Whistle While You Work

A story for My girl on the beginning of O/our 3rd year.

He strode into the room from His morning training … looked around for His girl. Not seeing her He walked into the bathing room and slowly began to peel the fighting skins off … she entered the room silently, the only way He knew she was there was the small catch in her breath as she saw His back muscles gathered while He stripped the tune over His head. He smiled to Himself, knowing the effect His body had on her.

She crept closer, an impish grin on her face, unaware that He had sensed her and was waiting for her with all His senses tingling… as she suddenly rushed to push Him into the bathing pool He turned quickly as a cat and steered her into the pool in a giant splash.

As she rose out of the water, spluttering and surprised she saw Him standing over her on the side of the pool … a joyous smile on His face and laughs climbing His body. She blushed that she had been caught but soon joined Himin His mirth.

His hand reached down to help her out of the pool and He lifted her with one arm to stand in front of Him, His eyes searching her frame, as always pleased with the vision of His girl. Her head dipping in embarrassment of His frank gaze and then peering up at Him through her long lashes.

“You’re beautiful My fire. You take My breath; help Master out of these skins girl.”

He sat on a blind near the water and watched as she unlaced His moccasins and then drew the skins from His legs … she kissed His flesh everywhere He was exposed and moaned slightly at the taste. Her mouth was like a touch of flame course over His body, her lips excisite agony as they lingered over scars and hot points. His hands slid down His thighs and cupped her face, lifting her eyes to His.

He could see the need in her eyes, the hunger. He shivered at the depth of it; His girl was as voracious as He … their unions were wild, untamed, feral acts that often left them bothdrained and limp.

Her eyes looked back at Him beseechingly … a soft murmur from her lips told Him she was ready. “How, may I serve you Master?”

His hands slide further up her hair and coiled in the curls as He pressed her face into His manhood. He heard her breathethe deeply and then her tongue lashed across His maleness. It had begun. Her mouth opened and slide slowly and tantalizingly down the length of Him, her tongue snaking over the flesh, her teeth gently raking the length. His hands pulled her face tight into His groin and she whimpered as the head of Him slip into her gullet.

His hips began a slow rocking motion, matching the way her mouth savored every detail of Him. Her mouth filling with spottle and precum and drooling into His lap, yet she continued to feast avidly on His meat. “Such a good little girl you are fire, a hungry slut, so hungry.”

She moaned at His words and one hand slid down her belly to cares her heat… spreading the lips and smearing her juices all over herself. As she fondled herself, she would lurch forward when she hit a particularly sensitive spot and gobble Him further into her throat. She knew that for Him the sight of her thrashing on His cock was maddening and she could almost sense the moment His mad eyes shifted from hazel to blue. His cock swelling in her throat signaled her to furiously attack Him with her avid mouth. He grewled as she dove farther into Him … His hips involuntarily forcing Him deeper into her throat, His hands yanking down on her hair, her face turning red as she tried to breathe around Him, but refusing to back off.

Finally, He yanked her head off Him with a groan. She was not going to control this, His eyes were dark flashing blue, His muscles straining as He shuddered back into control of Himself.

Her lips were still pursued… sucking the air… her head fighting against His hands trying to recapture Him in her mouth. He throw her to the floor in front of Him … reaching down He stripped her sodden silks from her and grabbed her by the hair.

She screamed as He dragged her across the floor, the pain in her hair excruciating, but causing her cunt to spasm and flood. He was hungry; she was His meal, now Master would use her as she longed to be used. He dragged her to the staircase leading up to the tower. Looking down at her, He watched her reaction, His eyes narrowed, His breath heavy … His entire body taut and eager.

To her eyes, He appeared like one of the large white tigers that frequently the valley and protected the dale. He had the look of the predator in every movement He made and His shaggy mane swung back and forth across His shoulders framing His features. Gone was the pleasant smile, the playful look in His eyes, the casual stride … He was deep in His hunger, the lust overpowering.

He throw her over His shoulder and started the climb up the stairs … an almost constant growl lowly issuing from His chest.

She moaned as He roughly charged up the stairs, her body as light as a rag doll in His powerful grip. She knew the room, she knew the reasons He was taking her there. She would serve Master well today. His leg reached out and kicked the heavy wooden door open to the tower room … His eyes swept the walls and the structures situationd about the room.

A brief grin split His face as He spied the St. Andrews Cross in the back corner of the room and spurning the rack and binding tables He walked quickly to the tea cross. He lifted His girl off His shoulders and quickly bound her to the cross back to the room face resting against the cool wood. Her body quivered and strained against the leather straps, for some reason she always tested the firmness of the bonds. He moved quietly away and wandered along the wall holding the instruments of pleasure. Numerous crops, and paddles, short and long whips, a cat of nine tails that He used only on malfeasants, the bright metal blades woven into the strands stained with blood. His eyes settled on the leather flogger, made from the softest doe skin, woven by artisans, and a solid haft. He turned back towards her and made the quick walk back to her… the flogger cracked against His hidden leg. Her eyes widened at the sound. He swung the flogger slowly back and forth… muscles in His forearm bunching and accustoming themselves to the grip and the weight of the flogger. He wanted to reach the levels of pain which satisfied both their needs without flaying the skin from her flesh. Her muscles were tense as she anticipated the blow, unable to see Him because her face was turned away she could only listen and hope to be prepared when He struck.

The flogger whistled lightly as it made the wide arc towards her. She gathered her breath, knowing that the first blow would be like a gentle care compared to the ones that would follow. Still, the impact across her lower thigh, the lashes of the flogger wrapping around the tender meat, slashing into the sweet inner thigh caused her to cry out in surprise and pain.

Before she could suck in her next breath, He struck again and again. The small welts crisscrossing up her leg to her ass and the small of her back obviously to Him, but even more so to her. Each blow was like fire that somehow shot through her, gathered in her spine and erupted into her hardened nipples and by this time saturated cunt. He was an Expert in dragging the most sensing from her; He thrilled at her cries and the brief orgasms that racked her body. Her pleasure was no more satisfying than His at the control He engendered. His ability to increase her pain while satisfying her need to please Him, to serve Him was what drove Him at moments like this.

The flogger whistled through the air quickly and struck across her tender cunny and rosebud… the feelings akin to being split in half by pleasure. Three times He struck her… growing, “Body, Mind, Soul” and with the final strike He whispered toher… “Mine.”

On hearing that, she failed on the cross, the feelings too much for her. He stepped back and put the flogger back on the wall, watching her. Her breasts suddenly convulsing as she drew in a breath and her eyes snapped open, “Maaaaaaaster, oh thank You Master!” He stood behind her again… gazing at the sight of His girl bound to the large wooden cross, the lash marks cruss crossing her thighs and ass and small of her back. He traced His finger across a particularly bright wealth that wrapped from the outside of her right tight around the back to the inside and finished right at her cunt. His fingers moving up her reddened thigh causing her to moan as He approached her cunt, He felt her ass rotating to reach for His touch, she was starved.

He separated her lips with His fingers… standing behind and Under her gazing up into the pink flesh as the juices gathered and streamed down His hand. The smell of her filled the room, musky, rich, savory, steamy … the aroma of a woman in need. His fingers swiftly slide deep into her open gas… deep He plunged and hard. The growl that erupted from her throat caused Him to chuckle. “Ferocious little slavegirl, you’d devour that hand whole if I let you wouldn’t you?”

Her answer was a howl of frustration, grinding as much as her bonds allowed … trying to capture as much of His fingers as possible she twisted and lurched. “Please Master, please, I need it.”

“You need what slut?” He asked her in a curious voice, His eyes drawn to the lips of her suckling at His fingers. Jamming them deep into her and then furiously frigging her, He repeated, “you need what? You need to be used? You need to be ravaged like the little fucktoy you are?” Still strapped to the cross, she was shattered with sensings of pain and pleasure. Unable to tell where one stopped and the other began she was still surprised when the butt plug was shoved into her from behind. She cried out in a combination of lust and loathing, “nooooo Master, please not there!” knowing immediately that her cries had the opposite effect on Him.

He was lost Himself, driving her beyond sensing and feelings was His goal. He wanted total control of her, body, mind and soul. His needs were different than hers. If He could take her to the bridness where a soft wind against her oversensitive skin had the same effect as the flogger, or His cock slipping in and out of her steaming fuckhole, He would be satisfied.

When He turned the vibrator on in the butt plug she almost collapsed again on the cross. He stepped close and checked her vital signs. Good strong pulse, breathing deep, a little uneven… but that was to be expected… the color of her skin bright and her lips moving in what amounted to a silent prayer for release, for more, for Him to cease, for Him to use her harder. He smiled, and was delighted when His fingers slide farther into her pussy as if she had sucked them with a great internal vacuum. Hereturned to the wall, finding what appeared to be a spear shake at first glance, but upon second viewing you would notice that the spear head was replaced with a phallus of gold, He walked to the end of a work table and shoved the dildo end of the device into a bucket of ice. For some reason He broke into the seven dwarfs song as He bought Himself with several gadgets while waiting for the ice to chill the golden cock.

His girl, Plumdered, shattered, bound and striving to make sense of the device vibrating in her ass was shocked to hear His baritone voice ring out “Whistle While You Work!” A shiver shot up her spine as she realized just how far He was lost in this. She wanted to see His face, knowing that the handsome visage would be strangely altered, the blue eyes without any white disorder in their tranquility and the savage snarl on His lip in contrast to the normally pleasant smile. It sent a thrill through her when she saw Him surrender totally to the wild that He had come from.

Finally, He turned back to the girl on the cross… the spear shake in His hand… the ice dripping from the golden phallus and walked back to her .. she shrieked as she felt the ice cold metal part her warm dripping cunt lips and began to pant as He pushed it in farther and farther till it was as deep as He could enter her.

He began a slow, torturous rhythm of entry and withdrawal, her body reacting and jerking alive from her stupor as the ice cold metal stormed through her cunt. Her moaning became louder and her body began to rock on the cross in anticipation of the next move. She wanted this, oh god, she lived for it. The shake warmed the golden cock heated up and her moans filled the room. He finally removed the tool and throw it across to the table. He stepped up beside her and released the straps which held her ankles then the ones on Her wrists. She collapsed into His arms and placing her arms around His neck she pulled herself close to His strong chest andrelaxed in His crackling grapp. She felt Him carrying her across the room and exiting through the brocade drawery to the watchtower deck.

When she opened her eyes, the full spectacle of the Himalayas greeted her, a beautiful summer day, the sun glinted on the high mountain snow and the breeze that came up from the valley was rich with the smell of life. In the distance she could hear the cries of the giant Eagles and the cought roars of the Dale’s Tiger sentinels. He laid her on the platform of furs and stood looking down on His girl. She understood in ecstasy as the butt plug continued it’s manipulation of her anus and the fresh air refilled her with vitamin.

He struck suddenly and unexpectedly, throwing Himself on the furs with her, He yanked her thighs apart and plugged His face into her cunt. Her juices had already pooled in a copious amount, straked her legs, covered her body with the scent … but the feeling of His mouth covering her and sucking voraciously caused her body to erupt in wave after wave of release. He sucked the juices from her like a peach, His teeth chewing lightly… His tongue searching the firm juicy flesh, His nostrils filled with the aroma of His girl driving Him madder and madder.

She quivered, unable to even thrash at this point. Her eyes wide open watching the clouds as they drifted over the mountain Palace. This was it, this was Heaven. This is what she was created for, the pleasure of the Master. He feasted at her well for what seemed an eternity. Her body reacting without her thought, lost in the sensings, she had left her earthly shell and watched in amazement and arousal as the large beast that He was in reality sucked, and licked and devoured her flesh. She watched from above as her body twitched through orgasm after orgasm. The sight was fascinating and for some reason her watching it was drawing her back to her body.

As she re-entered herself He bit ferociously down on her clipty sending her into morecries of password, more spasmodic orgasms, more pleasure at His hands.

He climbed slowly up her body. His mouth nipping and biting, tongue slashing at sensitive nerve endings in the odd places. He bit at the soft flesh under her armpits and she rocketed into another violent orgasm … He licked her belly and dug His tongue into her navel, she went crazy. It seemed that she was nothing but a bundle of nerve endings waiting for His touch, His attention.

When He lay over her, His cock slipping against her wetness her tights automatically spread farther and her legs came up over His hips. “Take me Master, oh please My Lord, use Your girl!”

He sank quickly into her, His cock stretching her entry and then gliding smoothly down her passage to rest deep inside her. The heat of her was incredible; the juices lubricating Him like satin. He groaned as His shaft bottomed, His public hairs enangled in hers.

Her eyes came up to meet His, her tongue ran across her lips and she pushed up to meet Him.

They danced. It was a violent, sensitive, beautiful, feral, exotic feast of the senses. The clouds stopped in the sky to watch, the Eagles soared high above, echoing their cries of password. The scent wafted off the mountain and was caught and dragged down to the valley, in the Dale the Tiger Clan roared and raged with T/them.

It can only last so long, a mating like this. Too soon the lightning shot through them both. Too soon the explosion in His spine and the fire in His groin combined to fill His girl with His seed. Too soon she pushed up and joined Him in le morte petit.

Afterwards, T/they lay wrapped in each O/other’s arms, kissing and murmuring softly. The world continued on its orbit, the clouds drifted on, the sun rose and fall and time came and went.

He rose from the platform, standing naked on the edge of the tower ledge. His eyes drifting back to hazel and watching the world come to life under His gaze. He grew softly under His breath and held out His hand. The slavegirl rose from the furs and joined Him, a smile on her lips. He turned to her and lifted her chin, her brilliant hazels flashing to His … you are an amazing girl Mine, now go prepare U/us some food, I’ll be down to join you soon.

She padded off back through the tower room, her eyes drawn to the cross … a blush transforming her face to the young girl she was inside and then she curried down the steps to the kitchen gathering some food and drinks for the Master.

He watched the world for a while longer, His heart full of love for the little one who brought Him so much pleasure, and then He followed down the stairs to His quarters. The door closed behind Him and T/they were alone again.


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