Groaning, Josie unsuccessfully tried to shift her weight off her neck and felt the cum and spit splattered across her face drying. The ring on her collar was locked firmly into place to the steel anchor that was bolted to the floor, and each wrist was bound tightly to each ankle, forcing her shoulders to the ground and her ass in the air. The bullet shoved unexpectedly inside her rectum hummed softly within her.
She could feel her Master watching her out of the corner of his eye while he silently watched his slave squirm. She had been in this position for about 45 minutes now, punishment for closing her legs shortly after he had instructed her to keep them open earlier while using that same bullet lodged up her ass on her clip. She was preventing herself from coming, but one way or another she would have gone against his will.
“Whores Need to learn to keep their damn legs open, cunt,” he had said to her while restraining her, “So that your holes are available to me atall times.”
Well they were certainly available now. She was helpfully vulnerable, and no amount of squirming gave her any sense of modesty.
In another 15 minutes, her Master knelt behind her and pulled out the bullet slowly. She moaned softly as it plopped out of her. She then felt something cold touch her clip. An ice cube from his drink. She while into the floor as he dragged it Along the length of her pussy and into her ass. Three in succession, one right after the other. He then viciously slapped her on the cunt, making a squishing noise, as it had become a sloppy wet mess. Gathering up some of her juices in his hand, her Master smeared it across her face.
“Smell that, you disgusting filter whore? That is the scent of a bitch in heat. You want to be fucked so bad, don’t you?” He taunted while roughly shoving two fingers into her.
She struggled hard not to come. Shutting her eyes tightly, she squeaked out, “Yes, Master.”
“Tell me what you want, cunt.”
“I want you to fuck me, Master. Please shove your cock into me. I want it bad.”
“Very well,” he responded with a smile.
With that, he took a firm grip of her hair and pushed her face harder into the ground as he fucked her mercilessly and unsympathetically. Bracing herself with her shoulders as best at she could, she made a constricted moaning sound from the back of her throat both out of pleasure and frustration. It had been 6 days since the last time she came. She didn’t deserve it, especially not after disobeying her Master’s order.
It wasn’t long before she felt a slick wetness brush over her exposed asshole, and her Master’s thick fingers probing into her. Her body shook with her efforts, and her eyes rolled back at the feeling of having both her holes penetrated, violent, elated. In one swift movement, he slammed his cock deep into her ass. She screamed into the floor and fidgeted as best as she could to accommodate the intrusion. Curling her fingers and toes within her restraints, squeezing her eyes shut and breathing through clenched teeth, she could do nothing more than just remain still and take it. He forcibly slide in and out of her while she squealed and squirmed underneath him. She bit her lower lip and whimpered, and feel her wetness see down her leg.
She almost breathed a sight of relief when he finished, pouring his cum deep within her bowels. With a sight, he pulled out of her ravaged body, and savagely pushed her butt plug back in its’ usual resting place. It stung as it went in. He then sat next to her and patted her upturned bottom, and released her of her bonds. He allowed her to get accustomed to her new found freedom before asking, “Aren’t you going to clean up your mess, cunt?”
With a grimace, she crawled over closer to him and leaned in to lick her Master’s flaccid cock to cleanliness.
When she was through, he pushed her off of him and told her to fetch her leanh which was in the other room. In theMean time, her Master stood up and fixed himself another drink at the bar adjacent to where she was bound. Crawling back to him, leash hanging by her teeth, she dropped it into her Master’s outstretched hand.
He fastened it to the anchor by making a knot with the handle and motioned her over. When she crawled over to him, he fastened it to her collar and told her to lie flat on her back far away enough from the anchor to pull the Leash taut, putting slight pressure on her neck. He then tied her wrists together and told her to stay put.
Next, he grabbed one of the bar stools and placed it so that one of the legs was about an inch away from her pussy. He grabbed a regular chair and placed it next to her torso, on which he took a seat. Leaning back, he crossed his ankles on her belly.
“Tell me cunt, when was the last time I let you cum?”
Her eyes immediately lit up, and she said shyly, “Um… it was 6 days ago, Master.”
“And how badly do you want to cum now?”
“Really really really really really REALLY badly, Sir.”
He chuckled, “Alright cunt, if you want to cum that badly, you’re gonna have to rub your pussy against this bar stool to achieve it.”
Her face fell.
“Take as long as you need.”
After pausing for a moment, letting what he said to her sink in, she thought, “fuck it,” and scooted herself closer to the stool. It became quickly apparent that in order for her to get any kind of real stimulation, she’d have to completely cut off her air supply. Taking a deep breath, she got to working. Her Master spat on her face and taunted her, “You’ve become such a desperate whore, even fucking the furniture to get yourself off. You’re such a pathetic slut.”
This was impossible! She reached the point where she Couldn’t hold her breath any longer and released the pressure on her neck. Groaning a sight of frustration, she took another breath and tried again. Her Master leaned in close to her ear, “Just look at yourself. A smart, capable young woman willingly debasing herself, humping a leg like an animal.”
Recently, frustrated she let herself breathe.
“I think I want to see you in pain now, cunt,” her Master said, casually, and pulled out a coat hanger from no where. He attached the clips to her nipples and she immediately started whimpering and arching her back. He watched her calmly and let her settlement, and she took another deep breath and started fucking the bar stool again. He pulled at the hanger and she made a painful expression and a silent scream. She rubbed harder, and shortly came violently. Letting herself breathe, finally, she cought.
Smiling, her Master straddled her body and said, “Nicely done, cunt,” and shoved his cock into her mouth as she was about to say, “Thank you, Master.”