I tell him about my dominatrix class over lunch and about failing my final. “I was nervous at first about being sold at the auction, since it could be anyone here buying me for the evening… but I think it’ll be okay because they have to get you to agree to whatever they’ll make me do. I am going to be so nervous though.”
“There you go again confusing nervous with turned on. I know you better than anyone Alina. You love the idea of being sold to the highest bidder. The use of your cunt being paid for.”
“As a fantasy that you set up, I love it… it’s very sexy because you’re picking the guy. In this case, it could be anyone… including someone I don’t find at all attractive.”
“Would you feel better if I bid on you?”
I chew my lip as I consider, “I Don’t think that makes much sense. Not only do I want to save our money but hopefully, I am at least an expensive sex toy and out of our price range. With rule #5 in place, I’m not sure it would really matter. Youcould always disagree or negotiate with whoever purchased me. Anyway, the auction is one of the last events so I’m going to put it out of my head for now and worry about it later. Tell me about the other predators you met earlier.”
He smiles at me, “What will you give me for this information Alina.”
“Hmmm full run of the ballroom tonight? No limits and I’ll watch or participate in whatever you choose…”
His eyes flash with lust and anticipation. “Deal… there were definitely a few interesting predators, including a woman. Not sure if she’s hoping to catch a man or woman… maybe it makes no difference to her. It was a group of 10 and I’d say that you would enjoy being caught by most of them. I don’t think anyone seemed like they would be a problem or take things too far. The layout is nice and there are some hidden areas that are very ideal to ambush our prey. I’m guessing there will be 9 other prey alongside you as well. Most of the predators came to the resort single so I’m betting a lot of the prey will be also.”
I’m eagerly anticipating the hunt and I’m relieved to hear that I would enjoy being caught by most of the other predators. Hopefully the other prey will be appealing to him as well. “I’m really excited for this event. If it goes well tomorrow evening, we could even sign up to do it again another night.”
“You’re really trying to see if we can break that pretty cunt of yours this week, aren’t you? In a few hours, you’ll be taking as many cocks as I can find and, in every hole… you’ll be so out of it you won’t even be able to tell them no… won’t even remember. I’m not going to go easy on you even if your cunt is sore. When you wake up, you may not remember what happened to you, but you’ll feel how broken and used each hole is.”
His words have started to make my pussy drip with eagerness, but I decided to play it cool. “You’re going to have to try much harder to break me baby. I’m not even sore from yesterday anymore.” Such a liar Alina, I think to myself. “I want to be fucked so rough and so through that I’m out of commission for the rest of the night. I want to see later how you and all those cocks use me as their plaything and fill my insides with cum. I want to be soaked in cum, inside and out. Be as rough as you want to be baby.”
He doesn’t look so playful anymore… he looks like he “Maybe I should give Mr. Akinari a call and offer your services in tonight’s bond demonstration in the ballroom.”
“Your call Derek. I already promised to let you participate in whatever you want, and I will watch or join, in whatever you choose.”
“If I wasn’t going to be raping that cunt in an hour… you’d already have my cock inside you right here.”
He has a point. At this resort we’ve seen people fucking, sucking, and masturbating freely with one another. I bet no one would bat an eye if he fucked me on this table right now. “Ohhh, so now is the perfect time to tease you.”
“Go ahead baby and I’ll take it out on your cunt later. Tell all those other cocks to be just as brutal while you’re under.” Ughh I’m so wet already. I love thinking about being a helpless fuck doll.
“I need to go start getting ready. Are you ready to leave?” We finish lunch and head back to the room. He orders another massage while I go visit the spa part of the resort before our consciousness sedation rap scene.
I booked an appointment for their enema treatment so that all my holes will be available for the rap scene. I’m pleasantly surprised at how quick and easy their enema procedure turns out to be. I look around the wardrobe area of the spa and find myself interested in a classic slutty schoolgirl outfit. Something about this rap scene and all the cocks that will be using me has a definite frat party feel to it. I find a killer pair of back heels and I finish up by getting my hair and makeup done as well. Damn… I look sexy.
Rachel is waiting for me when I leave the spa. “Follow me Alina and I’ll take you to the event location.” Rachel gives me an appreciated head to toe look. “Don’t worry about the auction. You’re going to do great. It’s usually the big-time donors of the Roissy Society that do most of the purchasing. I’m betting you’ll fetch a very good price.” We arrive at a door and Rachel pushes it open for me. I enter and it’s Just us for the moment. She walks over to a camera on a tripod and presses a button. “Now to reiterate… you’ll be heavily sedated and likely unable to use any safeword yourself. Your Dom will be attending, and he will provide any direction and consent for the use of your body however he chooses.”
“Yes, I agree to all of that.”
Rachel nods and glances towards the camera. “And it is your wish that everything is recorded during this event?”
“It is very much so.”
“Perfect. In that case, come lay down on this table and we’ll start the process.” I climb into a table thatLooks like a slightly kinkier version of a Gynecological table. The portion supporting my back and head is shorter than a standard exam table and appear segmented for some reason.
An older gentleman enters the room and carries himself like any medical professional. He approaches the table and pulls out an attachment from the side creating a small flat board on which he stretches my arm. He proceeds to stick my arm to the board at my elbow and wrist. “I will be administratoring the medication intravenously so as to ensure that you stay heavily sedated throughout the event. To prevent injury, your arm will be restrained like this. Do you understand and do you consent to this?”
I’ve never been a big fan of needs, but I can certainly handle this. “Yes, I understand, and I consent.” He prepares my hand to place the IV. I flinch when I feel the needle push into me, but the pain quickly dissipates. Rachel maneuvers the table, and the segmented portions of the table are shifting. The section for my upper back is dropping below my hips and the head portion a little lower than that. Suddenly I realize that the design is purely to provide access to my mouth. I feel a wave of drawsiness hit me, but I fight to stay awake.
I hear the door open and footsteps coming closer. The sound of a man talking and warm hands on my thighs. I vaguely feel each leg being lifted into the stirrups attached to the table. The hands move away, and I try to lift my legs out of the stirrups, but they don’t budget, something is wrapped around my ankles preventing me from moving. I try to speak but feel that my words are slurred. Sound is my clearest remaining sense.
I focus my ears and hear what sounds like people coming and going from the room. I feel so exposed positioned on the table with my legs spread and no underwear on… My head tipped back and aching for a cock. I feel someone touching between my legs… Pushing into my pussy. “That’s my fucking girl.” The touch goes away, and I whimper in frustration.
I slip into a deeper place and only have the vaguest notion of body after body between my tights and near my face. I’m not sure what they want but they seem constantly there. A sharp sting penetrates some of my fog. A sound too… a slap… Wait am I being slapped? I feel another face slap cut through my haze. I moan and can feel my holes being stretched with 2 cocks and a hand tight on my throat. I can’t put up much of a fight and I slip back under as I try.
I wake up and I feel out of it, like waking up mid-dream. My hand is no longer restrained, and it has a band aid on it already. I glance down at my body and my cute clothes are a wreck. My white crop top shirt is hanging on me in pieces. My skirt is hiked up and I can see someone’s cum on my chest as well as my thighs. My legs are not restrained anymore but when I move them, I become aware of the deep ache of my pussy.
Fuck… How many cocks did I take? I feel like I was either fisted or fucked by a football team. I touch the cum on my chest and suck it off my finger. Then I touch the cum on my thighs and suck it off. Mmmmm, both yummy, but definitely different. I sit all the way up carefully. I find more cum on my face this time. Facials? Damn Derek… he went all out. My high heels have fallen to the floor, and I bend over to get them and slip them on. Fuck my cunt is seriously dripping.
He enters the room and everything else stops existing. “How do you feel baby?”
“Intensely sore. What the hell did you do to me?”
“You’ll find out later when you watch the tape.”
“How many guys at least?”
“10 baby… and you took it all like a champion. I told them to cum wherever they want, inside or out. You have about 6 loads in that greedy cunt.”
“Some of the guys went multiple rounds with raping you. Your ass is also full, and you took quite a few facials. I wiped most of your face off, primarily your eyes. Even barely conscious, I could tell you were loving it.”
He helps me stand up and I wobble hard. “Fuck, I think you did break my pussy. I’m so sore but I love feeling all that cum dripping out of me. I should change into something else.”
“You won’t. I’m going to march you up to our room to get cleaned up but first you’ll have to walk around like the fucktoy rapebait you are. Clothes ripped, no panties, soaked with cum, inside and out.”
I smile up at him wanting his cock again even though my pussy is completely broken. I refuse to hide my cum soaked clothes or body and push the door open. “Don’t forget the video baby. I’m very eager to watch.”
“You won’t be just watching… Alina I’m going to be inside you and fucking you again the whole time you watch… I don’t care how sore you are”
Ughh if my pussy could whimper, it just would’ve. Instead, I find myself giving him the only acceptable answer I could… “Yes Sir.”
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