When O Met Rene
The young man smiled at the chaos scene before him. He had never been to a fashion show before and he was fascinated by the props, lighting, and many other functions that made the show come together. His eyes focused on the models most of all. It was hard to believe that the material he had seen in boxes only a short time before was now about to be displayed as elegantly as the clothes they had become.
“Rene, you made it!” Rene turned to see his friend Alphonse coming towards him.
As usual he was carrying a clipboard in one hand and a pager in the other. In another life, Alphonse joked, he had probably been a juggler in a king’s court.
“Yes, thank you for the invitation.” It is fascinating,” said Rene.
They talked for a short while until Alphonse apologized and spoke.
“I really have to run Rene so please excuse me for deserting you. I have a million things to do before the show starts.”
“That’s quite alright,” joked Rene. “I’ll just enjoy the scenery.”
“Alphonse laughed. OK, as long as you remember that the “scenery” has to work.”
Alphonse left with a wave of his hand and Rene once more scanned the room before him. As he looked from here to there, he noticed a young woman who did not seems to be one of the models.
Amid the frenzied preparation, she seemed to be the only one, other than him, who was not busy with some tasks. She was looking at the models and peering through a small device.
“What is that about, thought Rene?
He decided to go over and see her and investigate this strange behavior. Rene looked on as the woman began to set up photography equipment. Her behavior made sense now. She had been planning the shots she was to take. Suddenly, her camera was pointed at him.
” Smile,” she said with an impish grin.
Rene accelerated to her request quite happy. The young woman giggled as she took more photos of him, stopping every couple of shots to adjust the settings on her camera. Eventually she was satisfied with the results and put the camera back in its case.
“My name is O” she said, as she offered her hand.
“Rene, I’m pleased to meet you.’ “What does the O stand for?” asked Rene.
“Odile,” she replied. “When I was a girl my best friend was also named Odile, so I was O, and she was Odile. “It kept things from getting confusing,” O explained.
“I hope you don’t mind that I took those photos of you. I can let you have them if you wish.” “I usually have to both poor Alphonse”.
“Alphonse is the one who invited me here” excerpted Rene, “He’s one of my best friends”.
“I have known him many years,” said O, “He has spoken of a friend of his in the import- export business. Is that you”?
“Yes, that’s what I do,” replied Rene.
Rene sat with O, as she snapped photo after photo of the models. As theshowing continued, Rene watched O move with precision. He also became aware that, except for the fact that she was dressed in a conservative and practical fashion, O could have easily been on the runway herself.
“By the way, I don’t want those photographs back but how about I charge a modeling fee? Will you have dinner with me, asked Rene?
“Oh, I can’t tonight. Alphonse is having His party” Why don’t you come?
Alphonse appeared at that moment and was generally delighted to see the two of them talking to one another.
“Alphonse, I asked Rene to your party.” “Is that alright,” asked O, as she hugged his arm.
“As if I could refuse you anything,” laughed Alphonse,
“Actually, you just beat me to the punch. I was coming over to ask him.”
Rene laughed, “In that case I would be delighted.” I will let the both of you get back to work. I’ll pick you up at 9 O’clock O.”
“Great, let me give you my number”, said O.
At 9pm. Rene knocked on O’s door and smiled as he saw the transformation, she had made from her work clothes into a stunning party dress. Rene held the door open for O as she entered the taxi. When she settled in her seat, Rene gently turned O towards him and kissed her. O’s eyes lit up as she succeeded to another deeper kiss from Rene.
Rene smiled and said, “We had better behave ourselves or we will never make it to the party.”
At the party, the two of them were in their own world. They barely acknowledged other people and only danced with each other. The party was in full swing when Rene decided to make polite goodbyes on their behalf. Alphonse smiled as the two of them left; he was surprised they had stayed this long they were so obvious.
When O opened the door to her apartment, she waited for Rene to take her in his arms. Rene, However, went and sat Leisurely on the couch and looked at her. He sat there a long while studying her, without saying a word. O was dumbfounded by this behavior on hispart and waited for him to say or do something. She found this examination very disconcerting.
Rene smiled and patted the seat beside him on the couch. O sat and Rene lifted her chin and kissed her on the lips. It was a soft kiss at first until it became more independent, and O was dizzy when Rene released her from the embrace. He slowly undressed her, stopping to kiss and cares her as she became exposed to him. Rene kissed her as he removed O’s bra. O’s nipples were hard little points. Rene delighted in alternatively, licking and sucking on them and gently massaging them with his fingers. O was dripping and aching with need. She quickly pulled off her sodden panties.
“Spread your legs O.”
O cried out with pleasure as Rene’s fingers entered and withdraw from her wetness. She screamed out in pleasure as Rene’s thumb gently massed her cliporis. Rene gently kissed her and wrapped her in a blanket. He then got up and left.
O laid there in the dark and thought about whad had just occurred. She had experienced incredible pleasure but, was dumbfounded that Rene had not asked her to cares him at all. In fact, she now realized, he had stripped her naked but had only removed his jacket. In her reveries, O thought about being cradled in his arms and his fingers massaging her sex. O almost succeed to the urge to care herself but, she resisted as she disliked doing so.
The next day O fidgeted with equipment to keep her mind occupied, but her heart skipped a beat every time the phone would ring. However, none of the calls were from Rene. In the late afternoon, a bouquet of roses was delivered with a note that read as follows.
My dearest O:
I find it impossible to put into words the pleasure that I experienced with you last evening. I would like very much to see you again on Friday. Here is my number. I will pick you up at eight pm.
O breathed in the scent of the roses and felt intensive at the prospect of seeing Rene. She felt like a child waiting for a promised outing.
When Friday evening came O picked out the most risqué lingerie that she had. She hoped that Rene appreciated her efforts to please him. At precisely eight pm. Rene knocked on the door and smiled as he compiled her on how lovely she looked. They spent the evening strolling along the Boulevard, stopping in stores and cafes. Rene registered O with stories of the many foreign countries he had been to and O made him laugh with some of the petty gossip in the fashion world. One of the stores they went by was a lingerie shop. Rene insisted that they go in. Once in the shop, he ignored the standard models and led O by the hand towards the more risqué fashions. Rene picked up a shelf brassiere. The intent of this garment was to lift the breasts but, leave the nipples exposed. O blushed at the very thought of Wearing one. Rene smiled at her. He called over the shop assistant and said to the young lady.
“I would like my friend to tryThis on. Would you be kind enough to assist her. We wish to look at several models.”
“Certainly, Sir.” The girl replied.
The young lady proceeded to lead O and Rene as well, to the dressing room. O was started at this turn of events and stood there passively as Rene unbuttoned her blouse and removed it. Rene gently raised O’s chin and brushed a straight lock of hair from her forehead. As he looked directly into her eyes, he reached behind her and unhooked her brassiere and removed it. O blushed as she realized how erect her nipples were and that the shop assistant was watching all of this unfold. The young lady managed to remain business like and quickly took O’s measurements. She produced several different models that supported the breasts but left them, for all intents and purposes, exposed.
Rene commented on each brassiere that the young lady offered. O was of two frames of mind. She was mortified about being displayed for the young lady but, excited by Rene’s command of the situation. At that moment, O desired nothing more than to anxious home with Rene and make love to him. Eventually, Rene decided on a couple of models that he liked, O was not consulted in the decision, and he told O to wear one of them now. For a reason O did not understand, she not only complied willingly with his demand but, found herself becoming more and more excited as the evening unfolded. Rene informed O that he was taking her home.
As soon as they entered O’s apartment, Rene lifted her up and removed her dress. He then spread her out on the dining room table, lifted her legs and plunged into her. He was large and O screamed in shock and pleasure as he took her. Rene held her hands above her head as he drove into her. O had an orgasm almost immediately and then felt another as Rene finally expanded inside her. Rene gently lifted O and carried her to the bedroom. He cradle her in his arms until they both slept. They woke several times through the night and made love again.
In the morning O was awakened by the smell of freshly brewed coffee and bacon and eggs cooking. She wrapped a house coat around herself and went out into the kitchen to find Rene happily cooking breakfast while he hummed to himself.
“Oh, my this is a pleasant surprise”, said O cheerfully.
“Well good morning sleepy head”, laughed Rene. “Breakfast is just about ready.”
“It smells delicious.” said O as she sat down somewhat gingerly.
They sat over breakfast and discussed where they should go later in the day. Neither of them brought up the events of the previous evening, but O could not help thinking about it. Rene rose to do the dishes over O’s protests.
“I’m going to give you a bath O. I want you to go into the bedroom, take of your housecoat and lie on the bed with your legs and arms spread until I am ready for you” he demanded.
O laid down on the bed and spread her limbs out as Rene had ordered. The very fact that he had given her anOrder caused her to become aroused again. He took his time with the dishes and running the bath. He stopped to look at her several times during his preparations, she felt herself go crisis as she saw him looking at her wide-open sex and heaving breasts. Rene led her into the bath and ordered her to knee in the tub with her arms behind her back grasping each elbow. He proceeded to gently massage the soapy washcloth into every pore of her body. His strong hands easing the tension that built up in her. He dried her and used her hairdryer to comb not only the hair on her head but her pubic hair as well. He did not allow her an orgasm while all these ministries took place and O gasped in frustration. When he was finished, he brought O out into the living room and sat in chair.
“Kneel in front of me O” he said quietly.
“Do you want me O?”
“Oh yes” gasped O.
I want you to take my cock out and suck it until I tell you to stop. Rene ordered.
O lovingly unzipped Rene and brought his cock up to her lips. She swirled her tongue around the head before taking him as deep as she was able. She moved her mouth slowly up and down the shake as she gently massed his balls. O listened for Rene’s moans of pleasure. She took him as deep as she was able and was rewarded by a thick flood of his come gushing into her throat. O did her best to swallow it all and continued to suck him until he was hard once again. Rene lifted her up and plunged into her. O cried out with pleasure as she rode his cock in and out of her. Rene gasped and pushed himself deeper in to O as he felt himself come once again. O felt him explode inside her and cried out in pleasure.
The days turned to weeks and the weeks to months, they could be seen everywhere together. Although Rene maintained his own apartment, it was more convenient to stay at O’s; she lived in a central location. Rene took O with him, when he could, on his business trips and he introduced her to many exciting sites. O loved taking pictures on these trips and Rene told her she might consider being a travel photographer as well as working in the fashion industry. At home in Paris, they became known for hosting dinner parties among their friends.
Rene continued to assert himself over O in ever increasing ways. On several occasions he had laid O over his lap and given her a spanking. He liked to hold her hands immobile over her head when he took her and of course he enjoyed using her mouth. One thing that O found curious was that even though Rene enjoyed caressing her rear he had never used her that way. She would have complied of course. Once Rene had brought home a riding crop and left it on O’s dresser. He told her that someday he would use it on her. It sat on her dresser like an ominous presence.
One Evening, Rene took O out to dinner. After they had dinner and were relaxing with a coffee, Rene suddenly said.
“O, I want you to go to the restroom remove your brassiere and panties and bring them back to me.”
O got to her feet and slowly went to obey her lover. Before she left the restroom, she checked herself in the mirror and was started to realize that her nipples could clearly be seen through the thin material of her blouse. Nevertheless, she braced herself and went back to the table. At the table Rene held out his hand for O’s undergarments. O hoped that he would put them in his pocket discreetly but, Rene obviously wanted to use this situation to reinforce his dominance over O. Rene took O’s bra and panties and laid them out on the table. O was mortified and looked around, hoping that no one could see what Rene and her were doing He then ordered her to sit down but, he added a caveat.
“I want you to lift your skirt and sit directly on the seat.”
O tried, as discreetly as possible, to slide her skirt out from beneath her.
The leather upholstery feel strange on her bare thighs. Rene smiled gently at her and stroked her hair.He then reached between O’s legs and forced her legs apart. O sat without a word. Her heart was beating like crazy. Was it fear or excitement? Rene calmly commented on how wet O’s panties were. He ran his fingers along the crotch area where the wet stain could clearly be seen. Rene then put the garments in his pocket and smiled at O.
“Listen carefully O.”
“It’s because it’s easy for You to consent that I want from you what it will be impossible for you to consent to, even if you agree now and imagine yourself capable of submitting. You will not be able not to revolt. I will obtain your submission despite your revolt. You belong to me O and if you belong to me you are not free. You are of course always free to leave me. However, I want to hear you say that you consent to submitting to whatever demands I may make of you, even if it should cause you pain or embarrassment.”
O sat up and looked Rene straight in the eye.
“I consent to submit to however you may wish to use me.”
“Or have you used.” Corrected Rene.
O was started at this last comment from Rene but, again repeated that he had complete freedom to use her in whatever way he chose.
Rene nonchalantly, reached between O’s legs and plunged his fingers into her sex. O gasped with pleasure but, hoped he would not bring her to a climax in a public place. When she was on the verge of coming, Rene stopped and withdraw his fingers.
“Open your mouth and suck them O.”
O looked firmly around the restaurant before taking Rene’s fingers deep in her mouth. She tasted her own juices as she licked his fingers clean. Rene then rose from the table and offered O his hand to assist her. Rene carried her jacket over his arm. He wanted O’s breasts displayed to the other patrons as they left the restaurant. Before they left, Rene casually took O’s panties and brassiere out of his pocket and laid them back on the table. A startedled O went to grab them, but Rene took her by the elbow and led her slowly out the door, stopping to greet several of the other patrons on his way out. He solicitously introduced O to several of them and she was sure they could all see her breasts, naked and free, swinging beneath her blouse. One patron, whom they did not speak to, observed them carefully. He was an older English gentleman and as they passed, Rene turned briefly to him and the Englishman smiled.
Once they arrived home, Rene scooped O into his arms and carried her to the bedroom. He lifted her dress and holding her hands above her head he plunged into her. O cried out with pleasure at every stroke of his member. O climaxed several times, but Rene held back. Rene took an extra pillow and placed under O’s head. He then knelt over her face and began to feed his cock into O’s mouth. O could not use her hands and so she attempted to cares Rene with her tongue and lips as she took him deeper down her throat. As she submitted to his use of her, O relaxed and eventually wasrewarded with Rene’s come filling her mouth.
O enjoyed the idea of abandoning herself to Rene’s will and in little increments he continued to assert his dominance.
Once there was an art exhibition, that they were both excited to see. Rene watched as O prepared to go out. He told her to raise her dress and spread her legs for him. O stood, with her dressed raised above her wait, waiting in curiosity. Rene slipped his hand inside her panties and caressed her. O moaned as Rene’s fingers pleasured her. Rene had other intentions however and produced two silver balls attached by a small string.
“Do you know what these are O?”
“No, I have no idea.” she replied.
“There called Ben Wah balls or Geisha Balls and the purpose of them is to give pleasure while strengthening your pelvic muscles. They need to be lubricated so, open your mouth.”
O opened her mouth and Rene inserted the balls in between her lips, making sure O covered them copiously with her saliva.When Rene was satisfied, he knelt and pulling her panties aside, he carefully inserted the balls into O’s vagina. O gasped at the sensing of trying to keep herself tight enough to hold the balls in. She wondered how on Earth Rene expected her to walk for several hours around a Gallery with her pussy being constantly stimulated.
At the Gallery, Rene smiled as O took in an intake of breath when the balls would shift inside her and send a wave of pleasure through her. O did her best to concentrate on the art, but the truth was, she wanted Rene to drag her off and use her. Rene led O to a deserted wing of the Gallery and after checking he pulled her into a men’s washroom stall.
“Lift your dress and spread your legs.” Ordered Rene.
O hurried to comply and breathed a sight of relief as Rene removed the balls from her.
“I’m afraid these panties are ruined O. Let’s get them off you.”
Rene produced a small pen knife and grabbing the panties by the waistband procedureeded to cut them off.
“Please make me come.” Begged O.
Rene gently stroked her hair and dropping his trousers he lifted O up and plunged into her. O came almost immediately, and Rene brought her to another orgasm before he came himself.
Afterwards, Rene explained that, as part of her submission, she would be ready anytime he wished.
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