Sandler Finishing School Ch. 03


Another tremor Shook my legs but I couldn’t find the energy to cry out. It wouldn’t do much good behind the gag anyway. Lazily the orgasm worked its way through my body, a dull pulsing heat flashing weakly through my hot body. It was getting harder to recognize the orgasms, my body had stopped a couple of orgasms ago. My pussy felt on fire, scorching hot. But it had been like that for so long I barely noticed it anymore. My eyesight felt blurry, my body weak. My hair hung rarely down my face, plastered to my chest as I shook my head to clear it. Everything was still a haze, like the pleasure didn’t want me to know anything beyond my own body. I wasn’t even sure it was pleasure anymore. The buzzing between my legs no longer made me shake, no longer fired heat and electricity through my body. Instead it was a constant overload, almost in the same way that when you plumge into freezing water it hits you like a fist in the stomach, but spend a while in it and you no longer notice the cold. It’s still there, just your mind stops giving it so much attention. Is that what this is?, I thought. Hypothermia orgasms? Damn, I really must be delicious.

I couldn’t feel my arms, I knew they were stretched out and tied up behind me, but they had gone numb from my weight leaning forward, pulling on the rope. My legs….I could barely feel them. I tried to shift my weight around but felt the dildo I was impaled on stall deeper into me and I cried out as the sensing pulsed through me. When in the Heavens would this end? The heat was rising from me again, and I had to hold back tears as I felt it shudder numbly through me. Warm wetness trickled down my thigh and I couldn’t be sure if it was my own juices or just drool. Heavens knew how much of Both I’d been producing since I’d been cruel forced onto this device.

Weakly I raised my head and squinted through my tears. The indistinct blur showed someone taller then me standing directly in front of me, another blur standing next to the first and seemingly waving its arms about. The first blur seemed to be orange, with a spill of blonde hair. Leanne? I weakly wondered, my eyes still not able to focus properly. Why was she still here? And wearing my jumpsuit? I strained to ignore the pulses through my body to focus on the scene in front of me.

“….alone. She’s……enough without you…till….leave her be!”

The words seemed to blur, or maybe it was simply my grapp of their meaning that blurred. The second person moved forward and cold hands roughly grabbed my breasts. I groaned loudly, the icy cold of the hands cutting through my warmness was shocking and I tried to understand away from them.

“See, she loves it. Don’t you slut?” a masculine voice demanded. I shook my head, numbly as His hands squeezed and gropeed me, powerless to stop him. His hands caresed me, fingertips gliding lightly over my hard nipples as he teased me.

“Look how erect they are! Nice and perky!”he exclaimed and he pinched down on them painfully. I cried out, drool dripping down my chin and dripping into my hair already stuck to my chest. I tried to beg him to stop, that he was hurting me, that I couldn’t take anymore, but the more I tried to talk the more saliva escaped between my teeth and the gag forced in my mouth. Heat started to pulse weakly between my tights again, my traitorous body responding against my will. Please not again.

“Leave her alone! It’s already been the half an hour Scorsha said she would be on there for!” Leanne’s fuzzy form stepped forward her voice shrink. I stared at her, silently pleading her to stop this punishment. She looked scared, her long blonde hair still in a scratchgly mess hanging down her body. She was still clutching my jumpsuit to herself to cover her nakedness as she tried to stop this boy from touching me. It made no difference. I saw his face turn into a sneer as he reached slowly down, his fingers stretching out to touch my bullett hard clip. I screamed behind the gag as icy coolness spread through me, my body reclining involuntarily at his cold touch. It shot through the warm numbness and I shivered into a shuddering climax, my legs feebly twitching as my head flopped forward in misery. I heard him laugh as he withdraw his hand from between my legs and wipe the sticky juices on his fingertips across my stromach as he turned back to the upset blonde girl.

“Don’t ever try to stop me again Leanne. St John’s House is higher up then St Peters. If I want anything from St Peters I’ll come and take it.” He hissed at her before turning on his heel and walking away. Leanne’s eyes followed him for a minute before she turned back to me and quickly rushed over, dropping my clothes in a pile.

“Are you okay?” she asked urgently, her fingers in my hair as she fumbled with the catch for the gag. Pulling it free I spat it out of my mouth and winced in pain as I worked my mouth again. Her hands were already on the ropestying my hands and feet, working to undo the knots keeping me in place.

“I’m so sorry!” she whispered “You shouldn’t have taken my place…but…but thank you.” The ropes fell free and I could pull my hands in front of me, pain flaring through my numb wrists as the feeling came back. Leanne came round to stand in front of me, her face so close to mine that her breath ticked my face. This close I could see the mood in her eyes as she struggled not to cry.

“Thank you.” She whispered again and hesitantly leaned forward, planning a quick kiss to my cheek. I feel like crying too but my mind was far too numb to make a reply.

“Can you stand?” She asked quietly as she wrapped an arm around my body, underneath my shoulder. I shook my head mutely. She braced herself and then pulled me up off the still vibrating dildo. I moaned as it slide out of me, my legs feeling like jelly as I stumbled against her and pushed myself weakly away from that horrible pole and mound. The wetness from my pussy slicked most of the mound and I could feel it slowly dripping down my legs now that I was standing up.

“I think I’m going to throw up” I muttered weakly as I tried to find my feet and stand still. It was too hard and I leaned heavily against the lean girl as she struggled under my weight. For a second I thought we were falling over but the blonde girl was just leaning down to pick up my clothes before wrapping an arm around my waist to keep me up.

“You’ll be ok” she said quietly. “Our dormitory is very close”. I took one stumbling step after another, the heat between my legs sapping them of strength. Another step. Another. Her hand was tight on my wait, her fingers pinching into my flesh. I could feel fresh tears slipping down my face as we slowly limped onwards.


The shower did me a world of good and as I slowly got dressed into these…unusual clothes. Leanne had to show me how to get the uniform right, otherwise I may be punished. Our dorm had only 5 beds in the small room, most of the space taken up by the wardrobes by our beds. Crammed full of clothes of all shapes a quick glance at them made me think they had all been done to fit me perfectly. Leanne explained it while I got changed.

“You have to wear your uniform at all times” she told me, brushing her crazy long hair with long strokes. “Some classes demand that you change and will have clothes ready for you to wear. Never complain about them – that’s one of the ways they like to punish new people. Oh and always make sure you’re done up properly. They like to punish people who look slovenly. We have been picked to come here based on our looks, the other finishing schools are much worse, from what I’ve heard, so make sure you always look pretty.” She paused in her brushing as she watched me pull the stocking up my thighs. It felt….revealing. Too revealing. Leanne seemed to not worry about so much, she was sitting cross legged on the endof my bed, a peek of her dark panties showing. She didn’t seem to care. Quickly I looked away, hoping she hadn’t noticed.

“Always call the teacher “Professor” and the guards “Sir” unless they demand otherwise. They get touchy about us respecting them. Most offenses are due to someone not respecting them enough. Oh, and never complain about a punishment. A girl in my photography class complained that she had have misreated and they took her to the guard room to teach her “what real misreatment really feel like”. When she came back in the morning it was clear she’d been used by all of them.” Leanne shook her head sadly and then started braiding some of hair. “Standing out can be a good or a bad thing depending. Some of the girls stand out by dressing slightly different and if they catch the eye of a teacher of guard they may get better Treatment. At least they will have some measure of protection against anyone else. Of course standing out might make more people want you, so youneed to be careful if you go down that route. Follow my lead as much as possible and try not to make a scene. If someone is being punished you should stand and watch it, if it doesn’t make you late for something at least. If you don’t it will make you look weaker, and the boys or guards will take advantage of that.” she finished the braids – just from her temples – and then swept her hair back before standing up. I was ready, dressed in that awful uniform and trying to tug my skirt down to keep my ass covered. It didn’t do much good.

“Ok its time for lunch, we should go or we’ll be late”.

We were late. I could tell by the empty corridors then we quickly ran down towards the cafeteria, shoes squeaking on the shiny floors.

“We’re nearly there” Leanne told me, breathing hard as we pelted down the corridor. “When we get there following my…”

“Halt there!” a male voice called out. I crashed into Leanne’s back as she stopped instantly. We nearly fell but lucky I caught my balance and held us both up. Leanne looked at me, fear in her eyes before turning round. Past her shoulder I could see a single guard swaggering up to us in his uniform.

“Why aren’t you in the canteen?” he demanded. I opened my mouth to reply but a quick glance from Leanne shut it again.

“I’m sorry Sir” she replied quickly, her head bowed submissively. “We had to get cleaned up and were on our way there now”.

He sneered down at us, looking from me to her as his grin spread across his face. I bowed my head down, praying that he would leave us alone. His hand grabbed my chin and pulled my head up to meet his dark eyes.

“You’re the new girl aren’t you?” he asked, his warm breath in my face. I felt a flash of fear quiver through me.

“Yes..yes Sir” I replied, trying to hide the tremor in my voice, forcing myself not to pull my chin free from his hand.

“I heard that you’d only been here for 5 minutes before you got it from the Head Girl. That true?”he asked me. I lowered my eyes but he shook my face, forcing me to meet his eyes again.

“Yes Sir” I whispered.

“That must be a new record” he told me mockingly and let his hand fall from my face. Quickly I looked away. Please let us go, please let us go, please let us go….

“Both of you on your knees now” he commanded us and dread filled my body once more…..


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