What To Do With Her Slut Phones Ch. 01

What do you do with her whose phones?

You would say that my wife, Vanessa is perfect in may ways. She has a trim body. She dresses to acccentuate her above average swell of breasts and the cut of the muscles above her hip bone. She can, and often does make herself into a dark radiant wonder.

She is also a filthy, cum hungry slut. I love that about her, it fact it has a lot to do with why I have stayed with her so long – but we have rules, and when the rules are broken she is punished, harshly and swiftly.

She needs other cocks inside her. I do not begin her this. When she finds a new boy toy, she has the good sense to use a prepay cell that she uses only for him. On occasion a play partner will want more – when this happens he becomes out of bounds and I would collect the phone she would use to call her toy.

Over the few years we’ve been married I’ve gathered a respectable collection of phones. All of the phones are left on and she keeps a schedule to be sure none of the phones ever go dead.

The outgoing messages are changed to a message of my choosing. The range from simple messages hinting of how lonely she was, begging the caller try again even without response to wordless recordings left in the wildest throws of orgasm.

Some nights while she endures what ever thought take my particular lust to watch you wrong… In fear, in pain or orgasm. When the right hour of the night begins. In the hours when a drunken ex-lover might feel the pangs of need for her. If a phone rings… I will stop playing with her and if she is not, I bind her tightly and exit the room to prepare.

There is a particular thing that I enjoy that she does not. When a phone in the bag rings she knows what she will endure. The look in her eyes is priceless. To know that a lover with such trust can Still be gripped with such fear.

But I digress. The details of that particular ordeal will be described to you when you have earned it.

Oncea month Veronica is placed on a bondage position of my choosing. She is particularly advanced. I like to place her in complicated positions and use ‘predicament’ bond. By using pulleys and balance points the subject is placed in a position where her own movements inflict the pain to her. I prefer the particular torques that also send her into throngs of pleasure.

I bind her tightly and lay out the phones clearly in her sight with the displays turned away. I have three groups of phones. The playthings who became annoying, the ones who pissed me off and the ones who some how had caused me damage.

For each missed call in the first, and largest group she receives two licks of belt leather. Each missed call from the next group would determine the girl of the dildo attached to the machine. ‘Deep Fuck’ is the name of the machine. It’s not a very creative name – that’s what it does. I can set it up to penetrate her from any angle she can be bound in.

The machine gives me complete control of all of the variables.. All of them. Depth of thrust, twist, deep thumb, slow hard pressure. There’s even an addition to tip the head back and roll the tip in circles.

It has a function that follows and remembers all of my actions in a play session and repeat it exactly on command… The best little toy I master could hope for.

There is a particular program that I use for my pleasure on the nights we play the bag game. The program is fifteen minutes long. She’s never ended the full fifteen minutes. She has never has more than eight calls from the final group. For each call from the final group she would end one minute of program eleven.

The name doesn’t have specific meaning. It happened to be the eleventh program I set up in the system. After the first few months of the game she had identified the number and she would hesitate before pressing the number on an elevator. In the rare events I’ve noticed this behavior I force my hands between her jump.

There is a noise she makes when she is attempting to be quiet… It’s very subdued, but unmistakable and wildly sensitive. That sound piercing the air of a crowded elevator is priceless. She is such a good little slut.

First I turn each of the phones over, one at a time. She knows exactly which lover called on each phone. I count each one with her and then prepare her body. Feather light touches across the skin sensitivity and area to taste the lick of the belt. It also is a wonderful piece of misdirection.

Once she has taken her lashings. I position ‘deep fuck’ to where she is currently bound. If she has been a good girl a flip of a coin will decide how I will enter her. When she is bad, I choose.

With the machine set up I walk to the phones and check each one in the second group. We count the calls together and then I go to set up the appropriate attachment and set it up.

If she has experienced it before I will show it to her before attachment it to’deep fuck’. The looks in her eyes are always priceless. If is an attachment she has never experienced she does not see it. The wonder, shock and confusion in her eyes as each attachment is put through it’s paces and she slowly learns the full shape and size of the attachment.

Setting the attachment pressed gently into her opening I would return to the display of phones and look at the final and smallest group of phones. I would silently check the phones without showing her and set the machine into action.


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