I’d noticed Rachel a few times at the gym. She was an instructor there and after I’d finished a gym session or squash game I’d often find myself watching one of her classes, well watching her instruct one of her classes. Even in front of a class she came across as a forceful woman – someone who is used to getting what she wants. She was about five football six, slim with small pert breasts that barely needed a bra. She had beautiful, flawless olive skin and brown hair; but what one first notices about Rachel is her lean yet muscle, toned body.
One evening as I was leaving the gym when I bumped into her in the reception area; I was nervous about asking her out, not that I was afraid she’d say no, more the way she might say it – silly really. She started the conversation, saying she’d noticed me watching her class and asked if I was thinking of joining it or was I just ‘perving’ at the women in the class. This caught me a little off-guard and in my shocked state I answered honestly saying that I wasn’t thinking of joining but neither had I noticed the women in her class, which was true, I was trying to work up courage to ask her out for a drink. Clearly not the answer she was expecting, my honesty made her pause for a moment.
‘Okay, well… Why not. I’m free on Saturday, meet me at the Golden-hind pub at seven.’
‘Yes’ – was all I could manage to says.
As Saturday approached I became more and more nervous. I got there early and had a drink to steady the nerves. I barely recognized her when she arrived; dressed in a cocktail dress, her hair done and make-up elegantly applied. We chatted for a while over a couple of drinks and then she suggested we go for dinner, she knew a good restaurant not too far from the pub. Over dinner we continued our chat, although she dominated the conversation. Her gym instructing was something she did in her spare time, she started doing it at University and found it an escape – it also helped her keep fit. She askedAll sorts of questions of me, what I did, which College I went to, as well as more personal questions about previous relationships. By the end of the evening I realized she knew virtually everything about me and I almost nothing of her, not even her surprise or occupation, just that she instructed gym classes in her spare time. She insisted we split the bill and as we left the restaurant said that she’d enjoyed the evening and would no doubt see me at the gym. We kissed goodnight and that was that.
A few days later I was at the gym and found myself stood outside her class waiting for her to finish. As she emerged she smiled and walked towards me, I thought, hoped, pleased to see me. I said that I had enjoyed our dinner the other night and asked if she’d like to do it again. With a warm smile she said she would, but that she would cook for us this time; she gave me her address and told me to be there at seven on Saturday.
Come Saturday I was more nervous than the last time we went out – she’d invited me to her house and I really didn’t want to mess it up. I dressed for the occasion, not a dinner jacket, but a smart suit nonetheless. I also brought a couple of bottles of very good wine, one white and one red, as I didn’t know what she’d be cooking.
Her house was immaculate and tastefully decorated. She was less made-up than the last time we’d gone out – she wore a simple summer dress that was just above the knee and a little bit of make up. I didn’t want to stare, but as I gave her the wine and leaned in to kiss her I was convinced that she wasn’t wearing a bra.
Rachel thanked me for the wine and was, I think, a little impressed by my choice. She’d prepared a simple meal of steak, potatoes and asparagus with a salad and some fruit for dessert.
After the second glass of wine she became more forthright as she explained that her last relationship had broken down because she was to bossy, she told me that she likes to take charge and that very few men were attracted to that or could tolerate it for long. I wasn’t sure what to say and so just nodded and had some more wine. Thinking about it, in the short time I’d known her I had noticed that she had a tendency to instruct rather than ask. She picked the pub, the restaurant and she told me to come to her house for dinner.
I was brought back to the conversation by her telling me that she Thought me suitable and that with training I would do. I asked her what she mean, but all she did was smile and take a sip of wine. As we were clearing the plates I again thanked her for a lovely meal and said that I would have to reciprocate next time. With a wry smile on her face, Rachel said that there was no need to wait until next time and that I could thank her now.
‘Follow me,’ she said as she turned and walked from the dining room to the drawing room.
I did and as I entered the room her tone became more commanding.
‘Wait here’
She crossed the room towards a chair in the corner.
‘As you’ve already said, I’ve cooked you a lovely meal and now it’s time for you to thank me, properly.’
As she said this she lifted the hem of her dress, bringing it up to reveal that she wasn’t wearing any panties. My eyes fixed on the perfectly smooth shacked pussy as she sat in the chair, legs akimbo.
‘Get over here, get on your knees and give me an orgasm with your tongue. I want at least two.’
I was mesmerised by the combination of her commanding tone, her beautiful body and a fair bit of wine. It didn’t occur to me to do anything other than that which she’d instructed. Without taking my eyes off her pussy I crossed the room and knelt between her legs. As I lowered my head to her sweet pussy I felt her hand on the back on my head guiding me in. The cent of her pussy hit me as I delved between her tights. Not wanting to disappoint, I lovingly licked, kissed and sucked her to first one, then two and finally a third orgasm.I lost track of how long I spent on my knees between her legs pleasuring her
Afterwards, as I lay back on the floor staring at her magnificent spend form, sat in the chair with a satisfied look on her face and a swollen pussy I reached for my painfully hard cock. What happened next was a bit of a surprise. Rachel, noticing me starting to free my cock stopped me.
‘We’re not going to fuck, you’re not even going to wank – you don’t get to cum tonight. I like you and I think I can see the potential for a relationship; but if it is going to work you’ll have to do as I say. I said earlier that my last relationship broke down because he could not deal with me being in charge. I like being in charge and if we are to have a relationship I will be the one in charge. So tonight I’m going to test you, it will be a test of your will and also a taste of what is to come.
You’ve been lovely tonight, but now I’m giving you a choice; oh, and those were wonderful orgasms you gave me – thank you. The choice is – you can take your cock out and I will wank you to orgasm now and then you can leave, or you can sleep in the spare room, not touch your cock, not wank or cum all night and tomorrow morning at eight o’clock you will wake me with another orgasm, with your tongue, and then serve me breakfast in bed. Then as a reward, you will cum. Your choice, what’s it to be?’
I was a little stunned and very horny. I wanted to cum, but wanted to please Rachel more. I had a scared and excited feeling in my chest as mustered the only words I could think of.
‘The spare bedroom please.’
Rachel, smiled and got up to hug me.
She had a glint of mischief in her eye as she said she was so pleased she wanted to reward me for choosing well and offered me another choice.
‘You cannot cum tonight so I’m not sure if you want to take the reward I offer, but here it is anyway. As a thank you for obeying me as well as the orgasms you’ve given me I will, if you want,Take this dress off for the rest of the evening. You know I’m not wearing any panties and from the look down my dress you smelled when you arrived, you also know I am bra-less, so I’ll be naked. Would you like that?
Remember, no wanking and no cuming.’
All I could manage was a nod as Rachel let the dress slip from her toned body. Her breasts were pert and small, her nipples erect and Her skin had a glow from the perspiration caused by the orgasms.
True to her word, she stayed naked for the rest of the evening as we chatted and finished the wine. Later on I wanted to pee so badly, but the hard-on was painful. I finally managed to get my hard-on soft enough to manage it before bed.
I had a tense, restless night with almost a constant hard on. It took all my willpower not to wank, but I managed not to. Part of me thought, how would she know, but I wanted to do it for her and convinced myself that she’d be able to tell somehow, a stain on the sheet or something.
After a broken night’s sleep I awoke at six thirty and lay there trying not to think of my aching cock. At about seven I got up and had a shower, ending with a minute of just cold water to see if it would help. It did. I wandered downstairs and rummaged in the kitchen. It then occurred to me that Rachel had not said what she wanted for breakfast. I reasoned that it was her kitchen, her food and so with a bit of common sense I’d be OK. In the end I settled on fresh coffee, orange juice, bacon sandwiches and half a grapefruit in case she just wanted something healthy. After preparing it, making up a tray I carefully climbed the stairs to her bedroom. I placed the tray on the floor outside and just before eight I cracked the door to her room and quietly slipped in. The room was as immaculate as the rest of the house and Rachel still appeared to be wait.
I eased the cover off her and for a moment just gazed at her naked form. Her stirring brought me back to reality.I eased myself between her legs and kissed her delicate pussy; a murmur escaped her lips as her pussy started to respond to the attention it was getting. Still half-asleep her hands came down and held my head in place as I slowly worked her to her morning orgasm. As her breathing increased so did her consciousness. Her body stiffened and she came, all without a word as I lapped at her now wet lips. As she caught her breath she looked down and said, ‘morning you.’
I just smiled back at her. As she lay in the afterglow or her orgasm I got up and retrieved the breakfast tray. A comfortable smile came across her face as I lay it in-front of her.
‘Oh that’s perfect – a bacon sandwich is just what a girl needs after a morning orgasm. Speaking of which, drop the towel.’
I did and approached her. She grabbed my now rock-hard cock and examined it – giving it a teasing lick and a suck.
‘Good, you obeyed me – you didn’t wank I see.’
How she could tell? Could she tell?It was beyond me; my mind was totally transferred on my cock.
‘Would you like to cum before I’ve eaten or afterwards?’
Quite sharply for me I answered, ‘whatever you decide, you’re in charge.’
This pleased Rachel and she said as a reward for my obedience and deferment to her will she would reward me now.
‘Come here and put your hands behind your back and Keep them there.’
I did and watched as she slipped from the bed onto her knees in-front of me. She teased and played with my cock, alternatively struggling, licking and sucking it. I knew I wouldn’t last long, not after yesterday evening and all-night without relief. My pulse quickened and all too soon I was announcing to Rachel that I was about to cum. She took my cock from her mouth and wanked it to orgasm, the force and volume of my cum even surprised me. It went all over her hands and breasts with a drop or two on her chin.
I stood there, arms still behind my back spent and out of breath. Rachel stood up and said that she had a rule in her house that she should have appraised me of before I’d cum, but that she would tell me now. It was that when I cum in her house, or for that matter anywhere with her, I was to clean it up.
I didn’t think much about this other than her house was immaculate and this didn’t seem unreasonable. As I was turning to go to the bathroom Rachel stopped me.
‘No, you misunderstand, clean it with your tongue – I want you to lick the cum from my breasts, from my belly and from my hands and face.’
With that she lay down and with her eyes invited me to join her. Another test I thought. I was enjoying myself and thought why not; I was interested to see where this relationship could go. So, after carefully removing the breakfast tray, I knelt down and took her left breast in my mouth, licking my cum from her. Not my favourite taste, but not too bad.
When I’d finished cleaning her she invited me to join her on the bed for breakfast. The pair of us naked I couldn’t take my eyes off her perfect body, her flawless skin, flat stomach and of course, that beautiful pussy.
After breakfast I cleared away the tray and she said she would explain a bit more of how she wanted our relationship to develop; after that is, we showed. Rachel led me to her spatial bathroom that lay beyond the dressing room. We showed together, me washing her whilst all the time hard and not allowed to wank or even couch my cock.
Later that morning Rachel said she wanted to be honest from the start and that we should be open with each other. She asked if I’d enjoyed last night, which I obviously had and this morning too came to think of it. She then asked about how I felt about the not-wanking part and her taking control as she did. I was honest and told her I found it exciting and slightly frustrating, but liked it.
She went on to explain in a bit more detail why her previous relationships had failed and what she’d learnt from them. Principally, that her previous approach had been that of starting off by letting the man be in control then gradually introducing her desire to take charge. She recognized this approach was flawed and now know that the best approach was open, honest full disclosure from the start and that she was so pleased with how I’d behaved both last night and this morning and said:
‘I want to be clear. I want a relationship where I am in charge. I want to control almost everything, when we have sex, how, where, everything – right down to when you get to cum. You’ve experienced a little of that last night and this morning and I think you like it.’
She was right – I did.
‘How do you feel, would you like a relationship on those terms?’
I said I would and that I’d fancied her for a while but lacked the courage to ask her out and was excited when she spoke to me at the gym.
‘Marvellous, I’m going to push some of your boundaries, but it will be for your, our, benefit andI’m positive you’ll come to love and want it. Now, today is Sunday and you had a cum this morning. I want you to go the whole week, until next Saturday, without cuming. You will come here for dinner next Saturday and, if you can manage a week without cuming, you may stay the night in my bed and we’ll make love. Is that clear?’
All I could do was nod. A whole week I thought, only a few minutes ago I was thinking about getting home and immediately having a wank; but the thought of fucking Rachel made me pause.
‘It’ll be tough so if you get hard and think you’re going to break and have a wank I want you to call me.’
That next week was one of the toughest, longest weeks ever. In six days I called Rachel four times as I came close to breaking – I did manage to make it until Tuesday until the first call, but every day after was harder than the one before.
Saturday eventually came and I arrived at Rachel’s house early. As I handed her the wine she noticed I was hard. I’d been in such a state of anticipation all the way over. It made driving tricky. Rachel smiled and invited me in.
I barely noticed what was for dinner. All I could think of was Rachel. She wore a stunning little cocktail dress with stockings and high heels. As we finished the main course she asked me if I’d like dessert. I shook my head, wanting the eating part of the evening to end as soon as possible. She on the other hand was in no hurry and I think enjoyed my obvious state of torque.
‘I think I’ll have a small bowl of sorbet, yes and then an orgasm. Be a darling and get me the sorbet would you, then get on your knees, get under the table and give me an orgasm.’
I didn’t hesitate, as I placed the dish before her I got to my knees and shuffled under the table. She lifted her bum and hiked up her dress to reveal that beautiful clean-shaven pussy of hers. I took my time, stroking then kissing my way up her thighs drawing ever closer to her moistening pussy lips. SheStiffened as I gently probed with my tongue and licked the length of her lips before circling my tongue on her clip. It wasn’t long before she had the first of many of the night’s climaxes. As she recovered from her orgasm she bade to me come up. With a satisfied look on her face she told me to clear the dishes then meet her in her bedroom.
I cleared the table quickly and raced upstairs to find her waiting naked on the bed. She told me to stop at the door and strip. I was naked in seconds and sporting one of the hardest ections of my life.
‘Before we start you must understand a few things. First, I have a contraceptive implant and so there won’t be any need for a condom. Secondly, I don’t mind if you cum in me, I like it in fact, the feeling of a nice hard cock pumping it’s seen into my womb. Third, you don’t have to cum in me, it’s up to you, you may finish on my tits, stomach wherever; but understand this – when you cum, wherever you cum, I expect you to clean it as youDid last week. Is that clear?’
I managed a hoarse yes as I approached her.
We fucked wildly with an energy and password I’d never experienced before. In my excited state and after a week of denial I wasn’t going to last long the first time; it was longer than I’d expected but I soon felt the orgasm building. Rachel, who had already cum was ready for me. She felt it building and Through her panting urged me to cum in her. As I felt my cock exploit her pussy seemed to tighten around it milking it of all its seed. Out of breath I collapsed on the bed beside her.
‘Wow, that was amazing.’
‘Yes, it certainly was, it felt like you pumped me full of more than just a week’s cum.’
As I lay there Rachel got up onto her knees and straddled my face. As I looked up I saw her gaping recently fucked engaged pussy with a little bit of my cum dripping out.
‘Remember what I said about cleaning up after yourself?’
She lowered her swollen pussy to my mouth and started to play with herself; causing the cum to flow out of her. As I had the last time I’d cum with her, I liked it and her as she’d instructed and cleaned her of my cum. By the time I’d finished she was having another orgasm.
I was hard again and Rachel reached for my cock and gently stroked it as she recovered. She then rolled on top of me, gently kissing me as she fed my hard cock into her welcome pussy. This was a longer, softer, more tender love-making session. We brought each other to a climax and as my softening cock slipped from her fucked and engaged pussy she lifted off me, turned around and adopted the 69 position; lowering her cum-dripping pussy onto my face for a second time that night. As she did so, she took my softening cock into her mouth, licking it clean of our combined juices.
We chatted for a While in the post-coital glow before drifting off to sleep.
The following morning I woke before Rachel; although she hadn’t asked me to I went down stairs and made breakfast as I had the week before. She was delighted and as we showed together she gave me a blow-job.
After breakfast Rachel said she wanted to talk. I was a little nervous at this request, thinking the weekend had gone so well up to this point, or so I thought and I hoped it could only get better. It’s odd what one can read-into ‘we need to talk’.