Millicent Jamison scanned the job search website on her laptop. This had been a regular habit since she had been made redundant from the Peerless Upholstery Company. She had loved her job as general office manager, taking phone enquires, booking appointments and a hundred other tasks that made her days interesting and varied. Now that her husband, Stephen, was on reduced hours she was desperate to find a new position. So far, she had been unable to find anything that matched her experience. At 49 years old, Millicent didn’t really want to change her career path completely.
Then, bingo! This must be it, she thought as her eyes focused on a job vacancy that looked as if it was made for her:
‘Small family business with old fashioned values is seeking a general office manager to take books, arranging appointments, greeting clients and a myriad of other duties. Salary negotiate, according to experience. Please apply with CV and two references to Paradise Tanners at box number XX1.’
Feeling elated and more positive than she had felt in ages, Millicent wrote a letter of application and enclosed her impressive CV. For references, she included Mr Brocklebank, general manager of Peerless Upholstery and Mrs Wandless, Chairwoman of the local branch of the Mother’s Union.
Ten days later, a letter arrived from Paradise Tanners informing Millicent that she had been Shortlisted for the position and invited her for an interview. My luck is changing, Millicent told herself.
On the day of the interview she wore a smart suit in a style that she thought would fit in well with the ‘old fashioned values’ Paradise Tanners proclaimed in its job advertisement. Millicent was a bit surprised when she arrived at the address given in her letter for the interview. It was a fairly large, Victorian semi-detached house, with no indication that it was a business address. With its fussy net curtains and a potted plant in the bay window, it was very much like all the other houses in the street. How odd. Millicent had been expecting a small factory or a unit in a business park, like her old firm.
Millicent rang the doorbell and after a few moments it was answered by a lady of about 40 years. “Ah, you must be Mrs Jamison. Welcome to Paradise Tanners. I’m Mrs Paradise, please come this way.” Millicent was ushered into the cosy front room and invited to sit down on the sofa.
“I’ve read your CV, Mrs Jamison and I must say, I am most impressed. Also, I have spoken on the telephone to Mr Brocklebank and he speak most highly of you. You seem to have all the qualities we are looking for. Before we go any further, I perhaps should ask you what you know about our business, Paradise Tanners.”
Millicent blushed. She really Know nothing about the firm. She assumed that it must involve leather goods. Mrs Paradise smiled at Millicent’s discomfort. “I think I should explain. When we advertised the post, we were rather discrete and didn’t disclose the true nature of what we do.” Millicent’s face dropped, wondering what she might have let herself in for.
“Oh, don’t worry Mrs Jamison, it isn’t illegal. We’re not growing weed, or anything like that. But it is something that we need to be circuitspect about. The thing is, Paradise Tanners produce spanking videos. We spank ladies’ bottoms and film them. We sell them as DVDs or publish them on the internet. It is perfectly legal, but obviously, we have to be very discrete.”
“Oh, I see,” remarked a startedled Millicent Jamison. “What would I have to do, Mrs Paradise.”
“Well, just the things we put in the advertisement; answering the phone, taking books, keeping the files and generally making sure the office runs smoothly. You wouldn’t need to get involved in the spanking side of things,”. Then added thoughtfully, “unless that side of the business interests you, of course.”
Goodness, this wasn’t at all what Millicent expected when she applied for the job. But what’sthe harm, she reasoned. She would be happily filing, keeping the calendar up to date, answering the phone and making the coffee. If ladies were getting their bumps smoked in another room, well what did that matter?
“Well, Mrs Jamison, now you know a bit more about us, would you still like the job?”
“Yes please, Mrs Paradise. When would you like me to start?”
“Will Monday suit you? We are expecting a fairly busy week.”
Millicent was a bit vague when her husband asked about her new job. “Oh, general office work, pretty much like in my previous job,” she replied to his question.
On Monday, with a mixture of nervousness and excitement, Millicent arrived at Paradise Tanners ten minutes early. She was admitted by Mrs Paradise. “Call me Sylvia,” she said. “We are like family here at Paradise Tanners. Come with me and I’ll show you round.”
Sylvia led Millicent into the blinde where she had been interviewed. “This is the room we use for domestic scenes, like,for instance, daughter comes home at midnight, 2 hours after curfew. She has to go over daddy’s knee. You can imagine the scene, I am sure.”
Millicent, eager to show interest in her new job, responded “Oh yes, Sylvia, I remember getting home a bit late one night and going over dad’s knee.” Sylvia, looked at her new employee with renewed interest.
“Oh, you have some experience of being spanked, then?”
Millicent started to regret her impulsive remark. “Only a couple of times,” she assured her new boss.
Sylvia moved on to another room. ” This is the school room.” The room was set out with a blackboard, a teacher’s desk, some students’ desks, a wooden stool with a dunce’s cap perched on it and other school acupunctures, including an association of canes. A third room was a fairly conventional bedroom. Finally, Sylvia showed Millicent the office where she would be based and a waiting room which was rather like the one at the doctor’s surgery.
“This is where you should ask the ladies who are coming to be spanked wait until we are ready for them. I’ll let you into a little trade secret here, Millicent. We have a policy of always keeping the ladies waiting a little while, even if we are ready for their appointment. A wait adds to their appreciation and builds up the tension.”
When the tour was complete, Sylvia left Millicent in her office. “Your first job will be to Welcome a Mrs Joanne Thimble.” Sylvia looked at her watch. “She should be arrived in about half an hour. She is a newbie, who answered one of our advertisers. She will be having a spanking audit, which I shall administrator. If all goes well, she may return for a more intense session. Please make her a coffee and show her into the waiting room. You can direct her into the lounge when I am ready. I will call you on the intercom.” The intercom was a model similar to the one Millicent had used in her previous job.
Mrs Thimble arrived a good fifteen minutes before her appointmentment. Millicent was surprised how ordinary she looked, just like a hundred other middle-class housewives. “Oh, I’m sorry, I know I’m rather early, but I wasn’t sure about the address. I hope I’m not inconveniencing you.”
Millicent put her people handling skills to good use, reassuring Mrs Thimble that everything was fine and showed her into the waiting room.
“Would you like a cup of tea or a coffee?”
“Oh, a coffee would be loved please. Just a drop of milk and no sugar.”
When Millicent brought the coffee through a few minutes later, Mrs Thimble was fiddling nervously with her handbag. “Er, will you be umm,” she stammered. “Er, will you, be, umm, doing the spanking?”
“Me? Oh goodness, no. No, I think it will be Mrs Paradise. She’ll call through in a moment.”
Just then, Millicent heard a noise at the back door. She went to investigate, leaving Mrs Thimble alone with her coffee. A middle-aged man, carrying a large bag had just entered the building. “Hello, you must be the new office manager. I’m Cecil Paradise.”
“Pleased to meet you Mr Paradise. I’m Millicent Jamison. Mrs Thimble has arrived for her audition.”
“Oh good. My better half is doing the honours. I’m the cameraman this morning. I’d better go and set up the equipment or it’ll me who gets the spanking.” Chuckling at his own joke, Cecil Paradise bustled Through into the locke with his equipment.
Millicent returned to the waiting room. “Is the coffee alright, Mrs Thimble.”
“Yes, fine, thank you. Please call me Joanne.”
“So, Joanne, I am sure they will be ready for you soon. It will be Mrs Paradise who spanks you while Mr Paradise films it.”
“Oh, I see.” Joanne blushed. “This is my first time. I am a bit nervous.”
I would never have guessed, thought Millicent. “I am sure you will be fine, Joanne.”
“I do hope so. I have been quite excited looking forward to a new experience, but now I’m here, about to do it… well, I must admit tobeing a bit scared.”
Millicent was about to offer further reassurance when a female voice spoke over the intercom. “Please show Joanne Thimble through to the locke.”
Having guided Joanne through to meet Mrs Paradise in the locke, Millicent returned to her office to look over the equipment. There was all the usual office paraphernalia to be found in any small office; computer, stapler, paper clips, a paper cup containing pens and pencils, telephone etc. Then her attention turned to a TV monitor screen. It was divided into quarters to stream the video footage from a number of security cameras. There was one showing the front door, another focused on the back door and the other two quarters were just grey panels. Evidently, they were not used.
As Millicent was adjusting her office chair, a sudden movement on the monitor screen caught her eye. A third quarter of the screen had suddenly become active. A camera was panning around the lounge, the focus going from a blurto a more focused picture. Millicent realized that Mr Paradise had switched his camera on and it was set to relay the view to the monitor screen. Gradually the view settled down to show Mrs Paradise and Joanne sitting at the table.
Millicent knew she should turn away. She felt guilty watching the scene in the lounge. Something forced her to keep viewing. There was no sound, just the black and white picture. The scene changed as the two women stood up. Millicent’s heart raced as she watched Mrs Paradise pull up Joanne’s dress. Mr Paradise adjusted the camera lens to zoom in on Joanne’s lacy black knickers.
Mrs Paradise’s hand rose and fell, beating a tattoo on Joanne’s pump, black lace covered bum. Millicent swallowed hard, feeling Mrs Thimble’s humiliation in sympathy for her. Then, Mrs Paradise Pulled down Joanne’s knickers, exposing the pale flesh, which was just beginning to take on a rosy hue. Millicent blushed as she thought how thankful she was that it was Joanne getting the spanking and not her. What was that German word that summed up that feeling of enjoying someone’s disappoint instead of being sympathetic? Ah yes, that’s it; ‘Schadenfreude’.
Joanne began to wriggle and squirm. Evidently Mrs Paradise was making an impression on the inexperienced Mrs Thimble. Then, oh goodness! Millicent instinctively put a hand to her mouth in shock. Mrs Thimble had selected a leather implementation, shaped like a ping pong bat and began to swat Mrs Thimble’s bare bottom. Mr Paradise had zoomed in close on Mrs Thimble’s behind. Her legs were parted, exposing the fuzzy auburn fluff that decorated her matronly slit.
Millicent swallowed hard. She was shocked, but unfortunately titillated by her voyeuristic view. She surprised herself at how much she was enjoying Joanne’s disappoint at the hands of the formidable Mrs Paradise.
At last the ordeal was over. Mrs Thimble rubbed her sore bottom, before pulling up her knickers and adjusting her frock. Guiltily, Millicent turned the monitor off and, trying to control her breathing, waited for Joanne to emerge from the locke. As she came out, she gave Millicent a weak smile.
“Was everything alright, Mrs Thimble?”
“Er, very invigorating, dear.”
After Mrs Thimble had left, Mrs Paradise came into the office.
“Millicent, I would like you to add Joanne Thimble to our database. Complete today’s entry and find a vacancy for next week. Our Mrs Thimble is a natural for spanking videos, she has a perfect backside that was made to be spanked. Next time, Mr Paradise will introduce her to his favourite strap.”
“Certainly, Mrs Paradise. No problem. I am completely familiar with Microsoft Office. I am sure your database will present no problems.”
“Good, and when you have done that, bring up Kandy Kreme’s record. (That’s with two K’s by the way). She will be in for a scene this afternoon. Kandy is a complete slut, but is in great demand by our customers. She is 29 years old, but can pass as a college student in short skirt and white blouse.”
Curious, Millicent brought up the database records and searched Kandy Kreme. It was immediately obvious from the number of entries, that Ms Kreme was a very prolific artist. Several pictures were included, depicting her in some of her roles. Millicent added Joanne Jamison to the database and closed the system down. She made a mental note that she should ask Mr or Mrs Paradise for a picture for Joanne’s database record.
Kandy arrived exactly on time. She was wearing a long coat, which she removed in the waiting room. She was wearing a tiny tartan skirt, that revealed her white cotton knickers every time she moved.
“You must be new,” she observed as she eyed Millicent up and down.
“Yes, hello, I’m Millicent, pleased to meet you. I’m the new office manager.”
“Oh right,” said Kandy. “I wondered if you were here to get your arse belted as well.” She then ostentatiousy removed a wad of chewing gum from her mouth that she had been chewing all the time since her arrival.
“Sorry about the gum, but it’s part of the script for my scene.”
“Script?” Millicent looked puzzled.
“Yeah. Not much of a script really. The idea is that Mr Paradise catches me sticking it under my desk and decides he’s going to can my bare bum.”
“Sounds like quite a harsh punishment for something so trivial as sticking chewing gum to the desk.”
“Yeah, well any excuse to get my drawers down. Also, I have a reputation to keep up for my fans. I am the ultimate bad girl. I’ve got to be naughty and get my bum spanked to keep my fan base.”
“Doesn’t it hurt, getting your bare bottom caned?”
“I’ll say it does, but there is the pride of a job well done. I get satisfaction from being able to take it without yelling. A lot of the girls shout and cry at the first stroke, but not Kandy Kreme. I think Mr Paradise gets frustrated that he can’t make me yell for mercy. Of course, I do a bit of squirming. The fans like to see me wriggle my bum after each stroke. And, oh yes, the money is good too. Better than working.”
Then a stern voice came over the intercom. “Miss Kreme, get yourself in here this minute.”
“Here we go again, and the marks from my last thrashing haven’t quite gone yet.”
As soon as Kandy Kreme went to see Mr Paradise, Millicent switched the monitor on, hoping the scene would be streamed through. She found she was quite looking forward to watching Kandy’s performance.
The camera zoomed onto Kandy’s right hand as it pressed a wad of sticky gum into the desk lid. Then it panned over to an angry looking Mr Paradise who appeared to be remonstrating with a defiant Kandy Kreme, standing arm’s akimbo. Millicent wished she could hear what was being said.
Mr Paradise grabbed Kandy and in a feigned show of temperature yanked her over his knee. Her short skirt was hiked up, revealing the tight-fitting white pAntis stretched over her round bottom. Millicent’s heart raced as Mr Paradise began to slap Kandy’s bottom, first one pert cheese and then the other. It was quite obvious that the man was deadly serious. He seemed determined to make his favourite victim surrender and beg for mercy.
Mr Paradise gripped the waist band of the cotton knickers and peeled them down to her thighs, depriving Kandy of all protection. The slaps continued to rain down in a measured rhythm. Even with the limitations of the black and white monitor Millicent could see the young woman’s bottom was colouring up.
Then Mr Paradise allowed Kandy to stand up. He pointed to something off screen and Kandy moved out of shot, returning a few moments later, carrying a cane which she handed to Mr Paradise.
Almost ashamed of the voyeuristic pleasure she was getting from watching, Millicent’s eyes were riveted to the screen. she watched Kandy being made to bend over as Mr Paradise swished the cane through the air in a few practice swipes. Then, with careful aim, the first stroke landed on Kandy’s thrust out bottom. The impact made the young woman’s pale flesh quiver and a distinct line appeared neatly across her buttocks.
Mr Paradise paused, allowing the full effect to sink in before raising the cane for a second stroke. Millicent clnched her thighs together in anticipation of the next stroke landing. Why was this sordid scene having such an effect on her, she wondered. She was shocked at the sexual thrill, that Kandy’s suffering had on her.
As several more strokes landed with unerring accuracy, a row of neighbor parallel lines marked Kandy’s pretty bottom. Millicent was rubbing the place between her thighs and as the camera zoomed in and the delicious bottom filled the screen, she had an incredible orgasm.
The thrashing eventually came to an end and Kandy was made to go into ‘the corner of shame’ with her skirt tucked up to display her cane-striped bottom.
Millicent wasVery thoughtful as she made her way home.
“How did the new job go today, Millie?” Millicent’s husband, Stephen, peered over his spectacles, putting the Racing Gazette down for a moment.
“Oh fine, thanks, Steve. Just getting into the swing of things.” Stephen grunted non-committedly. He was back to studying the odds for the 3.30 at Doncaster.
“Have you ever been tempted to spank my bum, Steve?”
“Why what have you done?”
“Oh, nothing dear. Just wondered.”
During the rest of the week women of all ages, shapes and sizes turned up at Paradise Tanners to receive a spanking. One quite buxom lady in her late 40’s looked familiar, although her name – Betty Boobs, meant nothing. Millicent couldn’t quite place her. Then, when she was in the studio and Millicent watched on the monitor the buxom woman was confidently and proudly showing off her huge tits and her big bottom. The penny dropped – it was the woman who ran the underwear stall in the covered market. Aswell as conventional underwear, she kept a line of exotic undies, some of which she was in the process of discarding.
Mr Paradise lost no time in getting to work on the tits and bottom with a little leather paddle. Betty Boobs was obviously no stranger to being manhandled in such a way. In fact, she seemed to relish in the treatment that Mr Paradise was met out.
Mr Paradise must be having the time of his life, thought Millicent, especially when Betty dropped to her knees to suck Mr Paradise’s penis. Meanwhile, Mrs Paradise allowed the camera to continue filming. This was going to be a special production.
Millicent became more and more fascinated with the activities at Paradise Tanners. To say she was tempted to try it for herself was perhaps an examination. That is, until she was updating the accounts on the spreadsheet. She noticed that Kandy Kreme had earned more in an hour than she would earn for a full day’s work. Why not try it, just once? There could be noharm in that, could there?
Millicent plucked up her courage to approach Mrs Paradise. “Sylvia, I’ve been wondering, could I have a spanking audit, do you suppose?”
Sylvia eyed her office manager curiously. “Well, I don’t see why not. Your predecessor succumbed to the temptation; we can give it a try if you like. Just a word of warning though, Mr Paradise and myself don’t go easy on our employees. You get just the same treatment as the other ladies, a good thrashing on your bare bottom. Do you think you can manage that, Millicent?”
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