Papi and Rose – A New Dynamic Ch. 01

She opened the car door, flopped down into the drivers’ seat, and pulled the door shut beside her. Her head hung down to her chest as she breathed in a long and exasperated breath, held it for a moment or two, then exhausted. As she exhausted, she imagined all the stress of the workday flowing from her lungs, back out into the empty space of the car, and then dissolving in the heat of the mid-July sun. It was a long day, a type of long that challenged her both mentally and physically, mostly because of the people she worked with, and how difficult their politics and antis made it to accomplish her mission for each day. Why couldn’t work be simple, without drama and squabbling among the different niches. I suppose that’s what happens in a workspace so large and diverse.

Her fingers rubbed at her temples as she craneded up the car and began her transit back home; she had the whole drive home to figure out her day, and to find a way to put it behind her, so that it didn’t affect her weekend with Him.


It was becoming progressively harder to sort through her thoughts of the workday, with each passing mile that brought her closer to home. ‘Decompressing Time’ is what he had called it once, and the term has stuck with them as a family ever since. That time of reflection right after the workday, between work and home, where you could look back over the day, rethink all the Thoughts and re-play all the emotions to the point that by the time you reached home, the angst and frustration of the day was over and spent.

Decompression Time on those certain Fridays has become increasingly more difficult for her as of late since their bi-weekly routine had changed so drastically a few months ago. It was then that he introduced a new aspect to their relationship; one that redirected every avenue of their marriage, every other weekend, twice a month, from Friday at around four-thirty, till Sunday evening around eight. She knew what would happen, the momentnt she walked through the door, into what usually was considered a relatively normal household.

She turned her car off from the road and headed down the long driveway that split through the woods and vegetation, until it opened to what could only be described as her dream home. Their forever home, the home that they had dreamed of for the entirety of their relationship. The setting was out in the country, not far from the nearest town, but far enough away and with enough acreage that they could be sure of absolute privacy and serenity in their own little cut of nature. She parked her car under the carport and sat for a few moments, as chill bumps rose on her arms and the back of her neck. Their new bi-monthly dynamic was still fresh to her sensitivity, and made her stomach turn in excited knots, a mixture of anxiety, longing, and appreciation of What could be in store for her this weekend. His truck was parked in its usual spot. She noticed that no other vehicles could be seen, which struck her as odd given the last few weeks that found her in this situation.

Upon turning off the ignition and opening the door to her car, the knots in her stomach twisted and turned in excitement, making her pause and breathe before making her way into the back door of their home. She could hear the tv murmuring in the living room, as she made her way through the kitchen down the hall to the large suite that was where they made all the love and connection within the privacy and intimacy of their marriage. A quick show, and shake of all her intimate areas was needed before his unknown plans for their week could begin. She’d began to note this time as the time that she washed the stress of work, and the foregoing week away from her being, and read herself to please the man she loved more than anyone in the world.

As she finished her shower, and dried off in the bathroom, she could hear movement on the other side of the door and her stomach jumped and tWisted again at the thought of him waiting for her on the other side of the door. Opening the door had before and would again solidify her consent and willingness to participate in any and all activities that were in store for them for the next few days. As she opened the door, she felt a swift movement beside her and quickly felt herself being forced down to the ground by a fist full of hair. He pushed her forehead to the ground, her face sideways on the floor, her cheekbone and the floor rubbing uncomfortable, and her ass high up in the air, ready for his inspection. His let his other hand find it’s way to her sex and inspected every fold and crevice of her most private areas. She feel his fingers slide in between the folds of her pussy lips, circle her asshole searching for any straight hair at all, then slide sensitively into her pussy. Once satisfied of her smoothness as well as the wanton wetness of her pussy, he loosened his grip on her hair momentarily. “Very good slut, but your Miss isn’t here yet, so I have no use for you now.”

Her heart sank as she stared at his feet in front of her face, and imagined herself kissing the tops of them as he stroke her hair, and yet instead she felt the pull of his hand in her hair as he pulled her head up so that she was on all fours like an animal beside him. He handed her a bundle of clothes, her mitts; she needed no instructions as to what to do with them. She pulled them on like gloves and pulled at the straws with her teeth, feeling her fists being compressed snuggly within the fabric, making her fingers immovable and useless, making her much more vulnerable and helpless. She held her hands up in front of her and he finished fixing the straws on each, before inserting a small padlock onto each mitt, solidifying her helplessness of the situation.

Grabbing her by the hair again, he pulled her over to a door, that used to be used for linen and extra storage, but now had a very different purpose. In front of the door, he affixed a metal collar around her neck and locked it into place. “Open your mouth slut”. Her mouth opened almost automatically at his command, and he inserted an oversized ball gag in between her teeth, pushing it far back into her mouth and buckling it behind her head. Her jaw stretched uncomfortable at the size of the ball jammed between her teeth and she moaned in a mixed of misery and humiliation through the gag. He didn’t lock the gag in place, there was no need for locks at this point, as she had no way to remove it herself. Opening the closet door and seeing the darkness within the small space filled her with butterflies, he pulled her, then pushed her into the closet; it was much smaller than a conventional closet space, it had been more of a linen closet than anything else. There were shelves that were the depth and width of the closet, and the space Below the bottom shelf was just tall enough for a clothes hamper.

She crawled into the open space, taking a quick look at all the toys, gags, and other such sexual paraphernalia on the shelves, looking to see if anything was missing. Once in the space, with her head on the ground towards the back of the closet, he grabbed a short chain bolted to the floor, maybe four inches at most, and attached it to the collar, effectively fixing her face in place, to the floor in the back of the closet. She felt as he attached bondage cuffs to her upper and lower thighs and ankles and pulled the ankle and upper thigh cuffs together so that her heels rested against her asscheeks. Lastly, she felt him place a bar between her knees and fix each end of the cuffs on her lower thighs, spreading her legs and exposing all my sex for him. “Grab your ankles slut”. She reached behind herself, blindly with both arms, and felt him attach the cuff from her mitts to the cuffs around her ankles.

He had placed her in this position once before and photographed it to show her later. Ultimately, from the bedroom, it was just anOrdinary linen closet door, but when opened, there presenting for him was a widely spread ass and pussy, dripping profusely at the time of the photograph, just waiting to be used, underneath shelves full of sexual toys and equipment that he could use at his pleasure. The bottom shelf sat only four or five inches above her ass. He had used her the last time too, many times that evening, without ever having to remove her from the Closet. She remembered how it felt, immobile in the dark, gagged and chained, face down and ass up, hearing his footsteps approaching and the closet door opening, him kneeling behind her, and then fucking whichever of the two holes that he pleased, filling her with his cum, spanking her ass until she yelled through the gag, and then shutting and locking the closet again and leaving. That was also the night she met “Miss”; that was the night that all of this began, and her life changed.


The night MY life changed.


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