It had been a long walk through the tropical forest. Shelly began to wonder if somehow she had taken a wrong turn somewhere. The path, which was narrow to begin with, was now almost nonexistent. She pulled out the Instructions with the map attached. It looked like she was going the right way but she just wasn’t sure. She was nervous enough without taking on the additional worry of being lost on a strange island. He had warned her that the last section was through thick vegetation. She kept going forward hoping that these lush green plants with the gigantic leaves were what he was referring to.
Finally she saw a clearing up ahead. Rushing forward she came out onto the beach. She felt exhilarated. Looking around she saw that it was as beautiful as he had described it to her in his letter. The sand was a golden shade of yellow, soft and warm to walk on. The ocean was a deep blue. The waves rolled in from far out leaving snow white foam as they fell violently on the shore. Thesun was beating down, its hot rays cooled by the sea breezes drifting into the isolated cove. Shelly walked out further, absolutely amazing at her surroundings. The beach was deserted, just as he said it would be. She danced around a bit, feeling that she was alone in Paradise.
It didn’t take her long to find the blanket. It was bright red providing a distinct contrast with the sand. It was centered in the cove about 30 yards from the water’s edge. As Shelly approached she felt appreciate. There was no one anywhere to be seen. But she knew that someone was watching. Somewhere behind the edge of the treeline someone was studying her every move. She looked all around. She had been told not to but her increasing trepidation made it impossible. Catching herself, she pulled out the Instructions again. She read the last paragraph one more time. She wanted to make sure that she followed the requirements to the letter. After stuffing the paper in her pocket she removed her te shirt, throwing it to the side. Lifting the bottom right corner of the blanket she found the black silk scarf. She folded it into a narrow strip, wrapping it around her head. She adjusted the blindfold to make sure no light entered. Lastly she knelt down on the blanket, facing towards the ocean. Putting her hands behind her back, she waited.
And waited. And waited. It seemed like an eternity. The thoughts pounded in her brain. Where was he? What was going on? Why didn’t he come? What if he wasn’t there? What should she do? Her body started to shake as her fears grow. She thought about ripping off the blindfold and running away. After all, this was crazy,….. no, no, it wasn’t crazy, it was fucking crazy! How could she be doing this? What if something went wrong?
She took a very deep breath and tried to relax. She knew that time was passing slowly because of her fear. She tried to focus on what she came for, what she wanted. He knew her secrets. He knew them well. And he was the onlyone. And for the first time in her life she was going to experience the full depths of her desires. She had never met him. Only through emails had they communicated. But her trust in him was strong. She knew him as a Dominant. And more importantly, he knew her as a submissive. Despite the fact they had never met, despite the fact they had never seen each other face to face, the bond that existed between them was so strong that Shelly was willing to meet him blindfolded all alone on a secluded beach. As her mind became centered her desires overwhelmed her fears.
“Hello, Shelly.”
His voice shocked her like an explosion. She had no idea he was nearby. She stumbled for the words she had been directed to say.
“He….hel….hello, Sir”, the stuttered sylables barely spilled out of her quivering lips.
“It is a pleasure to meet you, little girl. Come forward and greet me as you were instructed.”
Shelly reached out her hands. He was right in front of her. She touched his thighs feeling the muscles of his strong legs. Her hands glided upwards reaching the bulge in his spandex shorts. Her fingertips traced the outline of his cock. She was amazed by how hard it was. Leaning forward she put her mouth to his erection, which was straining against the flimsy material. She slide her lips up and down the length of his shaft.
“Hmmmm….yes! I’m a little uncomfortable in these shorts though. Might you help me get them off?”
Shelly put her fingers on his waistband.
“No, not like that…do not use your hands.”
Without hesitation Shelly raised up to grab the top of his bathing suit with her teeth. She pulled at it making very little progress, as the suit was rather tight. But with perseverance the newfound submissive was able to gradually slide it down to his lower thighs where gravity took over. The black suit landed at his ankles where he kicked it aside.
“Now, worship my cock.”
“Yes, Sir.”
Shelly was so buzzed that she was no longer able to think. She reacted. The word “worship” brought out feelings that had never come to the surface before. She made love to his cock as if he was a Greek god incarnate. All her energy went into a password effort to please her Dominant by pleasure his cock with her mouth and hands. Her lips and tongue moved in slow motion as her saliva flowed out soaking the length of his shaft. Her fingers gently massaged the warm spit into his balls. She felt her insides churning with joy as she listened to his soft moans of gratitude. Suddenly, he grabbed her hair and moved forward. Shelly felt his cock sliding into her throat. She refused to gag as he began to fuck her mouth with his diamond hard erection. She surrendered completely to the savage thrusting of his cock being rammed into her throat. Only when he slide out did she gag slightly.
“Take off your top.”
Shelly reached behind her to untie the top of her black bikini, letting it fall to the ground. Sheput her hands behind her, forcing her chest out to display her breasts for her Dom. Although not being able to see, she feel proud, confident, and beautiful. Her submission melted away the insecurities which she often feel when revealing her body to a man.
She felt his fingers gripping her nipples. She gasped as he squeezed harder. He progressively increased the force until his strong fingers compacted her tender nipples with a visuallike pressure. Shelly’s mouth opened wide as she let out a restrained cry. But as the pain increased it transformed itself into an incredible warmth which spread quickly throughout her body. Mind bending endorphins burst forth from her brain erasing the boundaries between pleasure and pain. Shelly began to float as the intense sensings enveloped her. Loud moans came from the depths of her being as her body began to shake with an approaching orgasm. He let go of her nipples.
“Get into the position.”
Shelly stayed still. She was unable to process the command. Although patient and understanding, his tone became markedly more demanding:
“One more time, young lady. Get into the position you were instructed to learn for spankings.”
Shelly slide down her wet bikini bottom. Turning over she got into a doggie style position. Her elbows were on the blanket. Her head was bowed down to the ground between her hands.
“Get your ass higher.”
Shelly tucked her knees more, raising her ass up to a higher level.
Again, Shelly began to tremble. As his hands massed her cheeks she started to cry. But the tears were not tears of sorrow but rather of joy. With every fiber of her being Shelly craved a spanking. For years she had daydreamed about it. She had even asked her husband to spank her several times, but to no avail. In Her letters she had revealed her desires to her Dom practically begging him to make her fans come to life. As her dreams approached realization Shelly was like a bomb with a fuse burning down. Body and soul were ready for the big bang.
As soon as the first shot of the leather paddle connected with her ass Shelly erupted with a bodywrenching orgasm. Streams of steaming hot come squirted from her pussy. As the paddle came down harder and heavier the orgasms continued to flow with increasing ferocity as Shelly screamed and gyrated with pleasure so intensity that she had no awareness of anything but the tumultuous explorations wrapping her body. As the spanking finished her frame crumpled into a fetal position while her mind collapsed into semi consciousness.
She came back to life as the rising tides brought the waves further up the beach wetting the legs of the prostrate couple. She giggled loudly as he splashed and rubbed the cool salt water all over her body. Their play turned to password as the refined submissive spread her legs wide, inviting her hungry Dom to mount her. As he did both of them felt the rain start to pour down on them. They made love with aslow restrained urgency. As the tension increased he reached up and removed her blindfold. They looked into each other’s blue eyes for the first time. As the storm moved directly overhead, thunder Shook the heavens. The encroaching tide soaked both their bodies as the rain continued to pelt them. As a tremendous bolt of lightning lit the sky they looked deeply into each other’s eyes before their climaxes overwhelmed both of them.
There was no time for relaxing after their password was spent. The waves threatened to cover them. Laughing loudly they searched around for their floating bathing suits. Upon finding them they ran frantically into the forest seeking shelter from the storm. And although there were many more encounters to come nothing would ever come close to matching their first meeting on St Martin’s Island.