O's Second Visit

Prologue: On her first visit to Sir Stephen, O had disobeyed a direct order from him. In the morning when she awoke she was shown a note from him.

” Rene called to say he would pick you up at six pm. The whip is for your next visit”. ” The Story of O” page 89

The Summons

It was an ominous feeling. At Roissy the whipping had been delivered at the whim of the masters without her knowledge. This time she was fully aware that she would be whipped when Sir Stephen called for her. She had consented to it. It would be a simple matter to say that she wished to leave, Rene and him. That was not going to happen. They all knew it. O was involved in the most intense relationship of her life. Rene’s subtle and not so subtle reminders at all time to lift her dress; open her legs, feel her nakedness beneath her dress. A nakedness which Rene and now Sir Stephen was free to use in any way. This emphasized once again the inner prostration she hadFelt ever since that fateful car ride…

O went about her daily tasks with a heightened awareness. She was not only ready for Rene’s pleasure, a pleasure she shared, but was soon to be whipped by the man he had given her to. It was not going to happen in some strange chateau with people wearing bizarre costumes. No, she would be summoned from her ordinary life and brought to Sir Stephen’s home. It was a house in a crowded part of the city. In the houses close by the neighbors would be: sitting having dinner, relaxing with a glass of wine, or other mundane affairs, unaware of what was taking place a few doors down from them. She would be naked, her legs spread, while Sir Stephen marked her with a riding crop. O’s body responded to these thoughts. She was fully aware now what Rene had been trying to achieve with his orders too her. He wanted her at all times to be cognitive of those parts of her body which were now for the pleasure of others. She could feel herself responding physicsCallily when she opened her mouth and legs. The constant discipline of doing so aroused her as if she was being caresed at all times.

One night, after a light dinner, Rene delivered her to Sir Stephen. She had not been asked or even informed that she was going this evening. Rene walked her to the door and after saying hello to Sir Stephen, he left again. O was ordered to remove her clothes and knee outside the study door. Sir Stephen watched her obey his command and ordered her hands behind her back. He then went into the study and left her waiting outside the door. O knew that the mind anticipates pain more severely than it actually is, but she still could not help herself. Here she was totally naked waiting outside a door to be whipped. There were no chains or leather collars restraining her and her clothes were in a neat pile just a few feet away. As far as she knew no one was even watching her. All this changed nothing; she was as rooted to the spot as if she had been nailedThere.

“Stand up!” Sir Stephen said.

O was shocked to hear his voice behind her. She had not heard him come into the room. Her legs were sore from kneeing but she soon straightened up and turned to face him. He took both of her hands in one of his and pulled her towards the centre of the room. The chandelier had been removed and a chain with leather bracelets now hung in its place. After checking that her hands were secured, Sir Stephen turned on a switch which made the chain go taut. O found herself suspended. Her toes could barely touch the floor. She braced herself as she saw Sir Stephen pick up the riding crop, but he did not immediately strike her. He began to lightly stroke her with it, over her breasts, backside and finally in between her legs. O was horrified to feel herself becoming aroused by the feel of the whip lazily caresing her sex. Sir Stephen watched her face and saw her panting and growing red. He knew it was not entirely from the effort of being suspendedded.

“I’m going to give you twenty stokes with the whip O,’ he said. ” You will count each one out loud” “If you fail to do so it will be repeated.”

The whip which a moment before had tantalized her with pleasure now came down hard across the front of her thighs. She gasped and managed to say one. Sir Stephen moved around her methodically covering her rear, back, the front of her thighs and even her breasts. A couple of times O forgot to count in her pain and so she actually had more than twenty strokes. Sir Stephen opened a dressing mirror so O could contemplate the effects on her body of the whipping. O stared at a reflection, hanging suspended covered in whip marks, she barely recognized as herself. Sir Stephen let her down and released her after an eternity. He gently led her over to the couch and had her lay across his lap.

“The last time you were here O I gave you an order which you disobeyed.” “Look at me now.” Don’t close your eyes.” He said

O looked into his eyes and felt his fingers probe the lips of her sex. He was doing what he had ordered her to do last time and this time he would see the result he wanted. His fingertips found her cliporis and slowly massaged it as he probed her sex. O was moaning and gasping and pushing herself onto his hand. Sir Stephen did not seem affected at all. He smiled gently at her as he continued with the care. O let out a cry of pleasure as she felt herself go completely.

“O, the next time I give you that order I expect to be obeyed and there will be a next time”. “I am going to demand a lot from you and I do not wish to punish you every time for squeamish behavior on your part.”

O hung her head and realized that once again one of her inhibitions had been stripped from her. In the days ahead there were sure to be many more.



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