Revenge is a Bitch: Full Version

Please note that amongst other things this story contains BDSM & milk violence.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Chapter 1: Crystal

There are many universities & colleges in southern Florida, one of the most popular is Dolphin Beach University. It’s Miami location just a ten minute walk from the beach makes it perfect for students who want to party as hard as they study. There are a few local students & even fewer who study there because of a specific course they want to take, but for most it’s a party school.

Crystal Platt had grown up in Miami, she could have studied anywhere in the country as she had a good high school GPA & her parents were very wealthy, but when her Mother told her they were moving away she immediately decided on studying at Dolphin Beach as she liked their English Literature course & more importantly she wanted the opportunity to enjoy the city she considered as her home without her parents looking over her shoulder.

Crystal was usuallythought of as quite pretty, she was 5 foot 5, had 34D breasts, golden blonde hair that hung in a ponytail to half way down her back & was slightly chubby around the stomach, bum & thighs, although she certainly wasn’t fat, at the most she was carrying 20 extra pounds. The reason she was carrying a little extra weight was the same reason boys rarely paid her any attention, Crystal was in a wheelchair.

Since the age of ten Crystal had suffered from a muscle disease that had left her ankles extremely weak, she could walk, but only a few steps at a time & even then she had virtually no balance. The rest of her body worked OK though so she viewed her disability as an inconvenience rather than something that was spoiling her life. She could still do most things able-bodied people could do including having sex, something she had done a few times with two boys she had briefly dated in her last year of high school.

Whilst she had been in school the county had paid for a study assistant for Crystal to push her around school or pick up anything she dropped & if she was going out with one of her friends they would push her chair, but now she was starting university new arrangements would have to be made.

Crystal’s Father hired two personal assistants for his daughter, he selected the girls carefully, he wanted girls strong enough to be able to comfortably push her chair who spoke good English but came from a poor background broad. The idea was girls who met these criteria would be prepared to work hard & because of the high wages he would pay them they would give maximum effort when looking after his daughter.

Melina was a Hispanic girl from Mexico, she stood 5 foot 7, had black hair & as she had always swam three or four times a week she had strong well toned arms & legs. She hadn’t been able to afford to go to university but had got a basic training in physics.

Petra was from the Czech Republic, she was 5 foot 10, had blonde hair & might have had a career as a model if it wasn’t for a very noticeable scar obviously across her left chef from a childhood accident. The European girl had always enjoyed running so her long legs were even more toned than Melina’s & her shoulders were also quite powerful. She had managed to get in to a university on a sports scholarship & had started to train as a nurse but after her second year the scholarship scheme was cancelled so she couldn’t afford to complete her training.

Both girls were two years older than Crystal & neither would be considered pretty, Petra because of her disfiguring facial scar & Melina because she just wasn’t a good looking girl. The pair were perfect to assist Crystal as their partial medical training would enable them to look after the disabled girl even better than her Father had expected. Thanks to her Dad’s financial clout both of Crystal’s new assistants had no problem obtaining 5 year visas to work in the United States & within a month they eachhad their own room in the spatial ground floor apartment he had bought for his daughter on the edge of campus.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Chapter 2: Sarina

Crystal settled in to university life quite well, she found her course challenging but not beyond her intelligence & with Melina & Petra’s help she had no trouble getting around campus or living independently. However having the two attendants with her all the time did stunt her social life a bit, she met lots of people & got on well with most of them but she didn’t get really close with any of them. Her fashionable clothes combined with the fact that it got around that her family were wealthy enough to be paying for both of her assistants did draw a little negative attention, especially from one girl, Sarina Clark.

Sarina was from a low income family, they couldn’t afford for her to go away to university so she had to choose a college in Florida where she got subsidised tuition as a state resident. Everyone who saw her had to admit that Sarina was stunningly beautiful, she was 5 foot 7, had black hair hanging loose to a couple of inches above her grogeous ass, she was the same age as Crystal & had 34C breasts.

Sarina had her own little clique, her two best friends Amelia Pierce & Lisa Partridge were the same age as her & were both very good looking but were comfortable overshadowed by Sarina. All three girls were studying history, Amelia had blonde hair, Lisa had black & they both shared a house on campus with their more beautiful friend.

During their final year a fourth member joined their little gang, a girl two years younger than they called Brianna Fabbrini. She was of Italian descent on her Mother’s side but was born in Florida, she was 5 foot 2, very pretty, had 32B breasts as well as a plump bottom both of which looked great on her diminutive frame & she had blonde hair with pink highlights that hung loose half way down her back. She was studying multi-media journalism whichmean she was good at taking & editing video, a skill her new friends would take full advantage of.

Brianna was born in Pensacola to a single Mother, she had no money growing up & even by the time she started university all of her clothes, books & study equipment were second hand. Due to her financial status the state covered her tuition fees in full but she couldn’t afford campus housing. So that’s how she met Sarina, Amelia & Lisa, they had a tiny spare room in their house that they’d been trying to rent out for two years & Brianna was the first suitable candidate desperate enough to take such a small room, everywhere else she had looked at was too expensive for her but as they had been trying for so long to rent out the box room Sarina & her friends accepted a really low monthly price.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Chapter 3: Bitchy Behaviour

It was early in both of their final year’s that Crystal first encountered Sarina, due to the changes in their respective timetables those studying English Literature had a very similar third year schedule to those doing History so they started to see each other in lunch & in the library.

Sarina had seen Crystal around, she had seen the blonde girl get out of her chair & walk a few steps when she had to, such as getting in or out of a car, she had noticed that she wore designer clothes & had a brand new laptop computer which she used in the library & took to lessons & she observed that both of Crystal’s assistants had foreign accents.

One day in early October Sarina was in a bad mood, she had been late to class that morning as she had over slept, it was raining & she’d forgotten her umbrella & a boy she fancied had blanked her on their way out of the final lecture of the morning.

When she got to lunch she was behind Crystal in the queue for the food counter, Petra had parked the disabled girl their & gone to collect both of their food so Crystal was alone & an easy target for Sarina to take out her anger on.

The black haired girl lean forward & shook her wet hair towards Crystal causing a little water to splash on to the seated girl, Crystal turned to see what had splashed her but before she could say anything Sarina cut her off,

“Why don’t you just get up & walk instead of getting in everyone’s way in that chair? I know you can walk I’ve seen you, your just a fat lazy spoilt rich girl.”

Crystal was paralysed with shock that anyone could say something so hurtful & before she got her thoughts together enough to reply Petra returned with the food & placing the tray on the blonde girl’s lap she wheeled her across to a table.

A few days later Melina had left Crystal at a table with both of their food & gone to the bathroom, Sarina this time accompanied by Amelia, Lisa & Brianna approached her before turning to her little clique & saying,

“This is the fat lazy bitch I was telling you about, she’s so lazy she has to have a couple of mouses push her around.”

Amelia & Lisa laughed at this before their leader continued,

“What’s your name anyway rich girl?”

Crystal managed to stammer out a reply,

“I’m Crystal Platt.”

Sarina looked down at what Crystal was about to eat before responding,

“Well Crystal Platt I think that soup of yours looks a little bland, a pretty little Daddy’s girl like you deserves something far taster for her lunch.”

Amelia & Lisa both broke in to smiles as they knew something was going to happen even if they didn’t know what, they had seen Sarina do this sort of thing before, she was playing with the other girl, amusing herself before taking action.

Sarina made a hand signal to the shortest of the girls with her, a blonde with pink streaks in her hair who looked a little younger than the others, the girl moved closer & for the first time Crystal noticed that this girl was holding a small digital video camera.

Crystal was so distracted looking at the girlwith the camera that Amelia had to walk around behind her & turn her head back to face Sarina. The dark haired girl giggled as she made some strange movements with her mouth, after a few seconds she parted her lips to reveal a large amount of flem, she then lean forward & spat a massive gob of it right in to Crystal’s soup. She repeated this twice more before leaning even lower, bringing a hand up to her nose & blowing it Without a tissue right over the bowl so that several globs of snot fall in to the food.

Amelia & Lisa had to take each other by the shoulders to stop themselves from falling as they were laughing so hard, Sarina realized the danger that so much noise could attract attention so she quickly told Crystal that she’d be watching & things would get really nasty for her if even a drop of the soup went uneaten, before she led the Two laughing girls away with a far less impressed looking Brianna following behind them.

When Melina returned Crystal mentioned nothingAbout this incident to her as she was far too embarrassed & although the thought of swallowing Sarina’s spit & snot revolutioned her she saw the camera was sat on the table her torquers had chosen & was pointing straight at her, so she forced herself to gulp down all of the spoilt food.

As she lay in bed that night Crystal couldn’t get what had happened that lunchtime out of her mind, several questions were running Through her brain, some she could find out the answers to, some that would be far harder to find solutions for. Who were these girls? Why did the very good looking dark haired one have a problem with her? Why hadn’t she stood up to them? Why hadn’t she told anyone what had happened? What was the deal with the girl with the camera? Why had she been so distracted by that girl? & most problematic of all what were they planning on doing with what they had filmed?

Early the next week Crystal was studying in the library with some other girls from her course when Sarina,Amelia & Lisa walked in. Once the mean girl & her friends had found a table Crystal quietly asked the girls she was with if anyone knew those girls & luckyly for her one of them had met them before so was able to tell her their names & that they were studying History.

Crystal made a note of their names in the margin of her work book so she wouldn’t forget, then she casually mentioned that she had seen them with Another girl at lunch the previous week, she described Brianna but the girl who recognized Sarina, Amelia & Lisa had no idea who this mystery fourth girl was.

About half an hour later Sarina walked directly over & stopped right behind Crystal,

“Hi Ruth, how are you?” she addressed the girl who had identified Sarina & her friends to Crystal,

“Sorry to interrupt, I just need a word with Crystal here,” she patted Crystal’s head the way you would with a small child,

Crystal turned her head to face Sarina, the black haired girl had a smile on her face &once Crystal was facing her she winked before saying loudly enough for the others at the table to hear,

“Hi Crystal, remember last Friday I leant you $20 at lunch because you’d forgetten your purse & you needed to get food for yourself & that tall girl who was pushing your chair, I’m sorry to hassle you for the money but I don’t have very much & you did say to ask next time I saw you.”

Crystal was momentarily baffled, she hadn’t borrowed any money from Sarina & it hadn’t been Petra with her that day, but as she saw Amelia & Lisa beaming over at her she realized that she’d been set up, she knew she had to reply & what’s worse she knew that refusing to pay would make her look bad in front of the girls she was with & that she saw every day, so she grimaced at a delighted looking Sarina as she handed over a $20 bill saying,

“Thanks for helping me out, sorry I didn’t pay you back faster.”

Sarina had a massive smile on her face as she walked away, she didn’t interrupt Crystal’s study session again but when the blonde’s classes were looking away she looked Crystal right in the eyes as she stuck her tongue out at her & made it very visible she was handing over $5 each to Amelia & Lisa, their share of the profits.

The next week Crystal was at one of the campus bars one evening, she was parked near the edge of the dance floor whilst Melina went to the bar when she saw Brianna walking towards her with that camera in her left hand, she got a nervous feeling as she was sure Sarina was nearby. She was right to be nervous as a couple of seconds later she shrieked out as an unseen hand tipped a full pint of cold water over her head. Sarina had walked up behind her with the drink & by the time she turned to react all she saw was the dark haired girl’s back as she disappeared in to the crowded bar area & when She turned back Brianna was also gone. When Melina found her a couple of minutes later she almost dropped the drinks at the sight of her drinkping wet boss, the drinks were forgotten & they quickly left. Crystal pretended that someone had tripped & the glass had tipped on to her by accident but she wasn’t sure the Mexican girl believed her.

Later that same week Crystal was in the campus book store, Melina was busy trying to get a book down from the top shelf for her when Sarina entered the store, walked straight over & whispered in her ear,

“I saw you coming in here, I really like that scarf you’re wearing, so I’m going to take it!”

Before Crystal could react Sarina had tugged the scarf away from her, put it around her own neck & walked out with it. Melina didn’t see or hear anything & as far as Crystal could tell she hadn’t even noticed the scarf had vanished.

Crystal couldn’t have cared less about the scarf itself & financially losing it as well as the $20 the week before made absolutely no difference to her, it was the feeling of powerlessness that was upsetting her.

Over the next few weeks there were a number of further incidents, one time Sarina grabbed Crystal’s wheelchair & span it around loads of times so that the blonde got so dizzy she actually fell out of the chair, another time she stuck a sign on the side of the chair saying “show me your cock”, it was Petra who noticed & removed that sign but not until after two men had flashed the disabled girl. Sarina told Crystal that she had written to the immigration department about Melina & Petra being in the country illegally & she started to get bolder about insulting Crystal’s assistants to their faces referring to them as gorillas, hermaphrodites, mousses, etc.

Sarina also spread a rumour that Crystal was a lesbian, she spat or blew her nose on to Crystal’s food or in to her drinks three more times, she took a total of $80 from her between four occasions, she stole two further items of her clothes, she put itching powder down her top, she mooned her twice telling her to kiss her ass both times (Crystal didn’t comply with this instruction either time though), she throw flour over her, she snuck up behind Melina & put a hat with antlers attached to it over the Mexican girl’s head (to emphasise her mouse comment) & she broke an egg over Petra’s hair. She grabbed Crystal’s wheelchair & pushed her in to the men’s toilets one evening in the largest bar on campus, she crept up behind the blonde & undid her bra during lunch Another day meaning those sat near her got a flash of her boobs, she wiped her sweaty armpit across Crystal’s face right in front of a shocked Petra & she told a boy Crystal had shown interest in that she had the clap.

Every so often Crystal received an email from Sarina featuring a video of the latest cruel thing she had done to her, she didn’t know how the black haired girl had got her email address but after a while she was seriously considering deleting the account.

On the second Friday of January Crystal had planned to spend the afternoon at the beach with a bag full of books she needed to study but strong wind & heavy rain drive her in to the library instead. By 5.30 most of the tables were empty, apart from Crystal & Petra the only other students present were 3 Japanese boys who appeared to be immersed in science books at the opposite end of the room.

As she turned a page Crystal heard someone come in & drop a heavy sounding bag on a table to her left, she casually looked over & to her surprise she saw the mystery fourth girl in Sarina’s clique. Quickly she tore her eyes away from the girl & held her book up higher so that her own face was hidden while she thought about how to react, she wanted to talk to the girl but she didn’t want to scare her off so she decided to wait.

Fifteen minutes later the girl had a laptop computer & a thick book out on the table & she was clearly concentrating hard, Crystal put her own book down, reached out & tapped Petra on the shoulder, when the Czech girl looked around Crystal brought a finger up to her lips to signal to her not to speak. Petra lean forward so Crystal could whisper to her,

“Don’t turn around, that mystery girl who hangs around with Sarina & always has a camera with her is sat behind you on her own. I want to go over & talk to her but don’t want to scare her off. So, please could you wheel me across to sit opposite her at the table, then go & stand behind her so she can’t make a run for it.”

Petra nodded her agreement & quietly got up, moved around behind Crystal & wheeled her over before taking up the position she had been directed to. Crystal just sat there silently staring across the table for several minutes until Brianna looked up & saw her. Startled Brianna immediately moved as if to get up but Petra put a firm hand on her shoulder to stop her from rising.

“Hi,” Crystal started smiling across at the cute girl opposite her.

“Don’t worry, we’re not going to hurt you, I just want to talk. I thought you might panic & try to leave so I asked Petra to stand behind you & she’ll let us know if Sarina, Amelia or Lisa come in, so you can speak freely.” She paused to let her words sink in,

Brianna closed her book & folded down her laptop, she was well brought up & although she was nervous she wanted to make it clear that Crystal had her full attention.


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