Pretense Ch. 02

Immediately, I was told to go to the basement. When I descended the stairs, I couldn’t believe my eyes. There he was, wrists bound and outstretched, wearing nothing but his boxer-briefs and a blindfold. Coming around to his front, intent to confirm the identity given away by his tattoos, the cherry on top was revealed to be a pair of scissors in his mouth.

“Told ya you’d wanna see what I have down here.” Blake smiled, nudging me in Tony’s direction. “Go on, play with your toy!”

Using both hands, cradling his face, I decided to first, gently, take the scissors from his mouth. “What’s this all about?”

“Thank you, Mistress,” he replied in a semi-formal tone — he was nervous. “We weren’t sure if my being nude would be appropriate, so we left that decision up to you.” He panicked. “Mistress.” That devil tongue darted out to lick his lips, his blindfold no doubt hiding my own shock and heightening his own self-doubt. In that moment, I wanted nothing more than to strip him naked, and… and-

“Go for it! I dare you!!”

“What about… you know…”

“This one would not dare to use the word ‘Mistress’ lightly — for all intents and purposes, I am yours to do with as you please. Anything you need me to do, I’ll do it.” The cool of the basement must have wound off, because the bulge in his underwear was quite distracting.

“Are you sure, pet? Anything?” Grasping the scissors by the blade, I gently tested out my newfound freedom with a few prods of the plastic handle, lightly, on his upper chest.



“Oh, the agreement is you’re using my basement, I get to watch.” I shrugged.

“Fair enough, bro.” Too bad Tony couldn’t see my smile.

You see, Tony and I have had a very volatile relationship. Ill-fatedly, we’re devastatingly compatible. We work very closely in a very permitive environment, and our mutual attention grow to be too much for us to handle, so we would purposely start provoking the other one, so as to get blow off of ourselves.

This game of sexual chicken continued for about six months, which was much shorter than the relationship Tony happened to be in, at the time. Whether or not he thought they were on the way out or he was worried about being dumped or was just looking to boost his ego, I’ll never know, but there was an undeniable sexual attraction he had for me, and vice versa.

One day, Tony had enough, and he and Blake concocted a plan to tie me up so Tony could have his way with me — Blake found me with my clothes cut off and Tony dripping down my leg. Even though he had left me exposed and used, a part of me felt sorry for him. He had these feelings for me and they’re inappropriate and forbidden — of COURSE he can’t be both physically and emotionally intimate with me.

…but this…

Literally, turning the tables, giving me the opportunity to punish him for humiliating me, for making me confess my desire for him, whenWe both knew he never intended to return the sentiment, even as he indulged in my flesh. Part of me wanted nothing more than to just worship him as the God my limerent-infested brain swore he was; the other part wanted him to beg for mercy, to regret ever leaving me naked and covered in cum, tied to a chain-link door, before going back to someone who hated him while leaving me feeling guilty and ashamed for wanting him so badly when Everyone and their mother knew he felt the exact same way.

Cutting two slots in the waistband of the underwear and two on the finished hem of the legs, I left the garment in place and began to tease his groin — he gasped and his face contained into almost-pain, as if he were on the verge of tears. “What’s wrong, pet? Doesn’t this warm you up?” Finally, I heard him breathe, again.

“Yes, warm, Mistress.” I was surprised at how good it felt to be able to read him like a book. My hands wandered up to his chest, tracing circles around his nipples and along his sides with my fingernails. “Mmmn… warmmmm.” Blake started laughing, and whatever pleasure Tony had been feeling disappeared quickly.

“What? Are you embarrassed by my ability to give pleasure to a man?”

“Only if you want me to be, Mistress.”

“Maybe I should take that blindfold off and suck Blake off while you watch. How do you think that would feel, huh? We’re close, I bet he’d let me.”

“I’ll let you,” Blake chimed in.

“See?” I chuckled. “Well, I guess not yet…”

“Not unless you want me to, Mistress.”

“Oh? Would that makes you jealous, seeing me give pleasure to another man, even though I’m supposed to be drooling all over you?”

“Yes.” Nothing coy about his answer — curt, yet heart-wrenchingly sincere… for an actor. In reward, my hand reached into his soon-to-be-tattered unmentioned unmentioned ables and gently wrapped my fingers around him, lightly stroking the throbbing erection.

“I like it when you’re straightforward with me.”

He struggled to respond. “Thank you, Mistress. I will be-” Precum finally dripped onto my fingers, as his body began to lose control, finally, becoming muted temporarily.

“Uhp! Someone made a mess. Open your mouth.” I took my hand out of his boxes, sliding the moistened digit onto his tongue. “Clean it.” Dutifully, as if both thanking and becoming me for mercy, extremely, he began to worship my finger with his lips, his tongue, until nothing sticky remained. Finally, I removed myself from his mouth and stepped away.

“Thank you, Mistress.”

“Don’t thank me yet… Blake, remember how you cleaned up after Tony last time?”

“Oh, yeah…”

“You wanna try something a little more… interactive this time around?

“Uh… yeah!”

“Tear off his underwear for me.”

“Aye-aye, Cap’n!”

Instinctively, Tony tried to fight, but he must have forgotten who he had asked to help tie him up in the first place — he wasn’t going ANYWHERE (whodo you think masterminded a fool-proof bondage set-up like last time? Not Tony…) until Blake let him. Both ankles and wrists were restrained to the rather solid brick pillars in the basement.

“Whenever you’re ready, you can taste my toy.” The underwear finally came off, with a satisfied riiiiiip or several, and Blake clapped Tony’s member. “Colder or warmer?” Tony said nothing, Instead making some sort of surprised, choked sound, as if that would change my mind. “…slave…” I directed him, “Answer Me.”

“Please don’t-“

“What? Make you admit you’re a little fag who likes getting hummers from grown men almost twice his age? Huh?”

“I’ll make him a little fag, if he isn’t yet!” Blake smoked Tony’s ass and continued teasing with his mouth.

“All I’m asking is for a ‘Warm’ or a ‘Cold’. If you had more clothes on, I could have threatened to cut them off… I guess I’ll just have to start video recording this…”


“Oh, slave, you said I could do ANYTHING, and now you’re doing nothing but protesting and refusing to follow orders. I don’t think you’re ready for this.”

“Well, whatever he’s ready for, he’s at least responsive.”

“What was that, slave?” Blake increased his enthusiasm, hearing the word.

“Mmmnn… waaarm.”

“Tell me that’s the best blowjob you’ve ever gotten.”

“Mmmn, it’s not… but top three, for sure… fuck…”

“What’s the first?” As if something had unlocked in him, he came clean.

“When I was experimenting… with a… guy friend of mine… who was totally in love with me.”

“You used a guy friend for sex? I assume you never dated.”

“No, but it was my first blowjob, and he had practice… novelty is a glorious- fuck!”

Blake chuckled. “Whoops!”

“No cumming without permission, slave.” The sound he made was priceless.

“Warm, Mistress.” Oh, he knew how to milk that baritone, too… suddenly, I wondered whatThose lips would feel like vibrating on my clip.

I let Blake edge Tony for a good 9, 10 minutes… by then the poor boy needed to be let down, with all the shaking he was doing and having his arms up above his head that long, for the first time. We moved him to the swing, on his back, legs in the air.

Blake looked like he was going to start doing SOMETHING to his ass, but I got there first, teasing the back of his tighs with my fingernails.


Kissing from his knee to his core, he was surprised when I bypassed his cock and balls all together. The most feminine of sounds left his lips, the second I started to lick his taint, hips thrusting from prolonged teasing.

“WaaaAAAaaaRRMM!! Mistress, please… mercy!!” One quick lick on his little pumper, and I scratched him on the ass. He began humming quietly to himself, breathing out slowly, in deep.

“If I give you mercy, you have to do whatever I tell you — do you understand?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Good. Blake — put your cock in the slave’s mouth.”

“Fuck yes.”



“Hold on…” The zipper was down and the cock was out.

“What’s up, slave?” Blake rested his meat on Tony’s forehead, presumably to intimidate him — it worked.

“Why are you doing this?”

“…you said you wanted to please me, right?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Well, I’m kind of fucked up, medically, and having a dick inside me fucking sucks, unless I’m tied up and can’t stop it… so, I get off a little differently, usually. What I’d really like is to watch you suck some cock for me… I want to look in your eyes while you do it.”

“Please, let me watch you while I obey you, Mistress.”

“Fuck. Yes.” The blindfold was removed, and Tony came face to face with not-so-little Blake. “Hey, cowboy — how’s it hanging? Can you quit me yet?”

“Is that really necessary?” Tony glared as hard as he could while still appearing nonchalant.

“Oh, Blakeis entirely within his rights — you didn’t have to leave me there… you didn’t have to wait 15 minutes before telling Blake to come get me…” Tony opened his mouth to protest, but remembered the cock on his face and thought better of it, especially when Blake moved his hips at the slightest hint of an opportunity, “you didn’t have to kiss me-” Fire burned through my veins at the thought of him – I didn’t want to express that thought. “Suck it for Me, bitch. Open wide.”

With the Regality of a King, eyes locked to mine, he gracefully accepted the head of that glorious manhood into his mouth, fluttering his eyes closed and, I assume, mimicking what he found pleasure. The entire time, his eyes were darting from me to Blake to a half-closed concentration, learning what I liked to see him do from the changes in my lips, my eyes, my breath.

By the time I noticed the effect this show was having on me, I had been absentmindedly playing with the sides of my breasts through thethin top for a few minutes without breaking eye contact with Tony, Blake unexpectedly suggested I give “the little cocksucker’s mouth a whirl.”

“Besides,” he gracefully untangled himself and tucked it back in, “I’m about to cum all over your boy, here, and I’m sure you want to explore him in pristine condition.” Blake bounded up the stairs. “I’ll leave you two to it and go visit the boyfriend — ciao!” With the sound of the back door closing, we were alone. Suddenly, with the suggestion hanging in the air and our privacy, the energy of the room changed.

“Hi.” I smiled — he smiled back.


“Would you like permission to worship my breasts?”

“Yes, Mistress, please.” Without debate, I started unbinding him from the swing, letting him sit upright on the benchmark and get his bearings. I sat next to him, rubbing his back, watching his erection reacting to where my hand wandered in proximity to his crotch — some eastern energy thing. “Mistress, may I pleaseworship your breasts?” Kneeling, he puts himself in front of me, holding my hands, caresing the backs with his thumbs.

Cradling him in my hands by the torso, I guide him further upright, until I can tease him with anticipation of my top coming off — again, that little organ likes to comment. Finally, bearing myself to him, his breath caught in his throat, and I swore I heard him giving prayers of thanks. Then, a bit more independent than I ought to have let him get away with, he began to expertly ravage my bosom until I was writing against him.

Instead of pushing him away, my hands are tangled in his hair, and I am straddling his leg as he joins me on the benchmark. “More, slave, that feels so good…”

Bracing me with his arms behind my back, he began to feast ever more hedonistically as my strategy turns to gelatin and all sanity is lost.

“Kiss Me.”

Immediately, his lips are on Mine.


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