Owning Jamie Pt. 01

Jamie was almost finished in the gym. Since starting his new job, he had been coming to the company gym nearly every day. He was beginning to notice the benefit of it. His shoulders had broadened, and his tummy had flattened. He smiled at himself as he passed the mirror. It was a small gym, but it had free weights and a few machines. Usually, no more than eight people were in at one time, but this morning it was just him and a woman. He recognized the woman; she was always here when he was. Jamie couldn’t help but notice her.

She was strong and obviously very fit. Jamie often found himself staring at her as she was working out; impressed, slightly aroused and a little jealous. She had her long brown hair pulled back in a ponytail and only ever wore a sports bra with leggings. Jamie’s eyes could never Decide whether to look at her biceps, muscle ass or beautiful face. So he looked at them all. He was aware his staring was a little creepy, and if he caught himself, he would stop and star down at the ground, embarrassed – his Mum had taught him better than that. Sometimes he thought he saw her looking at him too. He could feel a power in her star that excited and scared him.

But today it was just the two of them. She was working out with a kettlebell, and he just couldn’t help himself. He glanced at her face, not only was it beautiful but it looked as if it knew lots everyone’s secrets. She was a fair bit older than him. Mid-thirties Jamie assumed, way too old for him and probably married. So he just admitted her from afar anyway and occasionally thought of her at night. Jamie shook himself off and tried to focus on his workout.

Just as Jamie was almost done; he felt someone standing just a little too close behind him. He felt her brown eyes burning into his back. Jamie spun around to see her standing there. He had never been this close to her. She radiated power. She was taller than he had thought, she had a couple of inches on him, and she was more intimidating close up. Her muscles bulging from the workout. She could have beat him in a fight, easily. Jamie immediately felt like he was in trouble, but then she smiled, “Hi. I don’t know you. I’m Sarah. Could you spot me?”

Jamie found himself desperately searching for words. He wasn’t sure what had come over him.

“Um, yeah, sure,” Jamie managed. He Followed obediently behind her and waited as she set up the weights.

“What is your name? Are you new here?” Sarah asked, trying to get the silent boy to speak.

“Oh, yes, sorry. Jamie. I started a few weeks ago.”

“Oh, great always so nice to see a new face. Graduate scheme, I suppose.”

Jamie nodded and blushed at his inability to speak. She gave him a Knowing smile.

She started her sets, and he watched. He could feel his heart rate rising and feel a little guilty. When She stopped, she looked at him and said, “Should I spot you?”

“Oh, sure, why not.”

“Sure, what do you benchmark?”

“70kg.” Sarah took off 30kg, and Jamie felt a little sting of being inadequate. He started lifting, on his last set, once he got to 10, Sarah began to encourage him to do five more. Feeling the need to please and impression her, Jamie pushed on.

“Fifteen!” He exclaimed, feeling pretty pleased with himself.

Sarah reached down and ruffled his hair. “Good boy, I knew You could do it.” Jamie felt a strange stirring in him, as well as a familiar one. He flushed red as he felt his dick started to get a little hard. Jamie jumped up, flustered and tried to hide it, behind the barbell. He quickly announced that he was done and was going to shower. Just before he turned to go, Sarah put her hand on his shoulder. “We should really cool down.” Sarah gave him a mischievous and Knowing smile and winded at him.

Jamie gulped, “Err… Yes, you are right. We should.”

They started to stretch, and soon, Sarah’s hands were pushing and pulling Jamie’s body. Jamie was getting overwhelmed, and he was sure she had noticed his growing bulge. She was talking to him, asking him how he was finding it working here, which department he was in and so on. Normal conversation and Jamie kept up but blushed as her hands pulled in this way and that way. The stretching felt good, and Jamie like her hands all over him, maybe too much. She accidentally brushed a little too close to his crotch a few time, but she didn’t acknowledge it, so neither did he. Sarah then asked him to help her stretch, and he did. She told him where to put his hands, she placed them on her ass a one time, and now Jamie was very hard. He even felt a little wet patch forming. He had to go.

Jamie thank Sarah for helping him stretch. “My pleasure,” she purred, “I can help with other things too.” She turned. Jamie was sure he knew what she meant, and he went red again. He bit his lip and gave a little awkward wave. Sarah let out a small chuckle and watched him.

As he walked away, she thought to herself, this little set-up was only meant to be a small test, but she already knew that she could have him if she wanted; she did. As soon as she saw him, she had wanted him. He had a boyish and naïve look that she loved in men. His body wasn’t so bad, and if he kept coming to the gym like this, it would look great in a few months. She was horny and wet from her little game this morning, and so she followed him to the changing room. Today was going to a good day, she thought.

It was only 8.15 am, and Jamie had a full 45 minutes to get to his desk. He got in the changing room shower and pulled the curve behind him. His dick was rock hard. He said to himself it was just because he hadn’t got any in so long. It had been a long time over a year in fact. He started to rub up and down. He started thinking about Sarah telling him that he was a good boy. She had winked at him. Could she possible want him?

Jamie was not bad looking, but he had always been told that women preferredMore assertive men, and that wasn’t Jamie. As Jamie was slowly masturbating imagining her, he realized that craved her approval and knew he might do anything for her. He wondered if that was a dangerous thought. He didn’t get to think on it before he heard the curve open.

“Occupied” he shouted.

He felt a familiar present step up into the shower. Before he could turn around, Sarah push him against the wall, grabbed his hard cock and whispered in his ear, “I know.”

Jamie felt a shiver of excitement as she slowly started struggling his cock. Jamie was in heaven and let out a whimper.

“Do you want me to stop?” Sarah knew he didn’t want her too, he had practically invited her here, but she asked anyway.

“NO!” Jamie exclaimed. Jamie was so desperate, and Sarah was clearly enjoying his pathetic whimpering. She grabbed his balls tight. Jamie’s delight crash as he felt her grip increase from nice to uncomfortable to painful.

“No, Ma’am.” She corrected.

“No, Ma’am,” Jamie repeated, shocked into obedience.

She spun him around and grabbed his face, pulling it up, so he had no choice but to look at her.

“What pretty eyes you have.” Jamie, who didn’t think he could possibly blush anymore blushed. He had always thought he had nice eyes. His blond hair was pasted down his red face. He looked flustered and out of control. Just like Sarah had planned, and she had been planning this since she first saw him.

“Now answer me. Would you like to cum?” Jamie nodded.

“Use your words, boy,” Sarah commanded.

“Yes,” Sarah glared at him before he quickly added “Ma’am.”

“Well you can, after me.” She worked less pushed Jamie down to his knees, and into her Neatly trimmed pussy. It smelt so good. Jamie could tell she was very horny. Jamie started to salivate at the thought of the taste. Sarah spread her pussy lips and started thrusting against his mouth.

“Tongue out,” she commanded. Jamie obeyed as best he could, but he was not practiced at oral. He was struggling to breathe, and the running water did not help. Jamie had only had two girls before and was inexperienced. He knew he was meant to find the clip, but that was about it. Jamie felt around and found a small bump and Sarah started to moan, and Jamie felt his drive to please her increase, and his cock get even harder. He reached down, desperate to touch it. Sarah kicked his hand away. “Naughty boy, I want your entire concentration.”

Reluctantly Jamie left his desperate cock alone and focused on Sarah’s rhythm. He reached his hand up and rubbed around her vulva until he found and then entered her went wet hole. He moved his fingers in and out.

Sarah moaned, “Oh, what a good boy. Finally doing something.” With his, Jamie licked harder and moved his fingers in and out quicker. With a final moan, and several erratic thrusts, Sarah pushed him away, and he flopped panting to the floor. As she caught her breath, she looked down at him red-faced and leaking precum onto the floor. Sarah always enjoyed seeing a boy look so needy.

“I like a slut, on his knees,” She said, “What you lack in experience, you make up in enthusiasm.” She rubbed her foot along his cock. Jamie moaned and started to rock into her foot, craving any little part of Sarah. “A little on the small side, but I can manage when you give oral like that.”

Jamie felt himself shrink in embarrassment, but he was so turned on. What was happening to him? Sarah kept rubbing his cock with her foot.

“You like that, don’t you?”

Jamie almost couldn’t bear it; he jerked his hips backwards and forwards along her foot. He wanted to cum right now.

“Please can I come, Ma’am,” Jamie begged. Sarah locked eyes with him. How could she resist those puppy dog ​​eyes? “Please,” he moaned.

“I will let you cum, on one condition,” Sarah said. Jamie looked up at her from the floor with begging eyes and bated breath. What did she want himto do now? Sarah smiled, she had him now, he was going to be her new toy. She continued “I will let you cum now if you come out to dinner with me tonight.”

Relieved, Jamie nodded, “Yes, please, Ma’am.”

Sarah smiled, “Good boy.”

She pulled Jamie to his feet and pushed him against the wall of the shower. “I never thought I would find a sub this way. What a desperate little boy, you are to let me do this to you.” She slowly rubbed his cock, while her other hand found his neck. Jamie was breathing hard, moaning, and pushing into her hand. This was by far the best hand job he had ever gotten. He wanted to cum, but at the same time, he never wanted Sarah to leave.

“Oh look, how worked up you are, darling,” Sarah cooed as she toyed with him. Making him so close to cumming then loosening her grip, so he just pumped against air.

“You have been such a good boy for me. Aren’t you glad I came and found you.”

“Ooooh yes, Ma’am, thank you” Jamie let out.

“You are going to cum for me, aren’t you? But first, tell me how desperate you are for me.”

“Please Ma’am,” Jamie pleased, “You are the most powerful women I have ever met. I would do anything you asked of me.” She sped up. Jamie continued, “You are so strong, I love your body. Please, Ma’am, I want to come for you. I want to be your good boy.”

Smiling Sahar said, “Go on then, Cum for me.” He explored into her hand. Exhausted and elated Jamie collapsed back against the wall. He felt Sarah holding him up. He raised his eyes preciously to look at her.

“Oh look what a dirty boy you are.” She showed him her cum covered hand.

Grinning, she said, “Don’t you think you should clean it for me.” Jamie reached up with his hand.

“No, no, no, not like that, darling. With your tongue.” Without thinking, Jamie stuck out his tongue.

“That’s right to stick it out just like before.” She wiped her hand all over his face and laughed. Jamie tasted his salty cum and licked all that he could. She then embraced him tightly.

“You are a very good boy Jamie. I hope you had as much fun as me.” Making sure Jamie could stand again, she let go and grabbed Jamie’s soap and showed quickly. Jamie stared in disbelief at her body. Her skin shined in the water, and he found himself enranced by her.

As she left the cubical, she said, “I’ll pick you up outside the office at 5 pm. Look pretty for me.”

Jamie suddenly felt slightly disguised at himself and very used by this stranger. He finished his shower slowly, repeating the events over in his head. It was by far the hottest sexual encounter Jamie had ever had. He felt a mix of shame and excitement as he thought about that evening and what Sarah might have planned. Finally, he got out of the shower and went to grab his clothes. On top of his neighborly folded suit trousers, there was a pair of red lacy boxes with a note.

You better wear these tonight… or else.

Sarah x


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