What do You Want Me to Do? Ch. 07

During the early years of our marriage my work obliged us to move house fairly frequently and while this entailed considerable upheaval, it also provided fresh pastures for me to expand my options with regard to making Jane available.

Following a move to a rented house near Wolverhampton we began, on occasions, to use our local pub – the place was a nondescript street corner establishment, so very commonplace during the era of heavy industry, but leaner times had begun to thin them out around the time of our arrival.

The landlord was a Sikh, in his late fifties with a corporate belly and a worldy air, I got to know him a little as we settled in to the area – he became the first of our new neighbors to enjoy Jane.

It happened by pure chance – I had phoned to say that I would be home late, owing to traffic, and would stop of at the ‘Queens Head’ for a beer. I invited Jane to join me and she agreed.

I arrived as the landlord was preparing to close, but he obliged a regular, and pulled a couple of beers, one for me and one for the soon to arrive, Jane – she duly strolled in after a few minutes and we chatted about the day’s events and made general small talk. With no one else in the pub my mind soon began to explore the possibilities – on one hand I was a little reluctant to offer out Jane so close to home but on the other hand it seemed a golden opportunity.

As Singh Disappeared on one of his routine tasks I broke the news to her – she protected that it was too close to home and that he might gossip – unfortunately for Jane I was sold on the idea and told her to go to the ladies and remove her underwear and prepare to offer herself for sex. She disappeared before the landlord returned, whereupon I ordered another beer and asked him if he fancied fucking Jane.

As always the offer was greeted with incredulity, but I assured him that I liked this kind of thing and that I had sent her to remove her underwear and, if he wanted, he could join her in the ladies and do as he pleased.

He left me alone in the bar and I continued to drink my beer.

Within a couple of minutes I could hear a low conversation in the corridor and then Jane’s voice saying ‘no, no’ before relenting with, ‘oh, alright then, I will’. I listened to his moans for a few minutes before he finally let out a gasp of pleasure, indicating that he had finished with her.

Jane walked into the bar causing me to look up and at her – the sight that greeted me transformed this rather mundane performance into an erotic highlight.

She had dirty knees, which I found strangely erotic, and her blouse was open to her navel – excellent, but the best was to come.

She walked over to me and opened her mouth.

It was full of his cum.

Momentarily stunned, I said the first and only thing that came into my head.

‘Swallow it’.

She grimaced as she swallowed, before cought and picking up my beer to swill out her mouth – I immedly shouted our goodbyes to Singh (who had not reappeared), and hurried home with Jane.

She told me, as I was fucking her, that the landlord had given her the instruction not to swallow but to show me what she had been doing – I gave him full marks for his perverted style – and told Jane that she would be swallowing a second load in just a couple of minutes.

He was never fortunate enough to enjoy her again, but he often had the next best thing.

Whenever we popped in. often before an evening out, we would sit at the bar where Jane would be placed in the corner and Singh would let his hands roam all over her. I told her that I wanted her to allow this – I always knew when he had found his target as she would uncross her legs allowing him full access to her shamen pussy.

More than once he carried on a conversation with me, while at the same time masturbating Jane with one hand under her split skirt – her eyes would focus on the middle distance and she wouldgive a silent sight as he brought her to a discreet climax.

She would be wet and ready when we left.

Jane quite enjoys being tied down and flogged (some men’s dream, I guess – but it has never done it for me), – one of her early admirers enjoyed pinning her down and fucking her with a half (sauternes type), wine bottle – holding the neck of the bottle and stretching her. She was only around 20 years old when she met this guy (a Turk, mentioned in an earlier story, who exclusively sodomized her), and she let him have her dozens of times – I think this is when I first saw Jane’s potential as a girl that would allow men to debase her on my command.

She was often asked to return to a guy that had made her take a severe beating – I guess the nearest she came was when a ‘pick up’ informed her that he Know a guy who had previously had her- he described the guy, and Jane realized, with a sinking heart that he was describing a ‘beater’. Sure enough the new guy had everything his pal had enjoyed, including forcing Jane to accept a belt across her buttocks. He marked her badly but, by now, she realized that her best bet was to simply submit to the thrashing (and the rough sex that followed), and get out. I always enjoyed riding her as she told her story and displayed her flayed arse.

Most of the young Asians simply had her in a frenzy of lust but some of the older Pakistanis enjoyed making Jane ‘perform’ – she was taken to a pub by one middle aged taxi driver where (she believes), he spent his time telling his friends in Urdu, what he had recently made her do – she had no underwear on and had been sodomized – he took her outside and obliged her to ‘take it up the arse’ again and then perform ass to mouth – he took her back in the pub and entered his friends with his latest stories. I am sure he simply enjoyed humiliating her.

Jane has always done whatever was necessary to provide me with my sexual requirements – I enjoyed her best when she hadhave been debased – she knew this and always allowed random strangers to use her as they saw fit.

I believe the Turk, who was some ten years older than her, was responsible for subjugating her and training her to be totally compliant. She really liked that guy and he made her perform in the most degrading ways – he made her accept ass to mouth as a norm, as well as using a bottle on her and having her dress in stockings and suspenders. She was young and he had her in every possible way.

I developed her submissive side over the forthcoming years as she learned to offer herself at my bidding.

She was asked out by a married guy in the early years of our marriage (his wife and kids were away for the weekend) – and I instructed her to go to him and give him whatever he wanted. She returned next morning with vertical welts on her arse – I asked her for an explanation as I fucked her and she described her experiences of her previous night.

Her ‘boyfriend’ had her lie face down on the bed – with her head at the bottom of the bed where he put his dick in her mouth – he held a thin belt (so Jane knew what was coming), and withdraw his dick from her mouth and lashed her. Jane begged him not to be too hard on her, whereupon he told her that she would receive a lash every thirty seconds until she emptied his balls – Jane licked and sucked furiously until he withdrawn and lashed her. She took eight or nine lashes until she felt, with blessed relief, his cum hit the back of her throat- I made her demonstrate her skills and take my load in her mouth. I enjoyed this type of erotic behavior.

Another of her ‘pick ups’ insisted that she thank him as he hit her across her thighs and arse – he also made her thank him as he sodomized her – I guess he enjoyed degrading her and forcing her to thank him for his treatment – I emulated his technique the next time I bugered her.

I once allowed her to go out with an Asian waiter (after he had fucked her, at my invitation, in the toilets of the restaurant) – he had her arse in a local park before walking off and leaving her.

I enjoyed Jane to be debased when I made her available (although I stress most of her partners simply fucked her and left) – I believe her early experience as the ‘slut’ of her Turkish boyfriend broke her spirit which enabled me to use her as I deemed fit.

As stated, he (with my knowledge and approval), had her dress in stockings and suspenders, offer anal sex and allow him to pimp her out for his advantage.

He was a junior doctor and he used Jane (who was around 20 years old at the time), to ingratiate himself with his senior colleagues – he was happy to take her to social functions and offer her to his seniors – I am sure he primed them with her availability for violent use and anal sex, as she was used Without goal by more than one middle aged Indian or Arab doctor.

After he discarded her I took over her sexual debasement – it was around this timethat I first began to offer her to lorry drivers and random strangers – she took the beatings and the rough sex with great humility. This was to become her life.

One of her doctor ‘friends’ enjoyed watching Jane, face down on the bed, masturbating – as she began to whimper to a climax he would bugger her, thus mixing her pleasure with pain – he never varied in his use of her and after a while, when she was sent to him, she would not wait for instruction but simply lie down, begin masturbating while offering her bare buttocks.

Taxi drivers have always debased Jane for their pleasure – they were always Pakistanis and were happy to pass her around (sometimes from cab to cab), before beating her and using her for oral, anal and straight sex. As I have previously stated it was easier to attract these guys than to shake them off -there was Just so many of them and they wanted Jane to service them (often in the most perverse ways), at all times of day and night. I could not includee the beatings in my SH account owing to censorship, but, believe me, they beat her mercilessly – she would return home black and blue with (it seemed), pins of semen running from her arse. She told me that she would beg and offer anything to stop the beats, it was at this point that they would take her anally -her resistance broken.

We shook these guys off eventually and I concentrated my efforts on holiday resorts and trips abroad – there was less chance of repercussions.

However even the idyllic surroundings of Benidorm did not guarantee a happy ending for Jane – I had her fucked by two middle aged, overweight German tourists – they gave her a hard time in their hotel room obliging her to bite hard on a towel in order to avoid alerting the hotel security with her screams.

When I stated that Jane had been ‘pimped’ out, I did not mean to imply that any money had changed hands – he simply persuaded her to ‘be nice’ to his senior colleagues in order to help his career prospects. The Turk and I shared Jane for a couple of years – he was older and had no intention of a long term relationship. Thankfully for me he was a controlling pervert who introduced Jane to regular sodomy, and multiple partner sex – he took everything he wanted before moving on to pastures new.

Oddly, he rarely beat her , but satisfied himself by fucking Jane with bottles and other large objects – Sometimes she was only fit to suck me after a session with him – as previously stated, he invariably sodomized her.

As an example of her degradation, on one occasion one of the senior doctors (an Arab I believe), insisted that Jane impale herself on the gearstick of his car – he left her in the hospital car park for ten minutes or so, as he went to his office. Jane looked away in burning shame every time someone walked past – did any of the passing pedestrians suspect that, under her skirt, she had the gear stick penetrating her?

The Arab was a sadist and made JaneTake a beating on every occasion that he had access to her – she had access to her – she became her boyfriend to spare her these rendezvous but he insisted that he (the Arab) was important to his career.

She continued to be punished by him on demand.

You asked me to expand on some of the taxi drivers perverse use of Jane – one of the things they forced her to do was debase herself with several old Pakistani men – she refused when first asked but was subsequently beaten into submission – the old men would use her arse and often insist on ass to mouth – they were ‘dirty old men’ and they treated her as nothing more that an object to be fucked buggered and beaten. We were forced into dragistic measures to escape their attentions, but not before Jane had given them everything they required – on repeated occasions.

The German tourists flogged Jane with a length of rope – it was a prolonged and savage beating – she offered to perform any type of deviant sex act, with anyone they chose if they wouldSpare her – they eventually had her buggered, as they watched, by an African laundry man. They asked her to return the following day for more of the same – of course, Jane agreed, but only to allow her the opportunity to leave – she had no intention of returning for more.

She was forced to spend the rest of the week covered up in order to hide her bruises.

My accounts make it seems as if Jane was being had daily – in fact the stories are spread over many years and we lived very quietly most of the time.

However on one frenetic few days I had Jane repeatedly fucked at a lorry park on the M6 ​​- I took her there every night for almost a week – most drivers simply fucked her, but she was beaten and sodomized in a Latvian cab by a particularly nasty Russian. I took her back to our hotel and listened to her ‘report’ while enjoying sloppy seconds – she begged for some recovery time when we returned home, but I made her bend over in a car park for our Indian waiter on our firstnight back.

Jane has always been prepared to offer herself on my command – I enjoy her submitting to rough sex and while she is often scared at the time she always returns for more when instructed. She has given many men unlimited enjoyment performing the most degrading acts when instructed.

Jane is 90% average wife down the street and 10% a complete submissive to men’s sexual preferences.

Following a period of bad feeling between Jane and I, she offered to make up in the usual way (making herself available for a stranger)- I sent her to a pub near the army base with the instruction to return fucked.

As it happened she was recognized by a guy as soon as she entered but Jane disclosed him as he had beaten her when she last allowed him to have her – unfortunately, by the end of the evening she had not been ‘picked up’ by anyone else and he renewed his efforts by asking Jane to return to his flat

Jane was reluctant but knew of my demands so said yes.

He said ‘You know what will happen to you’.

Jane looked down at the floor and nodded – she knew that she was going to receive a beat, but had to endure it.

Inevitably he thrashed Jane with his belt – she was black and blue from her shoulders to around six inches above her knees – when he began to tire he instructed Jane onto her knees and told her to hold open the cheeses of her arse. He lined up and penetrated her in a single thrust – his animal grunt mingling with her ascending scream as he buried himself balls deep in her arse.

He sodomised her, she returned only after he had sated himself.

I fucked her gingerly, avoiding her crueles, as she related her evening – I enjoyed her debasement which was heightened by the sure knowledge that she knew what was coming but still accompanied him and allowed him to beat her badly.

Tough love but she was well used to providing for the needs of me and other men – I simply carried on offering her out.


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