Myself Jim, 2 older sisters and of course mom and dad,Fred .
We generally had a good relationship.
I had learned how to treat a lady since my sisters would make me suffer if I did not.
From what I saw, mom and dad were fine together. No issues.
Until one day, all of a sudden, dad left.
I found out later that mom had slowly over time been holding out more and more and eventually dad left for someone else.
Considering the situation, I held no ill feelings to my dad, but being a horny boy, I may have had some towards mom as I could understand dad’s pain.
As time went on, being the only man in the house, I was doing the gutters, weeding, some electrical work and slowly became sort of a short term replacement for my dad.
New arrangements
When I finished college,I left home and had an arrangement with my dad that I would stay with him until I found a job and managed to scrape togetherer enough cash to move out.
My company was closer to Pops than Ma so I would save time traveling, and cash by living with dad.
When I moved in with dad, I found out that he had a 28 year wife, Catherine.
All round though, she was hot hot, but she was older than me so her hotness didnt count, even had she not been married to my dad.
She was a very sweet girl, although that is condescending considering I was 6 years younger than her.
She was always cooking, cleaning and sorting my dad out.
She really was a winner, and I congratulated dad on finding her and joked that I hoped I inherited his skills with women.
He laughed, and we chatted about Mom and he wanted to chat about his reasons for leaving but I told him that I understand and that he should not feel like he owes me an explanation.
It was probably easy because all his kids are working, so he was not bound financially to stay in a legal arrangement for the sake of the children.
I felt great knowing that my dad was not alone, and he was relieved that I understand.
Learning about Catherine.
She was a pleaser, and basically shriveled and “died” if there was nothing or a bad word said about what she did.
What made it worse was that if she got a compliment, there was a 50/50 chance that she would be in tears.
So I assume she was broken in some way which I did not know about.
On one occasion, she made superb mac and cheese. Bacon bit, nicely browned cheese on top.
I had to mention that fact and asked her about her recipe since I needed to know what she did to make it that great.
She looked down and put her finger across her eyes.
I saw tears and frozen, stopped chewing and breathing, not wanting to move in case I made it worse.
She brushed it off saying that there were still some onions in the air, then went to the bathroom to freshen up.
Things change
Things went well for dad at work, and he mentioned that he would be late as his colleagues wanted to help him celebrate his promotion.
He was so chuffed that he went and partied hard with his friends, and his friend drove him into an early grave on the way home.
Catherine was far more devastated than Ma, who refused to attend his funeral.
Stand in
Since I was staying in the house, I then took over some of the responsibilities to allow us all a fair share at grieving.
As my dad was not around anymore, Catherine started to pay a great deal of attention to me.
I guess that since I was framed like my dad, with wide shoulder, but rather short at 5ft 10, she felt comfortable around me enough to treat me as more than an equal.(I always considered myself inferior since I was single and she was married).
When dad died, we had to go through his papers to find all his insurances and assurances.
We then found that he leftthe house and life policy to me.
Catherine was cool and calm but it looked like she did not understand what was going on.
I think the old Geyser didnt update his will after getting married.
Since the house was settled by the life insurance on the house loan, the owed amount was settled by the insurance and I owned it all.
Catherine’s problem was that she did not earn an income, so I offered to have her stay until she could find her feet.
This made the situation very difficult for Catherine.
She was great.
Always making sure I was well fed and doing all my laundry. I got home and it felt like a home.
She was awesome but she had a wild look in her eyes all the time.
Like she never just relaxed.
Always nervous, and expecting something…bad maybe?
Spark of interest?
This one day, I had a tough day at work, production came to a standstill for one hour while I was on lunch.
So I got homelate, and went straight to shower and then went to supper.
Catherine was waiting patiently. I sensed she was analysing me.
I told her without prompting that I had a tough day and was really looking forward to the supper.
She stood up, almost mechanically, and came up behind me.
She started rubbing my traps, which made me totally weak. She said something odd.
“I can help you de-stress James..” in a sugar voice.
I mumbled something, since I had little control of my body.
Then I grabbed her hand and squeezed it, saying that the neck rub really destressed me.
She was pleased, and had a proud gait for the rest of the evening.
After supper, I went to relax in the lounge.
Something comes up.
“Jim, how about you sleep in the main bedroom since you work hard all day? I mean, you are paying the bills.”
In response I said, “Taking care of a family and managing a house is far more extreme than what I do, Catherine.”
“Anyway, its my dad’s bed and you and dad did terrible, terrible things in there, I mocked.”
Her face went pink and she was flustered.
The only option in my head was that we swop beds.
It was not reasonable to think that I was being invited.
She approached me and asked if there was anything special I wanted.
“I need to earn my keep here while you’re letting me stay here”, she said.
“I do declare, if you were to prepare such a great fare as that Mac and Cheese,
I will be forever in your debt and you forever in my care!”, I said in a british accent, trying to get her to laugh.
She smiled and held her hand to her chin as if contemplating.
I only then noticed what she was wearing.
I also noticed that she was very shaped.
I had been so engrossed with work and grief that I had not noticed any girls, let alone a huge breasted bra-less girll living with me.
This made me feel very uncomfortable.And very hard.
I felt so uncomfortable with my hardness that I feigned tiredness and said goodnight.
With a straight face and strong posture, she stood up and said goodnight, put her hand around my waist and went to bed.
I heard her suppressing her sobbing in the quiet house.
Was she still remembering my dad?
Self flagellation.
As I tossed and turned, I started having those bad thoughts.
I could smell her scent. It was sweet and lovely.
I took long deep breaths, laying in my bed, greedily trying to catch a whiff of her from the air.
In the darkness, I could see the shape of her breasts and her bum, her full lips, taking off her top with her long fingers, and I found myself holding my dick and slowly milking it when I cursed into the pillow.
Wtf was I doing fantasizing about my dad’s widow. Seriously wtf!!!
Rather dream of that Call centre chick with the big ass you perv.
Descent into madness.
The next morning, as I prepared myself for work, I realized that for the entire morning, my stepmom’s body was on my mind since I got up.
I then started thinking about work to allow my mind to wander from what it was focused on.
Quickly grabbed breakfast, kissed Catherine on the cheek and left.
As I ran out, I had a WTF moment.
Why did you kiss her on the cheese?
Went to work, dealt with some tough stuff, enjoyed the prod issues, since it kept my focus from my hot stepmom.
Then I made a decision, When I get home, I would coerce her into my bed….NO!
I would jerk off to the thought of the girl in the call centre.
WTF is going on in my head!
Sinful embrace
When I got home, I tried my best to be “myself” but she saw my struggle immediately, and came to me and gave me a hug.
A good hug. No.. An evil hug. I could feel her warm breakfastts and smell her. She was sweet but there was a background smell.
Not perfume, it was a natural smell.
I started drooling.
I kissed her on the lips and broke away.
The turmoil inside was overpowering.
Something was overpowering me.
When I looked down, she looked at where I was gazing.
I swear it was not on purpose.
You have to believe that her body made me look at it.
Then she knew I was little more than her play thing.
We went to supper, but I didn’t want food.
So I speak about our Application strategy and the poorly written code to take my mind off my lack of appetite/ horniness.
She just sat there looking at me in the eyes and smiling, interjecting at the right time, I could swear she was interested in what I was saying.
The truth was that she knew exactly how to make a man feel like the only man alive.
The Hunt
I went to shower for bed.
I had just gotten in when I heardd the sound in the shower change. Like the door had come open.
“Can I come in with you?”, she asked?
I nearly fell on my damn back when I heard her there.
Catherine got into the shower with me.
“Do you want me to leave?” She asked.
“I didn’t say “yes”, I didn’t say “no”‘
I couldnt say anything, cos,…cos… her breasts were swollen and her hips were ready.
Good answer!
Her eyes looked like she was eagerly waiting for an answer.
And I feel a throbbing in my dick.
And she saw it get hard quickly and start bouncing to my beat.
First she soaped me down and rubbed my chest, arms, back and worked her way down to my calves.
Then she stood behind me and soaped my dick with one hand and softly cleaned my balls with the other.
I stood dead still.
She “cleaned” my dick for quite a while.
Again and again she washed my dick with her soapy hand over and over again while I could feel he breasts against my back.
I didnt cum.
I was too nervous to cum.
She rinsed my spotless and proud penis.
It was engaged to it’s limits.
It started to ache.
Then, she turned me around and took both my hands and held them tight, went onto her knees, and swallowed my cock and started sucking.
Then slowly while she had suction, she moved her mouth up and down the shake.
Every muscle in my body was in spasm from the feeling.
She took her mouth off for a minute
She started talking to me…”You have such a strong big cock Jim, does your cock want me?”
Then she looked into my eyes and said…”mmmmmmmmmmmm?”
‘Please don’t stop sucking? Please?’
She smiled and had a lok in her eyes when she took me into her mouth again.
I tried not to thrust but she sucked and sucked and sucked while I , I, ….had absolutely nocontrol.
My toes were curling, my back was arching, my stomach was moving by itself.
Dammit she was good. Too good. But she was my dad’s wife. This was wrong! I am ruining her reputation and Dad’s.
The last thought made me cum so hard, the electricity down my back was paralyzing, and she refused to stop sucking.
She just looked at my contorted face and kept swallowing.
With every suck after, I had a cum reflex until there was absolutely nothing left.
I moaned and yelled, and held my backside while catherine looked at me confused.
“cramp”, I grimaced.
She wiped her mouth and helped me to bed since I was injured by a cramp, caused by the force of the flexing muscles in my butt.
She looked at me as I lay on the bed and asked me if I was ready to share her bed with her.
That sounded like an order.
All I could hear was instructions now.
I had no more resistance left to fight with.
I would do whatever she wanted.
This woman sucked the life out of me, I could not move.
I closed my eyes for a second as she lay next to me.
I can’t remember sleeping this well.
I woke up the next morning and lay in the bed thinking about that blowjob. It was an exceptional blowjob. Not something that normal people do.
I remember what felt like her trying to wrap her tongue around my cock like a snake.
This idea made me hard again.
I lay there and was Kicking myself for being so selfish.
She sucked me off and I did nothing?
One good turn.
I snuggled up next to her and she woke up very slowly. I kissed her neck until she was fully aware.
“I would like to Kiss you in good places!” I wispered.
“You mean my breasts?”
“Your sweet flower, but I won’t say no to kissing your breasts!”
“Um err, maybe we sh..” she was obviously flustered.
So I then dove down on her with her fighting.
“NO! Let’s do it tomorrow”, she asked, using a delaying tactic.
So, with her legs open in front of me, and her pussy lips slightly parted, I kissed her…
I started kissing her pussy.
It was clean, no hair, not even stubble.
I started kissing and sucking her clip gently.
I did this studioically for about 10 minutes, tasting every cream and inhaling deeply all the time, and consuming as much juice as she could give me.
I wanted to get as much of her smell as possible.
She started to use her finger on her clip and opened her legs wider and wider.
Then I grabbed her legs and pushed them to her shoulders.
Slowly, I put my tongue inside her pussy, licking her juices as they ran out.
We French kissed.
Her wide open flaring pussy lips and my eager mouth, licking and sucking and pushing my tongue slowly in and out.
I feel her hands behind my neck.
She started giving me heavy tasty juice.
She then started riding my mouth slowly, then started rutting like she didnt care, until she went slower and slower and stopped and quiet.
ooh, the juice was so good. It felt like her pussy was trying to kiss me back.
It was opening and closing by itself around my tongue.
I felt like the most awesome man when I heard her muttering in Russian and getting louder and louder with every deep lick.
I started licking her pussy from the bottom, right to the top then licked her clip firmly with my whole tongue over and over and over as I felt her pulling my head harder and harder between her open legs.
I then sucked her pussy hard and held he clip in my mouth with the strong suction, and licked it inside my mouth, hard and firm, while I heard her talking to herself.
Then she dug her fingers into my back and with a fierce look ordered me, ‘Give me your cock inside now….. NOW!.’
I took both her feet and put them together against my chest, her knees were against her boobs and her pussy was open and juicy.
I slowly put my cock into her slick pussy. It just slide in all the way. She was so wet and hot inside.
Then I grabbed her ankles and put them to her ears.
She started squeezing my cock with her pussy while looking deep into my eyes.
Damn she was very good.
Even though I had her ankles at her ears, she was using her pussy to milk me.
I had her ankles next to her ears yet she was in control.
I started thrusting while she was squeezing my dick.
‘Are you going to cum inside me?’ she asked.
‘No’, I said.
‘I want it, please’, she wispered smoothly and seductively.
The strong squeeze from her pussy was overpowering as it gripped my dick on its way in and out.
My body started to get ridid.
I felt very strong, the power you get when your dick is throbbing.
I could feel my eyes widen, and I didnt blink.
I could feel my orgasm coming from a distance.
It made me say wrong things. Inconsiderate things.
‘You gonna take it deep today. You will be my container, the cup that I must fill.’
‘Whatever you need my big strong man, Sooo big, cum in me, I won’t mess…… please can you cum deep? I’ll hold it all inside me all day. My pussy is waiting so long for your cum.’
I started going faster and faster, still holding her ankles to her ears, we bounced on the bed with each thrust.
I was so close, I left her ankles, but she kept them in place.
Then she slowly lifted her feet slowly from her ears, and wrapped them around the back of my neck.
She then put her hands around the back of my head, looked at me in the eyes.
‘Please cum inside me, cum deep, I want your sauce inside, its ok to cum inside me, my pussy wants it sooooo bad’ she wispered.
She kept wispering into my ears…
Slight slight wispers………
Everything went stiff at the same time and my breathing stopped.
Another quick breath and then again the world came to a stop.
It felt like it wasnt going to stop.
As my neck went limp, we touched cheats and she wispered,’Thank you for being such a stud and feeding me inside.’
She rubbed my chest and told me what a superman I was.
“Don’t pull out, I want to keep it inside me for a while”, she urged.
Then she reached around and grabbed my dick and she started milking the cum into her.
It started getting hard again.
I turned her on her left side and she moved her knees upwards towards her chest, and arched her back, pushing her pussy outwards.
The slant of her hips tilted her pussy upwards and the cum didnt come out.
It must have flowed down to her ripe womb.
I looked at her while I massaged my dick and slid it into her red flaring pussy.
I had just cum and somehow I wanted to cum inside her again.
I grabbed her foot and started massaging it while I tried my best to fill her up again.
She looked sideways and asked me, ‘Are you trying to make me pregnant James?’
‘I don’t know…, I think so, …… not sure,’ as I thrusted.
‘If you want to make me pregnant I can help you, I’m ripe this week’ she said.
She looked at me with a smile, and seemed grateful for each thrust she was getting.
This time I ploughed her deep and hard since it was taking very long to cum.
She looked deep into my eyes with each thrust.
She used her pussy to squeeze me each time my dick went out.
My urge was so great, that I wasn’t trying to pull out.
I wasnt trying to avoid pregnancy.
I was trying to force my dick deeper, and deeper.
Something was forcing me to knock her up.
I could feel it pushing my hips forward each time.
I could feel my abs slowly tense up and I gave a low wail through gritted teeth as I tried to shoot my sperm right into her womb.
There was no mistake my motivations now.
I was planning on knocking her up good and solid.
She never left the house.
She made me keep her.
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