What Are Friends For?

Emily and Julie have been best friends since college. Emily is almost forty and has been happily married for the past ten years. Julie is just over forty and has been unlucky in love. Both are very attractive women who look younger than their ages. They’re enjoying their weekly lunch to catch up on each other’s lives. “So how’s it going with your new falla, what’s his name again? Jim?” asked Emily, always hopeful Julie would find someone someday to be as happy as she is with her husband, Victor.

“Ugh, don’t get me started. Turns out he’s been living with someone for a few years! They’re practically engaged! I feel sorry for that girl. At least I found out now and was able to tell him off without being too hurt.”

“Ouch, sorry babe, that sucks.”

“Yeah, I’ll get over it. Like I said I feel worse for that poor girl he’s with. You don’t know how lucky you are, Em. I think you got one of the last good ones.”

Emily smiles wide, “Yeah, he’s not too shabby.”

“It’s just so aggravating that there are guys like that out there. And that they can get away with it! Sometimes I wish I could just give them a few swift kicks in the nuts!”

Both of the ladies laugh loudly at this. “Oh you never know, Jules, he might be into that and love it!” They both laugh even louder.

“Oh Em, you’re crazy! But could you imagine? Wow, what a stress reliever that would be!”

An idea started formulating in Emily’s head. “I’ll bet. Seriously, though. If you had a guy who was willing to, you know, let you beat his balls a bit, would you?”

Julie laughed at first, but once she noticed Emily wasn’t laughing, she simply stopped and stared at her. “Emily, what exactly are you asking me?”

“Well, what I’m saying is I might know someone who would be willing, if you wanted to that is. No commitments or anything, just a guy who you could tie up and take your frustrations out on, and best of all he’d thank you for it. You interested?”

Julie’s mouth hung wide open, as she wondered where this was coming from. She knew Emily was always a little crass and pretty open about her sex life, it’s one of the things she liked about her, but she never expected something like this. Once she didn’t answer right away, “Sorry, Julie, forget I said anything. I didn’t mean to freak you out.”

“No. Don’t be sorry. Tell me more.”

“Great, but no matter what, this can’t leave this table. Dead serious on this one, okay?”

“Jeez, now I really need to know. Sure, whatever you say, so who is this guy and how would this work?”

“It’s Victor.” Now that Julie’s mouth is hanging open in shock yet again, let’s leave the ladies to discuss the details and introduce you to Victor. He’s an average guy, good person, loves his wife and treats her well. What you wouldn’t know is that deep down he’s a kinky boy. He’s very submissive sexually and very much a masochist. Unfortunately for him, Emily doesn’t really share his kinks. She indulges him from time to time, and he always loves it when she does, but he always craves it more often and with more intensity. Little does he know, he’s about to get his wish.

Fast forward to Friday night. Victor and Emily are chatting over the dinner table. Just the usual conversation, work, friends, family. Then the subject of weekend plans came up. Victor had nothing in mind, so Emily dove in, “Well, I did have an idea for us. I was thinking how it’s been a while since I tied you up.”

That got Victor’s attention, in more ways than one. “Oh really?” he asked.

“Yes. So if you’d like, we could spend tomorrow with you tied to the bed and me playing with you in that way you like. What do you think?” This week Emily discovered she has quite the talent for shocking people into looking like trout, as Victor sat there for a moment with his mouth agope.

“Uh, yeah, yeah, that sounds great. So what did you have in mind?”

“Oh no, don’t want to ruin any surprisees. In fact, let’s just drop it for tonight. After dinner, we’ll snuggle on the couch and watch a movie then head to bed. Just leave tomorrow to me. All you’ll need to do is let me tie you to the bed and then just take what you’re given. Sound good?” Victor can only nod. The rest of the night is a mystery to him as his thoughts constantly wander to tomorrow and what it might hold. Excitement is an understanding. Before he knows it, they’re in bed and ready to go to sleep, but Victor is like a kid on Christmas Eve and he wants to open his presents early. He starts kissing Emily and cupping a breast, expecting to get shutdown but surprised when he doesn’t. Instead he feels her hands grope inside his boxes. Quickly he’s hard as she strokes him gently. As they continue to kissing, his own hand roams south, under her panties and on to her sex. Gently he rubs as she moans into his mouth, all the while her hands dance around his cock.

Even though she’s teasing him, he’s not concerned. They’ve played this game many times when they were too tired or didn’t have enough time for sex. Instead they’d play with each other, taking turns. First Emily would cum, then she’d return the favor. And here she goes. Emily’s body starts tensing, she breaks the kiss so she can scream out “Yes” and “Oh my god!” Victor plants kisses on her neck, slowing his massage as she eases down from her orgasmic high, finally stopping all together. Emily smiles and give him another kiss, “That was wonderful. Well good night, we have a long day ahead of us!” And just like that, she rolls over to go to sleep, pulling his arm around her so they can spoon.

“Um, sweetheart, do you think you could take care of me now?”

“No, silly. You need to save it for tomorrow. Here.” She moves his hand to her breast and grinds her butt into his erection, “That should help, now get some sleep!” She gives him one final kiss before setting in. Victor knows better than to push it. He doesn’t want to jeopardize her plans for tomorrow. It takes some time, thanks to his physical excitement and all of the possibilities running through his head for the weekend, but eventually sleep takes him as well.

Come morning, Emily awoke craving pancakes. Victor was happy to oblige, “Sounds good, let’s go to the dinner.”

“No, I want homemade pancakes. Would you be a sweetheart and make us some?” Victor knew it was futile to resist, so an hour later they were at the table enjoying breakfast. He wanted nothing more than to get started or at least talk about what was to come, but Emily was feigning ignorance and chit chatting about nothing. He started to worry she had forgotten all about it!

“So I was having lunch with Julie the other day. Poor girl, just can’t seem to find the right guy. And she’s getting kind of bitter about it. What do you think about Julie?”

“I like her just fine, you know that.”

“No, that’s not what I mean. If we weren’t married, would you be into her? Do youthink she’s cute or anything?”

Victor smells a trap, but answers anyway. “Well yeah, I mean I never really thought about her like that, but she’s attractive and fun to hang out with. Where are you going with this?” Truth is, Victor thinks she’s pretty hot. If he wasn’t married, he would definitely ask her out.

“Just curious. She seems to have a hard time with guys, wondering if you saw something I didn’t. Forget about it, why don’t you clean up the table, I’m going to hop in the shower, come join me when you’re done.” He didn’t need to be told twice. Breakfast was cleared quickly and moments later he was showing with his wife. It wasn’t the experience he was hoping for. He tried to “help” her a few times but she shooed his hands away and she kept her own hands to herself. They finished and shunned off.

“Once you’re dry, don’t both getting dressed. Get some toys out, put on the cuffs, sit on the bed and wait for me.” Victor did as he was told. The cuffs were simple Velcro strraps that went on each wrist and ankle with a metal D-ring on each. He put those on and brought out all the basic toys he could find. Mainly, a blindfold, ball gag, a couple vibrators and a few hitting implements. They had some other items, but figured this was good enough. So he sat naked, except for the cuffs, already hard from the anticipation, and waited. Emily came in wearing only a towel. “Put on the ball gag, make it tight.” He did as told, but needed Emily’s help to fasten it behind his head. “Now lie back on the bed and spread ’em.” Again he compiled and Emily brought up the ropes that are always tied to the four feet of the bed and fastened one to each limb so that Victor was spread out very wide, not able to move much and certainly not going anywhere until Emily released him. “Now let’s put on this blindfold.” And now darkness. Then the radio came on and she turned it up so he was blind and mostly deaf. Victor lightly moaned around his gag when he felt her grab his cock. She put something up against it, lying along the top side of it, then something being wrapped around holding it in place. Once she turned it on he realized it was one of the small vibrators. It’s about six inches long and fit nicely along the shake, but where she put it would only keep him excited and never make him cum. Of course she was well aware of this. Then she was at his ear, “I’m going to finish getting ready, Just sit tight.” Then he was alone, or maybe he wasn’t, he had no way to know for sure. He only knew he couldn’t move and his cock was dancing and vibrating, making him hornier by the second.

Meanwhile, Emily left the room and grabbed her phone so she could call Julie, “Hey Jules, all set? Great, see you in a bit!” Then she went about getting herself ready. She couldn’t wait to see the look on Victor’s face!

A half hour later, Victor is where we left him, but now with pre-cum oozing out of his cock. Suddenly, the vibrator is removed and then the radiois turned off. A moment later Emily is back at his ear, “Now Victor, here’s what I have planned for today. I just want to make sure you’re on board because once we start we’re not stopping until I say so. Either nod or shake your head, does this sound good?” Victor nods. “Here’s what’s going to happen to you. You’re going to stay tied up and you’re going to be teased.” A nod, “You may not get to cum today.” A bigger nod. “You may not get to cum today.” Another nod, but slightly reluctant. “And did I mention your balls getting beaten? I can’t stress that enough. I know you’re always saying how you want merciless torture. Well today I think you’re going to get it. So are you sure that’s what you want?” No hesitation, just a big nod.

What Victor didn’t know was that this questioning was not for his benefit, but for Julie’s. She’s been in the room the entire time. Since she and Emily had lunch, Julie has been doing a little research online about BDSM, mainly ball busting, andwas amazed at what she found, but she still couldn’t believe any guy would do that willingly, let alone her best friend’s husband! She also couldn’t believe how much the whole idea turned her on! So even though she was very willing to take Emily up on her offer and “play” with Victor, she was still very appreciated about hurting him. The little Q&A session was to help put her mind at ease so she could relax and enjoy this.

The two of them had worked out how the day would go. Emily hated the idea of ​​hurting Victor, she only did it once in a while because it seemed to make him happy. So for her this was a way to make his fans come true and help out a friend, while she had fun at the same time. So Emily would deliver pleasure, while Julie dished out pain. She handed Julie the small leather slapper, but didn’t see what else she wanted. “Tsk tsk, naughty boy, I said put out all the toys.” She went over to the nightstand and brought out a set of small leather straps. It was acombination cock ring and ball spreader, which she snugly put in place. Now each testicle was separate and on display, completely vulnerable for what was to come. Emily got up on the bed, straddling over Victor’s head. She motioned for Julie to get closer, but they were trying to keep her presence a surprise for now. The girls brought a small clock in the room with a second hand. Their plan was to start was simple. Emily would play with his cock for a minute and Julie would torture it for a minute. Then rinse and repeat until they got bored.

As far as Victor knew, Emily was doing everything. He felt her first licking and sucking his cockhead, but this only lasted a minute until he felt a light tap on his balls, followed by a few more. He was surprised, and a little disappointed, by how gently she was hitting him. But the Next one got his attention making him grunt into the gag. That was followed by about ten or so more, all with the same force. Then they were gone, and he feltHer hands gently struggling up and down his shake, but the blows left him trying to catch his breath.

Julie had no idea how hard she should hit. She figures those things are so sensitive, it shouldn’t take much, so she started gentle. After each one, she kept looking to Emily for guidance, each time she was motioning for her to go harder. Finally, she said what the hell and gave them a good whack. Em gave her the thumbs up, so she continued for the rest of her minute. She really had to resist the temptation to keep going. Damn was this exciting!

The stroking was short lived and was replaced by squeezing on his balls this time. She has one in each hand and was slowly applying more pressure. Quickly, it became overwhelming and he started loudly moaning into the gag. Then this too stopped and her mouth was back, now taking him fully inside her. Then she was pinching his balls. God he hated that! Back to stroking, firm and fast this time, but before he could even get close to cumming the slapping returned, harder than before. He has no idea how long this went on. She was just altering from making him feel great to abusing him. It was a bit maddening, but he loved it, especially when she started smoothing him during the painful parts.

The ladies were having just as much fun. Emily was enjoying the teasing, and when it was Julie’s turn, Emily would sit back so his moans and screams would be muffled by her behind, and the vibrations they made felt great too. As for Julie, she never felt this powerful before, and god was it turning her on! She felt like she could do this all day, but something was missing. At this point she was still too embarrassed to admit it out loud, but she wanted to see his face and hear him scream and beg. So she motioned to Emily that she was ready to move on.

Finally, everything stopped. No more hitting or stroking, and he feel Emily get off of the bed. The radio came back on, the vibrator back on his cock, but this time acouple clothespins are attached to each testicle. He was left alone again being teased and tortured at the same time. He wasn’t sure what got into Emily, she’s never been this into it before, but he loves it! Plus, it looks like she has a long day planned. Victor only hopes he hasn’t bitten off more than he can chew, but this is exactly what he’s been wanting.

Meanwhile downstairs, “So what do you think so far?” asked Emily, “Seems like you were really into it.”

Julie blushed a bit, “Did it show that much?”

“Hey, nothing to be embarrassed about. I’m glad you’re enjoying it. I’m sure Victor is too. So why did we stop? Want to try something different?”

She was reluctant to admit, but she figured if she couldn’t tell Emily then who else? “Actually, I could have kept doing that all day, but to be honest, even though I know it’s hurting him, I want to be able to see it in his eyes. I want him to be begging me to stop. God, I sound like such a perverted freak, but this is so thrilling!” she said smiling.

“There’s nothing wrong with that. Okay, but I don’t think I’m ready to let him know you’re here yet. I’ve got it…”

Victor has always had a love/hate relationship with the clips and pinching, and these have been on for a while and are starting to get to him. At least there’s the teasing vibrator to help make it bearable, but he’s hoping Emily comes back soon for whatever she has in store next.

“Oh Em, I don’t know, are you sure you’d be okay with that? It wouldn’t be weird for you?”

“Absolutely. As long as you’re comfortable with it, it’s fine by me. I want you to enjoy yourself today. So are we good?”

Julie takes a deep, excited breath, “Yeah, we’re good. Let’s get back!”

Victor is relieved when the clips are removed, but only for a moment as new pain arrives when the blood flows back. While moaning at the pain, the vibrator is removed as well, and to his surprise so is the ball gag. Moments later, the gag is replaced with Emily’s pussy. Victor wastes no time and starts licking and pleasing her and is soon rewarded with her mouth on his cock. They stay in this sixty-nine position for quite some time, him doing his best to get her off, she doing her best to keep him on edge. They’re both successful as Emily sits up and cums loudly on his face, leaving his cock hard and neglected. Once she settles down she rolls off and purrs into his ear, “Good boy, did you like making me cum?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Would you like to do that again for me?”

Victor is surprised. Usually Emily is too sensitive to want more so soon, “Yes ma’am.”

“Hmmmm, I don’t think I believe you. You’re going to have to convince me.”

Julie felt a little strange at first, watching Her friends sixty-nine each other as if it was a porno movie just for her. Instead, she closed her eyes and started touching herself, just listening to the sounds they were making. She just teased herself, not wanting to cum just yet, until she heard Emily finish. She stopped and opened her eyes as Emily got off the bed and motioned for her to come over. Now it was her turn to “convince” him to do it again. She started simple, grabbing both his balls and violently squeeze. Gently at first, but increasing the pressure with each squeeze. It wasn’t long before Victor was squirming, trying to get away, but to no avail. She kept this up until he started moaning with every squeeze, but then that just encouraged her to squeeze harder starting to get lost in her excitement. Finally, Victor’s moans turned into one word, “Please.”

Julie couldn’t help herself as she whispered, “Please what?”

She was afraid she revealed herself, ruining the surprise, but he must be too wrapped up in what’s happening to notice the different voice as he weakly responded, “Oh god, Emily, please stop.”

Feeling bolder, she crawls up his body, puts her lips by his ear and whispers, “No.”

Victor couldn’t believe the pain Emily was causing him, and she hasn’t even hit them! He squirmed, moaned, and then finally gave in, asking her to stop. Something seemed different about her voice, but he chalked it up to his mind playing tricks from copying with the pain. He was so relieved when she finally stopped her torques, and then felt her crawling up on top of him. Feeling her breasts, wrapped in something lacy, drag along his body. Was it his imagination, or did they seem bigger? He assumed she was done with this game and ready to fuck him. Instead, he felt her very close and simply whisper, “No.” That one word made his cock throb and bounce as she slowly crawled back down his body, and he knew he was in for a long day.

Once Julie was back down, she grabbed his balls again. This time instead of squeezing, she slapped them. Like the squeezing, she keep a steady rhythm, one slap every couple of seconds, gradually hitting harder each time. Already tender, it didn’t take long for Victorto start squirming and thrashing in his bonds, and not long after that for his moans to become little yelps. Julie still couldn’t believe anyone would willingly take this. It was obvious he was in great pain, he knew what was going to happen, but he let himself be tied to the bed and is taking as much as he can. With each slap she gets more comfortable. Every hit she lets the kind and caring side give way to the sadistic woman lurking inside of her. She got such a rush just from hearing him say that one word, “Please.” She was determined to hear it again, and much more, so she doubled her efforts.


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