semen on my stomach and chest. I didn’t clean up. I crawled under my blanket and fall asleep.


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