This is a story that is somewhat based on a personal experience. Enjoy!
I got dressed very carefully for my date this evening. I had been asked to go out for a couple of drinks by the guy in our local pub who ran the quiz night. He had caught my eye as soon as I had gone in yesterday evening, and when his green eyes met mine I had felt as though I had been electrocuted.
All evening I was acutely aware of him, and every so often I felt the intent heat of his gaze fall over my face. When he approached me, he held out his hand and introduced himself. I blushed deeply, shook his hand and told him my name. He held my hand longer than necessary, making me blush hotter. A familiar feeling of arousal stirred in my stomach, and I pushed away the dirty thoughts that Suddenly bloomed in my mind’s eye. Almost as though he could see the thoughts too, a wicked grin appeared on his face and he let go of my hand to run his fingers through his soft copper hair, pushing it back from his face. My mouth watered.
He sat down opposite me and we talked late into the evening. He told me how he had started his business up from scratch and that he ran the quiz as a way to de-stress at the end of the week. I told him about my studies and how I hoped to receive my qualification next year. At this he had tilted his head to the side and looked me up and down, slowly.
‘How old are you, Kitten?’ I felt the blush return to my cheeses. Even though I had told him my name, he had only referred to me as Kitten from the moment he sat down. It didn’t help that in my deep, dark, sexual fansies, I was always dominated by a strong man who balanced caring and cruelty as naturally as breathing, who used me for his own desires as well as making sure my needs were met, who referred to me in my best behaved moments as his ‘good little Kitten.’ Maybe this guy WAS some kind of psychic. I shook my head, remembering that he had asked me a question.
‘I’m 22,’ I replied, biting my tongue to fight the impulse to add ‘Sir’.
’22,’ he told, and he almost seemed sad. I looked into his eyes, waiting for him to continue. ‘I’m afraid you may be too young for me, Kitten. A man of 34 shouldn’t take advantage of one so young.’
At this I burst out laughing. He cocked his head to the side again, this time confused. I pressed my hand to my mouth to stifle my giggles, and straightened my back as I pushed my laughter down.
‘My last boyfriend was 40. Honestly, I think my parents would be thrilled if I were to date someone so much closer to my age.’
The wicked grin re-appeared on his face, and it was my turn to look confused.
‘So you’d like to go on a date, would you?’ he smiled. Realising what I had said, I flushed deep red again and dropped my head, mortified. He chuckled darkly, and reached out to lift my chin, meeting my eyes.
I felt my desire build at his touch. I inadvertently leaned forward, and his hand moved from my chin tocup my cheek. His eyes roved over me slowly, taking in my new position: my legs were slightly parted, my breasts were pushed up between my arms, my hands were resting flat against my thighs. He let out a noise that I could have sworn was a growl, and returned his darkened eyes to mine.
‘When you look at me like that with those beautiful eyes, how could I refuse such a request?’ he purred, and gently stroked his thumb over my lower lip. I dug my nails into my tights to stop myself taking his thumb in my mouth. He noticed, and grew again. He pulled his hand away from me, and I saw the effort that it took him to do so. He closed his eyes briefly and breathed out slowly, and when he opened them again they had returned to their usual light green.
‘So, when are you free for a date, Kitten?’
‘Tomorrow?’ I blurted, then bit my lip at how desperate I had sounded. He laughed lightly, took my hand again and kissed my palm softly.
‘It’s a date,’ he smiled. ‘Meet me hereat 7pm, OK?’
‘OK,’ I grinned back.
‘Until tomorrow, then.’ He stood up and went back to the bar, and engaged in conversation with the landlord.
I waited until I could feel my legs again, then stood and left the pub, forcing myself not to look back. My walk home took much longer than it usually did as I fantasised about him all the way. Images of him stood over me, with his hands in my hair as I knelt at his feet, flooded my mind. I had always dreamed of serving someone, and this might be my chance to experience that. I had no way of knowing whether he was even remotely interested in those things, but something in the way he had looked at me this evening, the way he had controlled his own responses, made me hopeful.
The next day was pure age, time went by slowly and I couldn’t concentrate on any of my usual tasks or assignments. I had to resist the urge to masterbate to images of him controlling me, telling me what to do, me serving him, making him drinks andfood, seeing that his sexual needs were met. When I finally got home and changed for the evening, I had to change my underwear too.
For the date I chose a tight fitting black top that dipped low, showing off my breasts. I wore dark blue skinny jeans that hugged my ass and curves, and slide my feet into sandals with low heels – I had noticed our height difference yesterday and wanted to appear a little taller. I finished the look with very light, natural make-up and a thin silver picker necklace. As I looked at myself in the mirror, I wondered if what I didn’t please him, and the thought made me moan. I shook my head in an attempt to think straight, and made myself set off out of the house.
As I approached the pub, I noticed him stood outside. He looked incredible, in tight fighting black jeans, a blue button down shirt and black boots. He had a leather biker jacket slung over one shoulder, and under his arm was a motorcycle helmet.
‘You ride a bike?’
‘Hello to you too, Kitten,’ he chuckled. He put his helmet and jacket down on the table next to him, stepped towards me and pulled me to his chest. I should have been concerned that a strange man was trapping me against him, but it felt too… right. I snuggled against his chest and wrapped my arms around his waist. He nuzzled his nose into my neck and breathed in deeply. ‘Mmm, you smell devine. And you look even better. And to answer your question, yes I ride a bike. That’s my Harley behind you.’ He released me so I could look, and I took in the sexy black bike propped up behind me. I grinned up at him, and saw that he was watching me intently.
‘How about that drink?’ he asked, steering me towards the pub door with his hand on the small of my back. He ordered a cider for me and a beer for him, and found us a quiet booth table in the back corner of the pub. I followed him around like a lost puppy, and when I sat down he slid into the booth after me, cornering me. I felt my body response,and sat up straighter. He seemed amused by this, but didn’t say anything about it as he handed me my drink.
Throughout the evening he asked me questions about myself, my life, my dreams, my past relationships. I answered every question honestly and without hesitation, until we had both finished our drinks and I realized something.
‘I’m sorry, I’ve been talking about myself all Evening. Why don’t I get us another drink, and we can talk about you?’ I put my hand on my glass to pick it up, ready to return it to the bar. He gently put his hand over mine, stopping my movement and sending a jolt of electricity through me. For all his proximity, this was the first time he had touched me since he had steered me inside.
‘I was actually wondering if you might like to come to my place for Another drink?’ he murmured, maintaining eye contact so that he could gauge my reaction. ‘I won’t be able to drive the bike safely if I have another, and I would love to continue our conversation.’
‘Usually I would say no to going to a strange man’s house alone, and perhaps I should say no tonight too,’ I teased. If I was honest with myself, for some reason I just felt completely safe with him. A serious look appeared in his eyes.
‘You have every right to deny my invitation, and if you do want to come then I think it’s only fair that you tell someone where you are going. I will happily give you my address, phone number and date of birth to send to someone.’ He looked at me long and hard, and I considered this. I accepted his offer, entered his details into my phone and sent them to a friend with a message letting her know that I was safe. She replied instantly to wish me luck, and I showed him the messages. He smiled and nodded.
‘Good girl,’ he said. My stomach clenched, my breath caught in my throat and I feel myself become wet. Hearing him say the words I had fantasised about last night, I was immediately turned on. It must have shown on my face, becausehis eyes grew dark as they had the day before and I heard a low rumble coming from his chest. He gripped my hand, and stood up quickly, pulling me from the booth. I trotted after him willingly, smiling as he waved goodnight to a few of the regulars in the pub. Outside it was growing dark, and I shivered slightly in the cool evening air.
‘Here,’ he said, and held out his jacket. I hesitated. ‘If you don’t wear it, you can’t ride the bike.’ That was all it took. I scrambled into the jacket, keen to do anything to be allowed to ride on the back of a motorcycle. ‘Chin up, Baby.’ I compiled, and he zipped the jacket up all the way. ‘And this too.’ He lifted the seat of the bike and pulled a spare helmet out, handing it to me. I raised an eyebrow, and he shrugged. ‘What can I say, I like to be prepared. In all honesty, I shouldn’t allow you on the bike at all in those shoes. I will make an exception this time, but next time wear more appropriate shoes. Agreed?’
‘Yes Sir,’ I saidteasingly. Suddenly, he was towering over me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me tight against him so that my feet left the floor. I gasped, surprised by his sudden movement and the look of lust on his face. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath and slowly let go, lowering me back down to the ground.
‘I’m sorry about that,’ he said calmly, running a hand through his hair as he stood tall. I could see he was fighting with something internally, but the speed my heart was beating and the wetness I felt in my panties was distracting me. He seemed to regain control of himself, and smiled down at me again. ‘Buckle up, Kitten. It’s not too far to my place.’
I pulled the helmet onto my head and clipped it under my chin. He nodded in approval, then swung his leg over his bike. I climbed on behind him, wrapped my hands around his waist and snuggled into his back. He kicked the bike into life. The victory of it between my legs did nothing to help my arousal. He backd the bike out of the parking spot, then set off.
He had been truthful when he said it wasn’t far, and I was almost reluctant to get off the bike when we arrived. He opened his garage door with a fob on his keys, then rolled the bike in before the door slide down behind us. He killed the engine, kicked out the rest and balanced the bike expertly before hoping off and offering me his hand. I took it, and slide off after him.
I went to reach for the helmet class, but his long fingers were already there, gently unclipping the helmet and lifting it from my head. He smoothed out my hair, and I bit my cheek hard to stop myself from nuzzling into his palm. He tilted my chin back with one long finger, and grabbed the jacket’s zip. Looking into my eyes, he pulled the zip down very slowly. It feel like he was striping off all of my clothes at once. He pushed the jacket off my shoulders, then stepped away from me and looked me up and down, drinking me in with his eyes.
‘Beautiful,’ he murmured, and I blushed and dipped my head. Laughing, he took my hand again and pulled me into the house behind him. We walked through to the front room, which was tastefully decorated in dark greys and purples. It had a modern feel, but something about it was also dark and sexy. He guided me over to the sofa.
‘Sit.’ It wasn’t a request. I sank onto the plus grey sofa, looking up at him as he stared down at me. ‘Good. Now, wait right there while I put everything away and fix us a drink.’ With that, he left the room.
I placed my hands in my lap, and starred straight ahead of me. I heard him hanging up the jacket in a cupboard somewhere further back in the house, and then there was the sound of ice on glass. He returned moments later, and stood in front of me, smiling. He handed me a glass of something fizzy and cool. I took it and sipped, and hummed as a sweet, pleasant taste hit my tongue.
‘It’s Amaretto and Cherry Coke. I hope that’s OK?’
‘Yes, thank you. It’s delicious.’ I smiled back at him, and he sat down on the sofa next to me. He leaned back and I turned to face him, kicking off my sandals and tucking my feet up under me. He laughed, and I raised an eyebrow in question.
‘You even curl up like a little kitten, Kitten.’ I felt the familiar blush creep into my cheeses, but I was laughing too as I sipped my drink.
We talked for a couple of hours, this time with him answering some of my questions about him. I learned that he had had a few relationships in his life, but he described them as incredibly intense and not very long-lasting. He was very careful with how much detail of his relationships he shared, and I made a note to try and explore that further at a later date.
And then there was a moment of silence. He met my eyes, and I Felt the electricity again. It shot straight to my pussy, which pulsed and moistened instantly. He moved closer to me on the sofa, and gently took my glass from my hand, placing it on thecoffee table next to his. He leaned forward, looking into my eyes the whole time as if checking for consent. To show my willingness, I closed the gap between us and pressed my lips to his. The fire of my arousal burst into white hot flames, and I moaned against his mouth involuntarily.
Then it happened. I felt his hand around my throat. He applied a small amount of pressure, causing me to gasp. He immediately released his grip, and broke the kiss. He stood up from the sofa, and paced away from me, his hand in his hair. I sat on the sofa, stunned. What had just happened?
‘I’m so sorry.’ His voice was low and dark, and his back was turned to me. ‘That was incredibly wrong of me. Let me call you a taxi, I can at least make sure you get home safely.’
‘W-What?’ I was so confused.
‘You Should go, let me pay for your taxi home.’
‘I don’t understand… Did I do something wrong?’
He slowly turned to face me, and I saw an expression of pain and anger on his face. I cowered away from the look, and he ran a hand harshly over his face.
‘I told you my relationships aren’t long-lasting. The reason for that is most of my relationships have been dominant and submissive relationships. Dominant and submissive is-‘
‘I know what that is,’ I cut him off. He glanced over to me, surprised. I looked down at my lap, trying to weight up what he had just told me. My fansies started to push their way back into my mind, and I had to force them away. I couldn’t think about that right now. ‘I’ve heard about it before. But I don’t understand. Did I do something you didn’t like?’
‘No, Kitten.’ His voice was shaking slightly, and although I could feel his gaze burning my skin I didn’t dare look up. ‘You didn’t do anything wrong. I was worried that I might do something I would regret if I didn’t stop, or that you wouldn’t want to engage in a relationship with me. I’m willing to try a vanilla – a normal relationship, but it may take me a little time to adjust. I don’t know if I would want to put that kind of pressure on you.’
‘To be honest I… I think I would like to see what it would be like, to be in a dominant and submissive relationship,’ I whispered.
He was in front of me in seconds, kneeing on the floor and gripping my hands in his. I looked into his eyes, and I saw concern and controlled interest there.
‘I need you to Understand what that would mean before you ask for it. It would mean that I would have complete control. I would make all of the decisions about where we go, what we eat, maybe even what you wear. I would give you commands and instructions and you would be expected to follow them. We would spend some time working out rules, but if you were to break any of those rules or disobey me then you would be punished for that. It can be really intense to engage in a relationship where you give up all control to another person. If it’s done right, you learn a lot about the other person and yourself. And you’d be well taken care of. But a relationship like this requires full consent and trust. Does that sound like something you would be willing to do, Kitten?’ He paused, his eyes searching my face.
While he had been talking, my breathing had been getting faster and I could feel my pussy juices soaking into my panties again. The thought of engaging in that type of relationship with him was exciting and exhilarating. I swallowed hard before answering.
‘I think I would like to try it, with you… Sir.’ My voice was hoarse, and I heard my desire in my words. So did he, as his eyes darkened and he leaned in to catch my lips in a password kiss. He nipped my lower lip with his teeth, and his hand found my throat again. He pushed me back into the sofa and he leaned up to sit beside me. His grip tightened and I gasped as my airway was constricted. He broke our kiss again, but this time to smile down at me.
‘OK Kitten, we can give it a go. If you’ve never been in this type of relationship before, we will have to take things very slow and start with some very basic training. As I said, we will have to set our rules, but there’s plenty of time for that. For tonight, we can just play a little to make sure this is something you would want. How does that sound?’
‘That sounds amazing. Please teach me how to be your submissive and serve you as well as I can, Sir.’ The words from my fans were now coming from my own lips, and everything about this felt so right. He grinned wolffishly at me, and tightened his grip again. I moaned, and he kissed me again briefly.
‘Good girl. The first thing you need to learn is your colours.’
‘My colours?’ The change was immediately. His face darkened, and he pulled at my throat, forcing me to bend forwards and over his knee. Before I could say anything, his hand connected with my ass with a sharp slap. I squealed, and wriggled in his lap. He grabbed one of my wrists and pulled my hand up my back, pushing medown into his knees until I stopped moving.
‘You don’t answer back. That’s another rule. You speak when spoke to, or when invited to speak freely, but when we play you always need my permission to speak. Do you understand me?’
‘Yes, Sir. I’m sorry Sir!’ I squeaked. He brought his hand down again, and this time I moaned. He rubbed his hand over my singing buttocks, soothing the pain.
‘That’s my good girl. You will learn all of the rules, and sometimes you will forget, and you will be corrected.’ He helped me sit up again, and I refocused on him through my lust. ‘So, as I was saying you need to know your colours. While we play, we use the traffic light system. Green means everything is good, you are happy with what we are doing and we can keep going. Yellow means that you are OK, but that you need us to slow down or that you need a break from what we’re doing. Red means stop, you don’t like it or you don’t want to play. Is that all clear, Baby?’
‘Yes, Sir, I understand. Thank you for teaching me.’
‘You’re welcome, Kitten. If you’re a good girl and learn the rules quickly, we will have lots of fun together.’ He stroked my hair, and I nuzzled against his hand. He groaned softly, and wrapped my hair around his fist in a knot at the back of my head, pulling gently. ‘It’s been a while since I have played for keeps. I’m looking forward to breaking you.’
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